CS Paper 2 Notes Modify 2020
CS Paper 2 Notes Modify 2020
CS Paper 2 Notes Modify 2020
Q1) What is the microprocessor? What are the functions performed by the microprocessor?
Microprocessor definition:
a) Microprocessor is same like CPU of the microcomputer.
b) Microprocessor is register based clock driven electronic device.
c) Microprocessor is a semiconductor, multipurpose, programmable logic device that reads binary
instructions from a storage device called as memory and accepts binary data as i/p and processes that
data according to the instructions then provides result as o/p.
d) Microprocessor can also viewed as integrated circuit because it have the processing capabilities of large
computers, which also performs various computing functions and making decisions to change the
sequence of program execution.
Functions performed by the microprocessor:
The following are the different functions performed by the microprocessor during the execution
of its process :
a) The microprocessor fetches, decode and execute instruction.
fetching operation: In this operation microprocessor reads op-code of the instruction and stores
instruction op-code in instruction register.
decode : In this operation microprocessor decodes an instruction that means it interprets what the op-
code i.e. operation performed during execution and what operated data being used for operation etc.
execute: In this operation microprocessor executes the given instruction that means it executes the
fetched instruction.
b) Microprocessor transfer data from one block to another block.
e.g. Many such type instructions are provided by microprocessor itself.
Microprocessor transfers data from one block to different I/O lines.
e.g .Many I/O instructions are provided by microprocessor such as
IN, OUT, SIM, RIM etc.
c) Microprocessor gives the proper response to different externally produced interrupts according to their
priority. Such as mentioned follows:
d) Microprocessor provides the necessary control and timing signals to the whole system according to the
Q2) What are the features provided by 8085 microprocessor?
Silent features of Intel 8085 microprocessor:
The main features of microprocessor of 8085 are as listed below:
1) It is a 8-bit microprocessor i.e. 8085 microprocessor can reads or writes or performs arithmetic and
logical operations on only 8-bit data at a time. It is designed by NMOS technology.
2) 8085 microprocessor requires a single +5 Volt D.C. power supply.
3) 8085 microprocessor have contains maximum clock frequency upto 3 MHz and minimum clock
frequency is upto 500 KHz.
4) 8085 microprocessor has 16 address lines because the width of address bus of microprocessor is 16-bit.
So this type processor can accesses 216 =65536=64KB of memory.
The functional block diagram of 8085 microprocessor includes following types of functional
units of block which performs its own functions during executions:
1. ALU organization ( ALU unit ) 2) Several registers or register array 3) Instruction register
4) Instruction Decoder 5) Timing and control signals 6) Interrupting control signals
7) Serial I/O Controls 8) 8-bit Internal Bus 9) Address Buffer 10) Data/Address Buffer
Bit Number––––––> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Flag Name ––––––>
1) S: Sign Flag
1) Sign Flag ( S ) : - 2) Z: Zero Flag
After execution of arithmetic and logic operation, if the most 3) AC: Auxiliary Flag
significant bit of the result is 1 then the sign flag is set to 1 otherwise it 4) P : Parity Flag
is 0. If S=1 then this flag determines the result operation is negative i.e 5) CY : Carry Flag
6) X : undefined/don’t care
number is negative. If S=0 then this flag determines the result of flag
operation is positive i.e. number is positive.
2) Zero Flag ( Z ) :-
After execution of arithmetic and logic operation, if the result is 0 i.e. Accumulator ( A register )
contains result 0 then the zero flag is set to 1 otherwise it is 0. If Z=1 then this flag determines the
result operation is Zero i.e number is zero. If Z=0 then this flag determines the result of operation is
non zero i.e. number non zero..
3) Auxiliary Carry ( AC ) : -
In arithmetic/logic operation, when carry is generated from bit 3 to bit 4 then auxiliary carry flag
is set to 1 otherwise it is zero. If AC=1 then this flag determines the carry is generated from bit 3 to bit 4
in BCD operation. If AC=0 then this flag determines the carry is not generated from bit 3 to bit 4 in
BCD operation.
4) Parity Flag ( P ) :-
After execution of arithmetic/logic operation if Accumulator i.e. A register contains number of
1‟s is in Even then Parity Flag is set to 1 and if it contains number of 1‟s is in odd then parity flag reset
i.e. 0. If P=1 then this flag determines the result operation is Even i.e number is even. If P=0 then this
flag determines the result of operation is odd i.e. number odd..
5) Carry Flag ( CY ) ;-
If carry(borrow in subtraction) is produced at 9th bit in arithmetic/logic Operation then Carry
flag set to 1 otherwise it is reset. If CY=1 then this flag determines the result operation is 9 bit i.e if
CY=0 then this flag determines the result of operation is 8-bit.
Uses of Flag in ALU operation:
1) Sign Flag ( S) : It is used for determining sign of number i.e. positive or negative. If S=1 then
–ve if S=0 then +ve.
