Ugprospectus 2020
Ugprospectus 2020
Ugprospectus 2020
Prospectus – UG Admissions 2020-21
1.1 Prospectus for admission to the First Degree Programme [FDP] Under Choice Based Credit and
Semester (CBCS) system and Career-related First Degree Programme in Government/Aided/ Self
Financing Affiliated Colleges and Centers of the University (UIT‟s) for the academic year 2020-
2021, as approved by the University of Kerala, is published herewith. It contains general information
and rules relating to the admission to the FDP under CBCS system and Career-related First Degree
Programme in Govt./Aided/Self Financing Affiliated Colleges & Centers of the University (UIT‟s).
1.2 The prospectus issued by the University during the previous years for admission to First Degree
Programmes is not valid for the year 2020-2021.
1.3 Admissions to the seats to be filled by the University to the First Degree Programmes (except those
specifically mentioned) are regulated on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination.
The details of seats to which admissions are made through the rank list prepared accordingly are
contained in the relevant paragraphs.
1.4 Statute 19 (3) of Chapter 24 of the KUFS 1977 which states that „no student shall be admitted to
any course of instruction in the Colleges in anticipation of Affiliation‟, shall be strictly adhered
to, in all the Colleges.
1.5 Statute 31of Chapter 24 of the KUFS 1977 which states that „Admission of students to every
College shall be subject to the conditions prescribed by the University and the strength of each
class or subjects shall not exceed the maximum for the class or subject sanctioned by the
Syndicate‟ shall be strictly adhered to, in all the Colleges.
1.6 Authority to prescribe qualification for admission to the various courses of studies.
According to Sub-Section (v) and (vi) of Section 25 of the Kerala University Act, 1974, the
Academic Council shall have the power to prescribe qualifications for admission of students to the
various courses of study (and to the Examinations) and the conditions under which exemptions shall
be granted, and to make provision for the admission of students to the various courses of studies on
the basis of merit in order to maintain the standards of education.
1.7 Agreement for Direct Payment -Relevant provisions for admission to the various courses in
Aided colleges.
Article 29 of the Agreement for Direct Payment entered into between the Government and the
Educational Agencies of Private Colleges stipulates that all future admission of students to the
private affiliated colleges shall be on the following basis, viz.,
a) Twenty percent of the total number of seats in each college under the Educational Agency shall be
reserved for students belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Those seats which
cannot be filled on this basis shall be filled on the basis of merit from among backward minority
communities, in case the college is run by a backward minority community and from among OBCs,
in all other cases.
b) *Ten/Twenty **percent of the seats shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to the
community to which the college belongs. These seats will be filled strictly on the basis of merit from
among the students of the said community.
c) *Fifty/Forty **percent of the seats will be filled by open selection on the basis of merit.
d) The remaining seats will be filled by the Educational Agency by candidates of their choice,
observing the prescribed eligibility condition.
Note: *This will apply to Forward Community Colleges
** This will apply to Backward Community Colleges
Types of Reservation: Seats will be reserved for the following categories in Govt./ Aided/ Self
financing Colleges and UIT‟s for various First Degree Programmes.
A candidate can claim only one benefit at a time as per his/her choice for a particular purpose.
(v) Reservation of seats for the widows /wards of Defence Personnel, killed/disabled in
action or during peace time.
Additional seats over and above the sanctioned strength may be created as and when required for
the widows /wards of Defence Personnel, killed or disabled in action or during peace time, in
Central /State Universities /Autonomous/ Professional / Non-Professional Institutions under the
purview of Ministry of Human Resource Development as per UGC policy. (Applicable to
Army/Navy/Airforce only. Not applicable to paramilitary forces/CAPF/GREF/Coast Guard etc.)
Such candidates should opt Tamil as Second Language, if offered by the college.
As per Clause 2 (r), Chapter I of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, „Person with
benchmark disability‟ means a person with not less than 40% of a specified disability where
specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and includes a person with disability
where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying
authority. Candidates who have a minimum of 40% disability alone will be eligible to apply for this
quota. Candidates seeking admission under Differently Abled category should submit the
„Certificate of disability‟, issued not earlier than 5 years prior to the submission of
University of Kerala 6 Prospectus – UG Admissions 2020
application, by the District Medical Board or bodies of higher status, certifying the degree of
percentage of disability. The Permanent Disability Card issued by the State Government is
also considered. Based on the details furnished in the online application, candidates will be
provisionally included under the „Differently Abled‟ category.
The selection of candidates under this category will be based on the rank in the inter-se-
merit list and not on the basis of the Degree of disability.
Note: Candidates or persons with less than 50% physically disabled (orthopaedically) may only
apply for B.Sc. Geology course. The candidates with blindness and colour blindness are not
eligible to apply for the course.
Norms for Admission to the Seats Reserved under Sports Quota for UG Courses.
The following criteria will be considered for verification and ranking of sports achievement
certificate as per the priority given below.
