Potentiometer Working Priciple
Potentiometer Working Priciple
Potentiometer Working Priciple
Slider pot or slide pot: This can be adjusted by sliding the wiper right or left with a finger or
Thumbwheel pot or thumb pot: This can be adjusted infrequently with the help of small
thumbwheel which is a small rotating potentiometer.
Trimmer pot or trimpot: This can be adjusted once for fine tuning of an electric signal.
The working principle depends on the potential across any portion of the wire which is directly
proportional to the length of the wire that has a uniform cross-sectional area and current flow is
constant. Following is the derivation of used to explain the potentiometer working principle:
⍴: resistivity
A: cross-sectional area
With ⍴ and A constant, I is constant too for a rheostat.
x: length of potentiometer wire
E: cell with Lower EMF
K: constant
The galvanometer G has null detection as the potential difference is equal to zero and there is no
flow of current. So, x is the length of the null point. Unknown EMF can be found by knowing x and K.
Since the EMF has two cells, let L1 be the null point length of the first cell with EMF E1 and L2 be
the null point length of the second cell with EMF E2.
Types of potentiometer
There are basically two types of potentiometers that can be further divided depending on the
movement of the wiper. Following is the table when the wiper is moving in a circular path which is
known as rotary potentiometers
Concentric Two potentiometers are adjusted individually Found in old car radios that were used to
pot with the help of concentric shafts control volume and tone
Single-turn Approximate rotation is 270 degrees in a single Used where a single turn is enough to
pot rotation control the resolution
Servo pot Used to adjust a servo motor automatically Used in remote-controls to control the
volume of an audio equipment
Following is the table when the wiper is moving along a linear path which is known as linear
Slide pot High-quality faders are constructed using conductive Used for the measurement of distance
Dual-slide This is used to control dual slide and single slider Used where dual parallel channels
pot potentiometers that are parallel are to be controlled
Application of potentiometer
Audio control: Both linear, as well as rotary potentiometers, are used to control audio
equipment for changing the loudness and other audio related signals.
Television: They are used to control the picture brightness, color response and contrast.
Motion control: In order to create a closed-loop control, potentiometers are used as position
feedback devices known as a servomechanism.
Transducers: As these give large output signals, they find applications in designing of
displacement transducers.