2) Zero Flag ( Z ) : - It is used for determining result is zero or non zero If Z=1 then ACC
(A register) = 0 if Z =0 then ACC ( A register ) = non zero number.
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3) Auxiliary Carry flag ( AC ) :- It is used for determining carry is generated from bit 3 to bit 4 in
BCD operation i.e. BCD arithmetic only. If AC =1 then carry is generated from bit 3 to bit 4 if AC=0
then carry is not generated from bit 3 to bit 4.
4) Parity Flag ( P ) : - It is used for determining number is even or odd. If in result number of 1‟s
is even then P=1 and if in result number of 1‟s is odd then P=0
5) Carry Flag ( CY ): It is used for determining carry is generated at bit number 9th or not. In
arithmetic operation carry is produced that is 8-bit number produced as 9th bit number then carry flag is
set i.e. result is generated as 9th bit otherwise it reset.
Q6) Defines the following terms with suitable diagram:
a) Instruction Cycle b) Machine Cycle c) T-State
a) Instruction Cycle : -
Instruction Cycle is a collection of machine cycles i.e. number of machine cycles forms an
instruction cycle. So that an instruction cycle is defined as the time required to complete the execution
of an instruction”. The 8085 microprocessor instruction cycle consists of min 1 and max.5 machine
cycles into one instruction cycle.
b) Machine Cycle :-
Machine Cycle is a collection of T-State i.e. clock periods. So that machine cycle is defined as
the time required to complete any operation of accessing either memory or I/O which is the subpart of
an instruction”. The 8085 microprocessor machine cycle consists of min. 3 and max. 6 T-states into one
machine cycle.
c) T-State:-
T-State is subdivision of an operation, which is performed in one clock period is called as T-
Q7) What are I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O schemes? Which one 8085 uses?
OR Write a note on addressing of I/O devices?
Microprocessor is connected to various other devices such as memory and I/O devices. There
are two schemes by which these devices can be addressed.
i) Memory mapped I/O scheme :-
a) In this addressing scheme same address may not be used for I/O devices as well as for memory
b) This scheme has highest priority for I/O device addressing. When this is selected then
there is no corresponding information for memory location on address bus.
S/W interrupt or S/W Call location or vector location or branching location or fixed location
interrupt Instructions
RST 0 0 x 8 = 0000 H ( in hexadecimal )
RST 1 1 X 8 = 0008 H ( in hexadecimal )
RST 2 2 X 8 = 0010 H ( in hexadecimal )
RST 3 3 X 8 = 0018 H ( in hexadecimal )
RST 4 4 X 8 = 0020 H ( in hexadecimal )
RST 5 5 X 8 = 0028 H ( in hexadecimal )
RST 6 6 X 8 = 0030 H ( in hexadecimal )
RST 7 7 X 8 = 0038 H ( in hexadecimal )
2. H/W interrupts :
Those interrupts which are initiated or executed through h/w(s) or peripherals or external
devices, that interrupts are called as h/w interrupts.
After execution of H/W interrupts program counter is not incremented. The microprocessor
executes interrupt acknowledged cycle to identify which type of hw interrupt is initiated.
Q11) List H/W interrupts according to their priority and branching/vector address?
The following table shows the priority of H/W interrupts according to highest to lowest as well as
it shows its respective vector address or branching address when it goes to execute or initiates:
7) e.g H/W interrupts such as TRAP and INTR are 7) e.g. H/W interrupts such as RST 7.5, RST
non maskable interrupts. Similarly all S/W 6.5, RST 5.5 are maskable interrupts. No any
interrupts are non maskable interrupts. one of s/w interrupts as maskable interrupts i.e.
all s/w interrupts are non-maskable.
Q13) List S/W interrupts according to their priority and branching/vector address?
The following table shows the priority of S/W interrupts according to highest to lowest as well as
it shows its respective vector address or branching address when it goes to execute or initiates:
S/W Vector address/Branching address Priority of H/W interrupt
RST 0 0 x 8 = 0000 H ( in hexadecimal ) Highest priority- 1st priority
RST 1 1 X 8 = 0008 H ( in hexadecimal ) Second Priority
RST 2 2 X 8 = 0010 H ( in hexadecimal ) Third Priority
RST 3 3 X 8 = 0018 H ( in hexadecimal ) Fourth Priority
RST 4 4 X 8 = 0020 H ( in hexadecimal ) Fifth Priority
RST 5 5 X 8 = 0028 H ( in hexadecimal ) Sixth Priority
RST 6 6 X 8 = 0030 H ( in hexadecimal ) Seventh Priority
RST 7 7 X 8 = 0038 H ( in hexadecimal ) Lowest priority- 8th priority
Status Pins
1) ALE : Address Latch Enable
a) This is an output signal which used to informs that the content on AD0-AD7 lines is lower order 8-bit
address of 16 bit address when ALE goes high state.
b) When ALE is in LOW state i.e. ALE=0 then it indicates the content on AD0-AD7 lines is 8-bit data.
c) ALE signal is used to separates address signals from the data signals i.e. A0-A7 and D0-D7 from AD0-AD7.
