The Legacy of Hurricane Floyd - Inland Flooding and A Massive Evacuation

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Carolina, as it moved up the east coast United States coastal regions and the
INTRODUCTION into New England. (Figure 1-1) barrier islands. Sufficient plans do not
Hurricane Floyd was a large, intense To put the inland flooding problem in exist and the transportation infrastruc-
Cape Verde hurricane that pounded the perspective, this article will (a) exam- ture was not adequate to handle an
central and northern Bahamas and ine the event from a historical view- evacuation of this magnitude. The
threatened the eastern coastline of the point; (b) describe, in some detail, the results of an assessment completed by
United States from Florida to North meteorological impacts, the warning FEMA and the United States Army
Carolina. Floyd was near the threshold and forecast support, and the human Corps of Engineers following
of Category 5 intensity on the and economic losses associated with Hurricane Floyd were presented and
Saffir/Simpson Hurricane Scale as it Floyd; and (c) summarize the public's provided revealing insights on how the
approached the Bahamas and remained response from a behavioral standpoint. public will respond to similar evacua-
a strong Category 4 hurricane while During a session on Improving tions in the future.
heading north along the Florida Coast. Public Response to Hurricane
Floyd then began to slowly weaken Warnings, held at the National HISTORY OF THE
and paralleled the Atlantic coastline Hurricane Conference in April 2000, INLAND FLOODING
before turning north-northeast, making Mr. John Gambel, Federal Emergency PROBLEM
landfall near Cape Fear, North Management Agency's (FEMA)
Carolina, on September 16, 1999, as a National Hurricane Program In a recent study, Dr. Edward
Category 2 hurricane. Hurricane Coordinator, stated the massive evacu- Rappaport, Tropical Prediction
Floyd caused over 3 million people to ation by the public during Hurricane Center/National Hurricane Center
evacuate and produced a flood disaster Floyd highlighted the serious problem (TPC/NHC), reported a total of 600
of immense proportions in the eastern that has been created by the migration fatalities in the contiguous United
United States, particularly in North of significant numbers of people to the States and its coastal waters associated
with Atlantic tropical cyclones during
1970-1999. Drowning accounted for
479 deaths, or 82 percent, of the fatali-
ties with wind-related events responsi-
ble for most of the others. When it
comes to hurricanes, it is obvious that
wind speeds do not tell the whole story.
Hurricanes produce storm surge, torna-
does, and often the most deadly of all-
-inland flooding. Intense rainfall is not
directly related to the wind speed of
tropical cyclones. In fact, some of the
greatest rainfall amounts occur from
weaker storms that drift slowly or stall
over an area. Examples of tropical
cyclones that produced significant
impacts after moving inland include:
• Tropical Storm Charley (1998)
dropped 16.83 inches of rain on Del
Rio, Texas, on August 23, 1998, easily
surpassing the previous daily record of
Figure 1-1. Best track of Hurricane Floyd - September 7-17, 1999. 8.79 inches. Charley was responsible
This article was prepared by Mr. Robert Dumont, OFCM Staff. for 13 freshwater drowning deaths.

• Tropical Storm Alberto (1994) Carolina) were important in determin- Hurricane Floyd was moving toward
drifted over the Southeast United ing the magnitude of the inland flood- the central Bahamas until late on the
States and produced torrential rain- ing threat. Combining coastal and 13th when the heading became west-
fall--more than 21 inches of rain inland statistics, 59 percent of the northwestward. The eye passed just
fell at Americus, Texas. Thirty- deaths occurred by drowning in fresh- 20-30 nm northeast and north of the
three people drowned and damages water. San Salvador and Cat Islands on the
exceeded $750 million. night of September 13. Floyd's eye-
• Hurricane Agnes (1972) produced
SYNOPTIC HISTORY wall passed over central and northern
floods in the Northeast United AND METEOROLOGICAL Eleuthera on the morning of
States which contributed to IMPACT AT LANDFALL September 14 and, after turning toward
122 deaths and $6.4 million in the northwest, Floyd struck Abaco
damages--the largest loss in the last Hurricane Floyd can be traced back Island on the afternoon of the 14th. By
30 years. to a tropical wave that emerged from the time Hurricane Floyd hit Abaco, it
• In 1955, Hurricane Diane brought western Africa on September 2, 1999. had weakened somewhat from its peak
inland flooding to Pennsylvania, Overall, the system was broad and dis- but was still a borderline Category 3
New York, and New England. organized, yet easily recognizable as a or 4 hurricane.
