Pages From GB 150.1-2011en-9
Pages From GB 150.1-2011en-9
Pages From GB 150.1-2011en-9
When a pressure vessel is positioned under a spraying device with speed higher than
I OL/ m2 · min), F=0 6;
一 一 - I n p u t heat , kJ/h;
B.7.2 The required discharge c a p a c i vessels containing compressed gases or water steam
a) The requir
ed discharge capacity o f vessels such as compressor tanks for gas saving or steam
tanks, take the maximum production gas or steam) capacity produced by the compressor and the
steam generator respectively;
b) The required discharge capacity o f gas tanks, shall be determined according to Formula B. l :
W = 2 8 3 x 1 v c f B .l
W =H
=Hllq B.2)
B.7.4.1 For a vessel where its medium is explosive liquefied gas o r its medium is non-explosive
liquefied gas which, however, is positioned in an operating condition where fire will possibly arise, its
required discharge capacity shall be calculated according to the conditions with or without thermal
insulation layer:
a) f without thermal insulation layer, the required discharge capacity shall be calculated
according to Formula B.3):
的 with complete thennal insulation layer such as the thermal insulation layer not damaged
under the fire), the required discharge capacity shall be calculated according to Fonnula B.4):