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Characteristics /
Decision making is one of the _____ of Operations Research. b

Credit policy Analysis and risks etc. are the areas of Application of
a Accounting
Operations Research in _____ Function.

Product selection, Product Introduction timing, Advertising strategy etc.

c Marketing
are the areas of Application of Operations Research in _____ Function.

Operations Research is only a tool of analysis and not the complete

decision-making process. This is one of the _____ of Operations d Limitations
Operations Research models help in improved decision making and
reduce the risk of making erroneous decisions which is one of the _____ b Advantages
of O.R.

Who defined Operations Research as an aid for the executive in

marketing his decisions by providing him with the quantitative a Kitte
information based on the scientific method of analysis ?

Operations Research has the characteristics the it is done by a team of

a Scientists
Operations Research simply helps in improving the _____ of the solution
a Quality
but does not result in a perfect solution.

A mathematical programming problem is one that seeks to maximize an

objective function subject to constraints. If both the objective function Linear
and the constraints are linear, the problem is referred to as a _____ Programming

_____ are functions in which each variable appears in a separate term

raised to the first power and is multiplied by a constant (which could be c Linear functions
_____ are linear functions that are restricted to be "less than or equal to",
b Linear constraints
"equal to", or "greater than or equal to" a constant.

The maximization or minimization of some quantity is the _____ in all

d Objective
linear programming problems.

_____ variables can never be negative. b Decision

The _____ property of linear programming models indicates that the

decision variables cannot be restricted to integer values and can take on d Divisibility
any fractional value.
The objective function 3x + 2y + 4xy violates the assumption of _____. a Proportionality

The _____ property of linear programming models indicates that the rate Proportionality or
of change, or slope, of the objective function or a constraint is constant. linearity

The _____ step in formulating a linear programming model is to define

b First
the decision variables.

_____ variables are mathematical symbols representing levels of activity. c Decision

It helps in
converting the
verbal description &
The mathematical model of an LP problem is important because _____. a
numerical data into
Relationship among
The distinguishing feature of an LP model is _____. a
all variables is linear

Value of variables
Non-negativity condition is an important component of LP model make sense &
because _____. correspond to real-
world problems

Value occurs at
Maximization of objective function in an LP model means _____. a allowable set of

An objective
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the LP model? b function of
maximization type

Resources must be
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the LP? a

Who developed Linear Programming for the purpose of scheduling the

a George B. Dantzig
complicated procurement activities of the United States Air Force?
_____ assumption means the prior knowledge of all the coefficients in
the objective function, the coefficients of the constraints and the resource b Certainty

The word ‘Linear’ means that the relationships are represented by _____. c Straight lines

The word ‘ programming’ means taking decisions _____. a Systematically

LP is a major innovation since _____ in the field of business decision –

c French Revolution
making, particularly under conditions of certainty.

Linear programming has been successfully applied in _____. c Manufacturing

The method of formal calculations often termed as Linear Programming
a 194700%
was developed later in which year?

In linear programming, _____ represents mathematical equation of the

d Constraints
limitations imposed by the problem.

A _____ solution method can be used to solve a linear program with two
a Graphical

If a linear program possesses an optimal solution, then an _____ point

b Extreme
will be optimal.
If a constraint can be removed without affecting the shape of the feasible
region, the constraint is said to be _____. If changes are anticipated to the
c Redundant
linear programming model, constraints which were redundant in the
original formulation may not be redundant in the revised formulation.

In the graphical method, if the objective function line is parallel to a

boundary constraint in the direction of optimization, there are _____ d Alternative optimal
solutions, with all points on this line segment being optimal.
A feasible region may be _____ and yet there may be optimal solutions.
b Unbounded
This is common in minimization problems.

A _____ solution satisfies all the problem's constraints. a Feasible

A linear program which is over constrained so that no point satisfies all

the constraints is said to be _____. Changes to the objective function c Infeasible
coefficients do not affect the feasibility of the problem.
An _____ solution is a feasible solution that results in the largest possible
objective function value, z, when maximizing or smallest possible z when d Optimal

Multiple optimal solutions can occur when the objective function line is
c Parallel
_____ to a constraint line.

If the feasible region R is _____, then a maximum or a minimum value of

the objective function may or may not exist. However, if it exits, it must a Unbounded
occur at a corner point of R.
If feasible region R is _____, then the objective function Z has both a
maximum and a minimum value on R and each of these occur at a corner d Bounded
point of R.

In a LPP if the objective function Z = ax + by has the same maximum

Maximum or
value on two corner points of the feasible region, then every point on the b
line segment joining these two points give the same _____ value.

