Reiki Usui LEVEL 2
Reiki Usui LEVEL 2
Reiki Usui LEVEL 2
The symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the third of the group, its mantra can be translated as “neither past nor
present nor future” which gives us an indication of the use it has. This symbol is the one that transcends the
limitations of time and space, it is the one we use to apply reiki from a distance. Another translation can be
the Buddhist greeting “namaste” which is “The God that resides in me greets the God that resides in you”. It is
one of the most complex symbols, with a total of 22 strokes, which is why it can take some days or maybe
even weeks for the students to learn how to draw it correctly.
The energies connected to this symbol are those of the sun and the element fire, it directs the energy that
allows us to work on the conscious mind, our mental body. When we activate this symbol, we are literally
opening a portal, which leads us to whatever we are directing our intention to. With this symbol you can send
energy to buildings, houses, countries, people who are on another room of your house, on another country
and we can even send Reiki to those who have passed over. Besides, you can also send energy to events from
the past, present and future! For instance, if you have a job interview let’s say a week from now, you can
direct the energy to that precise moment in time and space, to help enhance the positive energy surrounding
this event. Another amazing feature of this symbol is sending energy to an event in the past which was painful
or that it maybe didn’t go as planned, when you do this, because of the butterfly effect, you will be also
altering your present and future.
This symbol is infinite in terms of what can be achieved with it, is a miracle and a gift from God, which must be
used with consciousness, gratitude, and the best of the intentions. With it we can access our akashic records,
since one of its functions is to treat karma.
The akashic records describe which are the obligations, compromises, destinies, debits, contracts and
purposes that each of us have agreed to as a soul before incarnating. Karmic debt can be cleared by
consciously accepting and showing regret for our actions, by showing that we can discern the wrong from the
right and by showing empathy towards others. The purpose of karma is not to punish, but we apply it to
ourselves so we can gain consciousness of the output of our actions.
We can also use this symbol to treat unpalpable things such as a romantic relationship, a friendship or any
type of bond between two or more people. This will bring understanding, tolerance, relaxation and harmony to
the relationship.
Our human bodies are composed by many more aspects than just our physical bodies. Our mind, emotions,
thoughts and creativity reside on another dimension, they are just around our physical bodies, but they
vibrate at different frequencies. These subtle vibrations that surround us are called the aura, it is divided in
seven layers that overlap between one another and are also connected to our seven chakras.
1. Etheric Body:
This body is the first layer of the aura and spans 0.2 inch to 2 inches from the surface of the skin (0,5cm to
5cm) it penetrates and outlines the physical body, its job is to vitalize and sustain it. It contains the energy of
the tissues, glands and organs, contracting or expanding depending on their functioning.
2. Emotional Body:
The second aura layer is called the Emotional Layer and extends one to three inches (2.5cm to 7.5 cm) away
from the physical body encircling it in the shape of an oval. This layer is primarily connected to the second
chakra, feelings, emotions and experience. It is constantly in a state of change, reflective of our current
mood. This layer also stores unsettled emotions such as fear, resentment, and loneliness.
The energies present in the second aura layer will communicate with the first layer, and then process this
information into the physical body. Physical tension, muscle cramps and upset stomach could be a result of
the etheric (first) layer being bombarded by emotional pain residing in the second aura layer.
3. Mental Body:
The third aura layer is the Mental Layer. Its extension is three to eight inches (7.5cm to 20cm) away from the
physical body. This layer is connected to the third chakra, our consciousness, ideas, logical processes, belief
systems and intellect. In this layer, thoughts and ideas are rationalized and validated. Mental health and
mental issues present themselves in this aura layer.
4. Astral Body:
The fourth layer of the aura is referred to in short as either the Astral Layer or Bridge Layer. It is six to
twelve inches (15cm to 30cm) away from the physical body and connects to the fourth chakra, our sense of
love, well-being, expansion and life-balance.
Where the first three layers of the aura reflect our physical nature and presence, the fourth layer is the
window to our spiritual nature, separating the first three layers from the outer three aura layers.