General Guidelines for admission under Sports Quota in Affiliated Colleges and UIT‟s
i) The registration for Sports Quota admission shall be effected in online mode only.
ii) Candidates who seek admission under sports quota should apply online within the prescribed time.
iii) The certificates of achievement shall be scanned and uploaded in the website.
iv) The achievement certificate received before the closure of registration of UG Programmes will
only be considered for ranking in sports quota admissions.
v) For securing admission to UG programmes under Sports Quota, including re-admission, the
performance of the candidate during the preceding two years/ Higher Secondary Level shall
only be considered.
vi) For filling up the seats reserved under Sports quota, hierarchy of preference shall be given as per the
norms/guidelines formulated by the University in addition to satisfying his /her academic eligibility.
vii) When the candidates fulfil minimum academic eligibility, the academic merit shall not be preferred
over sports merit in sports quota reservation seats except in the case of a tie in the sports merit.
viii) The candidates who wish to apply under sports quota should opt “Sports – Yes” during online
registration. They need to select the level of achievement and upload corresponding certificate in the
respective field in the website. There will be no limit in uploading the number of certificates.
ix) After completion of the registration process, the candidates shall submit a proforma in
prescribed form to the colleges of their choice among the colleges they have opted while
registering online. The colleges shall then upload the application number of such candidates in the
college login within prescribed time. Verification of sports achievement certificates will be done only
for such candidates and the rank list will be prepared accordingly. It may be noted that the candidates
will be included in the sports quota ranklist of such colleges only where they have submitted the
proforma. (The format of proforma can be downloaded from the website. The candidates can submit
the proforma to the colleges till the date of closure of registration. The date of uploading of the
application numbers of candidates who have submitted the proforma within prescribed time in college
login by the college authorities will be intimated later).
x) University will conduct centralized verification of uploaded certificates. Rank list will be published in
the website after the verification.
xi) The admission will be effected by the Principal based on this ranked list. Verification of original
certificates will be done by the Head of the Department of Physical Education of the College
concerned. Date of admission will be intimated through press release.
xii) The original certificate/s from the competent authority/ authorities (Secretary, Organiser etc. as per
the Circular Letter No. Ad.D1.3.1276 /74 dated 23.01.1979) must be produced by the candidate to
prove his/her claim.
xiii) If any discrepancy is noted during the verification of original certificates, the candidate shall
not be considered for admission under sports quota.
University of Kerala 9 Prospectus – UG Admissions 2020
In case of a tie in sports merit, the following criteria will be considered to break the tie as per the
priority given below.
1. A weightage of marks may be given to the candidates who have achievements in following games
selected by the University for the purpose of tie breaking only (Major games).
Football, Cricket, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Kabaddi, Athletics and Aquatics
2. Preference shall be given to that candidate who represents the discipline (game /sport) of the choice of
the college concerned (Annexure I.A).
3. Year of achievement (Preference shall be given to achievements in year closer to the year of
4. Academic merit.
No Sports Quota applications will be entertained after the last date of registration. The candidates
who upload the supporting sports achievement certificates and who submit the proforma to the
colleges within the prescribed time will only be considered for admission under sports quota.
The List of sports disciplines considered for UG admissions is given below.
Sl. No. Events
1 Aquatics
2 Archery
3 Athletics
4 Badminton
5 Ball Badminton
6 Baseball
7 Basketball
8 Best Physique
9 Boxing
10 Canoeing and Kayaking
11 Chess
12 Cricket
13 Cross Country Races
14 Cycling Track and Road
15 Fencing
16 Football
17 Gymnastics
18 Handball
19 Hockey
20 Judo
21 Kabaddi
22 Kho-Kho
23 Netball
24 Power Lifting
25 Rollball
26 Rowing
27 Rugby
28 Softball
29 Squash
30 Table Tennis
31 Taekwondo
32 Tennis
33 Volleyball
34 Weight Lifting
35 Wrestling
36 Wushu
37 Yachting
38 Yoga
Approved Association certificate, duly countersigned by the Kerala State Sports Council will only be
considered for ranking, except two zones Games (Football, Cricket, Volleyball, Badminton, Kabaddi)
and Athletics & Swimming conducted by University of Kerala.
Approved Association certificates issued in the valid format only will be accepted.
Important: The seats reserved under TLM, Differently Abled, Transgender and Sports quota are
created over and above the sanctioned strength. In the absence of the candidates who are eligible
for these reservations, such seats will remain unfilled.
University of Kerala 10 Prospectus – UG Admissions 2020
4.5 Mandatory Reservation
(a) Government Colleges / UIT‟s
Sl No. Seat Reservation % of Reservation
I General Merit Quota (On the basis of merit) 50
II Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) (a) Ezhava 20
(EZ) 8% (b) Muslim (MU) 7% (c) Latin Catholic (LC) /SIUC 1% (d)
Other Backward Christian (BX) 1% (e) Other Backward Hindu (BH)
3% (G.O (Ms) No.107/08/Higher Edn., dated 30/08/2008).
III Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) in General Category 10
(G.O (Ms) No.2/2020/P&ARD dated 12.02.2020)
IV Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes [Scheduled Castes 15%, 20
Scheduled Tribes 5%]
Note: The fee structure of the UIT‟s is higher than that of Govt/Aided Colleges (Ref. Annexure X)
b) Aided Colleges
No applications for community quota will be entertained after the last date of registration.
Applicants claiming reservation under Community quota in Aided Colleges, who belong to the
community of the Management which runs the college, will have to produce community
certificate from the Revenue authority/Parish Priest/any other competent authority concerned, at
the time of admission.
