(Approved at the Executive Council Meeting
held on 15-5-2018)
(Academic Senate Meeting held on 27-10-2018)
(Effective from 27-10-2018)
1.1 General
1. Admissions into the P.G. courses of study in the University
College(s) and its P.G. Centre(s) and Affiliated Colleges other than
Autonomous Colleges shall be made by the University either
through an Entrance Test or on the basis of marks obtained in
the qualifying examination.
2. There shall be a Directorate of Admissions in the University which
shall be entrusted with the work relating to admissions into P.G.
courses of study, other than the courses for which A.P.S.C.H.E.
organizes State level admissions.
3. (i) The Executive Council on the recommendations of the Vice-
Chancellor will appoint one of the Teachers of the University,
ordinarily not below the rank of Associate Professor, as the
Director of Directorate of Admissions.
(ii) The Vice-Chancellor may also appoint Addl./Deputy/Asst.
Directors from among the teachers of the University to assist
the Director.
(iii) The remuneration payable to the Director and others
associated with the Directorate shall be determined by the
(iv) The Director may engage the supporting staff required with
the prior approval of the Vice-Chancellor.
4. The functions of the Director of Directorate of Admissions shall
be as laid down in the Ordinances.
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12. All admissions made into various P.G. courses of study are
provisional and are liable for cancellation, if the certificates relating
to qualifications or social status are found to be defective.
13. Fee concession/reimbursement of Tuition fee allowed to the
candidates belonging to different social and economic status shall
be in accordance with the Government orders in force at the
time of admission.
14. (a) The candidates selected for admission shall be issued with an
allotment letter by the Director based on which candidates
shall be admitted into College(s)/PG Centres concerned on
payment of fee by way of DD in favour of the Director,
Directorate of Admission.
(b) The Director shall arrange to send the fees collected from the
admitted students to the respective Colleges soon after the
closure of admissions.
(c) The fee paid by the candidate may be refunded by the Director
to the admitted candidates who vacate the seats before closure
of admissions, irrespective of filling-up of the concerned
vacancy, after deducting the processing charges as may be
determined by the Vice-Chancellor.
1.2 Admission of International Students:
15. There is a provision of 15 per cent of sanctioned strength in each
course as supernumerary seats (over and above the existing
sanctioned strength in each course) for the admission of
International Students in all the courses offered by the University
Colleges and P.G. Centre at Ongole.
16. Admission of International Students in the University Colleges,
P.G. Centre at Ongole and in Affiliated Colleges is made by the
Director, International Students Cell (ISC), established in the
University campus.
17. Applications from International Students are processed based on
the general eligibility criteria approved for each course for the
admission of Indian students. However, the International Students
seeking admission into PG/Professional/Ph.D. Courses are
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Notification regarding the admissions into 1st year degree courses for
any academic year shall be published 15 days in advance to the date
of re-opening of the college. The last date for receipt of applications
shall be at least 20 days after publication of Intermediate results.
Admissions shall however be completed by 16th August every year.
The following is the common procedure to be followed by all the
Principals of Degree Colleges in respect of admissions.
(1) The advertisement or notification shall indicate the date of re-
opening of the college, the last date for receipt of applications,
the details of the available courses of study and the procedure
for obtaining and submitting applications.
(2) There shall be a gap of at least two weeks between the date of
notification regarding admissions to the degree courses and the
last date for receipt of applications.
(3) The following is the procedure to be strictly followed as regards
the sale and receipt of application forms, the scrutiny of
applications and the preparation of merit lists.
(a) The serial number of application forms sold the names of
candidates and the payment of application fee shall be
clearly recorded in a special register.
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marks lists are not yet received by the candidate from the
parent University. Certificate from the Principal of the parent
college regarding examinations for which he/she has appeared
in the parent University and the result therein, if published,
must be submitted along with the transfer application. The
Principal of the college into which the candidate is seeking
admission on transfer shall clearly certify that the admission
is within the sanctioned strength.
In case of admissions on transfer from other Universities, the
candidates shall attach the Migration Certificate of the Parent
University in original to the first examination application
submitted to the Acharya Nagarjuna University. A copy of the
letter of permission for transfer issued by the University shall
also be attached to the first examination application submitted
to the University.
A candidate, whose transfer into the University area from other
University area has been approved, shall pay transfer fee and
fee towards Recognition and Matriculation as prescribed by
the University by way of S.B.I. online challan payable to
Acharya Nagarjuna University Affiliated colleges’ fee collection
– online A/c.
If any candidate has studied part of the course in other
University area during the current academic year, the
concerned candidate shall enclose a request for combination
of attendance in the transfer application itself by enclosing
S.B.I. challan towards the fee prescribed payable to Acharya
Nagarjuna University Affiliated Colleges Fee Collection A/c –
online a/c. The Principal shall invariably make a clear
recommendation for combination of attendance besides other
points on the candidate’s application. The permission letter
for combination of attendance issued by the University shall
be attached to the first examination application submitted to
the University.
Such candidates shall submit attendance certificate from the
Principal of the parent college for the period studied in that
college during the current academic year to the Principal of
the college which they have joined on transfer to enable him/
her to combine attendance.
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3.10 Others:
(i) Similar regulations as provided for in the hand books of the
University Colleges shall be followed in the case of P.G.
(ii) In the case of professional courses the role framed by the
regulatory authorities concerned be strictly followed.
(iii) In the absence of regulations indicated at (2) above, the
University may make its own regulations.
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4.1 General
1. There shall be a Centre for Distance Education (CDE) in the
(i) to provide learner – centric quality education with a broader
area of operation free from restrictions of time and location,
(ii) to spread education to larger sections of population by
taking education to the door steps of the people living
even in remote and far-flung areas without geographical
(iii) to develop a viable alternative to the traditional formal
system of education.
2. The Centre for Distance Education (CDE) shall function under
the overall control of the University Administration, subject to
Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University.
3. (i) The CDE shall be headed by a Director to be appointed
from among the Teachers of the University by the
Executive Council on the recommendations of the Vice-
(ii) The Vice-Chancellor shall have the power to appoint
Additional Director and/or Deputy Directors from among
the teachers of the University to assist the Director in the
discharge of his/her functions.
(iii) The above functionaries shall remain in office for such
period as may be decided by the Vice-Chancellor.
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(b) Accounts
(i) Preparation of the budget and monitoring of the
revenues and expenditure of the CDE and PCPs /
Study Centres
(ii) Collection of receipts and maintenance of relevant
records and registers for the same
(iii) Calculating the share payable to Study Centres/PCPs
and making remittances accordingly.
(iv) Maintenance of book of Accounts, indent books, orders
and expenditure statements
(v) Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly/Annual statements of
Accounts/ reconciliation of the same with Bank Pass
books for the CDE Accounts.
15. The functions and responsibilities of all the divisions of CDE may
be modified on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee
by the appropriate authority of the University.
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5.1 General
1. The University shall conduct examinations for each course of
study for its students, including the students of affiliated colleges,
at the end of each year/semester, for those who have received
instruction and maintained the attendance prescribed by the
Academic Senate, so as to enable them to obtain their
respective degrees.
2. The administrative set up for the Examination Branch will be
as decided by the Executive Council from time to time.
3. The Rector shall be the overall in charge of the Examination
related activities. The routine files relating to procedure get
terminated at the level of Rector. Only issues of policy and files
of confidential nature will be placed before the Vice-Chancellor
for decision.
4. The work in the Examination Branch shall generally be carried
out in three stages, namely pre-conduct, conduct and post conduct
5. The work in pre-conduct stage shall be divided between Controller
of Examinations (CE)/Additional Controller of Examinations
(ACE) and the Co-Ordinators in the following manner.
(a) Controller/ Additional Controller of Examinations:
(i) Issuance of Notification of Examination with the permission
of the Vice-Chancellor.
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front page of the script. Part – III shall be detached from the
script by the Chief of Spot Valuation Centre and forwarded to
the Coordinator along with control bundle slips.
12. Soon after the completion of practical examinations, the respective
Co-ordinators shall take steps to get the practical marks lists
prepared by the examiners in sealed covers through the Principal
of the College in case of Degree Courses. In case of PG &
Professional Courses, practical marks lists are received by the
Controller of Examinations through the Principal of the College.
13. Wherever there is a provision for internal assessment, as per the
norms in force, the Co-ordinator shall ensure that the internal
assessments are conducted as per norms and he/she shall
make arrangements to get the marks from the Principals of
the colleges soon after such assessment is completed in case
of Degree Courses. In case of PG and Professional Courses,
internal assessment marks are received by the Controller of
Examinations from the Principals of the Colleges.
14. a) There shall be single valuation for the answer scripts of all
UG Courses.
b) There shall be double valuation of answer scripts for all P.G.
Courses i.e. one by the internal examiners and the other
by the external examiners. The marks of both valuations
shall be averaged to determine the marks secured by the
c) If the difference in the total marks in any paper between
the two valuations exceeds 20%, such paper shall be sent
for third valuation. After the third valuation, the highest
marks obtained in two of the three valuations shall be
averaged to arrive at the marks secured by the candidate.
15. Wherever the aggregate is a fraction, it may be rounded off to
the nearest integer. The fraction 0.5 should be treated as nearer
to the next higher integer.
16. Before finalizing the results, the grace marks, if any, as may
be decided by the Academic Senate from time to time, shall
be taken into account.
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17. The Coordinators and the CE/ACE shall work together in the
processing of examination results for the speedy and effective
publication of results.
18. i) The papers relating to suspected malpractice (SMP) cases
shall be got valued separately and the award lists shall be
kept with the Co-ordinator without sending them to the
computer centre for data entry. They shall be disposed of as
per the orders of Vice-Chancellor based on the
recommendations of the Malpractices Enquiry Committee.
Till such time their results shall be withheld.
ii) The Coordinator shall prepare detailed guidelines
incorporating the procedure for dealing with the cases
involving malpractices in examinations together with scales
of punishment for the guidance of the Malpractices Enquiry
Committee and take steps to get them approved by the
Executive Council. Wherever necessary, the Malpractice
Enquiry Committee may refer to the provisions of “The
A.P. Public Examinations (Prevention of Malpractice and
Unfairness) Act, 1997 and subsequent amendments, if any
and to the rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.114/ Edn(IE), dated
19. The Vice-Chancellor shall constitute the Malpractices Enquiry
Committee (MEC), which shall enquire into all such cases as
per the guidelines and the scales of punishment approved in
this behalf by the Executive Council and submit its
recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor, who will take the
final decision in each case.
20. Any examinee of the University shall, notwithstanding anything
contained in this Chapter, have a right to appeal within such
time as may be prescribed by the Statutes to the Executive
Council against the decision of any Officer of the University
affecting such examinee and thereupon the Executive Council
may confirm, modify or reverse the decision appealed against.
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1. The betterment facility shall be available only to candidates
who have passed in all the papers of the course.
2. Candidates who would like to improve their percentage of
marks or class shall be normally permitted to appear for the
examinations under betterment provision on payment of fee
as prescribed by the Executive Council.
3. Candidates who already secured First class are not eligible to
appear for betterment examinations.
4. The candidates shall be permitted to appear for such betterment
examinations for securing higher class during the periods specified
hereunder subject to maximum number of appearances as
prescribed. Except in case of B.Tech. Course, Distinction shall
not be awarded for the candidates who appeared for
examinations under Betterment category.
(i) 2 years P.G. courses – 3 years
(ii) 3 years P.G. courses – 4 years
(iii) B.Tech. – 8 years. No restriction
on Distinction
(iv) B. Pharmacy or other – 8 years
4 year professional courses
(v) B.A., B.Sc., B.Sc. (H.Sc.) – 5 years
B.Com., B.B.M., B.C.A.
5. Candidates shall be permitted to appear for betterment
examinations in individual papers including those in which they
have secured 60% and above also for such courses as decided
by the Academic Senate.
6. Students may be permitted to appear for betterment
examinations for completed years/semesters along with
subsequent year/semester examinations provided they have
passed in all the papers of such years/semesters for such
courses as decided by the Academic Senate.
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6.2.1 Authorities:
2.1.1 Executive Council
(i) shall have the power to manage the affairs of the University,
in particular to administer the funds and properties of the
(ii) shall exercise all the powers and carry out all functions,
necessary for the effective management of the Finance and
Accounts of the University.
2.1.2.Academic Senate shall consider Annual Accounts and Financial
Estimates of the University (Budget) under relevant provisions of
the Act.
2.1.3. Finance Committee, constituted under the provisions of the Act,
is required to meet at least once in three months and may meet
more often, if necessary, to perform the functions as prescribed
in the Act, Statutes and Ordinances.
2.1.4 Other Committees constituted by the University:
1. The Executive Council/Vice-Chancellor may constitute the
following Committees that are connected with the financial
activities of the University:
a. Building Committee
b. Central Purchase Committee
c. Library Committee
d. Sports and Cultural Advisory Committee
e. Printing & Publications Advisory Committee
f. Audit and Accounts Committee
g. Budget Committee
h. Accounts Computerization Committee
i. Income Augmentation and Expenditure Regulation
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also that all such collections are brought into account as soon
as they are received, without delay and deposited forthwith
into the designated bank, under proper head of account.
