Eczema: Pathogenesis. Atopic Dermatitis Depends On A Complex Interaction Between
Eczema: Pathogenesis. Atopic Dermatitis Depends On A Complex Interaction Between
Eczema: Pathogenesis. Atopic Dermatitis Depends On A Complex Interaction Between
Onset in infancy
Other atopic feature (or history of any atopic disease in a first-degree relative
in children under 4 years)
vesicles ,
Subacute dermatitis Red, dry, scaly
Treatment :-
Stasis Dermatitis :-
Cause :- Can be broadly divided into irritant substances that have a direct
effect on the skin , and allergic chemicals with which dermatitis follows
delayed type IV cell mediated hypersensitivity reactions.
Medications including topical corticosteroids.
Formaldehyde and other biocides
Epoxy resin
Plant allergens
Hair dressing chemicals
Homoeopathic Treatrment :-
Rhus Tox
Merc – So
Hepar – Sulph
1. Hepar Sulph :
Indicated in pyoderma, where every little injury is suppurated.
Eruptions starts behind the ear, behind the joints.
Boils, abseen and papules are prone to suppurate very chilly patient.
Cannot bear to be uncovered wants to cover every time.
Indicated in pyoderma, abscess, rash , itch , herpes, psoriasis,
urticaria, acne, boils.
Sweat profusely all over body.
Mentally Patient is very much oversensitive and irritable.
Patient is very quick action.
A/p abuse of mercury , quinine , suppressed , eruption, syphilis and
< From cold air, uncovering , in general cold, lying on painful side.
> warmth in general , from wrapping and damp wet weather.
2. Sulphur :
This remedy is also indicated in the pyoderma where burning in
present anywhere and everywhere on the body.
King of all antipsoric remedies.
Hot patient
Dirty , filthy look of skin, with offensive odour.
The skin is very much sensitive to atmospheric changes.
Severe itching with increases by scratching.
Every little injury in suppurated.
Standing in worse position to patient.
Mind – Ragged philosopher, weakness of memory. Cant find proper
word during speaking. A/F : Alcohol, suppression of skin disease, sun
heat, over exertion etc.
< standing, warmth of bed, washing, bathing, alcohol,
changeable weather.
> By dry warm weather and lying on right side.