Class Notes (CH 101 & CH 201) - Beyond Syllabi
Class Notes (CH 101 & CH 201) - Beyond Syllabi
Class Notes (CH 101 & CH 201) - Beyond Syllabi
We Know,
Dividing by dP at constant T
Equation (4)is called 2nd thermodynamic equation of state. Hence from equation (2) & (4) we
Equation (5) is the general thermodynamic expression for the Joule –Thomson co-efficient of the
Thus for an ideal gas, Joule –Thomson co-efficient is zero, i.e., an ideal gas does not exhibit the
Joule-Thomson effect.
The term a/PV & ab/PV2, we are dividing a small quantity by a large quantity. So replacement of
V by RT/P in these two terms does not introduce much error to the result. Thus V appearing in
the correction terms a/PV & ab/PV2 may be replaced by RT/P & equation (6) modifies to
Differentiating this equation with respect to T at constant P
At low pressure and high temperature term is very small and in that case
The sign of depends on the quantity within the square bracket of equation (12) and
whether a gas suffers a fall or increase in temperature depends on the sign of . Thus when
, then is +ve and dT is –Ve (since dP is always –Ve) and the gas suffers a fall in
temperature. Conversely when then is -ve and dT is +Ve (since dP is always –Ve),
For every gas there is a temperature where i.e., = zero, when neither heating nor
cooling of the gas would occur due to possing through fine orifice. This is called the inversion
temperature, Ti of the gas. Putting, = zero, at Ti , we get from equation (12).
Under the conditions when the term is negligibly small the inversion temperature Ti of a
gas according to equation (11) should be,
Equation (14) being a quadratic equation in Ti, should yield two values of Ti, one minimum and
other maximum., i.e., two inversion temperature is possible. This has been verified by
It is clear from the above discussion that in order to cool a gas by the Joule- Thomson expansion,
the gas must first through a porous plug from a higher to lower pressure. As the temperature of
the experiment decreases the extent of cooling increases.
Optical fiber
Ans: Such type of Optical fiber shows total reflection of light and
electrical energy.
Ans: Plastic optical fibers (POFs) are a low-cost solution for low-
speed, short-distance applications in digital car networks, industrial
networks, and home networks and appliances. The plastic optical
fiber is made out of a plastic such as acrylic (PMMA) as the core
material and fluorinated or perfluorinated polymers as the cladding
Ans. Abnormally high conductance value of H+ and OH- ion is explained by Grothus
types of conduction. We know that adjacent water molecules are bonded by H-bond.
When one H+ is discharged the remaining half converts the hydrogen bond with its
neighbor to an ordinary bond and rotates through 1800 On the other hand one OH- ion is
discharge at the other end of the chain. Thus discharge process becomes quick and
conductance process becomes high. Relatively low values of OH- ion is due to its larger
size and more steps required to be converted to O2.
2. Velocity of Li+is smallest among alkali metals ion in aqueous solution; but in ORGANO
aqueous solution it is highest-Why?
Ans. Li+ is smallest in size among alkali metals ion. So it may be expected that its
velocity should be high. But in aqueous solution velocity follows the order Li+ <Na+ < K+
etc. This is due to hydration. Water is polar solvent. In aqueous solution every ion
attracts the end of the water molecules whose charge is opposite to it. Thus every ion
associated with a sheath of water layer. During movement the ion caries the associated
water molecules with it. As a result the velocity decreases. The extent of hydration
depends upon the charge density. All the alkali metals ions are uni-positive. Due to
smaller size and high charge density Li+ ion is highly associated by water molecules and
velocity is lowest.
Ans. From the expression of transport number we know that it is also depend upon the
counter ion.
t Cl (in HCl) = and t Cl (in NaCl) =
As, V NA < V , So, t Cl (in HCl) and t Cl (in NaCl) are not same so transport number
will be different.
2CdI 2 Cd CdI 4 2
If we measure the transport number of of Cd+2 and I-2 in dilute solution we get normal
values. As concentration is raised t Cd 2 begin to decrease and at sufficiently high
concentration it becomes negative.
Negative transport of Cd+2 indicates that Cd+2 ion instead of being migrated out of anode
is coming to the anode. This can only happen if Cd+2 enter into complex anion formation.
Actually in concentrated solution the following equation becomes important.
2CdI 2 Cd CdI 4 2
Thus , Cd enters into anode as complex anion That is why we get – ve (negative)
transport number