(i) Claims for Mandatory Reservation must be made by a candidate at the time of submission of online
application. Candidates should mention their claim in the relevant columns in the Personal and Academic
Data Sheet. They should also satisfy the eligibility conditions as per the Prospectus (Clause 6) at the time
of online registration.
(ii) Candidates should produce all original documents to prove their claims made in the online application
form at the time of admission before the Principal. Claims that are not mentioned at the time of
University of Kerala 12 Prospectus – UG Admissions 2020
submission of online application will not be entertained even if supporting evidences are produced
later on. The claims for mandatory reservation once made cannot be altered by the candidate under any
5.1 Claim for reservation under „Socially and Educationally Backward Classes‟ (SEBC).
Reservation of seats to the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes will be in accordance with the
provisions contained in G.O. (P) 208/66/Edn. Dated 2.5.1966, as amended from time to time.
Candidates belonging to Ezhava, Muslim, Other Backward Hindu, Latin Catholic/SIUC and Other
Backward Christian communities, claiming reservation under SEBC quota should invariably produce
„Non Creamy Layer Certificate‟ obtained from the Village Officer concerned. Candidates belonging to
Non Creamy Layer only are eligible for claiming reservation to SEBC category. Annual Income is not a
criteria for reservation under SEBC category. List of communities under SEBC category are given in
Annexure V.
5.2 Claim for reservation under Scheduled Castes (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST) quota.
Candidates belonging to SC/ST communities allotted against merit seats or against the seats
reserved for them are exempted from payment of fee at the time of admission. Candidates claiming
reservation under Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes quota should obtain the Caste/Community
Certificate from the Village Officer/Tahsildar. (See Annexure II and Annexure III for list of SC and ST)
Warning: Those who produce false SC/ST Certificate for claiming reservation under SC/ST quota shall
be liable for penalties as per rules.
The seats unavailed by the SC candidates will go to ST candidates and vice versa.
5.3 Claim of OEC candidates against the un-availed seats of SC/ST candidates.
Other Eligible Community (OEC) candidates are eligible for the un-availed seats, if any, under SC/ST
quota. The communities given in Annexure IV only are eligible for such un-availed seats, if any, under
SC/ST quota (G.O.(Ms)No.14/2017/BCDD dated 02.08.2017). OEC candidates who possess „Non
Creamy Layer Certificate‟ obtained from the Village Officer concerned alone are eligible for such seats.
Note : Converted Christians do not come under the SC/ST category. They belong to OEC category.
(Ref. Annexure IV)
5.5 Claim for fee concession to the candidates who get OEC educational assistance.
As per the G.O.(Ms) 10/2014/BCDD dated 23.05.2014, 30 communities from state OBC list are selected
for OEC educational assistance subjected to a maximum of Rs. 6 Lakh annual income. (Communities
listed in Annexure V.A) They should provide Community and Income Certificates from the Village
Officer at the time of admission.
5.6 Claim for reservation under Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) in General Category in
Govt./Self Financing Colleges and UIT‟s
Candidates who enjoy Communal Reservation such as SEBC, SC/ST are NOT eligible for EWS
reservation. Only candidates belonging to FORWARD COMMUNITIES who are economically backward
are eligible for EWS reservation. Such candidates must produce either of the certificates from the village
officer namely “The applicant belonging to Anthyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and Priority House Hold
(PHH) category” or “The income and assets certificate for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in
General Category”. (Format of certificates is given in Annexure XI and XII). Ration Card or BPL
Certificate is NOT a valid document to avail EWS reservation.
5.7 Notwithstanding anything contained in the Statutes, the selection of students in Government colleges
shall be governed by the rules prescribed by the Government from time to time with the
concurrence of the University in respect of such admissions.
Sl. Name of
Programme Eligibility for admission Calculation of Index marks
1. Mathematics A Pass in Higher Secondary Examination of the Total marks secured for Higher
state or an Examination accepted by the Secondary + Marks secured for
University as equivalent thereto with Mathematics
Mathematics as one of the subjects under science
2. Physics A Pass in Higher Secondary Examination of the Total marks secured for Higher
state or an Examination accepted by the Secondary + Marks secured for
University as equivalent thereto with Physics as Physics
one of the subjects under science group.
3. Chemistry A Pass in Higher Secondary Examination of the Total marks secured for Higher
state or an Examination accepted by the Secondary + Marks secured for
University as equivalent thereto with Chemistry Chemistry.
as one of the subjects under science group.
10. Polymer A Pass in Higher Secondary Examination of the Total marks in Higher Secondary +
Chemistry state or an Examination accepted by the Marks secured for Chemistry.
University as equivalent thereto with Chemistry
as one of the subjects.
11. Biochemistry A Pass in Higher Secondary Examination of the Total marks in Higher Secondary +
state or an Examination accepted by the Marks secured for Chemistry.
University as equivalent thereto with Chemistry
and Biology as one of the subjects.
12. Psychology A Pass in Higher Secondary Examination of the 1) Total marks in Higher
State or an Examination accepted by the Secondary + 15% weightage of
University as equivalent thereto. marks scored for Psychology, for
those who have studied Psychology
as a subject in the Plus two level.