(2) The receipts shall not be appropriated towards expenditure.
(3) Amount due to the University shall not be left uncollected
without valid reasons. Where such amount appears to be
irrecoverable, orders of the competent authority shall be
obtained to waive it, if it becomes inevitable after all efforts at
recovering it, and properly reflected in the accounts.
(4) The Head of Department and Head of the Unit responsible for
the collection of University revenues shall furnish periodical
reports of demand, collection and balances, as may be prescribed
by the Finance Officer.
(5) No duplicate copy of a receipt shall be granted for money received
on the ground that the original has been lost.
(6) If a person applies for a duplicate copy of the receipt stating the
purpose for which it is required, a certificate may be given that
on a specified day a certain sum on a certain account was received
from a certain person. The Officer issuing the certificate shall
take precaution as to the purpose for which the certificate is liable
to be used and invariably mention in the certificate the purpose
for which it is issued, to ensure proper usage.
6.4.4 General Principles relating to incurring of Expenditure
out of University Fund
(1) University employee shall never incur any expenditure from out
of receipts collected by him/her on behalf of the University and
he/she shall not incur any expenditure from University fund unless
sufficient funds are allocated in the budget estimates and financial
sanction is obtained from the competent authority.
(2) No money shall be drawn from the University Fund unless it is
required for immediate disbursement.
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(iv) The amount drawn under clause (iii) shall be treated for all
purposes as payment of dues of the employee to that extent
and particulars of the attachment order will be cited in the
pay bill as an authority for the charge and the Court receipts
for the amount shall be filed with the attachment register in
the Establishment Branch.
(14) Recoveries from Subsistence Allowance
Whenever an employee of the University is placed under suspension
by a competent authority and is ordered to be paid subsistence
allowance during the period of suspension, the recoveries towards
various dues shall be regulated as follows:
a) The recovery of the following deductions shall be compulsorily
enforced from the subsistence allowance:
(i) Income tax and surcharge calculated with reference to the
subsistence allowance,
(ii) House rent and allied charges like electricity, water
charges, etc. due to the University or Government,
(iii) Repayment of loans and advances taken from the
University as the Finance Officer may deem it right to fix.
b) The following deductions may be made with the written consent
of the employee:
(i) Premia due on life insurance policies,
(ii) Amount due to co-operative stores and co-operative credit
(iii) Refund of advances taken from provident fund, if there
are any,
c) Deductions of the following nature shall not be made from the
subsistence allowance:
(i) Subscription to a General Provident Fund,
(ii) Amount due on Court attachments,
(iii) Recovery of loss to the University for which the employee
is responsible.
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(12) The Pay roll section of the Establishment Branch shall then
prepare a statement of net salary payable to individual
employee through respective banks, bank wise in Form 38
and tally it with the abstract of the net amount payable,
prepared under sub-rule above.
(13) The pay bills are prepared by the Payrolls Section and sent
for verification. After such verification in the Finance Branch,
cheques or payment advice for the net amount payable through
designated Banks shall be written and got signed by the
Designated Officer and sent to the concerned Banks along
with a copy of the Statement in Form 38 for credit to the Bank
account of the employees.
(14) While preparing the pay bills the Payroll section in the
Establishment Branch shall prepare separate schedules for
the various recoveries / deductions to be effected from the
salaries of the employees. The Cheques section in the Finance
Branch, in turn, shall prepare a voucher for each type of
recovery / deduction in the prescribed form (Bank Payment
Voucher) to be remitted to outside agencies and issue cheques
in favour of the agencies concerned. In respect of recoveries
adjustable to the University funds, the schedules prepared
shall be transmitted to the section responsible for accounting.
6.6.5 Service Register
(1) The Registrar shall arrange to maintain a Service Register for
each of the permanent and temporary employee of the
University. The Service Book being a contemporary record in
minute details of the official career of a University employee,
shall be maintained by the Joint Registrar/Deputy Registrar
of Establishment Branch under the direct supervision of the
(2) The Service Register shall be in the custody of these Officers
or such other officer designated in this behalf. The details of
qualifications, name of the nominee, leave(s) sanctioned from
time to time, leave accounts, the grant of periodical increments,
promotions, pay fixations from time to time, awards given,
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and that after each journey, the officer using the vehicle attests
the entries pertaining to the purpose of journey, places visited,
distance covered, etc., immediately after completion of each
journey. The officer-in-charge of the transport section shall
ensure that the entries are made in the logbooks properly and
h) In respect of vehicles assigned to the Vice-Chancellor, Rector,
Registrar and other officers, the personal assistants to these officers
shall verify the entries in the logbook and get them attested by
the concerned officers.
i) In addition to the logbook, the transport section shall maintain
a Vehicle History Sheet for each of the vehicle, wherein the
following details shall be recorded:
i. Date of purchase,
ii. Type of vehicle,
iii. Registration number,
iv. Engine number and chassis number,
v. Cost of the vehicle,
vi. Vehicle tax and insurance premium paid at the time of
vii. Insurance Policy No. and date of expiry of policy,
viii.Cost of repairs and replacements with dates,
ix. In the case of transport and Public Service Vehicles, the
date on which Fitness of the vehicles has to be got checked
and Fitness Certificate to be obtained,
x. Details of periodical payment of Motor Vehicle Tax,
xi. Accidents met, if any.
j) These history sheets shall be reviewed by the University
Engineer/Officer in charge of Transport section annually to
see that vehicle insurance and registration of the vehicle is
being renewed as and when they fall due and fitness
certificates are being obtained promptly from the Regional
Transport Officer concerned in respect of transport and public
service vehicles.
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4. Coding Logic:
The budget code is an eleven (11) digit numeric code. The first digit
represents the Major Head, the second, third digits represents minor
head, fourth and fifth digits represents sub-head, sixth, seventh and
eighth digits represents detailed head, ninth, tenth and eleventh
digits represents Department with which the budget estimate is
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(i) For the works costing less than Rs.50.00 lakhs, the EMD
should be in the shape of crossed demand draft only.
(ii) For the works costing more than Rs.50.00 lakhs, the EMD
can also be paid in the shape of Bank Guarantee obtained
from any Nationalized Bank.
(iii) Additional Security Deposit in respect of Discount Tenders
who have quoted 25% less than the estimate contract value,
has to be collected in the shape of a Bank Guarantee or
DD for the difference amount between the tendered amount
and 75% of the estimate value and the same may be
released only after completion of the entire work.