Diane contributed to nearly synoptic-scale entity. Floyd slowly As a mid- to upper-tropospheric
200 deaths and $4.2 billion in dam- strengthened and became a hurricane trough over the eastern United States
ages. by 1200 UTC, September 10, while eroded the subtropical ridge over the
Loss of life from Atlantic tropical centered about 200 nautical miles (nm) extreme western Atlantic, Floyd con-
cyclones has occurred inland hundreds east-northeast of the northern Leeward tinued to gradually turn to the right.
of miles from the coast. While most Islands. After strengthening to nearly The center of the storm paralleled the
deaths in the eastern United States Category 3 status early on the central Florida coast, passing about
occurred from the Appalachian September 11, the hurricane weakened 95 nm east of Cape Canaveral around
Mountains eastward, many locations to 85 knots around 0000 UTC on 0900 UTC on September 15. By the
not suffering losses in the last 30 years September 12. Early on the 12th, ris- afternoon, Floyd was abeam of the
were simply fortunate to be out of ing mid- and upper-tropospheric Florida/Georgia border and headed
harm's way. For example, Hurricane heights to the north of Floyd forced a northward toward the Carolinas.
Camille (1969) caused a large loss of turn toward the west which marked the Although there was a fluctuation in
life in West Virginia after its center had beginning of a major strengthening intensity related to an eyewall replace-
moved about 700 miles over land and episode (this phenomenon has also ment event, overall the intensity of
Hurricane Hazel (1954) caused inland been observed with many past hurri- Floyd diminished from September
deaths northward from North Carolina canes; e.g., Hurricane Andrew--1992). 13-15. Environmental causes for
to Canada. Maximum sustained winds increased intensity change are not entirely under-
In the last 30 years, freshwater floods from 95 knots to 135 knots and the stood, but two large scale factors prob-
from excessive tropical cyclone-relat- central pressure fell about 40 millibars ably contributed to the gradual decline:
ed rains led to about 300 deaths in (mb) by early September 13. From (1) the entrainment of drier air at low
inland counties and dominate the fatal- 0600-1800 UTC on September 13, levels from the northwest and
ity totals for those areas. A dispropor- Hurricane Floyd was at the top end of (2) increasing south-southwesterly
tionately large percentage (75-80 per- Category 4 intensity. vertical shear. As Floyd neared the
cent) of the children killed by tropical One potential contributor to the sig- North Carolina coast late on
cyclones drowned in freshwater nificant strengthening of Floyd was the September 15, its maximum winds
floods. Such meteorological and presence of enhanced upper ocean heat decreased below Category 3 status.
hydrological factors as storm speed content along its track. Analyses from After turning toward the north-north-
(e.g., Alberto's near stall over the Physical Oceanography Division of east with forward speed increasing to
Georgia), size and character of the pre- NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and near 15 knots, Hurricane Floyd made
cipitation field, orography, interactions Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) landfall near Cape Fear, North
with other weather features, including showed relatively high values of heat Carolina, at 0630 UTC, September 16,
low-level frontal zones (e.g., Floyd) or content just to the east of the Bahamas as a Category 2 hurricane with estimat-
disturbances aloft (e.g., Agnes), soil a day or two before Floyd passed ed maximum winds near 90 knots.