5. Etheric Template Body:
The fifth aura layer is the Etheric Template Layer. It is one to two feet (30cm to 60cm) away from the
physical body. It connects with the fifth chakra, sound, vibration, communication and creativity. Primarily this
layer of the aura serves as a carbon copy of the physical body on the spiritual plane.
6. Celestial Body:
The sixth aura layer is called the Celestial Layer. It extends two to three (60cm to 90cm) feet away from the
body and reflects our subconscious mind. It is where the physical mind comes to connection with the spiritual
mind through meditation and devotional practices.
It is connected with the sixth chakra, memories, dreams, spiritual awareness, intuitive knowledge, trust,
honesty, and unconditional love. The Celestial Layer holds our experiences of having a connection to
something greater than ourselves.
7. Ketheric/Casual Body:
The seventh aura layer is known as the Ketheric Template Layer or Causal Layer. It is connected to the
seventh chakra, all knowledge and all possibilities. This layer protects and holds all other aura layers
together, and contains the blueprint of our spiritual path, reflecting all of the soul’s experiences and events
through time.
The Ketheric Layer is the link to “God”, “Creator”, “Source”, or “All That Is” within each individual, and extends
three to four feet (120cm) away from the physical body, depending on our spiritual state it can grow larger.
The way that Reiki works by sending the healing energy to our subtle bodies first, it begins by harmonizing our
mind and emotions. It brings back to the surface any of the unhealed trauma that we might have buried in the
past, for us to be able to have closure and forgiveness towards ourselves and others. It gives you the
opportunity to accept the fact that a certain situation may have caused you shame, anger, resentment, or any
type of fear, instead of ignoring the truth. Therefore, a session must always be taken seriously, and it needs
to be done by someone who is conscious about this process and is willing to help and guide the patient
through this outburst of feelings.
Some of the times, mostly the first sessions, they can turn out to be very emotional and intimate. Which is
why it is very important that we inform our patient about the things that can happen. You never know what
kind of struggles someone has gone through, truly… We all have some buried emotional issues, and when they
come out, they need to be treated with respect, love and most importantly without any type of judgment.
This emotional outburst might not happen during the
session but some days further in time. The patient might
notice him or herself feeling more sensitive or susceptible,
maybe expressing more anger and fear than usual, feeling
less patient towards some things. This is a cleansing
process that is taking place, very similar to the one
experienced by those who receive the Reiki alignment, you
just need to acknowledge how it is that you are feeling and
breathe through it, it will clear off soon. A good advice for
your patients can be inviting them to take notes about the
thoughts and emotions they have over the next couple of
days. This will help them keep track of their healing
progress, as well as noticing which are the areas or topics
that still need to be taken care of. I would also recommend
to the healers to keep a book with notes for each patient, to
be able to do a proper follow un in case they return for
further sessions.
It takes courage to truly face our shadow, so it is of great help to let your patient know that you are there for
them, that they shouldn’t hesitate to contact you in case they need help during this process. This is the reason
why by getting only one Reiki session might not allow you to truly notice a difference, since it is a therapy
which consist of multiple recurring sessions. Also, it is of the most importance to inform about the “side
effect” because, while the patients are experiencing this outburst of emotions they might be confused and
believe that the session had a negative impact on them or maybe even that they were charged with negative
energy. As many Reiki masters say, it is always better to have a little bit of Reiki rather than none, but if we
are dealing with a big emotional wound, we won’t be able to fully help the patient by providing one session.
Reiki is amazing in terms of how simple it is. It can never be used in a negative way, as opposed to other
therapies that involve physical movements, such as yoga or physiotherapy, you either do it right or do
nothing. All you need to do is open your hands and allow for the energy to do its work, just focus on your
intention of helping in the healing process and open your soul to this energy. It is of such an intelligence that it
knows exactly what needs to be treated, it directs itself towards the harmed areas, and it also does so for the
exact amount of time that is necessary. When doing a reiki session, you will notice how the energy starts to
increase its intensity slowly, until it reaches a peak which is maintained for a couple of minutes and which will
then decrease once no more energy is needed. “The universe flows just like the water, if you want to feel it,
don’t hold it, simply open your hands and see how the magic happens.”