(iv) EMD shall be collected in respect of Nomination works as
in the case of K2 contracts. In cases where 1½ % of the
value of the work is not collected at the time of concluding
agreement, deduction must be made from each bill at 5%.
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(5) While granting extension of time, actual time required for the
completion of balance of work shall be taken into consideration.
(6) If a contractor fails to execute the contract or executes
unsatisfactorily or is proved to be responsible for construction
defects or violates any important conditions of the contract or
is litigious by nature, the University will take action to blacklist
the contractor to prevent him from tendering for future works.
6.8.17(A) Quality Control of Works
1) The Government in G.O.Ms. No. 325 Fin(IF) Dept. dt.21-11-
2006 entrusted the quality control work of Universities to the
quality control unit of the R&B Department.
2) The Contractor and the University Engineer(s) in charge of
construction / maintenance are responsible for the quality of
construction / maintenance. The departmental executing
Engineers will act as Quality Assurance Engineers. The Quality
Control Officials are accountable for the quality of the work for
which certification is issued by them. They should also act as
Quality Audit Engineers.
3) For all works costing more than Rs.2.00 crores, the Contractor
shall submit quality plan and also show proof of owning Quality
Laboratory or having tie-up with an established Quality
Laboratory. The details of Quality Control Test Equipment
required should be incorporated in the Tender Documents.
The equipment needed should be standardized by individual
departments depending on nature of work.
4) All the major contractors should be encouraged to have ISO
certification and those having the same may be given preference
in awarding of works.
5) One of the Deputy Executive Engineers of the University be
kept in charge of design and internal quality control.
6) In case of University works entrusted to the CPWD, the quality
of work may be checked by the Quality Control staff of
Departments / Institutions other than CPWD.
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iii. Unit cost : cost per unit on the basis of the amount and
The maintenance of works accounts by subheads is unnecessary
for all repair works whatever the cost may be.
When the University Engineer considers that the circumstances of
the work render such accounts useless or impossible to maintain,
he shall obtain the approval of the Finance officer for waiving the
maintenance of accounts of the work by subheads.
6.8.25 Registers of Works
The Registers of Works are maintained in Forms PWA-12 and
PWA-13 corresponding respectively to the two forms of works
abstracts PWA-10 and PWA-11. The object of this register is to get
an analysis of the cost of sub-works and subheads so as to make it
possible to determine the rate of cost of work and foresee as far as
possible excesses over estimates.
(1) A permanent and collective record of expenditure incurred on
all (Major and Minor) works carried out during the year shall
be maintained in the Register of Works in the University
Engineer’s Office. The Register of Works shall be posted
monthly from work abstracts.
(2) The total allotment for the year for each work shall be noted
at the top of the page and any additions or reductions made
during the year shall be noted with the authority there for. If
the supplementary estimates are sanctioned, the items of sub-
heads shall be entered below those of the original estimates
and both shall be totalled.
(3) It shall be the duty of the University Engineer to keep a watch
over the progress of the work and to ensure that the
expenditure is kept within the sanctioned estimate. If the
expenditure is likely to exceed the estimate and budget
provision, the University Engineer shall bring this to the notice
of the competent authority and propose revised estimate and
additional provision for the work.
(4) These registers shall be maintained for watching progress of
expenditure on each work undertaken by the University. The
Register of Works will show the amount of the sanctioned
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(b) On receipt of the application for Work Code, the Finance Officer
shall examine the proposal and after ensuring that work is
approved by the competent authority and the funds required
for the execution of the work are available or could be provided
under the Budget Head of Account proposed by the University
Engineer or some other relevant Budget Head of Account,
shall assign work code to the work proposed and indicate the
same in the Endorsement portion of the Work Code Application
Form besides noting the Budget Head of Account under which
the expenditure has to be booked.
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(c) The Finance Officer shall retransmit one copy of the Work
Code Application Form with his endorsement to the University
Engineer, filing the other copy in the relevant file. The relevant
details shall be entered in the Works Module if accounts are
computerized or in a separate Work Code Register in Form
(d) The Finance Officer shall obtain monthly report in ‘Works
Updation Report’ in Form 72 from the University Engineer and
update his works database.
(e) In the monthly Works Updation Report furnished by the University
Engineer, information in respect of works for which Work Orders
/ Letter of Intent are issued, the works for which tender process
has been commenced, the works for which tenders have been
finalized but work orders yet to be issued, works which have
been commenced, works which have been completed during
the month with dates, etc., shall be furnished.
(f) The Finance Officer shall enter the details of payment towards
works in the Works Module or Work Code Register as the case
may be, from his cashbook. The Works Module / Work Code
Register should give a comprehensive picture of the works of the
University, their current status, payments made as on a given
date and the outstanding liability.
(2) Coding of Works
(a) Each work shall be assigned with unique 13 digit alphanumeric
code based on a coding logic. The coding logic shall be as
indicated below:
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(b) The First and Second digits shall indicate the location where
the work is proposed to be executed. Depending on the places
where campuses are located, two Alphabets may be assigned.
For e.g., in Osmania University, there are several constituent
colleges located at different places namely, OU Campus,
Hyderabad, PG Science College, Masab Tank and Nizam
College, Gunfondry. They may be assigned OC, PM and NG
respectively. If the University is located in a single campus,
then the location may be with reference to the premises where
the Departments are situated.
(c) The Third and Fourth digits shall indicate the year in which
the work is approved. For e.g. if the work is approved in the
year 2012-13, this shall be indicated as 13 in the third and
fourth places.
(d) The Fifth digit shall indicate the nature of the work proposed.
That is, whether it is new work – represented by the letter ‘N’ or
an Improvement work-represented by the letter ‘I’ or maintenance
work represented by the letter ‘M’. This will enable management
to easily classify the works as Capital or Revenue Expenditure.
(e) The Sixth, Seventh and Eighth digits shall indicate the key letters
of the Department which is going to be benefited i.e., the
beneficiary Department. For the purposes of easy identification
of the courses of study, the Sixth digit may indicate ‘A’ for Arts
and Humanities faculties, ‘S’ for Science faculties ‘E’ for
Engineering courses, ‘M’ for courses in Medicine, etc.
(f) Ninth digit shall indicate the source from which the expenditure
on that particular work is met out of i.e., State Government
grants-General fund represented by the letter ‘S’, State
Government Development grant represented by ‘D’, Central
Government grant represented by ‘C’, University Grants
Commission’s grants-represented by ‘U’, Own resources
represented by the letter ‘R’ and Other grants represented by
(g) The Tenth and Eleventh digits shall indicate the type of asset
affected by the work proposed i.e., LD-if it affects land BD-if it
involves construction/ improvements/ repairs of buildings PR-
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7) If any Officer of the University has not sent the Annual Stock
Verification Report in Form 81 and the assets value list in
Form 82 within the stipulated time, the Finance Officer shall
not accept the payment of contingent bills of the concerned
college / department / office / project, etc. till the Officer
concerned submits the said reports.