nature, and wetness (e.g., Hurricane through the area. Floyd was losing its eyewall structure
Dennis' rains preceding Floyd in North as it made landfall and continued to

accelerate north-northeastward over overrunning. Hence, although the and Albemarle Sounds and up several
extreme eastern North Carolina on the tropical cyclone was moving fairly of the rivers located on the west side of
morning of September 16 and over the quickly, precipitation amounts were the sounds. The highest storm surge
greater Norfolk, Virginia, area around very large. Rainfall totals as high as 15 values ranged from 5.5 to 9.0 feet. The
1500 UTC that day. Floyd then weak- to 20 inches were recorded in portions 9.0 foot storm surge maximum (the
ened to a tropical storm and moved of eastern North Carolina and Virginia. highest observed in Floyd) was report-
swiftly along the coasts of the At Wilmington, North Carolina, the ed by an observer near Wilmington,
Delmarva peninsula and New Jersey storm total of 19.06 inches included a North Carolina. The maximum
on the afternoon and early evening of 24-hour record of 15.06 inches. Totals observed storm surge plus the astro-
September 16 and reached Long Island of 12 to 14 inches were observed in nomical tide component totaled
by 0000 UTC, September 17. By that Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. 10.3 feet--the actual water elevation
time, the storm's speed had increased A new record of 6.63 inches was set in observed.
to near 29 knots. The storm decelerat- Philadelphia for the most rainfall in a A number of tornadoes were sighted
ed as it moved into New England and calendar day. In southeastern New in eastern North Carolina. There was a
became more involved with a frontal York, rainfall totals were generally in confirmed tornado in Bertie County
zone that existed along the Atlantic the 4 to 7 inch range, but there was a and another in Perquimans County
seaboard. The system then took the report of 13.70 inches at Brewster. which destroyed two houses and dam-
form of a frontal low and, thus, became Totals of nearly 11 inches were meas- aged several others. At least ten torna-
extratropical by the time it reached the ured in portions of New England. does were reported by spotters in the
coast of Maine at 1200 UTC, (Figure 1-2) Newport/Morehead City County
September 17. As Floyd made landfall in North Warning Area and these apparently
Heavy rainfall preceded Floyd over Carolina, the winds ahead of the eye caused some structural damage. Four
the Mid-Atlantic states due to a pre- drove water onshore on the Atlantic tornadoes or funnel clouds were seen
existing frontal zone and the associated shoreline and westward in the Pamlico in the Wilmington area, but no damage
was apparent.

Tropical Prediction Center/National
Hurricane Center
When averaged over the entire life-
time of the hurricane, the TPC/NHC
track forecasts for Floyd were excel-
lent. The average official forecast
errors at 12, 24, 36, 48, and 72 hours
were 32, 61, 84, 84, and 120 miles,
respectively. These errors are much
smaller than the most recent 10-year
average errors of 55, 103, 147, 189,
and 279 miles. The overall average
official forecast errors for Floyd were
small; however, the official forecasts
for the period when hurricane warn-
ings were in effect for the United
States (5 p.m. on September 13 to
11 a.m. on September 16) were aver-
age. The average 24-hour track fore-
cast error for this latter period was
roughly the same as the most recent
10-year average. In general, the track
forecasts for this period had a west-
Figure 1-2. Total precipitation (inches) from Hurricane Floyd. ward bias and were somewhat slow.
of 252 river forecasts. These forecasts
were issued daily and updated every
6 hours, or when needed. The initial
flood warnings were low and were
raised with the ingest of observed rain-
fall and higher Quantitative
Precipitation Forecasts (QPF).
Official forecasts provided lead times
of several hours to a few days prior to
the onset of flooding, depending on the
response times of the rivers. Lead
times of up to several days were
achieved on river crest forecasts. In
addition, hydrologists at all RFCs
coordinated closely with WFOs and
local officials.
Weather Forecast Offices (WFO)
The NWS WFOs have the responsi-
Figure 1-3. Mr. Max Mayfield, Director, Tropical Prediction Center/National bility of issuing timely meteorologic
Hurricane Center, provides an update to a national television audience. and hydrologic warnings, forecasts,
The official intensity forecasts aver- September 14--about 27 hours prior to and statements. These offices are the
aged over Floyd's lifetime were good. the arrival of the eyewall in the Cape contact for state, county, and local
The average official errors at 12, 24, Fear area. For the coasts of South agencies as well as the media and the
36, 48, and 72 hours were 12, 17, 20, Carolina and North Carolina, hurricane general public. During Hurricane
20, and 14 mph, respectively. These warnings were issued at least 24 hours Floyd, 13 WFOs were impacted with
errors were considerably smaller than before the onset of tropical storm-force high winds and tornadoes, coastal
the errors of forecasts based upon cli- winds. flooding, flash flooding, and river
matology and persistence (the usual River Forecast Centers (RFC) flooding, or a combination of all these
benchmark for evaluation of forecast Hurricane Floyd’s track impacted events. Six WFOs (Wakefield,
skill) of 15, 22, 28, 32, and 44 mph. three NWS RFCs: the Southeast Virginia; Raleigh, North Carolina;
After Floyd reached its maximum (SERFC), the Mid-Atlantic (MARFC), Wilmington, North Carolina;
intensity, the official forecasts did not and the Northeast (NERFC). Morehead City, North Carolina; Mt.
