Leduchowski, Darbee - Blue Card Application
Leduchowski, Darbee - Blue Card Application
Leduchowski, Darbee - Blue Card Application
Important Notice
If you are eligible to apply for a blue card (please see disqualified person# and negative notice holder~ definition on page 4), continue to complete
this application. If you are not eligible, do not complete this form. Disqualified persons must complete an Eligibility Declaration and negative notice
holders must complete the Application to Cancel a Negative Notice if two years have passed since the negative notice was issued.
Part A – Child related activity details Part C – Category of child related activity
- by the organisation)
(to be completed -
(to be completed by the organisation)
1 Please select the type of child-related employment for Information about categories of child-related employment
which a blue card is required: and whether any exemptions apply is available from
✔ Paid employee (payment details required in Part G)
Please select the type of child-related activity to which the
Volunteer (no payment required) employment relates:
Student (no payment required)
Child accommodation services including home stays
2 Is this application associated with NDIS?
Child care
Yes ✔ No
Staff member of an education and care or QEC
service (e.g. long day care, outside school hours care,
3 Is the applicant an EQ staff member or volunteer
kindergarten, occasional care, limited hours care)~
working at a Queensland State School?
Other (e.g. nanny, babysitter)
Yes You must complete the QSS form 067.
Do not complete this form. Churches, clubs and associations
✔ No
✔ Education programs conducted outside school (suspended
or excluded students or flexible arrangements under the
Part B – Organisation details Education (General Provisions) Act 2006)
(to be completed by the organisation)
Emergency services cadet program
1 Name of organisation
✔ Health, counselling and support services
Redcliffe Area Youth Space (including disability services)
2 Organisation ID number (if known) Licensed care services
Non-State Schools/independent school (other than
registered teachers and parents)
3 Postal address of organisation
Paid private teaching, coaching or tutoring
PO Box 18
Religious representatives
Redcliffe Postcode 4020
Residential facilities
4 Contact person’s name School boarding houses
Jordan McLachlan School crossing supervisors
5 Contact person’s position Schools, other than EQ staff or volunteers (e.g. P&C,
Program Support Officer
Sport and active recreation
6 Telephone 0 7 3 2 8 3 8 7 6 9 ~ If you apply under this category, information about your
blue card status may be provided to certain regulatory,
supervisory or governing bodies.
7 Email jordan@redcliffeyouthspace.org
Other /
2 Full legal name 13 Are you, or have you ever been a: (please tick)
10 Email
Date of signature
11 Do you identify as? (if applicable)
Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Prefer not to state
If possible, please attach a photocopy of the documents sighted for verification purposes (excluding credit or bank cards).
delegated this responsibility to a prescribed person and have attached the ‘Confirmation of identity’ form.
Note: It is an offence not to warn the applicant that it is an offence for a disqualified person to sign a blue card application.
Jordan McLachlan
Name of representative
Program Support Officer
Signature of representative
Position of representative
Date of signature
Important information
You can withdraw your consent to screening at any time before a decision is made.
# Disqualified person
Act 2004; or
a disqualification order issued by a court prohibiting them from applying for or holding a blue card; or
a sexual offender order under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003; or
• is the respondent to an application for an offender prohibition order under the Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Offender
Prohibition Order) Act 2004.
*Non-conviction charge means, whether a person was charged as an adult or a child, a charge: that has been withdrawn; that has been
the subject of a nolle prosequi, a no true bill or a submission of no evidence to offer; that led to a conviction that was quashed on
appeal; or upon which a person was acquitted or disposed of by a court otherwise than by way of conviction.
^Conviction/convicted means a finding of guilt by a court, or the acceptance of a plea of guilty by a court, whether or not a conviction is
Further information about disqualified persons is available from www.bluecard.qld.gov.au or by contacting Blue Card Services on
~Negative Notice
It is an offence for a negative notice holder to sign a blue card application form.
• was issued a negative notice after their blue card was cancelled due to a change in police or disciplinary information.
A negative notice holder can only apply to cancel a negative notice if two years have passed since the negative notice was issued, or in
other limited circumstances. This can be done by completing the Application to Cancel a Negative Notice form.
For more information about the blue card system and your obligations go to www.bluecard.qld.gov.au.
Application lodgement
Applications may be lodged by one of the following methods:
U Scan and upload
Fax By post
PO Box 12671, Brisbane George Street QLD 4003
In person
53 Albert Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
Fax By fax
07 3035 5910
Cheque/Money order—made payable to Blue Card Services (ABN 60 789 586 626)