6.9.20 Emergent Purchases.
1) Emergent purchases are permissible under the following
when the material required is crucial,
when material available in stock is not adequate to meet the
immediate requirement,
when the purchase of indented material is not effected due to
procedural delays,
2) The Vice-Chancellor / Executive Council may prescribe the
financial limits up to which the Officers of the University may
make emergent purchases, based on the recommendations of
the Central Purchase Committee.
3) The Vice-Chancellor / Registrar may nominate a team of two
or three members, including at least one member from Central
Purchase Committee, to make emergent purchases. All emergent
purchases made by the team will be duly recorded including the
enquiries made and submit such report to the Vice-Chancellor
/ Registrar.
6.9.21 Review and Disposal of unutilized / unserviceable items.
1) (a) The unutilized items lying in the university have to be
reviewed periodically to examine whether they are still
required for the department for which they have been
purchased. The periodicity of review depends upon the
value of the items -
i) High value items - quarterly
ii) Medium value items - half yearly
iii) Low value items - annually
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(2) The University may, however with the prior approval of the
Executive Council, make suitable arrangements for the award
of prize/medal/scholarship or delivering a lecture, etc., without
exceeding the total income on each Budgeted item.
6.11.7 Release of Funds:
1) The Controller of Examinations shall ascertain from the Finance
Officer the amount available in respect of each of the endowments
instituted for the award of prizes and medals well in advance
of the Convocation. He shall requisition the amount required
for the purchase of prizes and medals preferring an Abstract
Contingent bill supported by a list of prizewinners /medal
winners ensuring that the value of prizes does not exceed the
available amount of each endowment intimated by the Finance
Officer and that in respect of medals it does not exceeds the
aggregate of the interest earned on all endowments of gold
medals put together. The Finance Officer shall release the
fund requisitioned with least delay. The Controller of
Examinations shall ensure that the Detailed Contingent bill is
furnished to the Finance branch within two weeks from the
date of Convocation.
2) Unspent Interest: If in any year, no scholarship, medal or prize
is awarded or lecture delivered, the interest accrued shall be
added to the corpus fund of the endowment. If any amount is
left out after award of the medal/prize/scholarship or
conducting a lecture in a year, the same shall also be added
to the corpus fund.
6.11.8 Annual Accounts of Endowments:
The Finance Branch shall prepare annually a statement showing
the financial position of each endowment.
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5) Apart from the above, the Printing Press shall maintain the
Stock and Issue Account in the prescribed Form 79 in respect
of (a) Paper and other raw material purchased for printing
works, (b) Non-consumable stores and (c) Register of Fixed
Assets (Plant & Machinery) in Form 80.
6) The press in-charge shall raise a bill in Form 91 for the work
done (based on the details entered in the work cost register) for
the Departments of the University and send it to the concerned
Heads Of Departments, in triplicate. The indenting officer shall
countersign the bill with a certificate accepting the debit of
cost of work and to charge it to the budget head of account of
the Department. He shall return two copies of the bill to the
press in-charge, retaining the other copy for his office
reference. The press in-charge shall retain one copy and send
the original copy to the Finance Officer for scrutiny and
7) The press in-charge shall prepare an annual account of
Receipts and Payments of the printing press at the close of
each financial year, and furnish the details of balance value
stock of raw materials, finished books and other productions
and value receivable from the Departments of the University.
He shall send it to the Finance Officer for scrutiny and for
placing it before the Executive Council along with other
accounts of the university.
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Form 1
[Rule 3.7 (1) (a)]
Month & Particulars of T
Salary A Contingencies Others Total
date receipts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Particulars of
Month &
payments / Salary TA Contingencies Others Total
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Form 2
[Rule 3.7 (1) (b)]
Receipt Particulars
Source No. of Total
Sl. Date Opening of books Series Book no. Receipt. no.
No balance no.
receipt received From To From To
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Form 3
[Rule 3.7.1(c)]
Receipt Date of
Receipt Total remittance
Date book no. On what Account*
Collection into
no. Bank
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* Depending on the types of receipts, number of Columns may be provided in this segment.
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that the college has remitted the affiliation fee for all the
years to be covered.
4. The following is the infrastructure required for the colleges:
(i) APSCHE/University norms shall be followed with reference
to Land, Buildings, Staff, Class rooms, Laboratories, Library
(Books), Office Room, Waiting room, Furniture, etc.
(ii) Colleges are not permitted to continue in rental
accommodation for more than 5 years from the date of
establishment. Affiliation shall not be renewed unless the
management shows evidence of starting construction of
buildings on their own land and complete the construction
within the next two years. Colleges which have been in
leased accommodation for more than 5years shall not be
considered for sanction of new courses/additional sections.
(iii) Lab furniture and lab equipment shall be provided as per
the norms of the University.
(iv) Colleges should provide 8000 Sq. Ft. plinth area excluding
accommodation for BCA/PG/PG Diploma courses.
Separate accommodation over and above 8000 Sq.ft.
should be provided for these courses.
(v) Corpus Fund as per norms.
(vi) While granting affiliation for starting a new college
established in a rented accommodation, a condition shall
be stipulated that the college shall move into its own
buildings in their-own land within 5 years from the date of
establishment, failing which introduction of new courses
shall not be permitted.
(vii) All the dues, such as Affiliation fee, IUT fee, Youth Festival
fee, Development/Infrastructure fee, refund of balance
amounts of advances for conducting examinations, etc.,
shall be paid and the same be entered in the Pass Books
of Affiliation Section of the University for considering the
renewal of temporary affiliation for the current year.
(viii) Renewal of temporary affiliation shall be considered on
compliance of the conditions laid down at the time of
starting of the college for those colleges started prior to
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(j) the requisite equipment for Labs with running water facility
(wherever necessary);
(k) adequate facilities like furniture, drinking water, separate
toilets for staff, male students and female students;
(l) adequate facilities on the college campus for indoor and
outdoor games/sports;
(iii) In addition to the above, the college:
(a) shall have fulfilled the conditions prescribed by the earlier
inspection commissions and complied with the instructions/
guidelines issued by the University from time to time;
(b) has not refused to conduct University examinations.
