宁波菲仕技术股份有限公司(简称:菲仕技术)成立于 2001 年,由民营控股、先进制造产业投资基金和宁波和丰创业投
综合解决方案, 经过近 20 年的发展,菲仕已成为一家集研发、生产、销售为一体,拥有国内外多家控股子公司的集团化创新
Ningbo Physis Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2001, which is a private enterprise holding group company, invested by Advanced Manufacturing
Fund and Ningbo Hefeng Venture Capital Co., Ltd. Physis always devotes to innovation and industrialization of electrical drive technology, provides
servo products and solutions for the field of motion control & energy conversion. With nearly 20 years’ development, Physis became a collectivized
& innovative high-tech enterprise, which collects together research and development (R&D), production and sale, has a numbers of domestic and
overseas subsidiaries.
R&D Team
菲仕在国内还拥有省级企业技术中心和 200 余人具备独立研发能力的技术队伍,截止 2020 年底,拥有授权专利 303 项,其中发
明专利 56 项,成为全国第一批高新技术企业!
In the globalization tendency of intelligent manufacture, Physis implements the strategic layout of the group internationalization gradually, establishes a R&D
center in Europe to communicate and interact regularly with the world-class scientific research institution & industry experts at home and abroad, which
helps Physis to hold on the lead of the servo system technology innovation and promotes industrial development together ! After years of development,
accumulation of talents, Physis also has a provincial-level Enterprise Technology Center and a R&D team of more than 200 members in China who can
conduct R&D activities independently. As one of the first batch of high-tech enterprise in China, Physis has 303 patents by the end of 2020, including 56
invention patents.
标准配置 01
Specification of Standard Models
电机订购代码 02
Motor Coding
电机技术参数 03
Technical Data Summary
U303 _ _ A 系列电机 /Motors
U305 _ _ A 系列电机 /Motors
U307 _ _ A 系列电机 /Motors
U307 _ _ F 系列电机 /Motors
U307 _ _ C 系列电机 /Motors
U310 _ _ A 系列电机 /Motors
U310 _ _ F 系列电机 /Motors
U310 _ _ C 系列电机 /Motors
U313 _ _ A 系列电机 /Motors
U313 _ _ F 系列电机 /Motors
U313 _ _ C 系列电机 /Motors
U318 _ _ F 系列电机 /Motors
U318 _ _ C 系列电机 /Motors
电机性能曲线 29
Motor Performance Curves
过载率 / Overload Rating
热衰减 / Thermal Derating
电机接线 30
Motor Connection
安全制动说明 34
Safety Brake Specification
电机和机器保护 34
Motor And Machine Protetion
应用指南 35
Application Guidelines
规范说明 42
Conformity Declaration
联系我们 44
Contact Information
Specification of Standard Models
Brushless PM AC servomotors, low inertia, high
Type angular stiffness
电机 : 根据 D1N0530 标准 F 级 ;
Motor: Class F according to D1N 0530
绕组 : 根据 D1N0530 标准 H 级 ;
Winding: Class H according to D1N 0530,
特殊的高频绕组适合于长配线高频 PWM 波形
Insulation special high frequency winding suitable for long
wiring with high frequency PWM waveforms
PTC+KTY 线性探头 PTC+KTY 84 linear probe
Thermal protection
重载 , 自润滑 Heavy duty, life lubricated
R 级 ( 减少允差 ) Grade R(reduced tolerance)
根据 1EC 72-D1N0530 标准 R 级 ( 减少允差 )
Concentricity and Grade R (reduced tolerance) according to 1EC
perpendicularity of mounting 72- D1N 0530
cylindrical shaft without keyway, or shaft with
Shaft key
IC0041 自然对流
Natural convection IC0041
基座 7,10,13 和 18 系列电机可以选择风冷和 Size 7/10/13/18 option Fan cooling and water
Cooling options
任意 Any
Working position
法兰 B5
对于 U310、U313、U318 型号可选 B3 地脚
Flanged B5
Mounting option B3,Size U310&U313&U318 only
最小化 EMC 干扰 Minimized EMC impact
Stray capacitance to ground
防护等级 IP65 1P 65
Protection IP54( 风冷电机 ) IP 54(motor with fan cooling)
S: 正余弦编码器 , 海德汉 S:Sincos Encoder,heidenhain
M/N: 绝对值编码器,海德汉 Endat/ 西克
M/N:Absolute encoder,heidenhain Endat/ Sick
Hiperface Hiperface Incremental
D: 数字增量式编码器,多摩川 / 丹纳赫
Position sensor
R: 旋转变压器 , 多摩川 R:Resolver,Tamagawa
According to the motor can choose different
Safety brake torque by safety brake
工业级圆形航空接插件,信号或信号 + 电源 Industrial circular type, signal or signal + power
Motor Coding
U3 10 07 F 20 3 R4 0 Y0 K b1
b1: 菲仕标准底板
电机基座识别 : 00: 无底板
03, 05, 07, 10, 13, 18
Mounting feet:
Size, (ap prox. shaft he ight in cm) b1:standard feet
03 (Motor □75) ,05(Motor □100) 00:without feet
07(Motor □145) ,10(Motor □200)
13(Motor □264) ,18(Motor □360)
03, 05, 07 识别数字即为所指 Nm
10, 13, 16, 18, 20 识别数字 *10 为所指 Nm
cooling :
A: natural convection, no field 接线方式:
F: servo fan cooling YZ: 电源和信号航空插座
C: water cooling Y0:信号航空插座和电源盒
rpm 100
YZ:Power and signal circular connector
Y0:Signal circular connector and power box
Nominal speed identifier :
00:No circular connector
额定转速下额定电压: 安全制动器:
2:220/240 Vac B: 带制动器
3:380/440 Vac 0: 不带制动器
4:480/516 Vac
Safety brake:
Nominal voltage at nominal speed identifier: B:with brake
2:220/240 Vac 0:without brake
3:380/440 Vac
4:480/516 Vac
U3 10 07 F 30 3 R4 B Y0 K b1
电机为 10 号基座,约 70Nm,额定 3000rpm,380Vac,风扇冷却 , 旋变编码器 TS2640N321E64, 带安全制动器 , 信号航空插座,伸出轴
带键槽 , 标准底板。
U 3 0 3 _ _ A M OTO R
堵转电流 /Current @ Stall Torque 2) Id0 [A] 0.51 0.80 0.58 1.11 2.58 1.04 1.96 2.41
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
额定电流 /Rated Current 2) IdN [A] 0.47 0.7 0.55 0.99 2.09 0.99 1.69 1.76
额定功率 /Rated Power PdN [kW] 0.21 0.3 0.21 0.39 0.53 0.37 0.67 0.85
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 145 105.8 281 129.4 55.9 243.5 138.4 115.4
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 2.40 1.75 4.65 2.38 1.09 4.03 2.29 1.91
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 2.11 1.34 3.62 1.88 0.81 3.54 1.89 1.54
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 119 60 150 43.16 8.5 53 15.84 10.1
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 147 81 294 76.56 14.55 113.4 36.7 24
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 343 323 335 304 186 292 289 337
功率损耗 /Losses Loss [KW] 0.084 0.082 0.112 0.108 0.106 0.129 0.129 0.129
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 2252 3602 1173 2577 6404 1358 2692 3405
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 480V 时的拐点速度
nknee2 [rpm] 2932 4659 1566 3333 8160 1763 3450 4343
Knee Speed @ 480Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee3 [rpm] 893 1553 214 1121 3515 516 1328 1771
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
电压 480V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee4 [rpm] 1398 2217 469 1605 4618 800 1823 2384
Knee Speed @ 480Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 5 10 20
最大电流 /Max. Current (peak value) Imax [A] 2.6 4.1 3.0 5.8 13.5 6.2 11.6 14.3
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 2621 4113 1529 2937 6798 1561 2923 3602
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 3310 5195 1931 3709 8587 1971 3692 4550
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
额定电压 (±10%)
UBr [Vdc] 24
Rated Voltage (±10%)
额定电流 /Rated Current IBr [A] 0.58
Length [mm] 30
Addditional Motor Length
Type L H
(mm) (mm)
U 3 0 5 _ _ A M OTO R
堵转电流 /Current @ Stall Torque 2) Id0 [A] 1.4 2.7 2.7 5.4 4.1 7.7 5.2 10
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
额定电流 /Rated Current 2) IdN [A] 1.4 2.4 2.7 4.5 3.9 6.3 4.9 8.2
额定功率 /Rated Power PdN [kW] 0.55 0.97 1.10 1.88 1.57 2.70 2.07 3.58
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 2.93 1.49 2.98 1.52 2.93 1.55 3.04 1.59
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 2.58 1.31 2.62 1.34 2.58 1.37 2.68 1.40
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 30.00 8.50 12.50 3.20 6.60 2.00 5.30 1.45
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 112 26.00 54.70 14.2 34 9.80 27.8 7.59
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 312 295 309 297 294 300 304 306
功率损耗 /Losses Loss [KW] 0.12 0.13 0.19 0.18 0.23 0.23 0.29 0.29
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 1867 3916 1877 3879 1977 3823 1907 3753
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 480V 时的拐点速度
nknee2 [rpm] 2407 4994 2410 4934 2539 4928 2448 4833
Knee Speed @ 480Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee3 [rpm] 958 2279 1025 2273 1241 2256 1176 2182
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
电压 480V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee4 [rpm] 1291 2979 1365 2939 1654 2912 1566 2816
Knee Speed @ 480Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 14 28 42 58
最大电流 /Max. Current (peak value) Imax [A] 6.0 11.8 11.8 23.0 17.9 33.8 23.8 45.7
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 2147 4222 2111 4130 2147 4043 2065 3958
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 2712 5333 2667 5217 2712 5106 2609 5000
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
重量 /Mass M [Kg] 5 7 9 11
额定电压 (±10%)
UBr [Vdc] 24
Rated Voltage (±10%)
额定电流 /Rated Current IBr [A] 0.75
Length [mm] 33
Addditional Motor Length
Type L H
(mm) (mm)
U 3 0 7 _ _ A M OTO R
堵转电流 /Current @ Stall Torque 2) Id0 [A] 3.4 4.2 6.1 6.0 7.8 11.7 8.3 11.1 19.9 10.7 12.1 24.0
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
额定电流 /Rated Current 2) IdN [A] 3.1 3.8 5.2 5.4 6.5 6.7 7.4 9.4 13.3 10.1 11.0 17.9
额定功率 /Rated Power PdN [kW] 1.4 1.9 2.7 2.7 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.8 5.7 5.2 6.7 8.2
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 202 162 112 218 168 112 224 167.6 93 224 199 100
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 3.34 2.68 1.85 3.61 2.78 1.85 3.70 2.77 1.54 3.70 3.29 1.65
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 2.94 2.36 1.63 3.17 2.45 1.63 3.26 2.44 1.35 3.26 2.90 1.46
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 10.30 6.62 3.05 4.25 2.54 1.11 2.348 1.49 0.41 1.85 1.43 0.33
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 61.30 39.20 18.80 32.50 19.30 8.40 22.20 12.50 3.65 16.40 12.90 3.20
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 346 363 366 358 362 347 362 358 290 364 424 311
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 1658 2103 3122 1599 2102 3286 1578 2129 3948 1571 1784 3672
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 480V 时的拐点速度
nknee2 [rpm] 2127 2688 3973 2039 2677 4165 2009 2707 5004 2002 2270 4651
Knee Speed @ 480Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee3 [rpm] 923 1202 1829 967 1281 2038 955 1298 2491 972 1115 2383
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
电压 480V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee4 [rpm] 1217 1570 2359 1258 1658 2611 1239 1676 3194 1263 1443 3042
Knee Speed @ 480Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 33 65 100 130
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 1881 2346 3393 1743 2262 3393 1696 2267 4086 1696 1910 3800
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 2376 2963 4286 2202 2857 4286 2143 2864 5161 2143 2412 4800
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
重量 /Mass M [Kg] 12 17 21 26
额定电压 (±10%)
UBr [Vdc] 24
Rated Voltage (±10%)
额定电流 /Rated Current IBr [A] 1.08
Length [mm] 50
Addditional Motor Length
Type L H
(mm) (mm)
U 3 0 7 _ _ F M OTO R
堵转电流 /Current @ Stall Torque 2) Id0 [A] 9.8 9.8 14.3 12.4 16.6 23.7 16.4 24.1 32.7
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
额定电流 /Rated Current 2) IdN [A] 8.9 8.8 13.5 12.0 15.4 22.5 14.0 21.0 28.0
额定功率 /Rated Power PdN [kW] 3.4 4.5 6.8 6.1 7.6 11.3 7.1 9.3 13.7
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 161.3 161.3 108 227.3 164.7 114.5 226 154.1 113.6
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 2.67 2.67 1.79 3.76 2.72 1.89 3.74 2.55 1.88
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 2.48 2.48 1.57 3.44 2.53 1.76 3.29 2.24 1.65
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 2 2 0.9741 2.092 1.337 0.607 1.934 0.7442 0.4114
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 16.4 16.4 7.74 20.8 12.8 5.88 17 7.84 4.38
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 253 354 355 360 353 361 372 355 365
功率损耗 /Losses Loss [KW] 0.39 0.39 0.46 0.74 0.77 0.76 0.89 0.83 1.30
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 2270 2270 3180 1548 2116 3126 1567 2223 3048
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 480V 时的拐点速度
nknee2 [rpm] 2741 2741 4100 1879 2582 3778 1894 2828 3927
Knee Speed @ 480Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee3 [rpm] 1435 1435 2227 1008 1315 2031 971 1496 2020
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
电压 480V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee4 [rpm] 1850 1850 2852 1304 1693 2597 1262 1919 2559
Knee Speed @ 480Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 65 100 130
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 2538 2538 3513 1825 2487 3576 1749 2466 3345
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 2976 2976 4444 2112 2914 4192 2124 3115 4225
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
重量 /Mass M [Kg] 22 27 32
额定电压 (±10%)
UBr [Vdc] 24
Rated Voltage (±10%)
额定电流 /Rated Current IBr [A] 1.08
Length [mm] 50
Addditional Motor Length
Type L H
(mm) (mm)
U30720F 356.3 251.8
U30730F 406.3 251.8
U30740F 457.3 251.8
U 3 0 7 _ _ C M OTO R
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 218 100 205 112 199 100
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 3.61 1.65 3.39 1.85 3.29 1.65
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 3.17 1.46 2.98 1.63 2.90 1.46
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 4.18 0.82 2.2 0.67 1.25 0.38
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 32.5 6.8 18.6 5.5 12.9 3.2
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 408 350 386 399 378 357
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 1388 3271 1477 2855 1509 3197
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 480V 时的拐点速度
nknee2 [rpm] 1788 4162 1898 3639 1933 4070
Knee Speed @ 480Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee3 [rpm] 953 2277 1040 2027 1132 2365
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
电压 480V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee4 [rpm] 1246 2914 1351 2598 1460 3024
Knee Speed @ 480Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 65 100 130
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 1743 3800 1854 3393 1910 3800
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 2202 4800 2341 4286 2412 4800
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
重量 /Mass M [Kg] 17 21 25
额定电压 (±10%)
UBr [Vdc] 24
Rated Voltage (±10%)
额定电流 /Rated Current IBr [A] 1.08
Length [mm] 50
Addditional Motor Length
Type L
U30720C 257
U30730C 307
U30740C 358
U 3 1 0 _ _ A M OTO R
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 277 213 166 102 274 221 148 93 304 193 166 110 293 221 146 112
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 4.58 3.52 2.75 1.68 4.54 3.65 2.44 1.53 5.02 3.19 2.74 1.82 4.85 3.65 2.42 1.85
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 4.03 3.10 2.42 1.48 4.00 3.21 2.15 1.35 4.42 2.81 2.41 1.60 4.27 3.21 2.13 1.63
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 3.400 2.000 1.220 0.458 1.290 0.820 0.370 0.145 0.908 0.370 0.270 0.120 0.620 0.350 0.154 0.090
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 34.00 18.80 8.00 4.30 16.00 10.20 4.55 1.80 13.90 5.60 4.10 1.84 9.10 5.12 2.30 1.28
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 316 353 354 323 302 354 312 284 333 310 350 335 314 348 304 340
功率损耗 /Losses Loss [KW] 0.55 0.63 0.62 0.78 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.81
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 1219 1619 2153 3536 1272 1613 2445 4029 1149 1848 2174 3410 1219 1640 2507 3356
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 480V 时的拐点速度
nknee2 [rpm] 1559 2065 2740 4484 1621 2051 3101 5096 1463 2346 2756 4312 1549 2081 3175 4244
Knee Speed @ 480Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee3 [rpm] 730 1021 1577 2270 782 1005 1551 2521 694 1137 1343 2039 754 1032 1578 2146
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
电压 480V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee4 [rpm] 953 1323 2039 2901 1013 1294 1984 3209 897 1456 1716 2595 973 1325 2014 2733
Knee Speed @ 480Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 105 210 310 410
最大电流 /Max. Current (peak value) Imax [A] 29 37 48 78 58 72 108 172 77 121 141 213 106 140 212 277
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 1372 1786 2286 3741 1384 1722 2578 4108 1252 1970 2294 3453 1296 1722 2597 3397
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 1733 2255 2887 4726 1759 2175 3254 5189 1582 2488 2897 4362 1637 2175 3281 4291
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
重量 /Mass M [Kg] 28 40 55 70
额定电压 (±10%)
UBr [Vdc] 24
Rated Voltage (±10%)
额定电流 /Rated Current IBr [A] 2.3
Length [mm] 65
Addditional Motor Length
(mm) L
Type (mm)
Encoder: Encoder:
R,S,N1,etc... N3,S5,D6,M2,etc...
U31004A 255 263.5 157
U31007A 327 335.5 232
U31010A 399 407.5 306
U31013A 471 479.5 381
U 3 1 0 _ _ F M OTO R
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 277 193 139 102 274 206 148 93 302 193 138 110 293 221 146 112
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 4.58 3.20 2.30 1.68 4.54 3.40 2.44 1.53 5.00 3.19 2.28 1.82 4.85 3.65 2.42 1.85
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 4.03 2.82 2.02 1.48 4.00 2.99 2.15 1.35 4.40 2.81 2.01 1.60 4.27 3.21 2.13 1.63
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 3.400 1.650 0.860 0.458 1.290 0.720 0.370 0.145 0.910 0.370 0.190 0.120 0.620 0.350 0.154 0.090
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 34.00 16.00 8.60 4.30 16.00 11.00 4.55 1.80 13.90 5.60 2.84 1.84 9.10 5.12 2.30 1.28
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 333 338 318 337 314 355 325 302 340 319 301 357 333 367 321 361
功率损耗 /Losses Loss [KW] 0.90 0.89 0.90 0.90 1.38 1.38 1.37 1.37 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.67 2.08 2.07 2.07 2.07
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 1154 1701 2410 3393 1224 1610 2348 3794 1124 1795 2542 3200 1151 1554 2374 3161
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 480V 时的拐点速度
nknee2 [rpm] 1481 2173 3067 4309 1563 2050 2983 4809 1433 2282 3224 4055 1468 1977 3013 4006
Knee Speed @ 480Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee3 [rpm] 730 1118 1566 2270 782 954 1551 2521 693 1137 1628 2039 754 1032 1578 2146
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
电压 480V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee4 [rpm] 953 1444 2009 2901 1013 1224 1984 3209 896 1456 2076 2595 973 1325 2014 2733
Knee Speed @ 480Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 105 210 310 410
最大电流 /Max. Current (peak value) Imax [A] 29 41 57 78 58 77 108 172 78 121 170 213 106 140 212 277
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 1372 1964 2733 3741 1384 1849 2576 4108 1257 1970 2757 3453 1296 1722 2597 3397
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 1733 2481 3452 4726 1749 2335 3254 5189 1588 2489 3482 4362 1637 2175 3281 4291
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
重量 /Mass M [Kg] 35 50 65 80
额定电压 (±10%)
UBr [Vdc] 24
Rated Voltage (±10%)
额定电流 /Rated Current IBr [A] 2.3
Length [mm] 65
Addditional Motor Length
(mm) M
Type (mm)
Encoder: Encoder:
R,S1,N7,etc... N3,D,S5,M2,etc...
U31004F 342 350 267
U31007F 414 425 312
U31010F 486 497 396
U31013F 558 564 471
U 3 1 0 _ _ C M OTO R
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 276 183 139 102 258 184 128 93 276 193 138 96 293 183 146 91
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 4.56 3.03 2.30 1.68 4.26 3.05 2.12 1.53 4.56 3.19 2.28 1.59 4.85 3.02 2.42 1.51
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 4.01 2.67 2.02 1.48 3.75 2.68 1.87 1.35 4.01 2.81 2.01 1.40 4.27 2.66 2.13 1.33
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 3.400 1.520 0.860 0.458 1.136 0.580 0.280 0.145 0.758 0.370 0.190 0.092 0.620 0.240 0.154 0.060
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 34.00 14.50 8.60 4.30 15.00 7.65 3.75 1.80 11.50 5.60 2.87 1.40 9.10 3.80 2.30 0.90
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 356 339 340 360 327 341 313 328 347 356 335 345 363 337 351 325
功率损耗 /Losses Loss [KW] 1.25 1.27 1.25 1.24 1.92 1.91 1.90 2.52 2.51 2.52 2.51 3.23
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 1075 1694 2252 3170 1177 1683 2447 3492 1102 1608 2279 3314 1052 1699 2173 3525
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 480V 时的拐点速度
nknee2 [rpm] 1386 2168 2872 4032 1507 2146 3111 4433 1410 2049 2897 4204 1347 2165 2764 4471
Knee Speed @ 480Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee3 [rpm] 730 1178 1566 2270 811 1172 1709 2521 770 1137 1618 2349 754 1207 1578 2569
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
电压 480V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee4 [rpm] 952 1520 2009 2901 1048 1503 2182 3209 993 1456 2063 2987 973 1544 2014 3265
Knee Speed @ 480Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 105 210 310 410
最大电流 /Max. Current (peak value) Imax [A] 29 43 57 78 62 86 124 172 85 121 170 244 106 170 212 339
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 1378 2074 2733 3741 1475 2061 2965 4108 1378 1970 2757 3953 1296 2081 2597 4162
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 1741 2620 3452 4726 1864 2603 3745 5189 1741 2489 3482 4993 1637 2629 3281 5258
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
重量 /Mass M [Kg] 35 43 57 70
额定电压 (±10%)
UBr [Vdc] 24
Rated Voltage (±10%)
额定电流 /Rated Current IBr [A] 2.3
Length [mm] 65
Addditional Motor Length
(mm) A B
Type (mm) (mm)
Encoder: Encoder:
R,S1,N1,etc... N3,M2,S5,etc...
U31004C 275 283.5 39 157
U31007C 347 355.5 100 232
U31010C 419 427.5 150 306
U31013C 511 519.5 218 381
U 3 1 3 _ _ A M OTO R
堵转电流 /Current @ Stall Torque 2) Id0 [A] 20 30 40 60 39 58 88 117 54 81 107 65 108 163
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 343 229 172 114 333 224 148 111 333 222 166 369 222 148
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 5.68 3.79 2.84 1.89 5.50 3.70 2.44 1.84 5.50 3.67 2.75 6.10 3.67 2.44
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 5.00 3.34 2.50 1.66 4.84 3.26 2.15 1.62 4.84 3.23 2.42 5.37 3.23 2.15
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 0.800 0.360 0.200 0.090 0.300 0.136 0.058 0.033 0.196 0.087 0.049 0.160 0.059 0.026
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 18.00 8.26 4.50 2.00 9.10 4.00 1.94 1.03 6.00 2.70 1.50 5.50 2.20 0.97
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 378 374 367 358 361 358 305 336 358 354 345 389 347 299
功率损耗 /Losses Loss [KW] 0.69 0.70 0.69 0.70 1.00 0.98 1.22 1.47 1.50 1.49
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 1007 1525 2069 3186 1055 1595 2499 3390 1064 1612 2203 977 1644 2540
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 480V 时的拐点速度
nknee2 [rpm] 1281 1935 2622 4031 1339 2021 3161 4284 1350 2042 2787 1238 2080 3211
Knee Speed @ 480Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee3 [rpm] 666 1007 1384 2101 679 1045 1503 2091 681 1033 1400 619 990 1507
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
电压 480V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee4 [rpm] 855 1285 1762 2668 867 1330 1908 2652 870 1315 1779 791 1258 1912
Knee Speed @ 480Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 280 550 830 1100
最大电流 /Max. Current (peak value) Imax [A] 62 92 123 185 125 186 282 374 189 283 377 225 375 564
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 1107 1658 2213 3325 1143 1699 2576 3416 1143 1713 2286 1030 1713 2576
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 1398 2095 2795 4201 1443 2146 3254 4315 1443 2163 2887 1301 2163 3254
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
额定电压 (±10%)
UBr [Vdc] 24
Rated Voltage (±10%)
额定电流 /Rated Current IBr [A] 1.74
Length [mm] 80
Addditional Motor Length
Type (mm) A2 L1 L2 L3 B1 D1 H1
In ≤ 150A
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
U 3 1 3 _ _ F M OTO R
堵转电流 /Current @ Stall Torque 2) Id0 [A] 30 49 60 90 58 86 130 173 85 127 469 253 125 167 251 333
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
额定电流 /Rated Current 2) IdN [A] 29 46 54 78 56 81 121 148 83 121 157 216 118 155 224 284
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 343 210 172 114 333 224 148 111 333 222 166 111 296 222 148 111
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 5.68 3.47 2.84 1.89 5.50 3.70 2.44 1.84 5.50 3.67 2.75 1.84 4.90 3.67 2.44 1.84
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 5.00 3.05 2.50 1.66 4.84 3.26 2.15 1.62 4.84 3.23 2.42 1.62 4.31 3.23 2.15 1.62
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 0.800 0.300 0.200 0.090 0.300 0.136 0.058 0.033 0.196 0.087 0.049 0.022 0.105 0.059 0.026 0.015
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 18.00 6.70 4.90 2.00 9.10 4.00 1.94 1.09 6.00 2.70 1.50 0.73 3.87 2.20 0.97 0.52
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 410 367 402 388 393 388 346 381 390 385 380 379 349 388 339 374
功率损耗 /Losses Loss [KW] 1.72 1.73 1.72 1.75 2.40 2.41 2.36 2.36 3.37 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.94 3.95 3.94 3.86
最大电流 /Max. Current (peak value) Imax [A] 62 101 123 185 125 186 282 374 189 283 377 564 281 375 564 747
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 1107 1811 2213 3325 1143 1699 2576 3416 1143 1713 2286 3416 1283 1713 2576 3416
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 1398 2288 2795 4201 1443 2146 3254 4315 1443 2163 2887 4315 1620 2163 3254 4315
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
Type (mm) A2 L1 L2 L3 B1 D1 H1
In ≤ 150A In > 150A
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
U 3 1 3 _ _ C M OTO R
堵转电流 /Current @ Stall Torque 2) Id0 [A] 43 65 72 108 84 149 168 222 134 223 267 333 149 268 335 445
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 8
额定电流 /Rated Current 2) IdN [A] 43 64 71 105 83 146 164 215 134 221 262 321 148 266 331 432
额定功率 /Rated Power PdN [kW] 19 28 37 55 37 56 74 109 56 84 111 163 75 115 149 220
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 287 191 172 114 296 166 148 111 277 166 139 111 333 184 148 111
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 4.74 3.16 2.84 1.89 4.89 2.75 2.44 1.84 4.58 2.75 2.30 1.84 5.50 23.05 2.44 1.84
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 4.17 2.78 2.50 1.66 4.30 2.42 2.15 1.62 4.03 2.42 2.02 1.62 4.84 2.68 2.15 1.62
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 0.560 0.247 0.200 0.090 0.243 0.080 0.060 0.034 0.135 0.049 0.034 0.022 0.127 0.039 0.026 0.015
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 12.50 5.53 4.90 2.00 7.10 2.24 1.80 1.00 4.20 1.50 1.05 0.73 4.50 1.38 0.97 0.52
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 364 357 437 419 379 315 372 413 357 315 349 425 424 348 382 418
功率损耗 /Losses Loss [KW] 2.05 2.03 2.04 2.07 3.34 3.48 3.31 3.30 4.76 4.79 4.75 4.80 5.52 5.51 5.63 5.63
最大电流 /Max. Current (peak value) Imax [A] 74 111 123 185 141 250 282 374 227 377 451 564 250 451 564 747
380V 时最大速度
nmax1 [rpm] 1326 1989 2213 3325 1285 2286 2576 3416 1372 2286 2733 3416 1143 2061 2576 3416
Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac
480V 时最大速度
nmax2 [rpm] 1675 2512 2795 4201 1624 2887 3254 4315 1733 2887 3452 4315 1443 2603 3254 4315
Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度 /Max. Mechanical Speed nmax [rpm] 6000
Type (mm) A2 A3 A4 L1 L2 L3 B1 D1 H1
In ≤ 150A In > 150A
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
U 3 1 8 _ _ F M OTO R
堵转转矩 /Stall Torque 2) Md0 [Nm] 579 761 932 1095 1398
堵转电流 /Current @ Stall Torque 2) Id0 [A] 169 209 273 321 384
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 12
额定电流 /Rated Current 2) IdN [A] 151 185 237 275 328
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 3.32 3.54 3.32 3.32 3.54
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 0.045 0.035 0.023 0.018 0.015
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 0.616 0.526 0.37 0.308 0.263
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 317 337 314 313 333
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 1796 1687 1811 1816 1707
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nknee3 [rpm] 1521 1429 1533 1536 1440
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 1346 1795 2244 2692 3590
最大电流 /Max. Current (peak value) Imax [A] 380 475 633 759 949
Type A1 A2 L1 L2 L3 B1 D1 H1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
U 3 1 8 _ _ C M OTO R
堵转电流 /Current @ Stall Torque 2) Id0 [A] 97 194 194 388 317 635
极数 /Number of Poles 2p 12
额定电流 /Rated Current 2) IdN [A] 88 175 176 345 305 588
额定功率 /Rated Power PdN [kW] 52 104 105 205 161 310
电压常数 /Voltage Constant 3) Ke [V/1000rpm] 390 195 390 195 347 173
扭矩常数 /Torque Constant 3) Kt [Nm/A] 6.45 3.23 6.45 3.23 5.74 2.86
温升 100℃时扭矩常数
Kt100 [Nm/A] 5.68 2.84 5.68 2.84 5.05 2.52
Torque Constant @ 130°C 3)
线电阻 /Winding Resistance 3) Ru-v [Ω] 0.16 0.042 0.059 0.015 0.032 0.009
线电感 /Winding Inductance 3) Lu-v [mH] 2.2 0.55 1.1 0.45 1.04 0.27
Dke/Dt [%/°C] -0.12
Derating Temp. Coeff. Of Back EMF
额定电压 /Nominal Voltage Vn [V] 408 402 405 410 374 369
功率损耗 /Losses Loss [KW] 3.24 3.41 4.79 4.87 6.94 7.85
电压 380V 时的拐点速度
nknee1 [rpm] 929 1887 937 1851 1018 2060
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 480V 时的拐点速度
nmax2 [rpm] 1181 2391 1189 2344 1291 2609
Knee Speed @ 380Vac
电压 380V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nmax3 [rpm] 795 1658 822 1475 807 1621
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
电压 480V 时的最大扭矩下的拐点速度
nmax4 [rpm] 1023 2114 1052 1873 1029 2058
Knee Speed @ 380Vac and Mmax
最大值 /Maximum Values
最大转矩 /Max. Torque Mmax [Nm] 1300 2500 3500
最大电流 /Max. Current (peak value) Imax [A] 252 504 484 969 762 1529
380V 时最大速度 /Max. Speed Deflux nmax1 [rpm] 974 1949 974 1949 1095 2197
480V 时最大速度 /Max. Speed Deflux nmax2 [rpm] 1231 2462 1231 2462 1383 2775
Type A1 A2 L1 L2 L3 B1 D1 H1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Motor Performance Curves
nknee3 nknee4
S1 Torque
Voltage Saturation 380Vac
Voltage Saturation 480Vac
Max Torque
S1 Power
热衰减 过载
Thermal Derating Overload Rating
140 400
120 300
100 200
80 100
Motor Connections
信号 Signal
信号插座 /Signal Connector M23-17 Pin 信号插座 /Signal Connector M23-17 Pin
E n D a t Ty p e M x , N x R e s o l v e r Ty p e R
PIN Function AxM Port E1 PIN Function AxM Port E1 PIN
1 A+ n.c. 1 n.c. n.c.
2 A- n.c. 2 n.c. n.c.
3 DATA + 14 3 n.c. n.c.
4 PTC + 8 4 Sin -,1 c/r 5
5 CLOCK + 3 5 Cos +,1 c/r 3
6 n.c. n.c. 6 Cos -,1 c/r 4
7 0V 1 7 Resex- 10
8 KTY84 + n.c. 8 KTY84 + n.c.
9 KTY84 – n.c. 9 KTY84 - n.c.
10 + Vac 10 Resex - 11
11 B+ n.c. 11 n.c. n.c.
12 B– n.c. 12 n.c. n.c.
13 DATA – 9 13 n.c. n.c.
14 CLOCK – 4 14 Sin +,1 c/r 2
15 0V sense n.c. 15 n.c. n.c.
16 Vac sense n.c. 16 PTC + 8
17 PTC – 1 17 PTC - 1
Power(Size 303,305,307)
接线 /Wiring
编码器 /Encoder
1 Phase A U Phase A
2 Phase B V Phase B
Power(Size 310,313,318)
接线盒 142×142
接线盒 175×175
接线盒 240×195
接线盒 353×264
(*) 如果存在的情况下
接线定义 /Connection box configuration 接线定义 /Connection box configuration
If present!
1 Phase W 7 风扇 /Fan *
2 Phase V 8 风扇 /Fan *
3 Phase U 9 内部接线用 /Reserved for internal use*
4 GND 10 内部接线用 /Reserved for internal use*
5 制动器 Brake (+ 24V) * 11 内部接线用 /Reserved for internal use*
6 制动器 Brake (0V) *
Safety Brake Specification
U303 U305 U307 U310 U313
Motor size
最小静态力矩(120℃ ) Nm 4 9 32 140 300
Min. static torque(120℃)
ms 15 25 40 100 300
Operate time
ms 40 40 100 180 350
Release time
Vdc+/-10% 24
Release voltage
Adc 0.58 0.75 1.08 2.3 1.7
Release voltage
kg 0.65 1 3 11 18
Additional mass
mkgm² 0.022 0.065 0.6 5.6 20
% 9.5 8 8.6 6.5 4.8
Torque derating of motor
mm 30 33 50 65 80
Additional motor length
KTY84 阻值 /KTY84Resistance value(Ohm)
热时间常数 /Thermal time constant≤3s
350 900
10² 250
10¹ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
TYPE: KTY84 - 130
保护传感器 PTC 的电阻与温度关系 /Protection device (PTC)
resistance vs. temperature Green and blue bands: limits of PTC 温度 /Temperature (C)
tolerance values
Application Guidelines
前言 电流直到电机实际速度和要求速度一致。如果负载突然加
通 过增加电机扭矩去满足负载的增加,并重新返回到设定
● 速度精度几乎与负载和电机无关,而只取决于传
AC 变频调速驱动,以便使系统性能达到一个全新的水平,
● 负载波动与速度校正之间的时间滞后,完全取决
包括更短的周期、 更高的生产率、更好的可靠性和更长的
1) 驱动器一旦将电流送到电机,电机须立即产生扭矩。
2) 一开始,齿形带会变形伸长,负载不会加速到像电
3) 从而因此,电机比负载提前到达设定的速度,装在
选择。因而就需要对现代 无刷驱动系统的性能指标做到很
4) 随着齿形带的张力的不断增加使电机速度变慢,迫
更 大的自由度,比传统的驱动装置需要选择更多的参数。
统类似于在标准磁感电机 上,增加了一组扬声器的功放。
从而使电 机具有非常短的响应时间及有限的惯性, 因此
样,最终的控制品质 更多的是依靠所选择的系统参数和驱
① 机械方面:机械联动装置的选择,传动比的选择,
② 电子方面:反馈方式,传感器类型和数量的选择,
速反应能力。事实上,老式驱动装置都很慢 , 他是用大电
机的惯性补偿速度的不 足。另一方面,由于无刷电机的惯
旋转精度。所有这些都可说表明,为什么无刷电机驱 动系
统与机械方面精度差,如反向间隙、键槽等 因素特别敏感。
无刷驱动 : 操作规则 , 性能特征和限制
所有的无刷伺服系统包括:电力驱动、伺服电机和至 必须有抗扭刚性,如金属波纹管型。
少一个反馈传感器。所有这些部件都在一个控制闭环系统 结论:
中运行:驱动器从外面接收指令信息,然后将电流输送给 由于传统驱动系统(永磁直流电机,交流变频电机)
电机;通过电机转换成扭矩,然后带动负载;负载根据他 自身的惯性和响应时间限制了其使用性能,因而具有更好
自己的特性进行动作或加速;传感器测量负载的位置,使 应用性能的高水平新型无刷驱动系统就需克服传统应用场
驱动装置对指令信息值和实际位置值进行比较;然后通过 合的诸多机械限制。
改变电机电流使实际位置值和指令信息值保持一 致。 因此,今天机械系统的设计验证或系统升级,比以往
例如:要求一个恒定速度,驱动装置将不断增加电机 任何时候都更为重要。 新方案的成功与否与整个系统的动
态设计密切相关。 对任何传输系统来说,负载参数都能按以下方式转换
从上面简单的例子中还可以得出以下准则: 成电机轴的参数。如果 n= 传动比(电机与负载速度之比,
● 速度精度只取决于传感器,而与电机无关。 若从直线运动转为旋转则为 rad/m):
● 跟随速度和对突变负载波动的补偿能力,完全取 ● 电机扭矩 = 负载扭矩(或推力)/n
决于机械连接器的刚性和品质。 ● 电机速度 = 负载速度 *n
在差的或改型后较差的应用系统中,经常听到的噪音, ● 减至电机轴端的负载惯性 = 负载惯性 ( 或质量 )/
既不是来源于电机,也不是驱动器,而是来源于“原始的” n2
机械连接器。事实上,噪音是由于电机“捕捉”正确扭矩 在上面列举出来的传输方式中,第一种齿形带是最便
而产生,在这种情况下,电机有可能产生与负载无关的过 宜的,同时也是最慢的,他们只能用于小的控制带宽(小
热。 在同一系统中,老式电机也许会正常工作,这是由于 于 10Hz,使用高刚性齿形带),为了避免传输到电机轴
大基座电机的惯性,“掩盖了”其所有的不足。 的负载惯性远远大于电机本身的惯性,那么选择适当的传
对应用系统动态要求的分析是选择电机的基础。 动比就尤为重要。齿形带类传输方式不能用于转换时间远
为达此目的,这一广泛的概念可分解为两个因素: 小于 1 秒钟的位置控制场合。
● 大信号带宽:这是产生足够扭矩和速度的根本, 如果齿轮减速器的齿隙比系统要求的精度低很多的情
可在非常短的时间内,迫使负载达到理想的运行轨迹。这 况下,齿轮减速器的确是很好的解决方案。最好的减速器
完全取决于电机、负载扭矩和系统惯性,且须将系统所有 (也是最贵的)就是外摆线。有很多特殊系列的摆线和外
部件按无 限刚性部件进行研究。 摆线减速器,是专门针对伺服控制而设计的,其输出轴的
● 小的信号带宽或控制带宽:其数值与稳定时间的 齿隙被限制在每分钟 1'-3'。只有这样的减速器才能具体
倒数相关。一般需低于系统中的任何 机械共振频率,其倒 用于控制带宽高于 10Hz 的应用场合。伺服系列减速器均
数值为控制环的稳定时间(如在满足所需精度的前提下, 被设计成用刚性联轴器直接与电机轴相连,一般不用键槽。
在运动命令的末尾,要达到目标位置所需的时间)。典型 谐波驱动齿轮箱被设计为专用于位置控制。他具有体
的,要想使稳定时间达到所有负载和连 接器上振荡或共振 积小、传动比大、反向间隙小等特点。其刚性并不是很好,
所需滞后时间的 2—3 倍,一般是不可能的。 可取得的控制带宽在 10Hz—30Hz 范围。由于效率有限,
举个例子,假设有一台高速冲床的分度轴 , 其额定 因而只能用于位置控制场合。
速率定为 10 次 / 秒,即工件位置每 秒变化 10 次。如果 螺杆减速器使用场合有限,这类齿轮虽 然很普通也
整个传动链(轴、减速器、传动带、滚珠丝杠等)的共 不贵,但是却不适合位置控制。 蜗杆的效率是依靠有效润
振频率为 50Hz 系统稳定时间大约 50—60msec,只剩下 滑来决定的,蜗杆 在低速运转时,其效率急剧下降,原因
40ms ec 去移动和冲切。由于需要非常高的扭矩和加速性 是低 于一定速度时,油膜就无法形成,从而使效 率下降,
能,所以这种应用几乎是不可能的。 磨损加剧。
然而,如果增强传动链的刚性(如用长丝杠代替传送 无论在任何地方需要旋转到直线转换, 滚珠丝杠可
带等),那么传动链的共振频率可增至 100Hz,稳定时间 提供高达 4m/s 的高品质解决方案,特别是当滚珠丝杠直
减少至 25-30msec,移动时间翻倍,所需的扭矩减半, 接由电机驱动时,更是如此。低惯量电机的直接驱动一般
应用也就没有问题。 不再需要扭矩限制离合器。在比较长的移动场合,有必要
大位移运动常用齿轮— 齿条来实现,但其较大的反向间隙
最优化驱动设计: 则会限制系统相应周期,并引起电机噪音。传统的间隙消
传动比 转换方式 联轴器 除方式是增加了楔形条减少非线性,同样利用摩擦轮也可
无刷电机的体积大小是由电机输出扭矩来确定的。 强刚性。这项技术尚不普及并且没有标准,但是在控制小
因此,在所有的应用中,低的电机速度将产生低的额定功 负载(几公斤)情况下却能达到极好的性能。
率和相对低的效率。另一方面,无刷电机没有最小速度限 然而总的来说,直线电机作为高精度直线运动的控制
制(其速度仅由所用的传感器来决定,如某些应用中,其 方式是最佳的。
轴的速度是每年转 1 转), 因此,若有人提议用高速齿轮箱, 为了在具体的应用场合选择最适合的减速方式和传动
这只能减少电机的重量(如 电力牵引)或提高效率。从费 比,先将应用分成两个大类:
用或动态性能的观点来看,则不提倡这种方案。无论在什 ①功率伺服:当电机用于功率控制场合(如 主轴、
么地方,只要电机直接作用于负载,控制带宽就是最大化 牵引、缠绕、传送等)时,其动态性能非常重要,主要是
的,因为这已达到了最大化的传输刚性。因此,这些应用 控制功率。往往电机费用是系统费用的主要组成部分。
可提供最佳的位 置控制和具有最短稳定时间的跟随精度。 ②位置控制或宽调速(电子凸轮轴):在这些应用中,
在为具体系统选择适当驱动方式之前,有必要先了解 绝大多数能量用于在极短时间内 的加速、制动和目标定
一下可用的机械传输方式。最常用的传输方式有以下几种: 位,同时对精度也有或多或少的要求。
①旋转到旋转的转换 从传统意义上说,上面提到的两种方法也可称为主轴
● 齿形带 驱动和坐标轴驱动。
● 斜齿轮减速器 在第一种情况下,动态特性并不重要,因此简单的减
● 摆线及外摆线转减速器 速器就能够满足要求。由于功率常常是相对的,带减速器
● 谐波驱动 的机械传输结构通常是很有用的。为了选择最好的传动比,
● 蜗杆减速器或格里森(Gleason)齿轮 转速需达到 4000RPM,电机成本和体积的减少与传动比
②旋转到直线运动转换 的增加成准线性关系。另一方面, 传动系统成本的增加与
● 齿形带 齿轮级数或滑轮数量密切相关。从应用成本的观点出发,
● 齿轮齿条 综合成本的最小化主要取决于:
● 金属带 ● 可否直接驱动
● 滚珠丝杠
● 可否只用一级减速就可达到速度所需的最大传动 控制方式的选择
● 可否只用两级减速就可达到速度所需的最大传动
● 依此类推
● 力矩控制(速度取决于负载)
● 速度控制(扭矩取决于负载)
● 位置控制(扭矩取决于负载)
力或推力(如缠绕 / 反绕、纺织、薄膜 / 纸张处理等)。
控制精度不是很高,典型的控制精度在 5-10% 的范围之内。
在快速的现代 NC 或控制板的多轴应用系统中,多轴
模式,并将其他控制环并入 NC。这样编码器信号直接到
● 任何高于惯性比的传动比都是错误的。
所有的系统和控制参数(偏移量、PID 值等)都集中在
● 最好的传动比总是低于或等于惯性比,并且要考
NC 或控制 PC 机上。
● 与小的传输比相比,大的传输比会使控制带宽变
敏感。编码器直接反馈到 NC 系统,驱动器仅读取换向系
统的值。 在多轴系统中,这种简单而有效的方法给多 轴
无论转换到电机轴的负载惯性比电机本 身惯性大几
本和复杂性的问题,这种高 速总线即限制轴的数量有限制
的信号直接送入 NC 或者 PC 机上进行处理,就非常麻烦。
速度控制是最传统的方法。 他常被集成于一体,这
在 Ultract III 设计中利用大轴来使其最优化)长而细的电
器的几个点,如果传感器具有 4096 脉冲 / 转,则可达到
机非常有效。事实上,Ultract III 范围完全覆盖,相同的
1/16000 的分辨率。在多轴(电子轴或电子凸轮)同步应
● 长电机有最小的运动惯量,适合于低惯性负载及
高加速的场合。 驱动器和电机的大小的确认
● 短粗的电机具有最大的扭转刚性,适合于大惯性
作为参考:假设一钢制轴,其直径为 D, 长度为 L,
若负载惯量为 JL,轴的扭转刚度为 Sm, 那么负载
(1)绘制周期的速度 / 时间图,要考虑,如何获取
率倒数的 2-3 倍。
联轴器,离合器和传动机构的惯量。惯性扭矩 = 加速度 *(电
机惯量 + 转换到电机轴 的负载惯量)
周期内的扭矩 / 时间图。
(5)通过检查扭矩 / 时间图,可获得扭矩的均方根值。
例如:按相同的扭矩,将周期分成时间段 t1,。
如果在每个时间段的扭矩值各为 C1,C2,......Cn。那么
周期中扭矩的均方根值就是: AC brushless servo drive systems, based on rare earth PM
magnets, provide the highest level of dynamic performance and
torque density available today. The trend to replace conventional
hydraulic, DC, stepper or inverter driven AC drives with brushless
(6)用相同的公式计算周期中(eff 中速度 的均方
drives yields to a new level of system performance, in terms of
shorter cycle times, higher productivity, improved accuracy coupled
根值或有效值。 with shorter settling times, increased reliability and longer life. In order
(7)计算在周期中的平均扭矩。 to achieve the steep performance improvement which is feasible with
(8)计算在周期中的 tcmax:最大扭矩下的最大执 the new motors, however, a good understanding of the characteristics
行时间。 of this technology is a prerequisite. In fact, just replacing a
(9)计算在最大速度 Cwmax 时所需的扭矩。
conventional motor with a new technology drive on a machine not
designed for high speed control could result in unexpected problems
(10)计算最大扭矩 Cpk。 and at times even in a deterioration of the machine operability.
所获得的数据还必须与电机和电子限制值进行比较以 These application guidelines were designed to provide a basic
便进行确认。 tool for the optimization of new applications without prior knowledge
of these new drives. For applications where the performance or the
motor stress is perceived to be critical, or where a full optimization
电机大小的确认 could be beneficial, contact the Factory.
● The speed accuracy is virtually independent of load and ● The following speed, and therefore the ability to compensate
motor, but depends on the quality of the sensor signal and the speed for sudden load variations, depends critically on the stiffness and
and control algorithm of the drive; quality of the mechanical linkage.
● The time lag between load perturbation and speed correction The motor noise, which is often observed in poor or retrofit
depends critically on the speed and resolution of the sensor and on applications, is not due either to the motor or the drive but often
the parameters of the electronic drive. enough to a “primeval” mechanical linkage. In fact,noise in due to the
Modern brushless servo drives react to sensor signals with time motor “hunting” for the correct tor- que; in this situation, the motor is
lags in the order of a millisecond or less, providing for very high loop likely to over- heat irrespectively of loading.
performance. The same system might have worked well with an older drive,
At this level, however, the propagation time through the where the large motor inertia Lrolls overLall imperfections
mechanical linkages often becomes the prime limit to the system The dynamic study of the application is funda- mental to the
dynamics. motor selection.
As an example, consider a system in which a servo motor To this aim, this broad concept can be divided in two elements:
drives a constant speed, large inertia load through a timing belt. The ● Large signal bandwidth: this is the raw ability to deliver
timing belt has a finite, and significant, elasticity. Analyzing a speed enough torque and speed, in sufficien- tly short time, to force the load
correction at the millisecond timescale, the following sequence is on the desired trajectory. This depends exclusively on motor and load
obtained: torque and inertia, and can be studied considering all components as
1 The drive sets a current level through the motor which infinitely stiff;
applies a torque almost instantly; ● Small signal bandwidth or control bandwidth, which relates
2 Initially, while the belt is being stretched, the load does not to the inverse of the settling time. This is necessarily lower than any
accelerate as fast as the motor; mechanical resonance frequency in the system; its inverse expresses
3 Consequently, the motor reaches the set speed before the the settling time of the control loop,i.e. the time required at the end
load; the sensor, on the motor, cuts the current and consequently the of a motion command to settle in the target position within a required
torque; accuracy. Typically, it will be impossible to achieve a settling time
4 The increased tension of the belt slows the motor down better than 2-3 times the damping time of all the oscillations or reso-
forcing the drive to increase the current again, and a new cycle is nances in the load and linkage.
initiated. As an example, consider the indexing axis of a high speed
In this example, the system is oscillating; the motor torque notching machine. The rate target is set at 10 strokes per second,
pulsates and so does the load speed. The end result is noise, i.e. the drive starts and stops the workpiece in a new position ten
overheat and wear, none of which are clearly due to thewould times per second. If the whole linkage (shaft, reducer, belts, ball
likely disappear, increasing the feeling that the new drives are not screw etc) has a first reso- nance frequency of 50 Hz, the system
adequate. will settle in about 50-60 msec, leaving only 40 msec for the move
This simplistic understanding is erroneous. In fact, analyzing the and the punch! This application is near impossible, as very high
above example: torque and accelera- tions would be needed. However, if the linkage
1 The instability is due to the mismatch betwe- en the system is stiffened, by removing the belt, adopting a lar- ger screw, etc. so
reaction speed (high) and the mechanical propagation or reaction that the resonance frequency of the linkage is increased to 100 Hz,
time (long); the motor reacts quicker than the time required by the the settling time is reduced to 25-30 msec, the time availa- ble for the
system to settle through the new torque configuration; move is doubled, the required torque is halved, and the application is
2 The possible solutions are: feasible.
either to reduce the mechanical system reaction time, by
stiffening the linkage and lowering the inertias, e.g. going direct drive
or replacing the belt with a gearbox; or to lower the speed of the OPTIMAL DRIVE DESIGN:
control system, giving up some control ban- dwidth which would have THE TRANSMISSION RATIO, THE TYPE
been achievable with the new technology.
The second solution, of course, sells away some quality, as
it impairs the capability to react quickly to sudden load variations.
In fact, older drives, which were anyway slower, compensated the The size of brushless motor is determined by its output torque.
lack of speed with a large motor inertia; on the other side, brushless In all applications, therefore, low motor speed yields to a low specific
motors, where inertia is minimized, need a good bandwidth to power and relatively low efficiency. On the other hand, brushless
guarantee good rotation accuracy. motors have no minimum speed (the speed depends only on the
All this explains why brushless drives are rela- tively unforgiving sensor used; there are applications whose axis speed is 1 revolution/
of mechanical inaccuracies, backlash, keyways etc.; year); as a consequence, a high gearing is advisable only to
For this reason, the best motors are manufactured with round minimize the motor mass (e.g. with electric traction) or to maximize
shaft without keyway, for interference coupling with conical fittings the efficiency; it is often not advisable from the viewpoint of cost or
(e.g. Ring-feder) and their shafts and flanges are machined to a dynamic performance. Wherever the motor is applied directly on
reduced toleran- ce to remove the need for flexible couplings. If a the load, the control bandwidth is maximized because maximum
coupling is needed, it needs to be torsionally stiff, such as the metallic transmission stiffness is achieved; consequently, these applications
bellows type. provide the best position or following accuracy with the shortest
In conclusion: settling time.
While traditional drive systems (DC of PM DC, inverter driven Before starting with the selection of the right drive for a specific
AC) would limit themselves, with their own inertia and response system, it is necessary to know the type of mechanical transmission
time, the performance of the application, the high level of the which can be used. The most common transmissions are the
new brushless drives move the performance threshold above the following:
mechanical limits of most traditional applications. As a result, the ROTATION-ROTATION CONVERSION
design verification of the mechanical system, and its upgrade to ● Timing belt;
the new requirements, is more important than it used to be up until ● Reducer with helical wheels and parallel axes;
now. The success of a new application hinges critically on a good ● Cycloid and epicyclic reducer;
dynamical design of the whole system. ● Harmonic Drive™;
The success of a new application hinges criti- cally on a good ● Tangent screw reducer or Gleason gears.
dynamical design of the whole system. ROTATIONAL-LINEAR MOTION CONVER-SION:
A few rules can also be derived from the sim- ple examples ● Timing belts;
above: ● Pinion-rack;
● The speed accuracy does not depend on the motor but on the ● Metallic band;
sensor; ● Ball screw.
For any transmission system, the load parameters can be step according to the number of gear stages or pulleys; from an
transferred to the motor axis as follows. application cost viewpoint, the minimum overall cost can only be
If n = transmission ratio (ratio between the motor and the load found in a few points, precisely:
speed, rad/m in the case of a conversion from linear motion): ● Either with a direct drive;
● Motor torque = Torque (thrust) to the load/n ● Or at the speed corresponding to the maxi- mum ratio which
● Motor speed = Load speed x n is possible with just one reduc- tion stage;
● Load inertia reduced to the motor axis = iner- tia (or mass) of ● Or at the speed corresponding to the maxi- mum ratio which
load/n2 is possible with two reduction stages and so on.
Among all the listed transmissions, the first ones, which are The economic optimization, in this case, is carried out checking
the least expensive, are also the slowest; they result in low control these points and adding the costs of the motor to that of the reducer.
bandwidth (lower than 10 Hz, using a high stiffness belt); for the For all dynamic applications (axes) the situation is completely
same reason, it is important to avoid the ratios which make the load different. If the torque required in the drive cycle is dominated by
inertia transferred to the motor axis too much higher than the motor theinertial torques both of the motor and of the load, for an increase in
one. The belt transmission should not be applied for positioning the reduction ratio there is a decrease in the impact of the load inertia
applications with cycle times a lot shorter than one second. and an increase of the impact of the motor inertia. Consequently,
Gear reducers are a good solution, provided that their angular for an application where the required torque is exclusively inertial,
backlash is considerably lower than the accuracy required by the the reduction ratio at which the load inertia, translated to the motor
system; the best type of reducer (the most expensive too) is the axis, equals the motor inertia (inertial match) is characterized by the
epicyclic; there are special series of cycloid and epicycloid reducers minimum motor torque and therefore by the smallest motor.
purpose designed for servo controls, where the angular backlash at For this reason, inertial matching was long considered the best
the output shaft is limited to 1-3 arc minutes. Such reducers are the gear ratio selection tool. Such rule, on the contrary, is just a useful
only ones that can be specified for applications with control bandwidth indication. In fact, the minimum size motor, considering that the
higher than 10 Hz. The “servo series” reducers are designed to be cost of a quality reducer can double the cost of the motor, does not
coupled directly to the motor with a stiff coupling device, without correspond to the lowest cost application sizing. Furthermore, the
keyway. level of quality and performance is determined a lot more by gear
The Harmonic Drive™ gearbox was specifically designed backlash and shaft elasticity than by the motor itself. Consequently, a
for positioning. It has limited size, high ratio and low backlash. ratio selection which accounts for the motor only is clearly flawed. A
The angular stiffness is not very good and the achievable control better set of rules is the following;
bandwidth is in the 10-30 Hz range. Because of its limited efficiency, ● Any transmission ratio higher than the inertial ratio is wrong;
it should be used for positioning only. ● The best ratio is always lower or equal to the inertial one, and
Tangent screw reducers fit in a class apart. These gears, it is obtained considering the motor and reducer costs;
although common and inexpensive, are not suitable for position ● High ratios always yield a narrower control bandwidth and a
control. The tangent screw, whose efficiency is based on an effective lower degree of accuracy (with a higher energetic consumption) than
lubrication, display a low efficiency which drops dramatically at low what can be obtained with lower ratios.
speed, because below a critical speed the oil film collapses, efficiency These considerations explain the current attempt to replace step
drops and a quick wear ensues. down gears with direct drives.
Wherever a rotary to linear conversion is required, ball screws Wherever the load inertia transferred to the motor shaft is more
provide a quality solution up to about 4 m/s, especially if they are than a few times the motor inertia, however, care must be taken,
driven directly by the motor. Direct drive with a low inertia motor because the motor inertia is not there to carry out a stabilizing action
generally avoids the need of a torque limiting clutch. For very on the possible mechanical resonances or load disturbance on the
long movements it is necessary to check the flexure and torsional system. As a consequence, a high control bandwidth needs to be
stiffness of the screw, which may limit the system bandwidth. Longer achieved, to compensate electronically what is not obtained by inertia
movements are carried out with rack and pinion, which have always a alone; to do this, the mechanical linkage in these applications needs
significant backlash which generally results in limit cycling and motor to be of high quality, stiff and without backlash (no keyways!).
noise. The traditional backlash elimination methods add stick-slip non From an analytical viewpoint, extreme direct drives mandate a
linearity instead, and so do friction wheels, typically with similar limit check on the torsional stiffness of the system. The torsional stiffness
cycling results. of the motor shaft needs to be considered as well; this, although
Fast and accurate movements can be obtained with metallic minimized in the ULTRACT II design by means of large shafts, is
tapes replacing the timing belts with superior stiffness. This significant for the long and thin motors. In fact, the ULTRACT II
technique, while not well known and therefore not standardized, is range was purposefully overlapped, so that the same torque can
able to reach excellent performances in the control of small loads (a be obtained either with a long and narrow motor or with a short and
few kilos). stocky one. For this reason:
In general, however, linear motors rest as the best solution for ● Long motors have a minimum moment of iner- tia; they are
high accuracy control of a linear motion. intended for high acceleration with low inertia loads;
In order to select the most suitable reduction method and ● Stocky motors have a maximum torsional stiffness; they
transmission ratio for a specific application, it is useful to classify first are intended for high inertia loads, where the motor inertia is small
the applications into two broad families: compared to the load.
1 Power services : the motor supplies power to a process As a reference, the torsional stiffness of a shaft whose diameter
(spindles, traction, winding, conve- ying etc.), where the dynamic is D and whose length is L, made of steel, is:
performance is of marginal importance, the power controlled is
significant, the motor cost is an important frac- tion of the system
2 Position control :or high rate cycling (electro- nic camshaft),
in which most of the energy is used to accelerate, to brake and to While the frequency of torsional resonance of a load with inertia
position objects in a short time and with a more or less high accuracy. JI connected to an axis with torsional stiffness Sm is:
Traditionally, the two above mentioned categories are referred
to respectively as spindle drives and axis drive.