predict enough weakening. From Recognizing the potential for severe Holly, New Jersey; and Brookhaven,
September 13 on, the wind speed was flooding early on, all three centers New York) had record river flooding,
over-forecast in the advisories at near- extended their operating hours from record rainfall, or both. While the rain-
ly every forecast interval. 16- to 24-hours a day prior to the fall from Floyd was the primary con-
As Hurricane Floyd moved toward arrival of Floyd. On Tuesday, tributor to the devastating flooding,
south Florida and then up the East September 14, SERFC and MARFC rainfall from Hurricane Dennis, a week
Coast, the TPC/NHC (Figure 1-3) issued contingency forecasts based on before, set the stage for these events.
issued tropical storm warnings from as 9 inches of forecasted rainfall. This Nineteen official NWS river forecast
far south as the Florida Keys to as far information was coordinated internally points reported record flooding due to
north as Merrimack River, via telephone and fax to impacted the rainfall from Dennis and Floyd.
Massachusetts. At various times dur- Weather Forecast Offices (WFO) and Another 36 forecast points recorded
ing the storm, hurricane warnings were communicated to many emergency major flooding. Record river flooding
posted along sections of the coastline managers. These forecasts indicated occurred in both the Southeast (North
from Florida City, Florida, to the risk of major-to-record flooding if Carolina, South Carolina, and
Plymouth, Massachusetts. In reality, that amount of rainfall were to occur. Virginia) and the Northeast (New
only a small fraction of the coast with RFCs issued timely river forecasts Jersey and Pennsylvania). WFOs
hurricane warnings experienced sus- through the River Forecast product. issued a total of 300 Flood Warnings
tained hurricane-force winds. The accuracy of these forecasts and Flood Statements for flooding
Hurricane warnings were issued for the increased as flood crests approached. associated with Hurricane Floyd.
coast of North Carolina at 11 p.m. on The three affected RFCs issued a total The coastal North Carolina WFOs

were severely impacted by Hurricane
Floyd. River flooding due to Dennis
was ongoing when Floyd brought high
winds, tornadoes, and coastal and flash
flooding. The day before Floyd made
landfall, WFOs Morehead City and
Wilmington, North Carolina, issued 28
tornado warnings in a 10-hour period.
Hurricane-spawned tornadoes were
occurring at the same time as hurri-
cane-force winds and flash flooding.
The flash flooding was more severe
than residents had ever remembered.
The northeast WFOs did not have the
long-lasting flooding of the South but
were affected by record flash and Figure 1-4. Distribution of fatalities along Hurricane Floyd’s path.
urban flooding. A particular problem massive inland flooding, emergency business structures, $4 billion in lost
in the Northeast region, where popula- officials were again briefed days in business revenues, and $1 billion in
tion density is high and terrain is flat, is advance. As the events of Floyd agricultural losses.
the extreme effect just a foot rise along unfolded, WFOs continued to conduct For the agricultural business sector,
some area tributaries can have on the once- or twice-a-day conference calls Hurricane Floyd had a significant
areal extent of flooding. This situation with state and county emergency offi- regional impact on individual farmers
was particularly a problem in portions cials. These conference calls typically and other agricultural producers. Crop
of New Jersey. The result was proper- occurred just following the internal losses were in excess of $500 million-
ty damage affecting thousands of NWS conference calls, thus providing -over half of which were in cotton and
homes and businesses. emergency officials with the latest tobacco. Almost 3 million chickens
Every affected WFO issued either a updates on Floyd. and turkeys, 30,000 hogs, and
Special Weather Statement or Flood Floyd's Impact 1,000 cattle were lost. Farm equip-
Potential Statement to highlight the There were 57 deaths directly attrib- ment and facility losses were over
high flood danger 30 to 48 hours utable to Floyd with 56 in the conti- $300 million. Losses to the fisheries
before flooding by Floyd began. Flood nental United States and 1 on Grand and forestry industries totaled $25 mil-
or Flash Flood Watches were issued by Bahama Island (Figure 1-4). Most of lion and $90 million, respectively.