A convex _____ is a convex set formed by the intersection of a finite

a Polygon
number of closed half planes.
A linear inequality in _____ variables is known as a half plane. c Two

A set (or region) is _____ if only if for any two points on the set, the line
a Convex
segment joining those points lies entirely in the set.

Must satisfy all of

the problem’s
A feasible solution to an LP problem a

If an optimal
Which of the following statements is true with respect to the optimal solution exists, there
solution of an LP problem? will always be at
least one at a corner.

An infinite number
of solutions all of
An iso-profit line represents a
which yield the
same profit.
The constraints are
While plotting constraints on a graph paper, terminal points on both the
c linear equations or
axes are connected by straight line because

If two constraints do not intersect in the positive quadrant of the graph, The problem is
then infeasible

Represent optimal
Constraints in LP problem are called active if they a

While solving a LP model graphically, the area bounded by the

a Feasible region
constraints is called

Objective function
equation is parallel
Alternative solutions exist of an LP model when b
to one of the

While solving a LP problem, infeasibility may be removed by c Removing a variable

Feasible region will
If a non-redundant constraint is removed from an LP problem then a
become larger

Feasible region
If one of the constraint of an equation in an LP problem has an
b should have a line
unbounded solution, then

Graphic method can be applied to solve a LPP when there are only _____
c Two

If the feasible region of a LPP is empty, the solution is _____. a Infeasible

In linear programming, unbounded solution means _____. c Infinite solutions

A linear program in which all the variables are non-negative and all the
a Standard
constraints are equalities is said to be in _____ form.
Standard form is attained by adding _____ variables to "less than or
b Slack
equal to" constraints.

Standard form is attained by subtracting _____ variables from "greater

than or equal to" constraints. They represent the difference between the d Surplus
left and right sides of the constraints.

Resources which are 100% utilized are _____ resources. b Scarce or binding

Resources which are not fully utilized are _____ resources. c Abundant

In a constraint, the _____ variable represents unused resources. a Slack

_____ is the difference between the left- and right-hand sides of a greater
d Surplus
than or equal to constraint.

Basic variables for a given basis B are the ones corresponding to the
c Column
_____ vectors of B.

Non--basic variables for a given basis B are all variables except the
a Basic
_____ variables.

The _____ variable will have a coefficient of – M in the objective

d Artificial
function of maximization type.

Every primal LPP is associated with another LPP called _____. b Dual
If at least any one of Solution (bi) value of basis variables is negative,
a Infeasible
the solution is _____ solution.

If at least any one of Solution (bi) value of basis variables is zero, the
c Degenerate
solution is _____ solution.

If in an optimal Simplex table, all delta values (∆) of non-basis variables

a Unique
are negative, then the solution is _____.

Whenever the key column values are zero or negative, we get _____
d Unbounded
Solution in Simplex.

Time Taken by Machine ´ _____ = Rent or Cost b Shadow Price

In an optimal Simple table, Shadow Price of Resource is indicated by
c Zj
corresponding slack variable value in _____ row.

If there is a tie between at least 2 least positive replacement ratios, then

a Degeneracy
there is a _____ in solution.

The solution is _____ if all values of opportunity cost i.e. ∆ are zero or
c Optimum
negative. (D ≤ 0)

Any feasible solution which optimizes (minimizes or maximizes) the

a Optimal solution
objective function of the LPP is called its _____ .
Which method is an iterative procedure for solving LPP in a finite
d Simplex method
number of steps?

In simplex algorithm, which method is used to deal with the situation

c Big M-method
where an infeasible starting basic solution is given?

How many methods are there to solve LPP? b Two

_____ is another method to solve a given LPP involving some artificial Two-phase simplex
variable ? method

Which variables are fictitious and cannot have any physical meaning ? c Artificial variable
An objective function which states the determinants of the quantity to be
c Criterion function
either maximized or minimized is called _____.

An assumption that implies that finite numbers of choices are available to

a decision – maker and the decision variables do not assume negative c Finite choices
values is known as _____.

A set of values X1, X2,…Xn which satisfies the constraints of the LPP is
a Solution
called _____.
A basic solution which also satisfies the condition in which all basic Basic feasible
variables are non -negative is called _____. solution

All the constraints are expressed as equations and the right hand side of
b Canonical form
each constraint and all variables are non-negative is called _____.