The hand positioning when we do Reiki to someone else is very similar to the one of the auto-session. Ideally,
we should cover at least two positions over the patient’s head, two or three positions over the abdomen area
(front & back), the palms, knees and feet. Also, when applying reiki to others we must allow our intuition to
play its roll, for some patients you will need to emphasise more over certain areas rather than achieving all
of the positions. You will notice as you do more sessions that you will not need to do this anymore as the area
heals, the body will ask for a more evened-out appliance of energy.
When getting ready for a session there are a few aspects that need to be considered in order to create an
appropriate atmosphere. The patient needs to be as comfortable as possible, as well as the therapist, the
sessions can last more than an hour so discomfort for any of the parts can make it very unpleasant. Massage
beds are the best resource since the patient will have a comfortable bed to lye upon and these have a hight
that allows for the therapist to maintain an erected position and not hurt his or her back, make sure it is
positioned in the centre of the room so that you can stand all around the bed. If a massage bed is not
available a dinner table with multiple covers to create the illusion of a couch would be appropriate, but I
wouldn’t recommend to use this when doing Reiki on a professional manner rather than when doing a session
for a friend or family member.
Our bodies vibrations respond to the sound waves, so it is extremely useful to play calm instrumental music
(this must be with a good quality speaker since distorted sounds would have a negative effect). This enhances
a harmonious exchange of energy between the room, the therapist and the patient. Also make sure that the
people who might have access to the room are aware of the session and will not interrupt unless it is of great
importance. The therapist can also choose to sit on a chair while applying the energy.
The fire of the candles play a great role in transmuting the negative energy of a room, when the energy
exchange is taking place, the patient will release negative energetic particles which will then remain in the
room unless cleaned. Candles help to create a relaxing atmosphere for the time of the session and will also
help to clean it after it’s done. Avoid the use of bright lights inside the room during the session, if the room
has windows it is useful to shut the curtains, turn off the lights and proceed in a half-lighted area by the
subtle illumination of the candles. To clean the energy of the room before and after a session you can: allow
for sunlight to enter, put all the reiki symbols you know across the room (specially on the corners, that’s
where the most energy gets accumulated), burn sage or Palo Santo, pray to any god or angel you believe in
and ask for assistance during the cleaning of the room (a thorough explanation coming further in the text).
Hanging the symbols on the wall and your certificates of alignment will help with the decoration of the room
as well as providing confidence to your patients. Try to use colourful sheets or to paint the walls with a bright
happy colour, but don’t go too far mixing too many high-pitched colours, this might confuse people.
As it was mentioned earlier, when the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen was introduced, we are now capable to
break the boundaries of time and space when sending Reiki to others, thanks to this symbol. There are many
ways to do this, they are all equally useful, I encourage you to try all of them and find the one that suits your
needs best.
Note: the symbols are numbered as followed Choku Rei (1); Sei He Ki (2); Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (3)
Draw the symbol number 3 with your skilled hand over the opposite palm (remember to repeat its mantra
three times for each time you draw the symbol). Then, over the same hand draw symbol number 2. Close your
eyes and imagine the face (or full body) of the receptor between your hands. Repeat three times an
affirmation saying that this person IS between your hands (example: “Katherine Rodriguez is here”x3). Now
draw symbol number 1 and continue to apply the energy.
The approximate time of application is around 10 minutes. You will be truly connecting with this person’s
energy, so try to open your heart and send your greatest loving intention towards them. If you feel this
person needs more energy try to stay for some more minutes. It would be appropriate to ask for the persons
permission to send Reiki, we don’t want to interfere with their free will.
Once you are done sending energy draw the symbols again in the opposite order, so you can finish the session
with the symbol number 3. This will close the portal between you and the receptor.
