Machines Simulator Instruction Guide
Machines Simulator Instruction Guide
Machines Simulator Instruction Guide
Machines Simulator
Machines Simulator
Minimum Requirements
EasyPLC Configuration
Start Menu
Keyboard Layout
PLC Status
Predefined System 1:
Conveyor Machine 1
Predefined System 2:
Conveyor Machine 2
Predefined System 3:
Predefined System 4:
Automatic Gantry Machine
Machines Simulator for EasyPLC.
Machines Simulator
Download the Machines Simulator unregistered version form Web Site and follow
the installer instructions:
Machines Simulator
Minimum Requirements
EasyPLC Configuration
EasyPLC needs a special configuration to be able to work with Machines Simulation, by default when EasyPLC is installed this
configuration is present.
Select form EasyPLC menu: Configure -> Preferences -> Miscellaneous Option -> check the Enable communication with
Machines Simulator Software option.
Select from EasyPLC menu: Configure -> I/O Hardware -> Interface Simulated Tab -> check the Enable Simulated Driver option.
Machines Simulator
EasyPLC Configuration
When Machines Simulator is launched, a start menu appears, the following options are available:
Machines Simulator
To move for the menu items you must use the cursor arrows keys, to select an option press Enter key.
Run Machine
The registered version has available eight different systems where you can check your programming skill.
The unregistered version has only four systems available.
Each system has an objective and a difficult level, of course this systems can be programmed of thousand
ways, and you can find other objectives that the proposed, in order to have a lot of problems to solve.
Here you have a tool to practice your programming knowledge, or to test PLC programs before to be loaded
in the final system to avoid errors or mechanical damages.
Machines Simulator
Keyboard Layout
Keyboard usage:
• Key W: move camera forward
• Key S: move camera backward
• Key A: move camera to left
• Key D: move camera to right
• Up Arrow: move camera up
• Down Arrow: move camera down
• Right Arrow: rotate camera to right
• Left Arrow: rotate camera to left
• Space Key: press space to view the inputs and outputs assignments to the sensors/actuators located in the
• F5 Key: toggle from windowed screen to full screen
• Escape Key: exits from current machine.
Use the mouse to move free for the 3D word, pressing the right button, you will move the camera to left-right, up-down and
combining with the W,S,A,D keys you will be able to move in a fly style camera.
When an object that can be moved by the user appears, the mouse cursor will change, showing a red circle, pressing the
left button the object can be moved by the user to interact with the system.
Machines Simulator
PLC Status:
When a machine is loaded, in the bottom left side of the screen appears a red or green circle. This led has the function to
inform about the current state of the PLC. If EasyPLC is in RUN Mode, this is, that is executing the logic program the led
appears in green color, if is in STOP mode, the logic program is not executing, then the led is red.
Machines Simulator
The first predefined machine is a conveyor system. Three different kinds of boxes loaded in pallets arrived from to lines, there is one
camera located in each input line that read a label on the boxes, and there is a turn table that must to distribute these boxes in two
output lines in function of the box type. The pallet boxes arrive when the input conveyors rollers are connected.
This system has: four conveyor lines with one electric motor for each one, inductive switches to detect the pallets positions, mechanical
stops to stop the pallets, two cameras to read the boxes code, one turn table to distribute the boxes, one beacon light to inform about
the status of the system. In total this system uses 19 PLC Inputs and 23 PLC Outputs (Press Space key on the machine to view the I/O
You must make a program to send the pallet boxes to the outputs lines respecting this rule:
• Type 1 and 2 pallet boxes must be out for line number 1.
• Type 3 pallet boxes must be out for line number 2.
Each output line has an alarm system, if a non correct box comes into, the alarm is activated. And this means that you must to review
your program!
Make a program that allows to work in Automatic or Manual mode, if Manual mode is selected, the operators can manage the elements
manually to move the pallets to the exit, and if is in Automatic mode the pallets will be send to the output lines automatically. Use the
beacon lights to inform about the state of the program and the system, for example red light to errors, green light to automatic mode
and yellow to manual.
Remember to make a good control error system; if there is some error, the system must to recover in an easy way.
Machines Simulator
System Items
Machines Simulator
The conveyor element has the transportation function, each one uses two PLC outputs, for example the conveyor 1 form Machine 1
uses output 5 to advance and output 6 to reverse.
The mechanical stop element must to stop the pallets, uses one PLC
output, when is active the stop is up and stops the pallets if the output is
off the stop is in down position and allows to pass pallets.