An objective function is maximized when it is a _____ function. b Profit

Currently, LPP is used in solving a wide range of practical _____. a Business problems

_____ refers to the combination of one or more inputs to produce a

c Process
particular output.
An optimum solution is considered the _____ among feasible solutions. b Best

_____ which is a subclass of a linear programming problem (LPP). b

If in a LPP , the solution of a variable can be made infinity large without

b Unbounded
violating the constraints, the solution is _____.

In simplex method , we add _____ variables in the case of ‘=’. c Artificial Variable

In simplex method , if there is tie between a decision variable and a slack

c Decision variable
(or surplus) variable, _____ should be selected.
A BFS of a LPP is said to be _____ if at least one of the basic variable is
a Degenerate

Every LPP is associated with another LPP is called _____. b Dual

Dual of the dual is _____. a Primal

In simplex, a maximization problem is optimal when all Delta J, i.e. Cj – Either zero or
Zj values are _____. negative

The _____ method used to obtain optimum solution of Assignment

d Hungarian

The purpose of a _____ row or column in an assignment problem is to

c Dummy
obtain balance between total activities and total resources.
If the number of facilities are equal to the number of jobs, the given
b Balanced
assignment problem is of _____ type.

Assigning subjects to the _____ is an application of Assignment method

a Teachers
of O.R.

If the assignment elements are time elements in given assignment

b Minimization
problem, then it is of _____ type.

If number of rows are not equal to the number of columns, then we have
to convert _____ problem to the balanced stage to find optimal c Unbalanced
When minimum number of horizontal and vertical lines (N) drawn to
cover all zeros in reduced matrix becomes equal to order of matrix (n), d Optimal
then _____ Solution is obtained.

A _____ job or facility is an imaginary job/facility with zero cost or time

c Dummy
introduced to make an unbalanced assignment problem balanced.

While solving an assignment problem, an activity is assigned to a

Minimize total cost
resource through a square with zero opportunity cost because the a
of assignment
objective is to
The method used for solving an assignment problem is called c Hungarian method

Obtain balance
between total
The purpose of a dummy row or column in an assignment problem is to a
activities & total

Subtracting each
Maximization assignment problem is transformed into a minimization entry in the table
problem by from the maximum
value in that table

If there were n workers & n jobs there would be a n! solutions

For maximization in assignment problem, the objective is to maximize

a Profit
the _____ .

_____ is one of the fundamental combinatorial optimization problems. a Assignment problem

Balanced and
If no. of rows are equal to number of columns and the Matrix elements Minimization
are Time elements then the problem is : Assignment

Unbalanced and
If no. of rows are not equal to number of columns and the Matrix Maximization
elements are Profit elements then the problem is : Assignment

If in an assignment problem, number of rows is not equal to number of Problem is

columns then _____. unbalanced

In _____ solution, numbers of allocated cell is not equal to m + n – 1. a Non-degenerate

The _____ in VAM represents difference between smallest two cost of

b Penalty
respective row / column.
To find initial feasible solution, the allocation starts from top left corner
c North West Corner
in _____ method of transportation.

The _____ method's Initial Feasible solution for transportation problem is

sometimes an optimal solution itself.

If the transportation elements are distance elements in given assignment

a Minimization
problem, then it is of _____ type.
If Total Supply is not equal to the Total Demand, then we have to convert
_____ Transportation Problem to the balanced stage to find Optimal b Unbalanced
Transport Cost.

A dummy source (row) is included in the cost matrix with zero cost; the
excess demand is entered as a rim requirement for this dummy source c Less than
(origin). When Total Supply is _____ Total Demand.
When Total Supply > Total Demand, dummy _____ is included in the
Destination or
cost matrix with zero cost; the excess Supply is entered as a rim d
requirement for this dummy source (destination).

In a transportation problem, items (units) are allocated from sources to

c Cost
destinations at a minimum _____.

The assignment model is a special case of the _____ model. b Transportation

The initial solution of a transportation problem can be obtained by The rim conditions
applying any known method. However, the only condition is that are satisfied
Satisfy rim
The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to a

The solution so
The occurrence of degeneracy while solving a transportation problem
b obtained is not
means that

An alternative optimal solution to a minimization transportation problem

Positive with at least
exists whenever opportunity cost corresponding to unused route of b
one equal to zero
transportation is :

It does not take into

One disadvantage of using North-West Corner rule to find initial solution
b account cost of
to the transportation problem is that
The solution to a transportation problem with ‘m’ rows (supplies) & ‘n’
c m+n–1
columns (destination) is feasible if number of positive allocations are :

If an opportunity cost value is used for an unused cell to test optimality, it Most negative
should be number