all affected WFOs from 12 to 36 hours these deaths (50) were due to drowning Following Floyd, federal and state offi-
before the onset of flooding. A total of in freshwater flooding. A massive res- cials anticipated that flood waters
532 Flash Flood Warnings were issued cue effort is credited with saving would have widespread, long-term
by the 13 WFOs for areas from north- another 1,400 people from Floyd's environmental effects on the health,
east South Carolina through New flood waters. In fact, 32 of the 50 welfare, and usability of the impacted
England. Verification of these warn- deaths (64 per cent) occurred when the areas. Fortunately, according to
ings for the 13 WFOs combined was individuals were in, or attempting to FEMA's economic impact assessment,
outstanding. abandon, their vehicles. Over the last the environmental effects appear to
All WFOs impacted by Floyd were 30 years, at least 138 victims (23 per- have been less than anticipated due in
proactive in their efforts to get the cent) died in this manner and almost all part to the quick action of emergency
word out early. Perhaps most appreci- of these incidents occurred in associa- response teams.
ated by emergency officials were WFO tion with freshwater-flooded roads. Flood insurance claims from
efforts in using conference calls to pro- In addition to the loss of life, the Hurricane Floyd will rank as the sec-
vide advance notice and continual wrath of Floyd resulted in the destruc- ond-highest. As of March 1, 2000, the
updates of Floyd's track and resulting tion of homes, businesses, and infra- National Flood Insurance Program
river flood crests. All WFOs made structure; loss of livestock and crops; (NFIP), which is administered by
advance "heads up" calls to emergency and a disruption of commerce. For FEMA, had paid more $310 million to
management officials from 2 to 5 days North Carolina alone, FEMA's docu- settle 14,614 claims for flood damage
before rainfall from Floyd began. With mented economic impact which only that occurred as Hurricane Floyd
the realization that Floyd would cause includes losses to businesses and agri- dumped torrential rains from Florida to
culture was $6 billion--$1 billion for Maine. With approximately
9,500 claims still open, FEMA expects The sample was divided into 11 clus- which would flood due to storm surge
that the total insurance payments from ters of counties from Dade County, in Category 1 hurricanes, (2) areas
Floyd will reach $460 million. In the Florida, through North Carolina's which would flood due to storm surge
history of the NFIP, this total is only Outer Banks. The sampling was in stronger hurricanes, (3) areas of
exceeded by the Louisiana floods of designed to conform to hurricane plan- coastal counties which would not flood
May 1995 which resulted in nearly ning regions used by the respective from storm surge in any hurricane, and
$584 million in paid claims. states. The regions were: (4) non-coastal counties bordering the
While making its trek along the • Eastern North Carolina--the Outer coastal counties.