(iv) Instructions to Inspection Commission Members:
Permanent affiliation shall not be recommended unless the
recommendations for temporary affiliations are made subject to
fulfillment of any conditions. The managements have to fulfil all the
conditions before the inspection commission visits the college. The
commissions shall also take into consideration of facilities made available
for co-curricular activities, settlement of dues and accounts and
satisfactory conduct of University examinations, compliance of
University directions, etc., while making their recommendations for
permanent affiliation.
(v) Withdrawal of affiliation:
University reserves the right to withdraw affiliation to colleges which (i)
violate Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University, or (ii)
fail to fulfil the conditions stipulated by the inspection commissions of
the University resulting in poor academic performance of the college
or (iii) loss of viability for all courses run by the college.
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1. AGE
(i) A person shall not be eligible for appointment by direct
recruitment to any of the posts if he/she has not completed
the age of 18 years on the First of July of the year in which the
recruitment is made.
(i) The upper age limit for eligibility for direct recruitment of Non-
Teaching Staff shall be as decided by the Government from time
to time as on the date of notification.
(iii) Age limit in respect of teaching posts shall be as decided by the
University Grants Commission/State Government from time to
(iv) The relaxations in upper age limit granted to reserved categories
by the Government from time to time shall be implemented
mutatis mutandis by the University.
(v) The upper age limit prescribed is not applicable to the internal
candidates who apply for positions notified under direct
recruitment quota.
(vi) The date of birth entered in the service record at the time of
entering into service of a member of the Teaching or Non-Teaching
staff of the University will not be altered subsequently. The change
of date of birth will not be effected as far as the service record is
concerned even though any subsequent change of date of birth
is made in the School or University records due to any judgment
decree or order of a Civil Court.
2. ORDER OF APPOINTMENT: Every appointment of a person to
the University service shall be through an order of appointment
which shall clearly indicate the nature of appointment, scale of
pay, period of probation, etc.
(i) The Executive Council shall appoint members of all services
in the University.
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25th January to 31st January 0 0 7
February to April 0 3 0
st th
1 May to 13 May 0 0 13
Total 0 3 20
(ii) The period commencing on 30 January and ending with 2nd
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iii) A Sunday does not count as a day for computing the period of
six days of preparation but Sundays are included in the period
allowed for the actual journey.
iv) No joining time shall be admissible in cases of temporary transfer
for a period not exceeding 180 days. Only the actual transit time
as admissible in case of journeys on and to may be allowed.
v) A University employee, who does not join his/her post within the
joining time, after being relieved, is not entitled to pay or leave
salary at the end of the joining time.
vi) Willful absence from duty after the expiry of the joining time shall
be treated as misbehavior.
(i) Every year by 30th of September, the seniority lists of employees
of all cadres have to be updated and circulated.
(ii) The seniority of an employee, other than a teacher, in a cadre
shall, unless he/she has been reduced to a lower rank as a
punishment, be determined as per the merit order recommended
by the Selection Committee and approved by the Executive
Council and in the absence of such merit order, as per the seniority
in the previous cadre subject to the rule of reservation and roster
points thereon, wherever needed.
a) If any portion of the service of such employee does not count
towards probation under these rules, the seniority shall be
determined by the date of commencement of his/her service
which counts towards probation.
b) Where the holder of any post in a cadre is reduced to a lower
cadre on a permanent basis as a punishment he/she shall be
placed at the top of the latter cadre. The reduction in rank
shall not affect the right of full membership of an employee.
(iii) For arriving at the seniority of teachers, the following criteria shall
be followed:
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15. TESTS:
(i) The candidates appointed to the posts of Superintendents/
equivalent cadres on or after the introduction of these rules shall
have to pass Accounts Test Part-I for Executive Officers to be
conducted by the A.P. Public Service Commission (APPSC) within
a period of two years from the date of appointment in order to
become eligible for promotion to the post of Assistant Registrar.
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(i) No member of the University service shall be eligible for
promotion from the category of post to which he/she was
appointed unless he/she has satisfactorily completed the period
of probation.
(ii) Promotions to all the posts shall be made on the grounds of merit
and ability, seniority being considered only where merit and ability
are approximately equal. However, the rule of reservation for
SC/ST categories in promotions shall be strictly adhered to.
(iii) The promotees shall be required to report to duty within 15 days
from the date of relief failing which the order of promotion stands
cancelled. However, such an employee will be considered for
future promotions subject to the condition that his/her seniority
in the promotion cadre shall be reckoned from the date of joining
in the promotion post.
(iv) The details of sanctioned cadres/posts, methods of appointment
(i.e., direct recruitment/ promotion/appointment by transfer),
channels of promotion, qualifications, experience, tests to be
passed required for filling up the Non-Teaching Posts of the
University are given at Annexure-IV. The employees can be
promoted to the next cadre as per the channel/qualifications/
experience/passing in tests indicated therein.
(v) The candidature of existing employees possessing the requisite
qualifications and fitting into the particular reservation category
in the temporary roster be taken into consideration, while making
purely temporary/adhoc arrangements for filling up of the
vacancies under direct recruitment quota.
(vi) Automatic Advancement Scheme: The Automatic Advancement
Scheme applicable to Andhra Pradesh State Government
employees shall apply to the Non-Teaching employees of this
University to relieve them from stagnation. The Executive Council
may adopt the Government Orders amending this scheme from
time to time.
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(i) The rules of retirement of Non-teaching staff shall be as
prescribed in the A.P. Revised Pension Rules 1980 as
amended from time to time.
(ii) The rules of retirement of University Teachers shall be as
prescribed in the A.P. Universities Teachers’ Pension Rules 1992
as amended from time to time.
(iii) With reference to the employees, whether Teaching or Non-
Teaching, who are appointed, after 01-09-2004, the Contributory
Pension Scheme prescribed by the A.P. State Government as
amended from time to time shall apply.
(i) The University shall have the right to terminate the appointment
of any permanent employee of the University for reason of want
of vacancy, abolition of post, and such other reasons by giving
notice of three months before the date of termination of
appointment or by paying an amount equal to the salary of three
months without giving any notice:
Provided that, if the termination is effected during the period of
notice of three months the employee shall be paid such pay and
allowances as might be admissible to him/her for the unexpired
portion of the notice of three months.
(ii) It shall be competent for the appointing authority to terminate
the services of any employee of the University, if it is satisfied on
the report of a Medical Board or Medical Officer, as the case may
be, appointed by the appointing authority for the purpose, that
the employee is incapacitated or seriously afflicted with an illness
and he/she is likely to continue to be so incapacitated or ill to be
incapable of discharging his/her duties by reason of such
incapacity or ill health. An employee so discharged from service
of the University shall not be entitled to any damages or
compensation whatsoever. It shall, however, be competent for
the Executive Council to grant a lump sum amount on
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(i) Service during the period of reemployment shall not count for
purposes of increment and Provident Fund. It shall, however,
count for purposes of leave.
