Question Text Correct Option Solution
Question Text Correct Option Solution
Question Text Correct Option Solution
Characteristics /
Decision making is one of the _____ of Operations Research. b
Credit policy Analysis and risks etc. are the areas of Application of
a Accounting
Operations Research in _____ Function.
The _____ property of linear programming models indicates that the rate Proportionality or
of change, or slope, of the objective function or a constraint is constant. linearity
It helps in
converting the
verbal description &
The mathematical model of an LP problem is important because _____. a
numerical data into
Relationship among
The distinguishing feature of an LP model is _____. a
all variables is linear
Value of variables
Non-negativity condition is an important component of LP model make sense &
because _____. correspond to real-
world problems
Value occurs at
Maximization of objective function in an LP model means _____. a allowable set of
An objective
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the LP model? b function of
maximization type
Resources must be
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the LP? a
The word ‘Linear’ means that the relationships are represented by _____. c Straight lines
A _____ solution method can be used to solve a linear program with two
a Graphical
Multiple optimal solutions can occur when the objective function line is
c Parallel
_____ to a constraint line.
A set (or region) is _____ if only if for any two points on the set, the line
a Convex
segment joining those points lies entirely in the set.
If an optimal
Which of the following statements is true with respect to the optimal solution exists, there
solution of an LP problem? will always be at
least one at a corner.
An infinite number
of solutions all of
An iso-profit line represents a
which yield the
same profit.
The constraints are
While plotting constraints on a graph paper, terminal points on both the
c linear equations or
axes are connected by straight line because
If two constraints do not intersect in the positive quadrant of the graph, The problem is
then infeasible
Represent optimal
Constraints in LP problem are called active if they a
Objective function
equation is parallel
Alternative solutions exist of an LP model when b
to one of the
Feasible region
If one of the constraint of an equation in an LP problem has an
b should have a line
unbounded solution, then
Graphic method can be applied to solve a LPP when there are only _____
c Two
A linear program in which all the variables are non-negative and all the
a Standard
constraints are equalities is said to be in _____ form.
Standard form is attained by adding _____ variables to "less than or
b Slack
equal to" constraints.
Resources which are 100% utilized are _____ resources. b Scarce or binding
Resources which are not fully utilized are _____ resources. c Abundant
Basic variables for a given basis B are the ones corresponding to the
c Column
_____ vectors of B.
Non--basic variables for a given basis B are all variables except the
a Basic
_____ variables.
Every primal LPP is associated with another LPP called _____. b Dual
If at least any one of Solution (bi) value of basis variables is negative,
a Infeasible
the solution is _____ solution.
If at least any one of Solution (bi) value of basis variables is zero, the
c Degenerate
solution is _____ solution.
Whenever the key column values are zero or negative, we get _____
d Unbounded
Solution in Simplex.
The solution is _____ if all values of opportunity cost i.e. ∆ are zero or
c Optimum
negative. (D ≤ 0)
_____ is another method to solve a given LPP involving some artificial Two-phase simplex
variable ? method
Which variables are fictitious and cannot have any physical meaning ? c Artificial variable
An objective function which states the determinants of the quantity to be
c Criterion function
either maximized or minimized is called _____.
A set of values X1, X2,…Xn which satisfies the constraints of the LPP is
a Solution
called _____.
A basic solution which also satisfies the condition in which all basic Basic feasible
variables are non -negative is called _____. solution
All the constraints are expressed as equations and the right hand side of
b Canonical form
each constraint and all variables are non-negative is called _____.
Currently, LPP is used in solving a wide range of practical _____. a Business problems
_____ which is a subclass of a linear programming problem (LPP). b
In simplex method , we add _____ variables in the case of ‘=’. c Artificial Variable
In simplex, a maximization problem is optimal when all Delta J, i.e. Cj – Either zero or
Zj values are _____. negative
If number of rows are not equal to the number of columns, then we have
to convert _____ problem to the balanced stage to find optimal c Unbalanced
When minimum number of horizontal and vertical lines (N) drawn to
cover all zeros in reduced matrix becomes equal to order of matrix (n), d Optimal
then _____ Solution is obtained.
Obtain balance
between total
The purpose of a dummy row or column in an assignment problem is to a
activities & total
Subtracting each
Maximization assignment problem is transformed into a minimization entry in the table
problem by from the maximum
value in that table
Unbalanced and
If no. of rows are not equal to number of columns and the Matrix Maximization
elements are Profit elements then the problem is : Assignment
A dummy source (row) is included in the cost matrix with zero cost; the
excess demand is entered as a rim requirement for this dummy source c Less than
(origin). When Total Supply is _____ Total Demand.