Atlantic coastline, Hurricane Floyd Banks and counties along Evacuation Participation Rates
was responsible for the largest peace- Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds There was considerable variation in
time evacuation in United States history • Southeastern North Carolina--from evacuation rates among the 11 survey
and over 3 million people responded to the South Carolina border to the areas. Evacuation (i.e., leaving one's
the evacuation order. Following Outer Banks, including Wilmington home to go to some place safer) was
Hurricane Floyd, the United States • Northern South Carolina--includ- highest in Georgia and southern South
Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah ing the Myrtle Beach "Grand Carolina. In the Category 1 zone, up to
District, and FEMA-Region IV con- Strand" area 90 percent left the Savannah area and
tracted for a Hurricane Floyd • Central South Carolina--including numbers were almost that high around
Assessment to review hurricane evacu- Charleston and vicinity Brunswick, Georgia, and Beaufort,
ation studies utilization and informa- • Southern South Carolina--includ- South Carolina. Rates dropped off
tion dissemination. The following ing the Beaufort area gradually both north and south, with
information is excerpted from that • Northern Georgia--including major dropoffs for the Treasure Coast
report: Savannah and southeast Florida and eastern
• Southern Georgia--including North Carolina areas. Evacuation was
PUBLIC RESPONSE-- Brunswick and Camden County also high in Georgia and in the
A BEHAVIORAL • Northeast Florida--including Beaufort, South Carolina, area for peo-
ANALYSIS Jacksonville and St. Augustine ple living in areas subject to surge
• East-Central Florida--including inundation in storms stronger than
Method Daytona Beach and Melbourne Category 1 with 75-85 percent leaving
During the months following • Treasure Coast Florida--including from those areas. Again, the dropoff
Hurricane Floyd, nearly 7,000 mem- Palm Beach and Fort Pierce was gradual in both directions, with
bers of the public were interviewed to • Southeast Florida--Dade and more significant decreases at the end
(a) document and explain their Broward Counties of the study area. In Florida, only
response to Floyd and (b) anticipate Each of the 11 clusters were then Category 1 surge areas were ordered to
their behavior in future evacuations. stratified into four risk areas: (1) areas evacuate. In Georgia and southern
South Carolina, entire coastal counties
were told to evacuate. Participation
rates for Category 1 surge zone areas
are detailed in Figure 1-5.
In the Charleston, Beaufort, and
Savannah areas, evacuation from non-
surge zones was unusually high. In all
three areas, all or most of the counties
were told to evacuate. Even away
from those locations, between
20-40 percent of the non-surge resi-
dents left in most survey areas. These
"shadow" evacuees contributed to the
large number of people on evacuation
routes. Evacuation in adjacent non-
coastal counties were also surprisingly
high and averaged approximately
25 percent. In the Charleston vicinity,
Figure 1-5. Evacuation participation rates for Category 1 Storm Surge Zones.
almost half of the residents in adjacent
non-coastal counties evacuated their
homes. When asked why they left,
most respondents gave a combination
of reasons; such as, evacuation notices
from public officials, storm severity,
and recommendations from friends,
family, and the media. When asked
which was the main influence on their
decision to evacuate, information com-
ing from public officials (or which
they perceived to be coming from pub-
lic officials) had the greatest effect for
most people. With the exception of the
two southernmost Florida locations, a
majority of people living in the
Category 1 surge areas said they heard
officials call for their evacuation. The
highest percentage that actually evacu-
ated was in the Charleston area-- Figure 1-6. Survey results regarding relied upon sources of information.
80 percent. Some residents living in considering both wind and surge. sources for hurricane threat informa-
non-surge areas also believed they Even in adjacent non-coastal counties tion. Survey results are depicted in
heard officials say that they should 15-35 percent believed their homes Figure 1-6.
evacuate. In Georgia and parts of would experience dangerous flooding Evacuation Destinations
South Carolina, more than 60 percent from storm surge and waves; 40 per- Evacuation congestion is made
of the non-surge residents of coastal cent to nearly 60 percent believed their worse when large numbers of evacuees
counties said they heard official evacu- homes would be unsafe, considering leave the local area rather than simply
ation notices which applied to them, both wind and water. going to safe locations within their
and that was probably correct for most. The importance of perception cannot own community. During Hurricane
In other states and in non-coastal coun- be overlooked. People who believe Floyd, an unusual percentage of evac-
ties, up to 25 percent of the respon- their homes are unsafe are much more uees went to destinations outside their
dents believed they heard officials say likely than others in their same risk own county. Among evacuees from
that they should evacuate, and that was area to evacuate. In most locations, Category 1 and larger surge zones, as
probably not correct, except for people people who believe their homes are many as 98 percent left their own
living in mobile homes. These results unsafe are about twice as likely as oth- county and in 8 of 11 study locations
emphasize the fact that it is extremely ers to leave. This is a good thing when more than 70 percent did the same.