Mechanical Stop
The inductive switches actives a PLC input when an object is detected in the
inductive field of work. This elements are used to detect when a pallet are in a
determinate area.
Inductive Switch
The Camera is used to read the pallet boxes type. Uses one PLC output and three PLC inputs. When a
pallet box is in read position, the PLC must set the Start_Cycle output to the camera, then the camera
start to work, when the camera recognize the box type actives one of the three output, if no box are
recognize none of the outputs will be active. Note: you could use a timer to wait for the camera
response, if the timer has been actived and no response from the camera is present then a camera
error has been produced.
Camera ciclogram:
Machines Simulator
Turn Table
In this system the turn table has the main importance. To manage this item is needed five inputs and six outputs.
PLC Inputs:
• Photocell Input: active when a pallet box is in front of, you must use this input to stop the table rollers.
• Table in Position 0º: an inductive switch active when the table exit direction is in 0 degrees position (faced to output line 1).
• Table in Position 90º: an inductive switch active when the table exit direction is in 90 degrees position (faced to output line 2).
• Table in Position 180º: an inductive switch active when the table exit direction is in 180 degrees position (faced to input line 1).
• Table in Position 270º: an inductive switch active when the table exit direction is in 270 degrees position (faced to input line 2).
PLC Outputs:
• Table advance: if is active the rollers are connected and the pallet will move forwards.
• Table to position 0º: if is active the table will rotate to position 0 degrees (faced to output line 1).
• Table to position 90º: if is active the table will rotate to position 90 degrees (faced to output line 2).
• Table to position 180º: if is active the table will rotate to position 180 degrees (faced to input line 1).
• Table to position 270º: if is active the table will rotate to position 270 degrees (faced to input line 2).
• Table clockwise: if is active the table will rotate in clockwise sense.
Machines Simulator
Automatism Description
For this first machine an explication about the automatism cycle are going to be described. For the next ones you must decide it by
First of all you must connect the conveyor rollers to allow the pallets entrance, when a pallet is incoming to line 1 and is detected by the
inductive switch number 1, the stop1 must to be active to stop the pallet, also the stop2 must to be active to avoid that other pallet hit it,
and disturb the camera reading, you can disconnect the conveyor roller if don’t you want others pallets are incoming. Once the pallet is
stopped between stops 1 and 2, the PLC must to active the Start_Cycle output to the camera, when the camera ends active the plc
inputs to inform about the pallet box type.
This same procedure must be done for input line 2.
Then the turn table must to search what input line has a pallet to leave, when some is detected, the turn table will request the pallet to
the ready line, remember that you must program an algorithm to take pallets from the two lines in an alternate way, to avoid that one
line is always waiting that the other will be empty.
When a pallet is ready to leave the camera reading position, the stop1 and stop2 must to be disconnect to allow the pallet transit, then
the conveyors and turn table rollers must to be connected. When the pallet arrives to the turn table photocell, the rollers must to be
disconnected, and the table must go to the download position, output line 1 or 2, in function of the previous camera reading, when the
turn table has arrived, the rollers must to be connected to allow the pallet exit, when the inductive switch present on the output lines will
pass the transition ON/OFF we know that the pallet is out from turn table and then the table can go for other pallet.
Machines Simulator
Machine 1 settings
Some system settings can be changed, like the boxes type or the frequency pallets input time for each line. This way you can test if
your logic programs works ok in all conditions without have to wait till is produced.
To do it, change the machine1.ini file located in the installation folder Machines Simulator\Content\Mach1
The ini file has the followings fields:
Machines Simulator
The second predefined machine is an automatic container filling system. Empty containers must be filled with filling machines, and must
be released with an elevator when are filled.
This system has the followings items:
• Two elevators.
• Eight conveyor lines with one electric motor for each one.
• Six distribution tables, each one has:
• four inductive switches to detect the containers positions.
• four mechanical stops.
• two electric motor to move the rollers in two different directions.
• Four inductive switches located in the system to detect:
1. Container out form elevator entry.
2. Container inside filling machine 1.
3. Container inside filling machine 2.
4. Container inside exit elevator.
• One beacon light to inform about the status of the system.
In total this system uses 35 PLC Inputs and 77 PLC Outputs (Press Space key on the machine to view the I/O assignment).
Machines Simulator
System Items
Some elements are the same that the previous machine, lets see the new ones:
The elevator use two PLC inputs and three PLC outputs.