When Total Supply > Total Demand, dummy _____ is included in the
Destination or
cost matrix with zero cost; the excess Supply is entered as a rim d
requirement for this dummy source (destination).
The initial solution of a transportation problem can be obtained by The rim conditions
applying any known method. However, the only condition is that are satisfied
Satisfy rim
The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to a
The solution so
The occurrence of degeneracy while solving a transportation problem
b obtained is not
means that
If an opportunity cost value is used for an unused cell to test optimality, it Most negative
should be number
Two or more
occupied cells on
During an iteration while moving from one solution to the next, the closed path with
degeneracy may occur when minus sign are tied
for lowest circled
The large negative opportunity cost value in an unused cell in a It represents per unit
transportation table is chosen to improve the current solution because cost reduction
In a Transportation Problem, the smallest quantity is chosen at the
It ensure feasible
corners of the closed path with negative sign to be assigned at unused cell c
Which of the following methods is used to verify the optimality of the Modified
current solution of the transportation problem distribution method
Balanced and
If Total Supply is equal to Total Demand and the Matrix elements are Minimization
Time elements then the problem is Transportation
The solution of any transportation problem is obtained in how many
d Two
A path formed by allowing horizontal and vertical lines and the entire
c Closed path
corner cells of which are occupied is called a _____ .
Transportation algorithm can be used for minimizing the transportation
a Goods
cost of _____ from O origins and D destinations
The critical path is the _____ path through the network. d Longest
Critical path activities can have zero or _____ values for slack. c Negative
PERT uses _____ time estimates and CPM use a single time estimate. b Three
_____ Float is the amount of time that the activity completion time can
be delayed without affecting the earliest start time of the immediate a Free
successor activity in the network.
PERT often assumes that the time estimates follow the _____ probability
c Beta
If we have a project that we have not done before, then _____ is probably
to be preferred over CPM as a project management scheme.
_____ Float is the amount of time that the completion time of an activity
a Total
can be delayed without affecting project completion time.
In PERT, _____ time represents the longest time the activity could take if
c Pessimistic
everything goes wrong.
Major events in a projects are often referred to as _____. d Milestones
The earliest start (ES) of an activity is the largest earliest finish (EF) of
c Predecessors
the immediate _____.
Critical path activities that have a _____ value for slack are behind
b Negative
_____ path means the second longest path in the network, which is
shorter than the critical path but longer than all other paths in the b Sub-critical
What network model enables engineer managers to schedule, monitor,
and control large and complex projects by using only one time factor per b Critical path method
Assigning the
earliest finish time
In a PERT/CPM network, computing the critical path requires b for an activity as the
earliest start time for
the next
Difference between
At the completion of the forward and backward passes, the slack for an
b early start and latest
activity is given by the
The artificial activity which indicates that an activity following it, cannot
c Dummy
be started unless the preceding activity is complete, is known as :
The network
contains two or
more activities that
A dummy activity is required when d
have identical
starting and ending
The sum of the
PERT analysis computes the variance of the total project completion time variances of all
as activities on the
critical path.
is on the critical
If an activity has zero activity slack it c
_____ time is the time required by each job on each machine. d Processing
Processing time Mij’s are _____ of order of processing the jobs. c independent
Game models are classified by the number of _____, the sum of all
d Players
payoffs and the number of strategies employed.
In a _____ strategy game, each player should optimize the expected gain. a Mixed
The term _____ game implies that as much was won as was lost. b Zero-Sum
The expected pay off when all the players of the game follow their
d Value
optimal strategies is known as _____ of the game
Pure strategy games are normally solved by _____ method. b Saddle point
Mixed strategy games are normally solved by _____ method. a
In a two-player _____ game, one player’s gain is the other player’s loss,
b Zero-sum
so their interests are diametrically opposed.
Who developed the Game Theory. c
It is a strictly
When the minimax and the maximin in a pay off matrix are equal b
determined game
In game theory, a choice that is optimal for a firm no matter what its the dominant
competitors do is referred to as strategy.
All firms have a
dominant strategy
Which of the following circumstances in an industry will result in a Nash
a and each firm
chooses its
dominant strategy.
Every competing
firm in an industry
chooses a strategy
Which of the following describes a Nash equilibrium? b
that is optimal given
the choices of every
other firm.
the choice of an
Game theory is concerned with b optimal strategy in
conflict situations
a dominant
A strategy that is best regardless of what rival players do is called d