SCIENCE Q3 Assessment and Performance
SCIENCE Q3 Assessment and Performance
SCIENCE Q3 Assessment and Performance
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Prepared by: JUCEL B. CASTOLO- (SUBJECT TEACHER) At the back are the options of your performance
NAME: ______________________________ SECTION:___________________
SUBJECT: SCIENCE 7 Q3 SCORE: ______________________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE: _________
Choose from the different options below for your performance task (If you want to do 2-3 tasks, MUCH
BETTER) Please Check (/) what option/s you want to do for your Performance Task.
OPTION 2 HEAT TRANSFER .Directions: Identify examples of situations or activities that can be observed in
your own house and surroundings involving
the methods of heat transfer. Draw and
explain briefly why it is important to you and
your family. Fill the format below..
1. Does increasing the number of rubber band affect the pitch produced in the sounding box? How?
Write your answers in the box below:
2. Compare the sound produced using 4 rubber bands with and without the bridge/stick in place. What change
does the stick make on the sound produced? Write your answers in the box below: