CPM & PERT - Operations Research
CPM & PERT - Operations Research
CPM & PERT - Operations Research
1 PERT is that technique of project management CPM is that technique of project management
which is used to manage uncertain (i.e., time is which is used to manage only certain (i.e., time
not known) activities of any project is known) activities of any project.
2 It is event oriented technique which means that It is activity oriented technique which means
network is constructed on the basis of event that network is constructed on the basis of
3 It is a probability model. It is a deterministic model.
4 It majorly focuses on time as meeting time It majorly focuses on Time-cost trade off as
target or estimation of percent completion is minimizing cost is more important.
more important.
5 It is appropriate for high precision time It is appropriate for reasonable time estimation.
6 It has Non-repetitive nature of job. It has repetitive nature of job.
7 There is no chance of crashing as there is no There may be crashing because of certain time
certainty of time. boundation.
8 It doesn’t use any dummy activities. It uses dummy activities for representing
sequence of activities.
9 It is suitable for projects which required It is suitable for construction projects.
research and development.
Comparison Chart
PERT is an acronym for Program (Project) Evaluation and Review Technique, in which planning, scheduling,
organizing, coordinating and controlling uncertain activities take place. The technique studies and represents
the tasks undertaken to complete a project, to identify the least time for completing a task and the minimum
time required to complete the whole project. It was developed in the late 1950s. It is aimed to reduce
the time and cost of the project.
PERT uses time as a variable which represents the planned resource application along with performance
specification. In this technique, first of all, the project is divided into activities and events. After that proper
sequence is ascertained, and a network is constructed. After that time needed in each activity is calculated
and the critical path (longest path connecting all the events) is determined.
Definition of CPM
Developed in the late 1950s, Critical Path Method or CPM is an algorithm used for planning, scheduling,
coordination and control of activities in a project. Here, it is assumed that the activity duration is fixed and
certain. CPM is used to compute the earliest and latest possible start time for each activity.
The process differentiates the critical and non-critical activities to reduce the time and avoid the queue
generation in the process. The reason for the identification of critical activities is that, if any activity is
delayed, it will cause the whole process to suffer. That is why it is named as Critical Path Method.
In this method, first of all, a list is prepared consisting of all the activities needed to complete a project,
followed by the computation of time required to complete each activity. After that, the dependency between
the activities is determined. Here, ‘path’ is defined as a sequence of activities in a network. The critical path is
the path with the highest length.
The difference between these two project management tools is getting blurred as the techniques are merged
with the passage of time. That is why, in most projects, they are being used as a single project. The primary
point that distinguishes PERT from CPM is that the former gives the extreme importance of time, i.e. if the
time is minimized, consequently the cost will also be reduced. However, cost optimization is the basic
element, in the latter.
PERT – Project Evaluation and Review Technique CPM – Critical Path Method
What does It Mean?
PERT – PERT is a popular project management technique CPM – CPM is a statistical algorithm which has a
that is applicable when the time required to finish a project certain start and end time for a project
is not certain
Model Type
PERT – PERT is a probabilistic model CPM – CPM is a deterministic model
PERT – The main focus of PERT is to minimise the time CPM – The main focus of CPM is on a trade-off
required for completion of the project between cost and time, with a major emphasis on
Orientation type
PERT – PERT is an event-oriented technique CPM – CPM is an activity-oriented technique
PERT Example
ntages of CPM
Provides an outline for long term coordination and planning of a project
Recognizes critical activities
Easy to plan, schedule and control project
It improves productivity
Manages the resource needed
Disadvantages of CPM
For beginners its difficult to understand
Software too expensive
Sometimes, to structure CPM is too time-consuming
It cannot control and form the schedule of a person involved in the project
Allocation of resources cannot be monitored properly
CPM Example