(ii) The employee shall be eligible to the pay and allowances drawn
by him on the date of superannuation.
(iii) If the reemployed person draws pension, the remuneration
payable shall not exceed the difference between the emoluments
drawn at the time of retirement and the pension amount he/she
is drawing.
(iv) The Executive Council may also appoint retired teachers on
reemployment basis on consolidated pay or on payment of
honorarium at the rates fixed by it.
7. The Executive Council may fix the remuneration, allowances,
rate of daily wage, etc., as it deems fit in respect of persons working
(teaching and non-teaching) in the University outside the
sanctioned posts on purely temporary basis.
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(iv) Duty leave may be combined with earned leave, half pay leave
or extraordinary leave.
(v) Duty leave must be availed only after obtaining prior approval
from the sanctioning authority.
All regular employees, other than teachers who are declared as vacation
staff, earn leave as indicated below:
(a) The leave account of all regular employees (approved
probationers) should be credited with 30 days earned leave, in
two installments, 15 days each on the 1st January and 1st July
every year. The employees on probation shall be entitled to
Earned Leave at the rate of 8 days for every six months. After
declaration of probation, his/her earned leave will be recast on
par with regular employees with effect from the date of
commencement of probation.
(b) The leave at credit of the employees at the close of the previous
half year shall be carried forward to the next half year subject to
the leave so carried forward plus the credit for that half year shall
not exceed the maximum limit of 300 days in respect of regular
University employees.
(c) The credit afforded under clause (b) shall be reduced by 1/10th of
the period of extra-ordinary leave only availed during the
previous half year subject to a maximum of15 days.
(i) When an employee is appointed on or after 1st January or 1st
July of a year earned leave should be credited to the leave account
at the rate of 2 ½ days for each completed month of service
which he/she is likely to render in the calendar half year in which
he/she is appointed. e.g., if he/she is appointed on 13th March,
the number of completed months of his/her service in that half
year will be 3 and credit will be 3 x 5/2 = 7 ½ days rounded to
8 days. If he/she is appointed on 20th April the number of
completed months will be only 2 and credit will be 2 x 5/2 = 5
Acharya Nagarjuna University Regulations
(ii) The credit for the half year in which an employee is due to
retire or resigns from the service, shall be afforded only at the
rate of 2 ½ days per completed month in that half year up to
the date of retirement or resignation. If in the case of a
University employee who resigns from the service the leave
already availed of is more than the credit so due to him/her,
necessary adjustment should be made in respect of leave
salary overdrawn, if any.
(a) The maximum earned leave that can be granted at any
time shall not exceed 180 days.
(b) Vacation may be availed of in combination with or in
continuation of any kind of leave admissible under these rules.
Total duration of vacation, earned leave and leave on half
pay commuted on medical certificate and/or half pay leave
on private affairs taken in conjunction shall not exceed 180
(a) The half pay leave admissible to an employee on successful
completion of initial probation for each completed year of service
is twenty days. The half pay leave is admissible in respect of
periods spent on duty and on leave including extra-ordinary leave.
(b) The half pay leave due may be granted to any employee on
medical certificate. In the case of permanent employees leave
may be granted on private affairs also. In respect of probationers
half pay leave on medical certificate may be granted after putting
in 2 years of service.
(c) A permanent employee or an approved probationer may be
granted leave on medical certificate for the treatment of
Tuberculosis or Leprosy provided that a medical certificate from
the Medical Officer of a recognised Sanatorium, in the case of
those undergoing treatment in a recognised sanatorium, is
produced. The prospect of returning to duty on the expiry of
the leave should be assessed on the basis of the certificate
given by the appropriate medical authority.
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(ii) When an employee who has been granted leave not due
under this clause applies for permission to retire voluntarily,
the leave not due shall, if the permission is granted, be
cancelled. In such cases the retirement shall have effect from
the date on which such leave commenced. An undertaking
to this effect should therefore be taken from the employee
who avails the leave not due. The question whether an
employee should be called upon to refund the amount of
leave salary should be decided on the merits of each case,
e.g. if the retirement is voluntary, refund should be enforced,
if it is unavoidable by reasons of ill health incapacitating him/
her for further service, no refund need be insisted upon.
(iii) When leave not due is granted to an employee under the
above rule and he/she applies for permission to retire
voluntarily or resigns of his/her own volition at any time after
returning to duty, the question of refund of leave salary in
respect of leave not due already availed before return to duty
shall, to the extent it has not been subsequently wiped off, be
treated in the same way as laid down in the preceding
(iv) In cases where an employee is compulsorily retired from
service as a measure of penalty under Discipline and Appeal
Rules of the University, the recovery need not be insisted
(A) Extraordinary leave on loss of pay may be granted to a permanent
employee in special circumstances:
(i) When no other leave is admissible under these rules, or
(ii) When other leave being admissible, the employee
concerned applies in writing for the grant of extraordinary
leave. Such leave is not debited against the leave account.
No leave salary is admissible during such leave.
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ii. Such leave shall not ordinarily be granted unless the disability
manifested itself within three months of the occurrence to which
it is attributed, and the person disabled acted with due
promptitude in bringing it to notice.
iii. The period of leave granted shall be such as is certified by the
University Medical Officer or other qualified Doctor appointed
ad hoc by the Vice-Chancellor for the purpose to be necessary.
It shall not be extended except on the certificate of the said Medical
officer or Doctor as the case may be and shall in no case exceed
24 months.
iv. Such leave may be combined with leave of any other kind.
v. Such leave may be granted more than once if the disability is
aggravated or reproduced in similar circumstances at a later date,
but not more than 24 months of such leave shall be granted in
consequence of any one disability.
vi. Such leave shall not be debited against the leave account.
vii. Leave salary during such leave shall be equal:
(a) For the first four months of any period of such leave including
a period of such leave granted under clause (v) of this rule,
to full pay and
(b) For the remaining period of any such leave, to half pay, or at
the University employee’s option, for a period not exceeding
the period of full pay which would otherwise be admissible
to him, to full pay.
(a) A University employee who has been granted leave on medical
certificate shall be asked to produce a certificate of physical fitness
before he/she returns to duty by the Head of the Office where
he/she joins duty. A similar certificate may be required in the
case of any University employee who has been granted leave for
reasons of health, even though such leave was not actually granted
on medical certificate.