2) : ( Read )
a) This is an active low output control signal used to reads data from memory or I/O device and generated
by the microprocessor.
b) If IO / M is LOW state i.e. 0 then reads the data from memory and if IO/ is in HIGH state i.e 1 then
reads the data from I/O devices.
3) : ( Write )
a) This is an active low output control signal used to writes data from memory or I/O device and generated
by the microprocessor.
b) If IO / M is LOW state i.e. 0 then writes data in memory and if IO/ is in HIGH state i.e 1 then
writes data in I/O devices.
a) This is an active high, edge and level triggered, non maskable highest priority H/W interrupt.
b) This signal is used for to interrupting the microprocessor.
c) When TRAP occurs then microprocessor starts their execution from its vector address i.e. fixed location
or branching address 0024.(i.e. it is calculated as like TRAP= 4.5X8 = 0024H)
4) INTR :
a) INTR is an active high, level triggered general purpose interrupt. INTR means interrupt
b) When INTR occurs then the microprocessor generates an interrupt acknowledge signal called as .
c) Among all interrupts INTR has lowest priority. When it goes high then program counter does
not increments its content. Immediately the microprocessor suspends its normal sequence
of instructions.
5) :-
a) This is an interrupt acknowledge. The microprocessor acknowledges an interrupt request by
the INTA signal.
b) RESET, HOLD and READY pins accepts the externally initiated signals as inputs.
c) At low state INTA indicates that the processor has acknowledged an INTR interrupt.
a) It is an active high output hold acknowledgement DMA request signal.
b) It indicates that the HOLD request has been received.
c) After the removal of HOLD request the HLDA goes to low state.
d) When HOLD is acknowledged by HLDA then address bus, data bus, RD, WR, and IO/M are goes to
tristate.( i.e. high, low, impedance).
a) This is an active high output signal generated by the microprocessor.
b) After receiving RESET signal then it indicates that the CPU is being reset. Thus this signal is used to
reset other devices.
2) CLK(OUT) :
a) This is an output clock signal and used as a system clock.
b) The internal operating frequency is available on this pin is same as the 8085 microprocessor. So that the
operating frequency is 3 MHz.
Q16) Draw a well labeled block diagram/ functional block diagram of simplified CPU organization?
Explain function of each block in detail?
OR Write a short note on Simplified CPU organization of microcomputer?
The primary functioning unit of any computer system is called as the CPU. Many
microprocessor ICs are the CPU of the system. Generally the CPU will contain storage elements called
as registers and computational circuitry called the ALU. The CPU will also contains instruction-
decoding circuitry and a control and timing section. The CPU will also have the necessary I/O
Functional Blocks/ Units of CPU:-
The following are functional blocks/ units of CPU :
1) ALU 2) Temporary register 3) Accumulator
4) Program counter 5) Instruction register and instruction decoder
6) Timing and control signals 7) Buffer/Latch
8) Bus System : a) Address Bus b) Data Bus
1. ALU :
The CPU‟s arithmetic and logic unit performs operations such as add, shift/rotate, compare,
increment, decrement, negate/compliment, ANDing, ORing, XORing, Clear, Preset etc .That means the
main process is performed into ALU of CPU‟s.
3. Accumulator :->
It is a 8-bit primary register. This is a one part of ALU which associates to ALU during
operation. It holds one operand during ALU operation. Whenever the ALU performs any arithmetic or
logical operation then the processed result i.e. desired result is always stored into accumulator. It can be
used both source and destination register. All data transfer between the CPU and I/O devices are
performed though an accumulator.
4. Program Counter :-
a) The program counter is special 16-bit pointer register which is so called because this register are used to
points the memory of next executable instructions.
b) The PC contains the 16 bit address of the memory location where next executable instruction is stored.
c) The microprocessor uses this register to sequence the execution of instruction that means PC deals with
sequence of instructions.
d) The PC is automatically incremented after a particular instruction has been fetched by the MPU i.e.
microprocessor unit.
5. Instruction Register and Instruction Decoder: --
a) It is a 8-bit register which is not available for user automatically microprocessor internally uses this type
of register.
b) In instruction fetching process that means when instruction takes for execution then the first byte of an
instruction is OPCODE is transferred to instruction register that means OPCODE is holded by
instruction register during instruction execution period or time.
c) The content of instruction register then transferred to instruction decoder.
Instruction Decoder:--
a) This is also a 8-bit register which is associative part of instruction register.
b) During instruction fetching that execution of an instruction the OPCODE is holded into instruction
register then for further processing content of instruction register is transferred into instruction decoder.
c) An instruction decoder decode i.e. interprets the content of instruction register and determines exact
steps to be followed in executing the entire instruction.
d) Thus the O/P of decoder is generated by necessary timing and control signals.