This technique is appropriate to treat issues related to the physical body. It consists on finding an object that
resembles the shape of the body, something such as a doll or a teddy bear. With the other techniques the
energy reaches the aura first, with this one the energy is directed straight to the physical body.
The time of application is the same as the previous one, although you should also follow your intuition. Begin
by mentally replacing the object/toy with the receptor, once you’ve achieved this draw symbol number 3 to
open the portal. Repeat its mantra three times as well as the affirmation that this person is present with you.
Then draw symbol number 1 (add also symbol number 2 if desired) over the object/toy and over one of your
palms. Continue by positioning your hands in the same positions you would do when applying Reiki to someone
who’s present. You can either focus only on the area that would be equal to the injured area of the receptor
or do the full body session. Either way, try to always cover both head and feet as well as the injured area.
Finalize the session imagining the receptor as a fully healed person and once again draw the symbol number 1
and then symbol number 3 to finalize the session.
Another way to send energy is by using a picture of the receptor. Place the picture in front of you and draw
the symbol number 3, then the symbol number 2 followed by the symbol number 1. You can either place both
of your hands on top of the picture or place the picture between both of your hands. Repeat the name of the
receptor three times to connect with their energy.
If you don’t have a picture you can do this same process but, instead of a picture, use a paper where you can
write the name and address of the receptor. Also remember to repeat their name and, if possible, picture
their face with your imagination.
You can increase the power of this technique by irradiating Reiki into the picture/paper between numerous
therapists. Remember that the power of the energy multiplies squared for each person emitting. Close the
session by applying the symbols again, always finishing with symbol number 3 to close the portal.
This is one of the symbols of Archangel Michael and it represents its flaming sword freeing us from negative
influences and protecting us from the forces that make us take mistaken steps towards our path. Despite it
being a Reiki symbol, it also works with Archangel Michael’s energy, so to obtain the best result out of it is
recommendable to ask for his guidance and permission. Light a candle on his name and say a prayer to invoke
his presence.
Hosanna symbol can be used to do house cleansings, clear relationship issues or end negative attachments to
people or things, undoing any type of blockage or energetic knot and apporting clarity to all types of
situations. It is so powerful that it is able to penetrate into anything that’s negative and dissolve it.
Begin by doing a regular cleaning all over the house. Brum or vacuum the floors and then wash them with a
mixture of water and salt (salt helps to dissolve negative energy), wash your dishes, sheets and clothes. Try
to remove the objects and clothes from all the wardrobes of the house and do a deep cleaning inside of them,
take this opportunity to donate the clothes you no longer use. Put some calm music to accompany you during
the whole cleaning process. During this part, try to have all the windows open.
Once you’ve finished with the first part, close all your windows, shut the curtains and light as many candles as
you can all over the house. Try to have at least two for each room of the house, the fire of the candles also
helps to dissolve the negative energies. Also light some incense sticks around the house. Now, try to enter
into a meditative state and draw the symbol number 1 all over you and over the palms of your hands, this will
help to keep you protected during the cleansing. You can also do this before starting with the first part. After
this, you can invoke your guides for protection as well as Saint Michael by using the following prayer:
Note: You can choose a different prayer or change it into your own words
This is the moment when you have to begin applying the symbols all over your house. I recommend using
Choku Rei and Hosanna, feel free to add more symbols if you find it necessary. The more important places to
draw symbols are the corners, all of them (the corners of the walls, inside the drawers, under the tables,
etc), since these are the places where energy accumulates the most. When you have finished applying the
symbols, if you have some, burn Sage or Palo Santo. These natural elements not only dissolve negative
energies but help with the attraction of positive vibrations. After this, take a moment to thank Archangel Saint
Michael for his presence and assistance as well as your guides. Make another prayer if you find it necessary.
Now you are ready to re-open all the curtains and windows. Go outside the house and take five minutes with
your eyes closed, during this time try to imagine all the negative energy in the form of a dark cloud leaving
your house and being replaced with white light.