Two or more
occupied cells on
During an iteration while moving from one solution to the next, the closed path with
degeneracy may occur when minus sign are tied
for lowest circled

The large negative opportunity cost value in an unused cell in a It represents per unit
transportation table is chosen to improve the current solution because cost reduction
In a Transportation Problem, the smallest quantity is chosen at the
It ensure feasible
corners of the closed path with negative sign to be assigned at unused cell c

When total supply is equal to total demand in a transportation problem,

a Balanced
the problem is said to be

Which of the following methods is used to verify the optimality of the Modified
current solution of the transportation problem distribution method

Balanced and
If Total Supply is equal to Total Demand and the Matrix elements are Minimization
Time elements then the problem is Transportation
The solution of any transportation problem is obtained in how many
d Two

An optimal solution is the _____ stage of a solution obtained by

c Second
improving the initial solution

Any feasible solution to a transportation problem containing m origins

c Non-degenerate
and n destinations is said to be _____ .

A path formed by allowing horizontal and vertical lines and the entire
c Closed path
corner cells of which are occupied is called a _____ .
Transportation algorithm can be used for minimizing the transportation
a Goods
cost of _____ from O origins and D destinations

If demand is lesser than supply then dummy demand node is added to

b Balanced problem
make it a _____.

If M + N – 1 = Number of allocations in transportation, it means _____. There is no

(Where ‘M’ is number of rows and ‘N’ is number of columns) degeneracy
Which of the following considers difference between two least costs for Vogel’s
each row and column while finding initial basic feasible solution in c Approximation
transportation? method

CPM is deterministic in nature where as PERT is _____ in nature. c Probabilistic

The critical path is the _____ path through the network. d Longest

Critical path activities can have zero or _____ values for slack. c Negative

PERT uses _____ time estimates and CPM use a single time estimate. b Three
_____ Float is the amount of time that the activity completion time can
be delayed without affecting the earliest start time of the immediate a Free
successor activity in the network.

The process of reducing total time that it takes to complete a project by

b Crashing
employing additional resources is called _____.

PERT often assumes that the time estimates follow the _____ probability
c Beta

In PERT/CPM, a (n) _____ is a time consuming job or task. d Activity

In an Activity On Node network representation, the _____ represents the
c Node

_____ assumes that activity times are probabilistic. b PERT

_____ assumes that activity times are deterministic. a CPM

In CPM, we assume that resources are expended in a _____ fashion. b Linear

If we have a project that we have not done before, then _____ is probably
to be preferred over CPM as a project management scheme.

PERT stands for Program evaluation and Review _____. d Technique

The critical path represents the _____ time required to complete the
c Longest

A (n) _____ is a point in time that marks the beginning or end of an

b Event

_____ Float is the amount of time that the completion time of an activity
a Total
can be delayed without affecting project completion time.

In PERT, Most Likely Time ≥ _____ Time. b Optimistic

In PERT, _____ time represents the longest time the activity could take if
c Pessimistic
everything goes wrong.
Major events in a projects are often referred to as _____. d Milestones

The earliest start (ES) of an activity is the largest earliest finish (EF) of
c Predecessors
the immediate _____.

Critical path activities that have a _____ value for slack are behind
b Negative

During crashing process only _____ activities are crashed so as to reduce

a Critical
time of completion of project.

_____ path means the second longest path in the network, which is
shorter than the critical path but longer than all other paths in the b Sub-critical
What network model enables engineer managers to schedule, monitor,
and control large and complex projects by using only one time factor per b Critical path method

What network model enables engineer managers to schedule, monitor,

Program evaluation
and control large and complex projects by employing three time estimate b
review technique
for each activity?
For a project manager to have an effective means of identifying and
communicating the planned activities and their interrelationships, he must
d Critical path method
use a network technique. One of the network techniques is commonly
known as CPM. What does CPM stands for?