7. Buffer/Latches:--
a) The buffer and latches are an associative part of internal bus of microprocessor..
b) The buffer are used to enabling latches when they are disabled.
c) The latch is a flip-flop(flag) which is used to stores one bit of information.
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8. Bus system :
I) Address Bus : --
a) The address bus is a group of 16 lines called as addresses which is generally identified as A0 TO A15.
b) An address bus is a unidirectional bus i.e. data flow in both direction between MPU to peripheral
II) Data Bus : --
a) The data bus is a group of 8 lines called as data lines or input lines which are generally identified by
multiplexed Data/Address lines AD0-AD7.
b) Data bus is a bi-directional bus i.e. data flows into both directions between MPU and memory and
Primary functions of CPU of microcomputer:---
The primary functioning unit of any computer system is called as the CPU. Since the
primary functions of the CPU of a microcomputer are as follows:
1) Fetch, decode and execute program instructions in the proper order.
2) Transfers data to and from memory and to and from the input/output sections.
3) Responds to external interrupts.
4) Provides overall timing and control signals for the entire system.
Q17) Explain the function of ALU with simple block diagram? Explain the function of
each block of ALU? OR Draws a neat labeled diagram of generic ALU and explain its working?
OR Explain the organization of ALU with the help of simple block diagram?
Functions of ALU :-
The Arithmetic & Logic Unit performs following such type of different functions
1) The ALU is a 8-bit because 8085 microprocessor is always 8-bit. So that ALU is capable of accepting
8-bit and receiving 8-bit data.
2) ALU performs arithmetic, logic and rotate operations. The desired result is typically stored into
3) Accumulator, temporary register and flag register is closely associated with ALU during ALU
4) The temporary register and accumulator is used to hold one operand during an ALU operation.
5) The flag register and always set or reset according to the result of operation in ALU.
6) The binary adder of ALU performs all arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, increment,
decrement etc. with the result being fed back into the accumulator via internal bus.
7) The shifter of ALU performs all logical operations like rotating/shifting, comparing, logical ANDing,
logical ORing, logical XORing etc. Result is again placed into the accumulator.
Organization of ALU : -
The above figure shows the functional sections of ALU. The ALU of 8085 microprocessor/
generic microprocessor contains following type of units of ALU:
a) Binary Adder b) Shifter c) Status Register
The 8085 microprocessor unit ( MPU ) uses both type of 8-bit and 16-bit registers are used. The
8085 microprocessor has 8 addressable 8-bit registers being these registers 6 registers can be used as 8-
bit registers the registers such as B, C, D, E, H and L . These all registers are also used as 16-bit
whenever it is paired into register pair. The possible register pairs are such as BC rp/DE rp/HL rp and In
addition the remaining two register such as SP and PC are used as 16-bit registers.
PSW/Flag register/Status register:
This is one part of ALU. This is also called as flip-flop or flag register or psw
( program status word ) or condition code register when condition is being specified on using individual
flags in branching instructions.
The status register of ALU contains group of five individual flags called as flip-flop such as cy
flag, sign flag, zero flag, auxiliary carry flag, parity flag, which are set (1) or reset (0) based on
condition created by the last ALU operation i.e. on content of ALU these are set or reset.
The PSW of microprocessor is program status word which is a combination of two 8-bit registers. The
Accumulator of microprocessor is a 8-bit high order register of PSW, while flag register is 8-bit low
order register of PSW. This registers are also generally used conditional jump, call, return and stack
related instructions.
Accumulator :
It is a 8-bit primary register. This is a one part of ALU which associates to ALU during
operation. It holds one operand during ALU operation. Whenever the ALU performs any arithmetic or
logical operation then the processed result i.e. desired result is always stored into accumulator. It can be
used both source and destination register. All data transfer between the CPU and I/O devices are
performed though an accumulator.
B and C register:
a) The register B or C is a general purpose/secondary accumulator/data counter register.
b) These are programmable means programmer can used them to load or transfers data from
one to another.
c) These register are generally used to loads or stores data from one register to another register
or one memory to register or one register to I/O devices.
d) This register are called general purpose because these are easily available for user.
e) The register B or C is a 8-bit register that means it accept or receives 8-bit data.
ALU Registers
System - Bus
Control Unit
Fig : Microprocessor Based System/ Block diagram of microcomputer
Oct-15 State the conditions of IO/ , S0 and S1 signals of 8085 Microprocessor for the following
operations :
i) Memory Read ii) I/O Write iii) I/O Read
Jul-16 The flag register 0f 8085 Microprocessor contains data D9H. Interprets it‟s Meaning.
Mar-13 The flag register of 8085 microprocessor contains the data AAH. Interpret its meaning.
What are interrupts? Explain maskable and non maskable interrupts of 8085 giving example of
Mar-15 What are the hardware interrupts? Explain vectored and non vectored Interrupts of 8085 MPU.
