Consumer - Behavior& - Production Theory
Consumer - Behavior& - Production Theory
Consumer - Behavior& - Production Theory
and Markets
Chapters 1+2
Prof. Dr. Oliver Gürtler
However, the models we will analyze are highly simpli…ed and sometimes too
simple to be realistic.
Still, they have some general predictive power and represent the building blocks
of more complex and realistic testable models.
2. Consumer Theory
3. Theory of the Firm
4. Partial Equilibrium
5. General Equilibrium
6. Social Choice and Welfare
Students are expected to prepare the exercises and to present their solutions.
Some mathematical concepts are needed, most of which should be known to
everyone. The concepts that are probably not known to everyone are brie‡y
addressed when they are encountered for the …rst time.
The …nal exam takes place on Jan 31, 2013 at 10 am.
– consumption set
– feasible set
– preference relation
– behavioral assumption
De…nition 1 The consumption set X represents the set of all consumption bundles
that the consumer can conceive.
De…nition 3 The feasible set B X represents those consumption plans that the
consumer can conceive and a¤ord.
This relation gives us information about the consumer’s tastes for the di¤erent
objects of choice.
! Consumer can always compare two consumption bundles and decide which is
(weakly) preferred.
Note: and do not necessarily have the same properties as %. For instance,
while both are transitive, neither is complete.
Axiom 3 Continuity. For all x 2 Rn+ , the sets % (x) and - (x) are closed in Rn+ .
Idea: For given preferences, …nd one function representing these preferences!
Let e = (1; :::; 1) 2 Rn+ and consider the mapping u : Rn+ ! R de…ned by
u (x) e x
In words: assign to any bundle x the number u (x) such that the consumer is
indi¤erent between x and a bundle with u (x) units of every commodity.
A ft 0 jte % x g
B ft 0 jte - x g
To tackle the second question, suppose there were two numbers t1 and t2
satisfying t1 e x and t2 e x.
By transitivity, we have t1 e t2 e.
By strict monotonicity, t1 = t2 .
Consider two bundles x and y and their associated numbers u (x) and u (y).
Let x % y.
By the de…nition of u, u (x) e x and u (y) e y.
By transitivity, u (x) e u (y) e.
By strict monotonicity, u (x) u (y).
! The function we have constructed represents % :
To show that the function is continuous, we show that the inverse image under
u of every open ball in R is open in Rn+ (by Theorem A1.6 in the mathematical
appendix of Jehle/Reny).
By de…nition, the inverse image u ((a; b)) is x 2 Rn+ ja < u (x) < b , or
! (ae) and (be), being the complements of closed sets, are open.
u ((a; b)) is open. Q.E.D.
The proof follows easily from the de…nitions involved. Consider part 2, for
By de…nition a function u ( ) is quasiconcave if and only if the set
y 2 Rn+ ju (y) k is convex for every k 2 R.
If x is chosen such that u (x) = k, the de…nition of quasiconcavity of u ( )
coincides with the de…nition of convexity of %.
Assume n = 2.
The marginal rate of substitution equals the ratio of the marginal utilities of
the two goods.
As indicated before, convexity of % may be interpreted as diminishing M RS.
B = x 2 Rn+ jpx m
! At the optimum, the marginal rate of substitution between any two goods
must be equal to the ratio of the goods’prices.
But: the conditions we stated are merely necessary. What about su¢ cient
Under the assumptions imposed, the conditions are also su¢ cient for optimal-
ru (x ) = p
px = m
u (z) > u (x )
pz m
u (tz) > u (x )
ptz < m
ru (x ) (y x ) = p (y x )
= (py px ) < 0
This condition contradicts the condition from the beginning of the proof.
@v (p0 ;m0 )
xi p0 ; m0 = @v(p0 ;m0 )
, i = 1; :::; n:
To prove 2, we must show that v (p; m) = v (tp; tm) for all t > 0.
By de…nition,
Using the optimality conditions @xi
= pi and px (p; m) = m ) i pi @x
@m =
1, we obtain
@v (p; m)
= >0
B 1 = x p1 x m1
B 2 = x p2 x m2
B t = x pt x mt
v pt ; mt max v p1 ; m1 ; v p2 ; m2 ; 8t 2 [0; 1]
It su¢ ces to show that every choice a consumer can make when facing B t
could also be made when facing either B 1 or B 2 .
= Bt:
Adding the two conditions yields the desired contradiction x 2
Using the optimality conditions @x j
= pj and px (p; m) = m ) xi +
P @xj
j pj @pi = 0 yields
@v (p; m)
= xi
Roy’s identity is obtained by solving the condition for xi and inserting @m
for . Q.E.D.
@e p0 ; u0
= xhi p0 ; u0 , i = 1; :::; n:
To prove 1, note that the lowest value in U is u (0) (since u (x) is strictly
increasing). x = 0 requires an expenditure of 0, hence e (p; u (0)) = 0.
te p1 ; u + (1 t) e p2 ; u e tp1 + (1 t) p2 ; u
By de…nition,
p1 x1 p1 x
p2 x2 p2 x
In particular
p1 x1 p1 xt
p2 x2 p2 xt
tp1 x1 + (1 t) p2 x2 tp1 xt + (1 t) p2 xt
, tp1 x1 + (1 t) p2 x2 tp1 + (1 t) p2 xt
te p1 ; u + (1 t) e p2 ; u e tp1 + (1 t) p2 ; u
P @u @xj
From u (x) = u, we have j @xj @pi = 0.