important for officials to reach those applied to people who really need to These percentages are unusually high,
for whom the evacuation notices are evacuate, but it can contribute to over- but even in non-surge areas, more than
intended and to avoid confusing those crowding on evacuation routes and in half of the evacuees went out-of-coun-
for whom the notices are not intended. shelters when applied to people who ty in 8 of 10 non-surge locations. In
One reason there was substantial could stay home and be safe. adjacent non-coastal counties, more
evacuation from areas not targeted by There are various ways to reach the than half of the evacuees went out of
officials is that many residents of non- public with evacuation and vulnerabil- the county from half the survey sites.
surge areas perceived themselves to be ity information during a hurricane When asked why they left their coun-
vulnerable to major hurricanes. When threat, but local television and The ty, for many evacuees the answer was
asked whether their homes would be Weather Channel are the most-relied obvious. Georgia and some South
safe in a 125 mph hurricane 20-40 per- upon sources of information in most Carolina locations evacuated entire
cent of the people living in coastal locations. Eventually, the Internet and coastal counties, so there were no
county non-surge areas believed their online computer services will gain places to go within those counties and
homes would be unsafe from storm increased importance, but currently still comply with evacuation notices.
surge and waves; 25-60 percent less than 10 percent of coastal resi- Moreover, in those locations, residents
believed their homes would be unsafe, dents say they rely heavily on those appear to appreciate and acknowledge

Between 35 and 60 percent of the
evacuees said they used interstate
highways for a substantial portion of
the evacuation and between 70 and
90 percent said they were familiar with
the road systems in the areas through
which they were evacuating. This
response implies that evacuees would
be able to take advantage of informa-
tion about alternative routes if they
received the information. In Floyd,
between 20 and 55 percent of the evac-
uees said they heard announcements
about evacuation route problems
before leaving home. Of those hearing
the announcements, approximately
30 percent changed their plans con-
cerning routes to use. As evidenced by
their behavior in Floyd, evacuees
appear to be receptive to route
Figure 1-7. Evacuation order in South Carolina resulted in major traffic con- announcements. In fact, when asked
gestion along Interstate 26. (Photo: Post & Courier; Charleston, South Carolina) whether they would be willing to use a
route other than the one they had
the vulnerability of their counties. In Transportation planned to use if urged to do so by
many locations, public shelters are not Of all the vehicles available to evac- emergency officials, more than 70 per-
operated in coastal counties or even in uating households, between 65 and cent said they would.
the next tier of counties inland. 75 percent were used in Floyd--a typi- Next Time
Respondents gave three predominant cal statistic for most evacuations. A key question asked following
explanations for going out of county: Evacuees in Charleston had the longest Hurricane Floyd was whether the
(1) that was the location of friends or average travel times--almost 9 hours. unpleasant experiences during the
relatives with whom they could stay, Beaufort and the two Georgia sites also evacuation would deter people from
(2) the storm was strong enough so they had average travel times exceeding leaving in future hurricane events.
wanted to get far away from it, and (3) 6 hours. When asked how long they Certainly many evacuees had bad
they had to go as far as they did to find expected the evacuation to take, the experiences, but when asked to
vacant lodging. For most locations, the expectations of the evacuees were, not describe the sorts of difficulties they
decision to go out of county was influ- surprisingly, shorter than reality. endured, most respondents, even in
enced more by hearing from public When asked the reasons for the traffic Charleston, reported none other than
officials rather than by other messages delays, most blamed the large volume aggravation. The most common com-
heard through the media or information of traffic and too many people leaving plaint was a lack of restroom facilities,
from friends and relatives. at the same time. In most locations, followed by food and water. It is
The majority of evacuees went to fewer than 30 percent attributed the important for public safety officials to
homes of friends and relatives which is delays to poor management. The recognize the fact that the people who
common in most evacuations. exception was Charleston, where over complain about events by contacting
Between 20 and 30 percent in most 40 percent blamed management. agencies, writing to newspapers, and
locations went to hotels and motels; Some people mentioned the need to so forth don't constitute a random sam-
fewer than 10 percent (closer to 5 per- reverse traffic lanes along evacuation ple of the public.