What are vectored interrupts? What are maskable and non maskable interrupts? State all hardware
interrupts of 8085 Microprocessor with their priorities and branching or vector addresses.
Mar-18 What do you mean by Interrupt? List all software interrupts of Intel 8085.
What do you mean by vectored interrupt? List all hardware interrupts of 8085 microprocessor
according to their priority order. Which of them is non maskable?
Jul-17 What is an Interrupt? List any four hardware Interrupts of Intel 8085 with their vector addresses.
The microprocessors are evaluated from 4-bit To 32-bits. In 4-bit microprocessor the word
length is very minimum as compared to 32-bit microprocessor i.e. each time of evolution the
microprocessor‟s word length are doubles. In each evolution the architectures of microprocessor is also
The 8085 microprocessor is a 3rd generation 8-bit microprocessor & 8086 is extended version of
8085. It is a 4th generation 16-bit microprocessor. So generally these microprocessor are known as
advance microprocessor.
features of 8086 microprocessor over 8085 microprocessor :
1) Very powerful computing devices. So process speed is increased.
2) In today‟s PC these microprocessor are generally found because it has higher operating speed,
instruction cache memory, higher word-size etc.
3) The 8086 microprocessor also supports to the numeric Co-Processors.
4) It has separate CPU.
5) It performs an arithmetic functions such as add, subtract, multiply, divide & trigonometric functions.
6) It returns results much faster than general CPU.
7) The general CPU may be engaged in performing other functions while Co-Processor is working.
Disadvantages of 8086 microprocessor :
1) It requires sophisticated O / S & application S / W.
2) These have very complex system & installation of this microprocessor is very hard.
3) These requires multi-user & multi –tasking applications.
X-86 family OR X-86 microprocessor :
The following are the major families of X-86 microprocessors which has different attributes &
different operating features:
1) Features 8088 processor :
a) It contains 8 bits Data Bus & 20 bits Address Bus INTEL introduces it at 1978.
b) This microprocessor operates at min 5 to max 8 MHz speed.
c) It contains External 8087 as math-coprocessor & External Unit as Memory Mgt.
d) It contains 1 MB Physical Memory Addressed & 16-bits Internal data word size.
2) Features 8086 processor :
a) It contains 16 bits Data Bus & 20 bits Address Bus INTEL introduces it at 1978.
b) This microprocessor operates at min 5 to max 10 MHz speed.
c) It contains External 8087 as math-coprocessor & External Unit as Memory Mgt.
d) It contains 1 MB Physical Memory Addressed & 16-bits Internal data word size.
The 8088 & 8086 defines the basic programming model for X-86 family. The 16-bit version of
programming model is used in 16-bit microprocessors of X-86 family i.e. in 8086, 80286 & 80386. The
programming model can have different register sections as illustrated in following figure :
In fig it is illustrates that the programming model of 16-bit version of X-86 family consists of
three register groups. Such as general purpose registers, Segment registers & instruction pointer flag
register section.
The 8088 & 8086 defines the basic programming model for X-86 family of advanced
microprocessor. It introduced a newer advanced version of 16-bit X-86 family which is called as
extended version of x-86 family is 32-bit version of X-86 family. These versions have a greater
computing power because they are faster & advanced version addressing techniques. It uses 32-bit
version instead of 16-bit register. The programming model can have different register sections as
illustrated in following figure :
In fig it is illustrates that the programming model of 32-bit version of X-86 family consists of
three register groups. Such as general purpose registers, Segment registers & instruction pointer flag
register section.
The 8086 CPU is divided into two independent functional parts such as :
1) Bus Interface Unit ( B. I. U. )
2) Execution Unit ( E. U. )
Q6) What are main features provided by second generation microcontroller OR 8051microcontroller?
The main features of 8051 microcontroller is as listed below:
1) The 8051 microcontroller has an 8-bit ALU.
2) The 8051 microcontroller has 4KB i.e. 4KX8-bit ROM or EPROM.
3) The 8051 microcontroller has 128 bytes i.e. 128X8 bit RAM.
4) The 8051 microcontroller has dual 16-bit timer event counter.
5) The 8051 microcontroller has 32 I/O lines for four 8-bit I/O port.
6) The 8051 microcontroller has can addresses 64KB of program memory.
7) The 8051 microcontroller has powerful instruction set which contains 111 instructions.
8) The 8051 microcontroller has contains two external interrupts.
9) The 8051 microcontroller has clock speed upto 12 MHz.
10) The 8051 microcontroller has contains a full-featured serial port.
Q7) Draws an architectural block diagram of 8051 and explain it detail?
The 8051 is a second generation 8-bit microcontroller. The first 8-bit microcontroller was 8048.
The 8051 microcontroller provides a significantly more powerful architecture, a more powerful
instruction set and full featured serial port.
The fig is illustrated that the architectural block diagram for 8051 microcontroller. In fig. It is
shown that the two connections internal connection and external connections.