PLC Inputs:
• Elevator in Upper Position.
• Elevator in Lower Position.
PLC Outputs:
• Move rollers.
• Elevator goes up position.
• Elevator goes down position.
Machines Simulator
The distribution tables are one of the most important elements of this
system, if you don’t program correctly this item the containers will not
move correctly. This item uses four PLC Inputs and eight PLC Outputs:
The four PLC Inputs are the inductive switches located on the table:
• Switch north: active when the container is in north position.
• Switch south: active when the container is in south position.
• Switch east: active when the container is in east position.
• Switch west: active when the container is in west position.
PLC Outputs:
• Stop north: if is active the stop located in the north position is up
• Stop south: if is active the stop located in the south position is up
• Stop east: if is active the stop located in the east position is up
• Stop west: if is active the stop located in the west position is up
• Move rollers in X axis forward
Distribution Table
• Move rollers in X axis backward
• Move rollers in Z axis forward
• Move rollers in Z axis backward
When the containers arrive to the distribution tables need to be guided, therefore use the stops to stop the containers, and to guide
the containers when they are going to arrived or to left the table (use the switches no know the container positions).
The filling machine is used to fill the containers, uses one PLC output and one
PLC inputs. When a container is correct position (read inductive switch) the PLC
must set the Start_Cycle output to the machine, take note that the container must
be stopped, the PLC must active the mechanical stop before start the cycle, then
the machine start to work, when the machine ends the work actives the End_Work
output. If there isn’t any container on the machine and the PLC actives the
Start_Cycle signal to the filling machine, the machine will be in error and the red
beacon light will be active.
Filling Machine
Machines Simulator
Machine 2 settings
It’s possible to change the filling machines cycle time, to do it, change the machine2.ini file located in the installation folder Machines
The ini file has the followings fields:
CicleTime=10 (Cycle time in seconds for machine 1)
CicleTime=10 (Cycle time in seconds for machine 2)
Machines Simulator
The third predefined machine is an elevator. This system has one electric motor (this motor can work in two senses and with two
different speeds), thirteen proximity switches and six push buttons. In total this system uses 18 PLC Inputs and 4 PLC Outputs (Press
Space key on the machine to view the I/O assignment).
You must make a program to manage the elevator, pay attention to the proximity switches located in each floor, the floor 0 and the 4
has two switches, the floors 1,2 and 3 has three. The function of this switches is to detect when the elevator pass over them, then we
can change the motor speed when the elevator is near to the stop position.
Your program must manage the elevator in this way:
• When the elevator is called or is send to some floor must go in fast speed, when the cabin is near the stop position, must
change to slow position.
• If the elevator is going to some floor and some user press the calling push buttons, don’t must modify the current target floor
(for a high programming level try to make a elevator with memory, that remember the last calls).
System Items
The push button actives a PLC input when is pressed with the Mouse left button.
Proximity Switch
Machines Simulator
The fourth predefined machine is an automatic gantry. Nine different kinds of boxes arrived from two conveyor belt, there is one
scanner that reads the boxes type, a gantry is used to take the boxes and move around the machine and there are three output
conveyor belts that only accept a determinate kind of boxes. The boxes arrive when the input conveyors are connected.
This system has: five distribution lines with one electric motor for each one, five photocells to detect the boxes positions, one scanner,
one gantry with three axes (X-Y-Z) and one beacon light to inform about the status of the system.
In total this system uses 12 PLC Inputs and 16 PLC Outputs (Press Space key on the machine to view the I/O assignment).
Machines Simulator
The next program you must do is the same as previous objective but with a new target:
• Take boxes from the container located at the end of conveyor belt 2. To do it, first you must fill the container connecting the
conveyor. With the photocell, count the number of boxes that are inside the container and stop line 2 when there are a
determinate number of boxes (count how many fit without overflow).
You must make a routine to search boxes inside the container, the gantry will carry out a path along the container, when a box is
detected the gantry will take it and discount from the total boxes in container counter. When reaches zero, the container can be filled
System Items
The conveyor belt uses one PLC output, when the output is active the belt is connected and
provides new boxes.
Conveyor Belt
The Photocell sensor actives a PLC input when an object cross the invisible light ray. This
element is used in this machine to detect when a box is in a determinate Conveyor belt
Photocell sensor
Scan Area
The Scanner is used to determine the box type. The gantry must to let the box in the scan area
and must to retire to let the scanner work. When the scanner finish the work informs to the
Scanner PLC about the box type.