2) Total marks in Higher
Secondary + 10% weightage of
marks scored for Mathematics or
Biology (whichever is higher) for
those who studied Mathematics or
Biology, but not Psychology, as
subjects in the plus two level.
13. Microbiology A Pass in Higher Secondary Examination of the Total marks in Higher Secondary +
state or an Examination accepted by the Marks secured for Biology.
University as equivalent thereto with Biology as
one of the subjects.
1. English A Pass in Higher Secondary Examination of the Total marks for Higher
State or an Examination accepted by the Secondary/ equivalent (1200) +
University as equivalent thereto. double the percentage of marks
for General English.
2. Philosophy A Pass in Higher Secondary Examination of the Total Marks for Higher
State or an Examination accepted by the Secondary + Marks scored in Part
University as equivalent thereto. III Philosophy (Optional).
3. BA Honours A pass in Higher Secondary or equivalent course Total marks for Higher
in English with the minimum marks as follows: Secondary/ equivalent (1200) +
Language & Gen/SEBC-70% ; SC-60% ; ST- 55% double the percentage of marks
Literature for General English.
For Example: If a student has secured 400 out of the total of 500 marks in the CBSE stream and if
he has say, secured 80 marks out of 100 in mathematics, his index marks will be 400/500 x 1200
plus 160 (i, e, 80 X 2) marks of mathematics. That is 960 + 160 =1120. In the case of admission to
First Degree Programme in English, double the percentage of marks obtained for English and
adds to the normalized total marks. If the student in example above secured 70 out of 100 marks in
English, then his index mark will be 960 + 140 = 1100
6.4.2 For subjects which are not being offered at the qualifying Examination level, the marks of
related subject or subjects, a knowledge of which is essential for the study of the subject
proposed to be chosen for the First Degree Programme, shall be added to the total marks for
the purpose of ranking.
To avail the weightage of bonus mark under the category „Ex-servicemen / widows or children of
Jawans and Ex-servicemen‟, the candidates should invariably produce an attested copy of certificate
issued not earlier than six months from the last date of submission of application, from the
military authorities or State/Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer to the effect that he/she is the
son/daughter/widow of a Jawan / Ex-service man or an Ex-service man himself/herself.
6.5.3 Deduction / Loosing of marks for subsequent appearances
Candidates will lose 10 marks from the total ranking marks for each additional appearance he/she has
taken for completing the qualifying examination.
Candidates who have cancelled a course from this University or any other Universities and joining
for any UG programme under the University of Kerala shall submit cancellation memo of previous
course at the time of admission to the college.
6.9 Pursuing additional UG degree
A student who has already successfully completed a First Degree Programme and is desirous of and
academically capable of pursuing another First Degree Programme may also be admitted with the prior
approval of the University according to conditions regarding course requirements specified by the
7.1 (a) Any candidate who wish to join First Degree Programme under the University of Kerala should
compulsorily register online @
(b) The site is optimized with the latest versions of Mozilla firefox, Google Chrome etc.
(c) The candidates are advised to enable “JavaScript” before proceeding with the Registration
(d) Read the instructions carefully before proceeding with the registration.
(e) Do not press “back” button during the process of registration.
7.2 a. Generating Application Number and Password
The first step of UG online registration process is generating application number and password. For this,
the candidates have to click on "Click here for Registration" button available in the UG page of the
website After that, the candidate has to provide the minimum
details like Exam Board, Register Number, Year of Passing, Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Category,
Email id and Whether Differently Abled. After entering the required details, the candidate will be
provided with a unique application number and password. Date of birth is the default password in the
format dd/mm/yyyy
Note down the Application Number and Password for future use.
This application number and password must be used for all the UG online admission related activities.
Till the prescribed date and time, candidates can login to the site with these credentials.
University of Kerala 21 Prospectus – UG Admissions 2020
b. Login
The candidate should login with the Application number and Password which they have generated
through the previous step.
c. Instructions for Online Registration
Candidates are advised to read the instructions carefully before registration. After reading the
instructions click the "Proceed" button. Do not press “BACK” button during registration.
Candidates should pay the registration fee by using the online payment facility after clicking on “Pay
Online” button.
Candidates shall not remit the fee in any other form like Demand Draft, Cheque, Chalan etc.
After completing the payment, the candidate should continue the registration process.
Note : The online payment receipt should be kept safely as the same is to be submitted to the
college at the time of admission.
The Registration fee once remitted will not be refunded under any circumstances.
Candidate should enter the personal details here. Fields marked with * are mandatory.
I. Personal Details
1. Name (As in the certificate of the qualifying examination).
2. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy format).
3. Gender (Choose Male/Female/Transgender).
4. Keralite: Whether Keralite or not? (See prospectus clause 6.1)
5. Nationality: Whether Indian or not?
6. Contact Mobile No: Enter Mobile Number.
7. Land Phone: Enter Land Phone Number with STD Code.
8. Email: Enter Email id.
9. Address: The candidate has to provide permanent address for communication.
The candidates are advised to use the „Logout‟ link at the time of exit from his/her Home Page
Do not send hard copy of online registration to the university. The hard copy of the online
application with originals of all certificates should be kept by the candidate and has to be
submitted at the time of admission in the respective college. The candidate who fails to produce the
printout of the application form and original certificates at the time of admission shall not be
considered for admission.
The University fee once remitted will not be refunded under any circumstances. The candidates need
to remit the University fee only once for admission.
It is advised to keep a copy of payment receipt of registration fee and University admission fee with
the candidate for future purpose if any. The payment receipt will not be issued again, after the closure
of admission website, under any circumstances.
9.1 The students who are eligible for scholarship under SC/ST/SEBC/ Fishermen should submit their
scholarship form for the academic year, immediately after obtaining admission.
9.2 Remittance of University admission fee for candidates who get admission other than through
allotments (management quota, community quota, sports quota, Lakshadweep quota, admission
through special order etc.) shall also be done in online mode. The candidates shall approach the
Principal of the college concerned for enabling the payment link in candidate profile.
1. Failure to report for Admission: Candidates who do not take admission on the prescribed date will lose
their allotment. They will not be considered for any further regular allotments under any circumstance.
2. Candidates have the freedom to change their password; however, they should take note of the
password and application number carefully for future login.
3. Applications of candidates who do not register their personal and academic data online and who do not
give their options online within the time schedule will not be considered for allotment. No opportunity
will be given to incorporate any details after the last date of submission of application. Late or
defective application will not be considered under any circumstances.
4. Any kind of false information will lead to cancellation of admission.
5. Any Boards, where the grades are awarded instead of marks, the candidates should enter the
corresponding marks, while entering the academic data.
6. No rounding of marks / percentage to the nearest whole number will be permitted.
7. The University will not entertain any request for change of the dates of Online Centralized Allotment.
8. Any other item not specifically covered in this prospectus will be decided by the University and that
decision shall be final.
9. Preventive measure against ragging: If an applicant for admission is found to have indulged in
ragging in the past or if it is noticed later that he/she had indulged in ragging, either he/she will
not be admitted or shall be expelled from the educational institution.
Disputes pertaining to allotment/ admission if any, shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Hon‟ble
High Court of Kerala.
3. University College, BA
Thiruvananthapuram – History 55 Economics, Political Science
695034 Economics 53 Indian History, Political Science
English Language And 40 History of English Literature, World
Ph: 0471-2475830 Literature History
www.universitycollege. Hindi 40 History of Indian culture, Malayalam,
Correspondence and Secretarial
practice in Hindi
Sanskrit 10 Outlines of Indian culture
Malayalam 40 Kerala culture, Sanskrit French,
Arabic 30 Thareekl Al Islam I, Secretarial Arabic
practice & Translation
University of Kerala 29 Prospectus – UG Admissions 2020
Philosophy 50 Aesthetics, Comparative religion
Islamic History 40 Indian History, Economics
Tamil 10 History of South India, General essay
& Translation
Political Science 55 Economics, World History
Physics 50 Mathematics, Chemistry/Statistics
Mathematics 50 Statistics, Physics
Botany 40 Chemistry/
Bio-chemistry, Zoology
Chemistry 50 Mathematics, Physics
Zoology 40 Chemistry/ Biochemistry, Botany
Geography 30 Geology, Statistics
Geology 14 Mathematics, Chemistry/
4. Govt. College, B.Sc
Kariavattom, Computer Science 24 Career-related
Thiruvananthapuram – Biotechnology 24 Career-related
695589 Biochemistry 32 Chemistry, Botany/Zoology Malayalam,
Statistics 32 Mathematics, Computer Science Sanskrit,
Ph: 0471-2417112 Geography 24 Statistics, Geology Hindi,
www.govtcollegekariav Physics & Computer 24 Career-related Arabic, Applications French,
Chemistry & Industrial 24 Career-related Tamil