Q1) What is instruction? 4) Some instruction specify one or two register. The
An instruction is a command given to contents of registers are the required data.
microprocessor to perform a specified operation on e.g.1) MOV A,B; 2) INR B
given data. 5) In some instruction data is not specified i.e.
Q2) What is instruction set? implied. The most instruction of this type operate on
The entire group of instructions is called as the content of accumulator.
instruction set of microprocessor. e.g. CMA ;
Q3) Why instruction set? Instruction Format OR Types :
The programmer can write the program in Q6) How instruction of 8085 are classified?
assembly language using these instructions. Depending upon the size of machine codes or
Q4) Explain two parts of instruction? the instruction occupied in memory the 8085
Each instruction of 8085 microprocessor microprocessor instructions are classified into three
consists of two parts i.e. opcode ( operation code ) types as like below:
and operand. 1) One Byte Instruction :
Opcode : A 1byte instruction includes the opcode and
The first part of instruction which specifies the operand in the 8bits only i.e. one byte. It is also
the operation to be performed by the microprocessor called as one word instruction.
is called as opcode. Example MOV A,B
Operand: 2) Two Byte Instruction :
The second part of the instruction is the data In 2byte instruction the first byte is opcode
to be operated on and it is called as operand. and second byte is operand i.e. either 8-bit data or 8-
Mnemonic: Are the meaningful words which bit address.
defines operation performed by instruction Example MVI A, 08H;
during execution. 3) Three Byte Instruction :
In 3byte instruction the first by te is opecode
Q5) What are various techniques to specify and second and third byte bytes are operands i.e. 16-
operand? bit data or 16-bit address.
There are various ways to specify data or Example 1) LXI H, 3400H; 2) STA 3200H;
operand for an instruction given below:
1) 8-bit or 16 bit data may be directly given in
instruction itself.
e.g.1) MVI A, 02H; 2) LXI H, 2500H;
2) The address of memory location (16-bit) or I/O
port address (8-bit) may be given in instruction itself.
e.g.1) STA 3500H; 2) IN 02H; 3) OUT 30H;
3) In some instruction only one register is specified.
The content of the specified register is one of the
operand. It is understood that the other operand is in
the accumulator.
e.g. ADD B;
In case of 8085 microprocessor, explain unconditional & conditional branching instructions with
Oct-10 suitable examples.
Mar-15 State any six Arithmetical and Logical Instructions of 8085 MPU.
State the number of bytes using and addressing modes of the following instruction of 8085
Oct-12 Microprocessor.
i) LXI ii) STAX iii) IN
The accumulator contains data 05H and register B contains 08H. What will be the effect of
Mar-10 „SUB B‟ instruction on flags? Explain it with diagram.
The accumulator contains data 05H, register B contains data 08H. What will be contents of flags on
Oct-14 execution of ADD B instruction.
The accumulator contains data 3CH, what will be the effect on its content if following instructions are
Oct-14 executed independently :
i) ANI 05H ii) RRC iii) MOV B, A
The accumulator in 8085 contains data AAH and register B contains 55H. What will be the contents
of accumulator after execution of each of the following instructions independently.
Jul-16 i) ADD B ii) ORA B iii) RRC
The accumulator in 8085 microprocessor contains data 71H and register E contains data 39H. What
will be the contents of an accumulator in hexadecimal after execution of the following instructions
Mar-17 independently?
i) ADD E ii) ORA E iii) RRC
The accumulator in 8085 Microprocessor contains the data 78H and register D contains data 33H.
What will be the content of accumulator after execution of each of the following instructions
Oct-15 independently :
i) SUB D ii) ANA D iii) CMA
The accumulator of 8085 contains data B7H. What will be its contents after execution of the following
Mar-12 instructions independently :
i) ORI 58H ii) CMA iii) ANI E3H
The accumulator of 8085 Microprocessor contains data F2H. What will be its content after the
Oct-10 execution of the following instructions independently:
i) XRI 3BH ii) RAL iii) SUI AEH
The accumulator of 8085 processor contains data B8H and register B contains 44H. What will be the
Mar-13 content of accumulator after execution of each of the following instruction independently :
i) ORI F0H ii) ANA B iii) XRI 0FH
The register A and C of 8085 contains the data E2H and 47H. What will be the contents of an
Mar-18 accumulator in hex digits after execution of each of the following instructions independently?
i) SUB C ii) XRA C iii) ADD C
Mar-11 What are the different ways of clearing accumulator (A=00H) in single Instruction?
Oct-11 What is a sub-routine? Give its related instructions in 8085.
Instruction set and programming of 8085 microprocessor
What is addressing mode? Identify the addressing mode of following 8085 instructions :
Oct-11 i) MVI A, 05H ii) MOV A,B iii) CMA iv) STAX B
2) Meteorological information.
3) Cellular phones.
1) Write a note on Ethernet.