For a project manager to have an efficient means of identifying and

communicating the planned activities and their interrelationships, he must Project evaluation
use a network technique. One of the network techniques is commonly review technique
known as PERT. What does Pert stands for?
The CPM was developed by Rand and Walker in which year? a 195700%

In what year was PERT developed? d 195800%

Assigning the
earliest finish time
In a PERT/CPM network, computing the critical path requires b for an activity as the
earliest start time for
the next

Difference between
At the completion of the forward and backward passes, the slack for an
b early start and latest
activity is given by the

Guessed times are

used in PERT and
The basic difference between PERT and CPM is that d
evaluated times in

Earliest time that an

activity can start
In a PERT network, the earliest (activity) start time is the c without violation of
The time by which activity completion time can be delayed without
d Free float
affecting the start of succeeding activities, is known as:

The artificial activity which indicates that an activity following it, cannot
c Dummy
be started unless the preceding activity is complete, is known as :

Activity times are

An important assumption in PERT calculations is : b

In PERT, slack time equals b LST – EST

The network
contains two or
more activities that
A dummy activity is required when d
have identical
starting and ending
The sum of the
PERT analysis computes the variance of the total project completion time variances of all
as activities on the
critical path.

is on the critical
If an activity has zero activity slack it c

Indirect cost _____ when the project is crashed. b Decreases

critical activity with

Activity to be crashed is selected based on : a
minimum crash cost

Which of the following is not a concept associated with CPM b Probability

Floats for critical activities will be always _____. b Zero

The maximum time in which an activity will be completed assuming all

c Pessimistic time
possible delays and postponements is termed as _____.
_____ time is the time on a machine, for which a machine does
b Idle
not have a job to process.

_____ time is the time required by each job on each machine. d Processing

_____ order (sequence) refers to the order (sequence) in which

b Processing
machines are required for completing the job.
In n jobs and 3 machines ABC problem, to convert the problem in
2 machines to solve further, the minimum processing time on
c Greater
machine A and / or on machine C must be _____ than the
maximum processing time on machine B.

_____ is the process of determining which job to start first and in

what order other jobs should be processed on the machine or in a Job Sequencing
work centre.
the order of
processing jobs
through the first
S.M. Johnson’s algorithm derives the minimum completion times
c facility must be
for all “no passing” cases. “No passing” means :
preserved for all

An approach that minimizes the total time for sequencing a group

of jobs through two work centers while minimizing total idle time d Johnson’s Rule
in the work centers.
When a set of jobs must pass through two workstations whose
a Johnson’s Rule
sequence is fixed, ______ is the rule most commonly applied

In sequencing if smallest time for a job belongs to machine-1 then

b in the starting
that job has to placed _____ of the sequence.

In sequencing the time involved in moving jobs from one machine

a negligible
to another is _____.
_____ operation is carried out on a machine at a time. c only one

Processing time Mij’s are _____ of order of processing the jobs. c independent

The total time required to complete all the jobs in a job

c Elapsed time
sequencing problem is known as _____.

When a saddle point is present, a _____ strategy exists. c Pure

The _____ strategy minimizes the maximum loss. b Minimax

Game models are classified by the number of _____, the sum of all
d Players
payoffs and the number of strategies employed.
In a _____ strategy game, each player should optimize the expected gain. a Mixed

The term _____ game implies that as much was won as was lost. b Zero-Sum

In a Game, there are finite numbers of competitors called _____. d Players

Each player has a finite number of possible courses of action called

a Strategies
_____ .

The figures shown as the outcomes of strategies in a matrix form are

b Pay-off
called _____ matrix.
The player playing the game always tries to choose the best course of
c Optimal
action which results in optimal pay off called _____ strategy.

The expected pay off when all the players of the game follow their
d Value
optimal strategies is known as _____ of the game

If a player knows exactly what the other player is going to do, a

c Pure
deterministic situation is obtained, then it is _____ strategy.

Pure strategy games are normally solved by _____ method. b Saddle point
Mixed strategy games are normally solved by _____ method. a

In a two-player _____ game, one player’s gain is the other player’s loss,
b Zero-sum
so their interests are diametrically opposed.

Who developed the Game Theory. c

What is a saddle point? a Equilibrium Point

What one player

In a constant sum game, what is true? d gains, the other

It is a strictly
When the minimax and the maximin in a pay off matrix are equal b
determined game

In game theory, a choice that is optimal for a firm no matter what its the dominant
competitors do is referred to as strategy.
All firms have a
dominant strategy
Which of the following circumstances in an industry will result in a Nash
a and each firm
chooses its
dominant strategy.

Every competing
firm in an industry
chooses a strategy
Which of the following describes a Nash equilibrium? b
that is optimal given
the choices of every
other firm.

the choice of an
Game theory is concerned with b optimal strategy in
conflict situations

In game theory, the outcome or consequence of a strategy is referred to as

a payoff

a dominant
A strategy that is best regardless of what rival players do is called d

the specific identity

of the players is
A common assumption about the players in a game is that d
irrelevant to the play
of the game.
what one player
In a zero-sum game, a wins, the other

The various alternatives or courses of actions available to each player in a

b Strategies
game are called as _____.

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