5. Govt. Sanskrit College, BA Sanskrit
Thiruvananthapuram - Special Nyaya 20 Sahithya, Vedantha, Vyakarana,
695034 Jyothisha
Sahitya 20 Nyaya, Vedantha, Vyakarana, Hindi,
Ph: 0471-2322930 Jyothisha Malayalam,
Vedanta 20 Nyaya, Sahithya, Vedantha, Jyothisha Sanskrit
Vyakarana 20 Nyaya, Sahithya, Vedantha, Jyothisha
Jyothisha 20 Nyaya, Sahithya, Vedantha,
6. Govt. College, BA
Attingal, History 30 Economics, Political Science
Thiruvananthapuram Economics 40 Indian History, Political Science
B.Sc Malayalam,
Ph: 0470-2622398 Polymer Chemistry 32 Mathematics, Physics Hindi,
www.governmentcolleg Mathematics 32 Physics, Statistics Arabic B.Com (Elective- 40
Computer Application)
7. Govt. College, BA
Nedumangad, History 50 Economics, Political Science
Thiruvananthapuram Economics 40 History, Political Science
Malayalam 30 Kerala Culture, Sanskrit
Ph: 0472-2812287 B.Sc Hindi, Physics & Computer 24 Career-related Malayalam
Mathematics 40 Physics, Statistics
B.Com (Elective- 50
8. Govt. KNM Arts & BA
Science College, Economics 50 History, Political Science
Kanjiramkulam, Sociology 50 General Economics, Political Science
Thiruvananthapuram English & 30 Career-related
Communicative English
Ph: 0471-2260092 Hindi,
www.knmgovtcollege.a Malayalam
Mathematics 24 Physics, Statistics B.Com – Commerce & 30 Career-related
Tax Procedure and
Practice under 2(a)
B.Com (Elective- 40
Computer Application)
49. SN College, BA
Cheriyanad, Economics 50 History, Political Science
Neduvaramcode, B.Sc
Chengannur, Physics 24 Mathematics, Chemistry Hindi,
Alappuzha Chemistry 32 Mathematics, Physics Malayalam
Mathematics 32 Statistics, Physics
Ph: 0479-2360140 B.Com (Elective- 24
www.sncollegechengan Computer Application)
50. Sree Ayyappa College, B.Sc
Thiruvanvandoor, Biochemistry & 24 Career-related
Eramallikkara, Industrial Microbiology
Alappuzha Mathematics 20 Physics, Statistics
Computer Science 20 Career-related Malayalam,
Ph: 0479-2427615 Electronics 20 Career-related Hindi
www.sreeayyappacolle B.Com – Commerce 40 Career-related with Computer
Application under 2(b)
8. Govt. KNM Arts & Science College, 1.Best Physique 2.Weight Lifting 3.Football 4.Power Lifting
Kanjiramkulam, Thiruvananthapuram 5.Wrestling 6.Judo 7.Boxing 8.Rollball 9.Kabaddi 10.Volleyball
9. MMS Government Arts and Science 1.Wrestling 2.Handball 3.Fencing 4.Kabaddi (Men) 5.Cricket
College, Malayinkeezhu, (Men) 6.Football (Men) 7.Volleyball (Men)
10. Govt. Arts & Science College, 1.Best Physique ( Men) 2.Weight Lifting 3.Athletics
Kulathoor, Neyyattinkara, 4.Archery 5.Power Lifting 6.Wushu 7.Boxing 8.Badminton
Thiruvananthapuram (Men) 9.Chess (Men) 10. Volleyball (Men) 11.Squash
12.Wrestling (Men) 13.Cricket (Men) 14.Football (Men)
11. All Saints‟ College, 1.Football 2.Handball 3.Athletics 4.Boxing 5.Fencing
12. HHMSPB NSS College for Women, 1.Kabaddi 2.Football 3.Power Lifting 4.Weight Lifting
Neeramankara, Thiruvananthapuram 5.Wrestling 6.Athletics 7.Badminton
14. SN College, Sivagiri, Varkala, 1.Kabaddi 2.Kho-Kho 3.Chess 4.Tennis 5.Boxing 6.Cricket
16. VTM NSS College, Dhanuvachapuram, 1.Kabaddi 2.Ball Badminton 3.Best Physique 4.Cricket
Thiruvananthapuram 5.Fencing 6.Rollball 7.Softball
17. St. Xavier‟s College, Thumba, 1.Football 2.Cricket 3.Athletics 4.Handball 5.Weight Lifting
Thiruvananthapuram 6.Rugby 7.Softball
19. Iqbal College, Peringammala, 1.Softball 2.Baseball 3.Rugby 4.Judo 5.Wresting 6.Taekwondo
Thiruvananthapuram 7.Power Lifting 8.Handball 9.Volleyball 10.Aquatics
20. Mannaniya College of Arts & Science, 1.Volleyball 2.Netball 3.Fencing 4.Athletics 5.Badminton
Pangode, Kallara, Thiruvananthapuram 6.Chess
21. Bishop Jesudasan CSI Arts & Science 1.Volleyball 2.Football 3.Cricket 4.Badminton
College, Mulayara, Nedumangad,
22. Sri Sathya Sai Arts & Science College, 1.Kabaddi 2.Handball 3.Kho-Kho 4.Football
Sai Gramam, Thonnakkal,
23. Sree Sankara College, Nagaroor, 1.Best Physique 2. Weight Lifting 3.Aquatics 4. Football
Kilimanoor, Thiruvananthapuram 5.Power Lifting
25. Baby John Memorial Govt. College, 1.Judo 2.Athletics 3.Rollball 4.Taekwondo 5.Volleyball
Chavara, Kollam 6.Cricket 7.Football