2) What are the advantages of computer N/W(s)? Distinguish between LAN and WAN?
3) Explain the following terms:
4) What is transmission media? Explain the structure of a co-axial cable?
5) Explain in short star, ring and bus topology?
1) Explain in short the six important characteristics of transmission media?
2) What do you mean by N/W topology? Explain in brief the two basic categories of topologies?
3) What is HUB? Explain the active HUB and PASSIVE HUB?
1) Compare the co-axial cable & twisted pair cable used for networking?
2) Define topology. Explain STAR and RING topology?
3) Write a short note on Ethernet?
1) Compare STP & Co-axial cable with reference to any three characteristics of transmission
2) Explain router & modem with their uses.
3) Define topology? Explain STAR topology with its advantages?
1) Compare & list any three points for the characteristics of fiber optic cable & co-axial cable
2) Which networking topology is best? Why Explain?
3) What is mean by protocol? Explain the concept of TCP/IP protocol?
1) Compare the characteristics of fiber-optic & co-axial cable?
2) Explain RING topology & token passing
3) What is meant by protocol? Explain the concept of TCP/IP protocol?
1) Explain the following characteristics of transmission media:
i) Band Usage ii) Attenuation iii) Electromagnetic Interference
2) Explain twisted pair cable with a suitable figure?
3) Compare at least three characteristics of UTP & Optical Fiber cable?
1) Compare between UTP and STP cable
2) Explain function of Router in Network & list different types of routers?
3) List various access methods in N/W? Explain any one method in detail?
1) Compare the characteristics of fiber optic & UTP cable. Mention atleast three points?
2) Define Bus, Ring & Star topologies. Draw suitable diagram for each?
3) Explain the following access methods in brief:
a) contention b) token passing
1) Define topology? Explain STAR & BUS topologies with diagram?
2) Explain in short the six important characteristics of transmission media?
3) Explain the RING topology & token passing
1) Compare Fiber optic & UTP cables with reference to any three characteristics of transmission
2) Explain HUB & REPEATER with their uses?
3) What do you mean by topology? Explain the BUS topology with its advantages?
1) Explain bandwidth, attenuation & electromagnetic interference?
2) Compare the characteristics of fiber optic cable & co-axial cable?
3) What do you mean by computer N/W? Give any four advantages of computer N/W?
1) What is Transmission Medium? What are the advantages of wireless transmission?
2) Write a note on twisted pair cable?
3) What are the contention & polling access methods?
4) What is protocol? Explain the concept of TCP/IP protocol?
5) Write a short note on LAN?
1) Compare the co-axial cable with twisted pair cable. Mention atleast three points?
2) Explain the RING topology & token passing?
3) What is meant by protocol? Explain the concept of TCP/IP protocol?
4 Marks Questions asked in Board Examination
1) State four LAN wireless transmission methods? Explain any two of them?
2) Writes the functions of each of the following devices in short:
i) Modem ii) Hub iii) Repeater iv) Router
1) Explain in brief the following connectivity devices:
i) Modem ii) Hub iii) Repeater iv) Router
2) What are Network Topologies? Explain the commonly used topologies with appropriate
1) State & explain different networking media? Explain any two wireless media?
2) What are different networking devices? Explain the function of any three networking devices?
1) Explain the following characteristic of transmission media:
a) Bandwidth ii) Band Usage iii) Attenuation iv) EMI
2) Write a short note on co-axial cable with suitable figure?
1) Write the function of each of the following devices in short:
a) Modem ii) Router iii) Hub iv) Repeater
2) Compare any four attributes of UTP and Optical Fiber cable?
1) Write in short the functions of each of the following devices :
a) Modem ii) Router iii) Hub iv) Repeater
2) Write a short note on Ethernet?
1) What is Topology? Give different types of network topologies? Explain Bus topology?
1) Explain the following characteristics of transmission media:
i) Bandwidth ii) Band Usage iii) Attenuation
iv) Immunity from electromagnetic interference
2) Explain Hub & Repeater in detail?
1) Discuss any two access methods of networking?
1) Compare any four attributes of UTP & Optical Fiber cable?
2) What do you mean by protocol? Write a short note on a TCP/IP protocol?
1) Explain any four points to justify why wireless N/W(s) are useful?
2) What is a HUB? Explain its types?
1) What do you mean by Networking? State any three differentiation points between LAN and
2) Explain token ring & contention access methods of networking?
1) Explain any four points to explain why wireless networks are useful?
2) Discuss any two access methods of networking?
1) Explain the following characteristics of transmission media:
i) Bandwidth ii) Band Usage iii) Attenuation
iv) Immunity for electromagnetic interference
2) Write the function of each of the following devices in short:
i) Modem ii) Repeater iii) Hub iv) Router
1) Explain RING topology with necessary diagram & state its important advantages?
2) Explain the following devices of computer network:
i) Modem ii) Repeater iii) Hub iv) Router
Networking Technology
Jul-17 Compare any four attribute of UTP and Fiber Optic Cable.