In the first case, the dynamic properties are often not important,
therefore simple speed reducers are acceptable and, as the power
is often relevant, a mechanical transmission with a reduction stage In all applications with large inertia and short settling time, a
is normally useful. In order to choose the best transmission ratio, check on the first torsiona resonance frequency is highly advisable.
consider that up to ~ 4000 RPM, the cost and size of the motor
decrease in a quasi linear way with the increase of the transmission
ratio. On the contrary, the cost of the transmission increases step by
CONTROL STRATEGY SELECTION 5 By inspection of the torque vs. time diagram obtain the
root mean square value of the torque: e.g. divide the cycle into
time segments t1, inside of which the torque is constant;
All drive system can be configured according to three main if the torque values in each segment of the cycle are respectively
control strategies: C1,C2...Cn, the root mean square torque in the cycle is:
● Torque control (the speed depends on the load);
● Speed control (the torque depends on the load);
● Position control (the torque depends on the load)
The first strategy is the easiest to implement and can be used 6 Calculate the root mean square or effective speed in the cycle
when it is necessary to control a force or a pull (winders/unwinders, ωeff with the same formula;
textile, tape/paper processing, etc.). Torque control is native, or 7 Calculate the mean torque in the cycle Cave;
intrinsic to the brushless motors, which are always current controlled. 8 Calculate the maximum duration time of the maximum torque
For this reason, torque control has minimum sensor requirement (just in the cycle tcmax;
commutation or Hall sensor), is very fast (control bandwidth >300 9 Calculate the required torque at the maxi-mum speed Cwmax;
Hz) and intrinsically stable and robust irrespective of load. Torque 10 Calculate the maximum torque Cpk.
controlled drives are simple amplifiers which require no calibration The data thus obtained needs to be compared with the motor
or adjustment whatsoever and are therefore the simplest controllers. and electronic limits to validate the application.
Accuracy is not too high due to motor friction, cogging, ripple, sensor
drift; typically it can range in the 5-10% area.
In the multi-axes applications with very fast and modern NCs MOTOR SIZE VERIFICATION
or controller boards, where multiple axes must be linked (multiple
electric gears and cams), or with adaptive control or with variable Brushless motors are excellent torque transducers, linear to
parameters, a simple and effective strategy is to set the drives a peak torque several times the nominal. As a consequence, the
in torque control mode and to assign the other loops to the NC. obtainable peak torque is usually determined only by the choice of
In this way the encoders are fed to the NC, all drives are equal, the electronic drive. The correct sizing of the motor is thermal and
intrinsically stable and need no programming; all the system and electric; the optimally sized motor is the one which, on the worst load,
control parameters (offsets, PID values, etc) are lumped in the NC settles at the correct temperature rise, usually 40-50°C above the
or control PC. The drives can be replaced without programming and room temperature.
no download of parameters is necessary. The control signal to the The complete check of the selection of the proper motor is
drives is a simple differential torque reference, offset insensitive. carried out in three steps:
The encoders are fed directly to the NC; the drive only reads the ● Control of the peak or demagnetizing torque;
commutation system. This simple and elegant approach provides ● Thermal dimensioning;
very good performance in multiple systems without incurring the ● Electric, or winding, dimensioning.
cost and complexity of high speed field buses, which are anyway 1 Demagnetization current check
rather limited in the number of axes and in the achievable speed. On Compare the peak current , expressed by:
the down side, it downloads on the NC or PC the processing of the
encoders, which could be cumbersome where very high resolution is
Speed control is the most traditional strategy. It usually With the motor demagnetization current, considering that
embodies an integration term so that the speed error is limited to the the motor demagnetization current increases as the temperature
system offsets. In the digital drives, the speed loop is derived from decreases. This check is usually meaningful for small motors only.
the space loop (see next). 2 Temperature rise check
Position or space control in servo amplifiers is carried out only Preliminarily, check that the point Ceff, ωeff is within in the
by digital drives (AX-V). In this way, the steady state position and continuous operation area (S1) of the chosen motor. More accurately,
speed following error is limited to a few points of the sensor, that is the temperature rise of the motor can be predicted by:
in the case of an encoder with 4096 pulse/revolutions, 1/16,000 of
a revolution. Position loop capability, inside or outside the drive, is
necessary to synchronize several axes (electrical axis or electronic
cam). Where Ln represents the nominal losses of the motor with
temperature rise of 65°C.
If the predicted temperature rise is higher than the motor
CHECK OF THE DRIVE maximum or acceptable temperature rise, it is necessary to select a
AND MOTOR SIZING larger motor.
NOTE: the excessive temperature rise is generally the only
After selecting the motor and the transmission, a check of the good reason for the use of a larger motor.
correct sizing of motor and drive is required. Such check is easy for 3 Electric sizing check
applications where speed and load are quite steady or which vary At the maximum speed, the voltage required by the motor to
on a timescale which is long with respect to the time constant of supply the required torque must be lower or equal to what is available
the motor (or of the electronics). In this case, it is only necessary to from the drive, for the minimum mains supply voltage which is
check for the maximum load to be within the specified limits of the specified for full specification operation (usually 90% of the nominal
motor and the electronics. voltage).
1 Trace the speed/time diagram of the cycle, considering that If Emin is the voltage value which can be supplied by the
the acquisition of a precise position or speed requires, apart from electronic power supply at the minimum supply voltage, it is
the time determined by the limits on the speed and acceleration of necessary to check that:
the system, also a settling time equal to 2-3 times the inverse of the
system control bandwidth;
2 Transfer the inertia and the loads of the system to the motor
shaft; If this condition is not verified, it is necessary to choose a motor
3 Calculate the cycle of the accelerations and the inertial with a higher speed winding; this will of course also require a higher
torques [acceleration x (motor inertia + load inertia transferred to drive current.
the motor shaft)], checking also the inertia of couplings, clutches,
transmission devices;
4 Add the load on the motor axis to the inertial torque and derive
a torque/time diagram in the cycle;
Conformity Declaration
本产品的安装和冷却均应符合相关文件 The units must be installed and cooled according to the product documen- tation.Ensure that the
的规定。 确保电机在运输过程中无损坏,以 motors were not damaged during transport so as to impair user safety.When the unit is operated,
免影响使用者安全。 本产品在运行中应遵循 the valid national regulations for the prevention of accidents must be observed.The electrical
有关防止事故发生的国家法规。电气安装时, installation must comply with the applicable regulations (cable sections, fuses, protections).When
必须符合有关规范(如电缆截面积、熔断丝等 using current operated protective devices, please note that most drive are equipped with an internal
保护措施)。使用 常规保护装置时务必注意, mains rectifier, which can lead to a potential DC leakage current, which may impair the correct
大多数驱动器均带有一个内置式主整流器,其 operation of some current operated protective device. Protective devices which are insensitive to
最大电势时所产生的 DC 峰值电流,有可能会 DC fault currents must be specified. Additionally, EMC filters inside most drive create a leakage
使常规保护装置失效。因此,对保护装置的抗 current to ground which must be considered while selecting the protective devices.
DC 故障电流特性要倍加小心。另外,大多数 The opportune value inductances * 1 mH have to be applied when welding cables between driving
驱动器内部的 EMC 滤波器可对地产生峰值电 and motor have length superior than 20 meters. Please note that, irrespective of the CE marking
流,在选择保护装置时,也应考虑。 on the motors, the confor- mity of the drive system to the EMC directive is the responsibility of the
注意,无论电机是否带有 CE 标志,设备 manufacturer of the system or machine. Useful recommendations on wiring and filtering, along with
或机械的制造商都应遵守 EMC 规范。并向用 a CE compliance typical system, are described in the product documentation or can be obtained by
户推荐接线和滤波等规范说明,而且说明应与 the manufacturer.
带 CE 标志的产品一样,可在产品随机文件中 EC EX “conformità EC” Declaration of Conformityfor the purpose of the EC Low Voltage Directive
找到或由制造商另行提供。 EC 认证说明:本 73/23/CEE.
声明适合 72/23/CEE 低压规范的 EC 认证。 The ULTRACT brushless servo motor series were designed, manufactured and tested in conformity
菲仕公司在 Ultract 无刷电机系列产品的 to the EC Low Voltage Directive 73/23/CEE under the sole responsibility of:Ningbo Physis
设计、制造和测试中,完全符合 72/23/CEE Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact Information
Ningbo Physis Technology Co., Ltd.
浙江省宁波市北仑区小港安居路 308 号
No.308, Xiaogang Anju Road, Beilun District, Ningbo, China
总台热线 /Tel:+0086-(0)574-26922600
Physis Motion Control Ningbo Co., Ltd.
浙江省宁波市杭州湾新区滨海二路 248 号
No.248, 2nd Binhai Road, Hangzhou Bay New Zone, Ningbo China
总台热线 /Tel:+0086-(0)574-23459000