26. Government Arts and Science College, 1.Cricket 2.Football 3.Volleyball 4.Kabaddi 5.Badminton
Thazhava, Karunagapally 6.Athletics
27. Kumbalathu Sankhupillai Memorial 1.Cricket 2.Football 3.Athletics 4.Handball 5.Judo 6.Badminton
Devaswom Board College, 7.Wushu
Sasthamcottah, Kollam
28. TKM College of Arts & Science, Kollam 1.Athletics 2.Football 3.Badminton 4.Cricket 5.Volleyball
29. St. Gregorios College, Kottarakkara 1.Ball Badminton 2.Basketball 3.Volleyball 4.Kabaddi
5.Football 6.Cricket
30. St. Stephen‟s College, Pathanapuram 1.Volleyball
31. NSS College, Nilamel, Kollam 1.Volleyball (Men) 2.Softball 3.Baseball 4.Ball Badminton
5.Cricket 6.Kho-Kho
32. SN College for Women, Kollam 1.Athletics 2.Kabaddi 3.Weight Lifting 4.Power Lifting
5.Rollball 6.Wrestling 7.Judo 8.Softball 9.Baseball 10.Volleyball
33. SN College, Kollam 1.Hockey 2.Kabaddi 3.Football 4.Athletics 5.Boxing 6.Softball
7.Netball 8.Volleyball 9.Wrestling 10.Wushu 11.Kho-Kho
12.Ball Badminton 13.Badminton 14.Basketball 15.Rugby
34. St. John‟s College, Anchal, Kollam 1.Athletics 2.Wrestling 3. Cricket 4.Softball 5.Football
6.Badminton 7.Judo
35. SN College, Punalur, Kollam 1.Athletics 2.Badminton 3.Best Physique 4.Cricket 5.Cross
Country Races 6.Football 7.Kabaddi 8.Power Lifting 9.Weight
36. Mannam Memorial N.S.S. College, 1.Kabaddi (Men) 2.Chess 3.Cricket 4.Boxing (Men) 5.Athletics
Kottiyam, Kollam 6.Volleyball (Men) 7.Badminton
37. SN College, Chathannur, Kollam 1.Kabaddi (Men) 2. Canoeing and Kayaking (Men) 3.Athletics
4.Boxing 5.Cricket (Men)
38. Ayyankali Memorial Arts & Science 1.Athletics 2.Football 3.Cricket 4.Volleyball
College, Kuryottumala, Punalur
40. Christian College, Chengannur, 1.Cricket 2.Wrestling 3.Judo 4.Netball 5.Weight Lifting
41. MSM (Milad – E – Sherief Memorial) 1.Badminton 2.Kabaddi 3.Wrestling 4.Judo 5.Softball/Baseball
College, Kayamkulam 6.Cricket
42. NSS College, K.R Puram P.O, 1.Handball 2.Football 3.Athletics 4.Rowing 5.Canoeing &
Cherthala, Alappuzha Kayaking 6.Power Lifting 7.Best Physique 8.Judo 9.Wrestling
43. SN College, S.N Puram P.O, Cherthala, 1.Volleyball 2.Kabaddi (Men) 3.Athletics 4.Football (Men)
Alappuzha 5.Cricket (Men) 6.Taekwondo
46. St. Michael‟s College, Cherthala, 1.Athletics 2.Cricket 3.Power Lifting 4.Aquatics 5.Football
Alappuzha 6.Badminton
47. TKMM College, Nangiarkulangara, 1.Netball (Men) 2.Netball (Women) 3.Power Lifting (Men)
Haripad, Alappuzha 4.Weight Lifting (Men) 5.Basketball (Men) 6.Volleyball (Men)
7.Basketball (Women) 8.Volleyball (Women)
48. SN College, Cheriyanad, 1.Athletics 2.Football 3.Kabaddi 4.Judo 5.Fencing 6. Handball
Neduvaramcode, Chengannur,
50. NSS College, Pandalam, Pathanamthitta 1.Judo 2.Football 3.Cricket 4.Volleyball 5.Taekwondo
6.Wrestling 7.Wushu 8.Kabaddi 9.Handball 10.Rugby
51. St. Cyril‟s College, Adoor, 1.Best Physique 2.Taekwondo 3.Wushu 4.Power Lifting
Pathanamthitta 5.Weight Lifting 6.Athletics 7.Football 8.Volleyball 9.Boxing
10.Wrestling 11.Kabaddi 12.Basketball 13.Yoga 14.Judo
15.Badminton 16.Tennis 17.Cricket 18.Chess 19.Table Tennis
20.Fencing 21.Rugby 22.Ball Badminton 23.Netball 24.Rollball
52. UIT, Alappuzha 1.Cricket 2.Basket Ball 3.Athletics 4.Football 5.Kabaddi
62. CHMM College for Advanced Studies, 1.Cricket 2.Volleyball 3.Kabaddi 4.Best Physique
METCA Land, Chavarcode, Varkala,
63. Mar Thoma College of Science & 1.Volleyball 2.Basketball 3.Football 4.Cricket 5.Rollball
Technology, Chadayamangalam P.O,
Ayur, Kollam
65. PMSA Pookoya Thangal Memorial Arts 1.Cricket 2.Football 3.Badminton 4.Volleyball 5.Kabaddi
& Science College, Kuttikkadu P.O,
Kadakkal, Kollam
66. SNGM Arts & Science College, 1.Foot Ball 2.Basketball 3.Volleyball 4.Cricket 5.Athletics
Valamangalam South P.O, Thuravoor,
67. Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor, 1.Basketball 2.Best Physique 3.Table Tennis 4.Yoga 5.Chess
Koovalassery P.O, Malayinkeezhu,
68. Vigyaan College of Applied Sciences, 1.Cricket 2.Football 3.Volleyball 4.Badminton 5.Chess
Sasthagiri, Kattakode P.O, Kattakada, 6.Athletics 7.Kabaddi
69. Sree Narayana Guru College of 1.Cricket 2.Football 3.Volleyball 4.Softball 5.Baseball