cent in most locations) went to public routes. Evacuees were asked whether When asked what they would do dif-
shelters. Approximately 40 percent of they would be willing to delay their ferently if faced with a similar hurri-
the evacuees said they heard announce- departure in an evacuation to let people cane threat in the future, fewer than
ments concerning the availability of in areas of greater risk leave first in 20 percent of the evacuees in most
shelters or refuges after they left home, order to avoid congestion (Figure 1-7). locations said they would not evacuate
but fewer than 10 percent of those who Between 80 and 90 percent said they next time. Some of the evacuees didn't
heard took advantage of the offers. would.
need to evacuate during Floyd, so their Public Response to Hurricane As demonstrated by the experiences
inclination to stay in the future is not Warnings, Dr. Jay Baker, Department during Hurricane Floyd, facilitating
negative. Most of those who do need of Geography, Florida State the transportation of those who evacu-
to go can be convinced to do so in an University, who participated in the ate is another challenge. During the
actual threat. The most common Hurricane Floyd Assessment, Office of the Federal Coordinator for
response when asked what they would described four important points with Meteorology (OFCM) sponsored
do differently was to leave earlier next regard to understanding the public's 54th Interdepartmental Hurricane
time. response. Conference in February 2000,
(1) Evacuation orders are the most Mr. Howard R. Chapman, Charleston
SUMMARY AND effective means for evoking a Area Rapid Transit Authority, elaborat-
CONCLUSIONS response from the public, as long as ed on the problems that were experi-
Inland flooding from landfalling they are heard and understood by enced in the Charleston area. He also
tropical cyclones is a clear and present those who need to respond. described the plans to alleviate these
danger. We cannot afford to let the (2) People must understand their own problems in the future which include a
media spotlight and public attention personal vulnerability. One problem lane reversal plan for Interstate 26,
diffuse and shift away from the ending is that the public tends to underesti- plans for the Governor to stagger evac-
drama at the coast to other current mate high risks and overestimate low uations, and a call for earlier, initial
events rather than following the usual- risks, as evidenced during Floyd. evacuations. Their plans also provide
ly weakening tropical cyclone while it (3) We need to tell and convince peo- for constant information about condi-
moves inland. The National Weather ple they need to only go a certain dis- tions to be disseminated by National
Service performed superbly during tance to be safe, and Public Radio and educational televi-
Hurricane Floyd, but we look to future (4) We need to understand and use sion and for improved access to sec-
meteorological research efforts to the public's sources of information to ondary roads as alternate routes of
improve our capabilities. The disseminate information. evacuation. The key to the future suc-
Hurricane Landfall and Quantitative Recommendations for the future cess of our Nation's response to land-
Precipitation Forecasting components include: falling hurricanes is to act on the les-
of the United States Weather Research • Better education of the public sons learned from the past. Hurricane
Program are indicative of the signifi- regarding their vulnerability. Floyd certainly provided federal, state,
cance of the tropical cyclone threat to • Wording evacuation notices to and local officials with a wealth of les-
this country, as well as our focused ensure they are not misinterpreted sons learned that will help refine cur-
commitment to minimize the impacts and effectively disseminating them. rent and shape future plans.
of that threat in the future. • Telling people what to do and why.
During the National Hurricane • Not forgetting those who didn't
Conference session on Improving leave but should have.
Material for this article was drawn from • Rappaport, E. N., 2000: Loss of life in • Federal Emergency Management
the following sources: the United States associated with recent Agency's (FEMA) Economic Impact
• The National Weather Service (NWS) Atlantic tropical cyclones. Bull. Amer. Assessment of Hurricane Floyd for
Office of Hydrology brochure-- Meteor. Soc., 81, 2065-2073. North Carolina, Executive Summary.
Hurricane Flooding: A Deadly Inland • Hurricane Floyd Assessment, Review of • FEMA News Room Release, Flood
Danger. Hurricane Evacuation Studies Insurance Claims from Hurricane
• The NWS Service Assessment-- Utilization and Information Floyd Will Rank Second-Highest Ever,
Hurricane Floyd Floods of September Dissemination, prepared for the U.S. Washington, DC, March 1, 2000.
1999, June 2000. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah
• The NWS Tropical Prediction District, and Federal Emergency
Center/National Hurricane Center Management Agency, Region IV, May
Preliminary Report on Hurricane 2000.
Floyd, 7-17 September 1999.


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