Notes DRRR 6.2
Notes DRRR 6.2
Notes DRRR 6.2
1. Storm intensity (Wind speed)
2. Pressure effect
6.2 STORM SURGE 3. Size
4. Storm forward speed
➢ is an unusual localized increase in 5. Angle of approach to coast
seawater level beyond the 6. Effect of the Earth's rotation
predicted astronomical tide level, 7. Rainfall effect
primarily due to intense winds and 8. Geometry of coastal area
reduced atmospheric pressure (bathymetry, topography,
during the passage of an intense coastline shape, and local
tropical cyclone from sea to land. features)
➢ Storm surges are the primary cause a. Bathymetry - is the
of about 90% of casualties and appearance of the ocean or
damage to properties in coastal sea bottom resulting from the
areas during a tropical cyclone. variation in depth in different
➢ According to the World Factbook the portions.
Philippines has a total coastline b. Topography - also has an
length of 36,289 km, making it the influence on storm surge
fourth longest in the world. On the extent. Wide, low-lying areas
other hand, the World Resources with elevation of only a few
Institute puts the Philippines' total meters above sea level are
coastline length at 33,900 km, vulnerable to storm surges.
making it the eight longest in the c. The shape of the coastline
world. also affects the behavior of a
➢ In terms of magnitude and extent, storm surge. Storm surge
storm surges are similar to and often level is higher when a
mistaken for tsunamis. Tsunami tropical cyclone hits a
literally means "harbor wave" in concave coastline. This is
Japanese. Strictly speaking, this because of the funneling
term pertains to a seismic sea wave. effect, which is simply the
These terms are often interchanged. entrapment in a smaller
Like a storm surge tsunamis can accommodation space of
reach heights of more than 10 m. water being dumped by the
strong winds.
d. man-made and natural
local features found within