Advanced Studies, Chempazhanthy, 6.Kabaddi 7.Badminton 8.Fencing 9.Handball 10.Weight
Thiruvananthapuram Lifting 11.Wrestling 12.Athletics 13.Tennis
72. KICMA College of Arts & Science, 1.Cricket 2.Football 3.Volleyball 4.Athletics 5.Badminton
Neyyar Dam, Thiruvananthapuram
73. KTCT College of Arts & Science, 1.Football 2.Kabaddi 3.Volleyball 4.Cricket 5.Handball
Kallambalam, Thiruvananthapuram
75. Mar Gregorios College of Arts & 1.Badminton 2.Basketball 3.Cricket 4.Football
Science, Punnapra, Alappuzha
76. Mar Ivanois College, Kallumala P.O, 1.Handball 2.Basketball 3.Ball Badminton 4.Baseball 5.Judo
Mavelikkara, Alappuzha 6.Softball 7.Wrestling 8.Football
79. KVM College of Arts & Science, 1.Football 2.Cricket 3.Basketball 4. Volleyball 5.Chess
Kokkothamangalam, Cherthala,
80. Marian College of Arts and Science, 1.Football 2.Basketball 3.Cricket 4.Athletics
Menamkulam, Kazhakkuttom
81. Travancore Arts & Science College, 1.Cricket 2.Foot ball 3.Volley ball 4.Badminton 5.Kabaddi
Madathara, Thiruvananthapuram 6.Handball 7.Athletics 8.Softball 9.Baseball 10.Power lifting
11.Weight lifting 12.Boxing 13.Tennis 14.Wrestling
82. College of Applied Science (IHRD), 1.Cricket 2.Football 3.Volleyball 4.Badminton 5.Chess
Adoor, Pathanamthitta
83. College of Applied Science (IHRD), 1. Athletics 2. Boxing 3. Football 4. Kabaddi 5. Volleyball
Karthikapally, Haripad, Alappuzha
Note: The colleges which have no preference in sports disciplines are not listed.
Allar (Alan) Malayan, Konga-Malayan Malavettuvar (Except Kasaragod
(Kasaragod, Kannur, Wayanad and and Kannur Districts)
Kozhikode Districts)
Chingathan Kundu – Vadiyan Malayalar
Irivavan Kunuvarmanadi Panimalayan
Kalanadi Malamuttan Pathiyan (Other than Dhobies)
Hindu - Malayali
Chakkamar Dheevara/Dheevaran (Arayan, Kusavan, Kulalan, Kumbharan,
Valan, Nulayan, Mukkuvan, Velaan, Odan. Andhra Nair,
Arayavathi, Valanchiyar, Paniyakal, Andhuru Nair
Mokaya, Bovi, Magayar,
Madiga Scheduled Castes converted to Pulayan Vettuvan (Except Kochi
Christianity State)
Chemman/Chemmar Kudumbi
1 Vaniya (Vanika, VanikaVaisya, Vanibha Chetty, Vaniya Chetty, Ayiravar, Nagarathar and
2 Veluthedathu Nair (Veluthedan and Vannathan)
3 Chetty/Chetties (Kottar Chetties, Parakka Chetties, Elur Chetties, Attingal Chetties,
Pudukkada Chetties, Iraniel Chetties, Sri Pandara Chetties, Telugu Chetties,
Udiyankulangara Chetties, Peroorkada Chetties, Sadhu Chetties, 24 Mana Chetties,
Wayanadan Chetties, Kalavara Chetties and 24 Mana Telugu Chetties,
4 Ezhavathi (Vathy)
5 Ganika
6 Kanisu or Kaniyar Panicker, Kani or Kaniyan (Ganaka) or Kanisan or Kamnan, Kalari
Kurup / Kalari Panicker
7 Vilkurup, Perumkollan
8 Yadavas (Kolaya, Ayar, Mayar, Maniyani and Iruman), Erumakkar
9 Devanga
10 Pattariyas
11 Saliyas (Chaliya, Chaliyan)
12 Pandithar
13 Vaniar
14 Ezhuthachan
15 Chakkala / Chakkala Nair
16 Reddiars (throughout the State except in Malabar Area)
17 Kavuthiya
18 Veerasaiva (Yogi, Yogeeswara Poopandaram, Malapandaram, Jangam, Matapathi,
Pandaram, Pandaran, Vairavi, Vairagi)
19 Vilakkithala Nair –Vilakkithalavan
20 Vaduka–Vadukan, Vadugar, Vaduka, Vaduvan
21 Chavalakkaran
22 Agasa
23 Kaikolan
24 Kannadiyans
25 Kerala Mudalis
26 Madivala
27 Naikkans
28 Tholkolans
29 Thottian
30 Mooppar or Kallan Moopan or Kallan Moopar
1) That I have read and understood the directives of the Hon‟ble Supreme Court of India on anti-
ragging and the measures proposed to be taken in the above references.
2) That I understand the meaning of Ragging and know that the ragging in any form is a punishable
offence and the same is banned by the Court of Law.
3) That I have not been found or charged for my involvement in any kind of ragging in the past.
However, I undertake to face disciplinary action/legal proceedings including expulsion from the
Institute if the above statement is found to be untrue or the facts are concealed, at any stage in future.
4) That I shall not resort to ragging in any form at any place and shall abide by the rules/laws
prescribed by the Courts, Govt. of India and Institute authorities for the purpose from time to time.
Signature of Student…………………………………………………………
Witness: ………………………………………………………………………