(b) When the leave applied for is on medical certificate, the certificate
shall be from a Gazetted Medical Officer or University Medical
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The University may provide residential quarters on the campus for different
categories of employees for their residence in the University campus on
payment of rent as may be fixed by the Executive Council from time to time.
Some officers/employees of the University, whose presence on the campus
is considered necessary, may be provided with quarters on such concessional
terms as decided by the Executive Council. The employees residing in the
University quarters shall not be entitled to House Rent Allowance.
The University shall sanction certain advances and loans to the staff like
Marriage Advance, Festival Advance, Education Advance, etc., as per the
relevant G.Os passed by Government of Andhra Pradesh from time to time
meeting the expenditure from the General Fund Account of the University.
The following types of loans may be extended to the employees of the
University meeting the expenditure by constituting a corpus fund from the
general funds of the University administering the scheme as per the terms
and conditions stipulated by the Executive Council from time to time:
a. Personal Loan
b. Vehicle Loan
c. Education Loan
d. Housing Loan
e. Medical Loan
The details of these schemes are available in the Regulations on Finance.
Acharya Nagarjuna University Regulations
This form is to be used by every candidate who is required by Acharya Nagarjuna
University to produce a certificate of physical fitness. It must be signed by the
University Medical Officer or any other qualified Doctor appointed for the purpose
by the Vice-Chancellor.
Name and Rank of the Officer granting the certificate:
I do hereby certify that I have examined (full name) _____________________
_________________________, a candidate for employment under Acharya
Nagarjuna University in the ________________________ service as
_____________ and cannot discover that he/she has any disease, constitutional
affection or bodily infirmity except that his/her weight is in excess/below of the
standard prescribed.
I do/do not consider this a disqualification for the employment he/she
I also certify that he/she has marks of small pox vaccination
Chest measurement in centimeters on full inspiration:
on full expiration:
Chest measurement in centimeters ________________________
Difference Expansion
Cms. Cms.
Weight in Kgs._______
His/her vision is normal.
(Here enter the degree of defect and the strength of correction glasses)
(Here enter the degree of defect and the strength of correction glasses)
Astigmatic (simple or mixed)_____________________________________
(Here enter the degree of defect and the strength of correction glasses)
Hearing is normal/defective (much or slight)
Urine – Does Chemical examination show (i) albumin, (ii) sugar-state specific
Personal Identification Marks: 1.
(at least two should be mentioned) 2.
Acharya Nagarjuna University Regulations
The candidate must make the statement required below prior to his/her
medical examination and must sign the declaration given below in the presence
of the Medical Officer. His/her attention is specially directed to the warning
contained in the note below:
1. State your name in full:
2. State your date of birth, age and place of birth:
3. a) Have you ever had Small pox, intermittent or any other Fever,
enlargement or Suppuration of Glands, Spitting of blood, Asthma,
Inflammation of Lungs, Heart disease, Fainting attacks,
Rheumatism, Appendicitis?
b) Suffered from any other disease or accident requiring confinement
to bed and medical or surgical treatment?
c) Suffered from any illness, wound or injuries sustained while on
active service during war?
4. When were you last vaccinated ?
5. Have you or any of your near relations been afflicted with consumption,
scrofula, gout, asthma, fits, epilepsy or insanity?
6. Have you suffered from any form of nervousness due to over work or
any other cause?
7. Have you been examined and declared unfit for Government service
by a Medical Officer/Medical Board, within the last three years (to be
filled in only in the case of candidates for subordinate services).
Acharya Nagarjuna University Regulations
I declare all the above answers to be, to the best of my belief, true and
correct. I also solemnly affirm that I have not received a disability certificate
pension on account of any disease or other condition.
Candidate’s Signature
Signed in my presence
Signature of Medical Officer
Note: The candidate will be held responsible for the accuracy of the above
statement. By willfully suppressing any information he/she will incur
the risk of losing the appointment and, if appointed, all claims relating
to salary and superannuation benefits are liable to be forfeited.
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NOTE: 1. Eligible internal candidates can apply for appointment to direct recruitment posts.
2. For the qualifications specified against the above posts, their equivalent qualifications from recognized Universities/
Institutions can also be accepted.
3. The Executive Council is the competent authority to create provision for appointment by transfer for any direct recruitment
posts shown above keeping in view the exigencies of work. This cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Any appointment by
transfer shall be subject to availability of vacancy, possessing of qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment and following
the rule of reservation. The service in the previous cadre will count for seniority in the present cadre.
Acharya Nagarjuna University Regulations
1. The Chairperson of the Selection Committee shall preside at the
meeting of the Committee. The absence of any member of the
Selection Committee at its meeting shall not invalidate the
proceedings of the Committee. In case of absence of the
Chairperson the Vice-Chancellor shall decide as to who shall
preside over the meeting.
2. The Committee shall ordinarily consist of five numbers. In that
case, the quorum for a meeting of the Selection Committee
shall be three members which shall include the external member
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, if any.
3. A member of the Selection Committee shall not participate in
the meeting of the Selection Committee if he/she is a near relative
of a candidate for appointment to any post for which selection is
4. The Selection Committee shall record the criteria followed in
recommending the candidates. The recommendation shall be
made on the basis of relevant material record placed before it, in
addition to the candidate’s performance in the written test and
interview in respect of direct recruitment posts. The selection to
posts on promotion shall be made on grounds of merit and ability,
seniority being considered where merit and ability are
approximately equal.
5. In respect of the direct recruitment category, the aggregate marks
prescribed for the written test and performance at the interview
shall be 75% and 25% respectively. The details of candidates
shall be prepared in the proforma attached and placed before
the Committee.
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1. Name of the Branch/Department/Office:
2. Name and Designation of the members of the Selection
Name Designation
3. Post to which direct recruitment/promotion is to be made:
Branch / Category No.of posts in the category
No. of vacancies to be filled
Dept./ Direct Promotion Direct
Office Recruitment
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4. The party of the first part shall, during the period of this
agreement, earn leave according to the rules applicable to
5. If the party of the first part is required to travel in the interest
of the University Service, he/she shall be entitled to travelling
allowance as per University Travelling Allowance Rules on the
scale applicable to his/her grade.
6. The party of the first part may by resignation terminate his/her
services by giving 3 months notice or on payment of salary in
lieu of notice.
7. In regard to any matter in respect of which no provision has
been made in this agreement, the provisions of the rules made
or deemed to have been made, the provisions of any Act or rule
made by the University in regard to the employee’s borne category
of (Designation) and in subsequent promotions/
appointments in the University service shall apply to the extent
to which they are applicable to the service of the party of the first
part under this agreement and the decision of the University as
to their applicability shall be final.
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