The scanner uses one PLC output and five PLC inputs.
PLC Outputs:
• Start_Cyle: when the gantry has released the box in the scan area, the PLC must
active this output, then the scanner will start to scan the box.
PLC Inputs:
• End_Cyle: When the scanner ends the scan informs to the PLC activating this signal.
• Type_Bit1, Type_Bit2, Type_Bit4, Type_Bit8 : this four outputs are the result of the
scanned box. The results are given in binary code. See the following table to view the
results table.
Machines Simulator
When the scanner is scanning a box, the screen change to indicate that is working.
Machines Simulator
Machines Simulator
The gantry is a transportation system that moves in three dimensions: width (axis
X), height (axis Z) and up/down (axis Y).
The function of this system is to transport boxes from different locations, to do it, an
electromagnet is used, when is connected, takes the boxes and transport them,
when is disconnected releases the boxes.
The gantry has three electrical motors to move each axis.
Till now we are used only digital inputs and outputs to communicate between the
Y PLC and the machines, but to use this system we need use a new tool, the PLC
data stack.
When we want to send the different axis values to move the gantry, we must to
Z modify the data stack elements used by the gantry; there are the data elements
liked between the PLC and the gantry:
• Data number 1: amount of movement of axis X in jog mode.
• Data number 2: amount of movement of axis Z in jog mode.
• Data number 3: amount of movement of axis Y in jog mode.
• Data number 4: destination position of axis X.
• Data number 5: destination position of axis Z.
• Data number 6: destination position of axis Y.
And there are the data elements liked between the gantry and the PLC:
• Data number 7: current position of axis X.
• Data number 8: current position of axis Z.
• Data number 9: current position of axis Y.
Changing the data value sign the axis will change the direction.
Once the axis is placed in the correct point, you must see the data stack values of elements 7, 8 and 9 where is stored the axis positions. Each
electrical axis motor has an encoder, this is an electronic device that reads the axis position and gives the value to the PLC.
Example: to move the X gantry axis a small quantity when the user presses the L or K keys we can something do like this:
Machines Simulator
Pressing Key L, data stack number 1 is equal to -6, then we active output number 10, the gantry will move the X axis a small quantity of
movement to the left. If we release the L key the axis will stop.
Pressing Key K data stack 1 is equal to 6 and we active output 10, the gantry will move X axis to the right.
Normal mode
When we want to move the gantry to a determinate position we must use this mode.
To move the axis in normal mode, we need to set a value in the data linked to the axis and activate a PLC output, then the axis will move to the
position given by the data stack element. The outputs used are:
• Output 13: when is active the X axis will move to the position set in PLC data stack number 4
• Output 14: when is active the Z axis will move to the position set in PLC data stack number 5
• Output 15: when is active the Y axis will move to the position set in PLC data stack number 6
To verify that the gantry has arrived to the correct position we can read the PLC data stack elements 7, 8 and 9 to check that the values are the
Example: we are going to move the three gantry axis to a determinate position when user press P key:
Machines Simulator
Gantry Electromagnet
To be able to take the boxes, the gantry has an electromagnet, when this device is connected hold the boxes and when is disconnected
releases it.
This device has also an inductive switch incorporated, when a box is detected in the electromagnet a PLC
input is activated, this way we know a box is present in the magnet.
Therefore the PLC signals to manage the electromagnet are:
• PLC Output 9: when this output is active, the electromagnet is connected, then if a box is near the
magnet will be trapped.
• PLC Input 3: if a box is touching the magnet this input is connected, this way we know the magnet
has a box.
Machine 4 settings
Some system settings can be changed, like the boxes frequency apparition for each line or the scanner
cycle time. This way you can test if your logic programs works ok in all conditions without have to wait till is
produced. Electromagnet
To do it, change the machine4.ini file located in the installation folder Machines Simulator\Content\Mach4
The ini file has the followings fields:
PartFrequency=5 (frequency time a box appears in input conveyor belt 1 (if is connected))
PartFrequency=3 (frequency time a box appears in input conveyor belt 2 (if is connected))
CicleTime=5 (Scanner cycle time, this is the time the scanner takes to scan a box (in seconds))
Machines Simulator
I hope you enjoy Machines Simulator!
If you have some question or doubt, please email me to:
Valencia / Spain
Machines Simulator