Jul-16 Compare any four attributes of coaxial thicknet cable with UTP cable.
Mar-13 Compare any four attributes of UTP and optical fiber cable.
Oct-12 Compare any three characteristics of twisted pair and coaxial cable.
Mar-17 Compare any three characteristics of Twisted Pair Cable with Coaxial Cable.
Mar-12 Compare at least three characteristics of UTP and STP cables.
Oct-10 Compare atleast three characteristics of Twisted Pair cable and coaxial cable.
Mar-11 Compare between UTP and Fiber Optic Cable.
Oct-14 Compare characteristics of coaxial and fiber optic cable.
Jul-17 Compare Thicknet and Thinnet Coaxial Cable. (At least 3 points ).
Mar-15 Compare twisted pair cable and coaxial cable.
Define access method. Explain contention access method and token passing Access
Mar-13 Define Bus, Ring and Star topologies. Draw simple diagram for each.
Mar-10 Define the term topology. Explain various topologies with diagram.
Oct-14 Describe various network topology with diagram.
Aug-18 Differentiate between co-axial cable and fiber optic cable.
Mar-11 Differentiate between LAN and WAN.
Oct-13 Differentiate between UTP and STP cable.
Mar-16 Distinguish between LAN and WAN.
Oct-11 Draw the diagram of fiber optic cable and explain.
Mar-14 Explain any three characteristics of Transmission Media.
Oct-10 Explain bus topology with necessary diagram and state its advantages.
Oct-10 Explain coaxial cable with a suitable figure.
Oct-13 Explain concept of the TCP/IP protocol.
Jul-16 Explain Ethernet in short. State any four Ethernet topologies.
Mar-15 Explain Ethernet Protocol used in Network.
Mar-12 Explain fiber optic cable with a suitable figure.
Mar-18 Explain fiber-optic cable with a neat diagram.
Mar-13 Explain HUB and REPEATER in detail.
Mar-10 Explain in brief „Token Passing‟ and „Polling‟ access methods of n/w.
Explain in brief following access methods :
i) Polling ii) Token Passing
Explain in brief following connectivity devices :
i) HUB ii) Repeater iii) Modem
Explain in brief the following access methods:
i) Contention ii) Token Passing
Explain in brief the following characteristics of Transmission Media :
Oct-10 i) Bandwidth ii) Cost of Media iii) Electromagnetic Interference
Explain in brief the following connectivity devices :
Mar-18 i) Repeater ii) Router
Mar-12 Explain in brief the six important characteristics of Transmission Media.
Explain in detail the following connectivity devices:
Oct-12 i) MODEM ii) HUB
Explain in short :
Mar-16 i) Star Topology ii) Bus Topology iii) Ring Topology
Oct-13 Explain MODEM and HUB in detail.
Mar-18 Explain Ring and Star Topologies with simple diagrams.
Mar-14 Explain Ring Topology with diagram. State its two advantages.
Oct-12 Explain ring topology. Give its one advantage and disadvantage.
Oct-11 Explain Router in detail.
Mar-15 Explain Star and Bus Network Topology.
Mar-12 Explain star topology with necessary diagram. State its advantages.
Oct-15 Explain the following attributes of a Transmission Medium :
i) Band Width ii) EMI iii) Band Usage iv) Attenuation
Explain the following characteristic of Transmission Media:
i) Attenuation ii) EMI iii) Bandwidth
Explain the following characteristics of Transmission Media:
i) Band Width ii) Band Usage ii) Attenuation
Explain the following connectivity devices :
i) Router ii) Repeater
Explain the following devices :
Explain the following devices used in computer networking:
Explain the following wireless media in detail :
i) Microwave ii) Infrared
Oct-15 Explain the operation of token ring in networking with a suitable diagram.
Mar-16 Explain the structure of Fiber Optic Cable.
Aug-18 Explain Token Passing and Polling Access Method.
Mar-14 Explain UTP cable with its any four characteristics.
Mar-15 Give advantages of fiber optic cable over an electrical cable.
Aug-18 Give any three advantages and three disadvantages of wireless media.
Mar-14 Give atleast two advantages and one disadvantage of wireless media over cable media.
Oct-14 List the „Access Methods‟ and explain any one.
Mar-14 List various network access methods and explain any one of them.
Mar-18 What do you mean by Protocol? Explain the concept of TCP/IP protocol.
Mar-17 What is Ethernet? Discuss different types of Ethernet.
Mar-15 What is HUB? Explain all the types of HUB.
Mar-10 What is HUB? Give its types and explain.
Jul-16 What is meant by a Protocol? Explain the concept of TCP/IP protocol.
Oct-11 What is meant by Access Method? Explain any two Access Methods.
Mar-13 What is meant by protocol? Explain concept of TCP/IP protocol.
Oct-15 What is meant by protocol? Explain the concept of TCP/IP protocol.