@u pj @u
Deriving the optimality conditions and combining them yields @xj = pi @xi .
P @xh
Together, these conditions imply j pj @pi = 0 completing the proof of part
One can further show that both of these inequalities, in fact, must be equal-
This means that knowing the indirect utility function enables us to calculate
the expenditure function (and vice versa).
Accordingly, we do not have to solve both optimization problems to derive the
indirect utility function and the expenditure function.
Theorem 6 We have the following relations between the Hicksian and Marshallian
demand functions for p 0; m 0, u 2 U and i = 1; :::; n :
1. xi (p; m) = xhi (p; v (p; m))
2. xhi (p; u) = xi (p; e (p; u))
We have shown before that v (p; m) is homogeneous of degree zero in (p; m),
From the last equality on the previous slide and strict quasiconcavity of u it
then follows that x (p; m) = x (tp; tm).
This condition says that xi (p; m) ; i = 1; :::; n; is homogeneous of degree zero
in prices and income.
The property of budget balancedness has been proven before. Q.E.D.
Homogeneity implies that we could focus on relative prices and real income.
For instance, if good n serves as numéraire, we have
p1 pn 1 m
x (p; m) = x (tp; tm) = x ; :::; ; 1;
pn pn pn
Typically, we expect a consumer to buy more of a good when its price declines,
but this is not always true.
To get an understanding of the relevant e¤ects, we consider the Slutsky equa-
The substitution e¤ect is the …rst, the income e¤ect the second term on
the RHS.
@e(p;u )
From Shephard’s lemma, we have @pj = xhj (p; u ) = xj (p; e (p; u )).
i (p;u)
Theorem 9 Let xhi (p; u) be the Hicksian demand for good i. Then @pi 0,
i = 1; :::; n:
From Shephard’s lemma, we have xhi (p; u) = @pi .
@ 2 e(p;u)
We have shown before that e (p; u) is concave in p, hence @p2i
From the two theorems derived before and the de…nitions, it is easy to derive
the so-called "law of demand".
Theorem 10 A decrease in the own price of a normal good will cause quantity
demanded to increase. If an own price decrease causes a decrease in quantity de-
manded, the good must be inferior.
The law of demand connects concepts about the reactions of quantity de-
manded to income changes with concepts about the reactions of quantity
demanded to price changes.
Using the respective de…nitions, gives us the second condition of the theorem.
Note: When one or more of the pi ’s is zero, we can drop those components
from the expression.
It is sometimes the case that gambles have prizes that are themselves gambles.
Such gambles are called compound gambles.
Example: In some lotteries, one can win monetary prizes, but also tickets for
the lottery.
For simplicity, we rule out in…nitely layered compound gambles.
Axiom 6 Completeness. For any two gambles g; g 0 2 G, either g % g 0 or g % g (or
Monotonicity implies a1 an .
! Decision maker is not indi¤erent between all outcomes in A.
By this axiom and transitivity, a decision maker’s preferences over all gambles
are completely determined by the preferences over simple gambles.
! u assigns to each gamble the expected value of utilities that might result!
Theorem 12 Let preferences % over gambles in G satisfy the above axioms. Then
there exists a utility function u : G ! R representing % on G, such that u has the
expected utility property.
Implication: Under the axioms imposed, one can assign utility numbers to the
outcomes in A such that the decision maker prefers one gamble over another
if and only if it has a higher expected utility.
g (u (g) a1 ; (1 u (g)) an )
(u (g) a1 ; (1 u (g)) an ) % (u (g 0 ) a1 ; (1 u (g 0 )) an )
ai (u (ai ) a1 ; (1 u (ai )) an ) qi
gs (u (gs ) a1 ; (1 u (gs )) an )
Theorem 13 Suppose the VNM utility function u ( ) represents %. Then the VNM
utility function v ( ) represents those same preferences if and only if for some scalar
and some scalar > 0
v (g) = + u (g) ;
for all gambles g.
u (ai ) = u ( i a1 ; (1 i ) an ) ; or
ai ( i a1 ; (1 i ) an ) :
v (ai ) = v ( i a1 ; (1 i) an ) :
If v ( ) has the expected utility property, this condition can be transformed into
Note that
u (E (g)) = u pi wi and
u (g) = pi u (wi )
Intuition: The gamble entails risk, while both options lead to the same ex-
pected value.
When a person is risk averse and prefers more money to less, we have CE <
E (g) and, thus, P > 0.
! A risk averse decision maker will "pay" some positive amount of wealth to
avoid the gamble’s inherent risk.
Similarly, we have CE = E (g) and CE > E (g) for risk neutral and risk
loving decision makers.
Often, we do not only want to know whether a decision maker is risk averse,
but also how risk averse he is.
Consider two decision makers and denote their VNM utility functions by u (w)
and v (w), with u0 (w) ; v 0 (w) > 0.
u00 (w) v 00 (w)
Let Ra1 (w) = u0 (w) > v 0 (w) = Ra2 (w), for all w 0.
Di¤erentiating h twice with respect to x, one can show that h0 (x) > 0 and
h00 (x) < 0.
Substituting v (w) by x and using h (x) = u v (x) , we obtain
u (CE1 ) = pi h (v (wi ))
Note that h (x) = u v (x) implies u (w) = h (v (w)).
! u ( ) is more concave than v ( ), because it is a concave function of v ( ).