Multiple Choice: Nama: Isdawati Talib NIM: 36119034 Kelas: 2B-D3
Multiple Choice: Nama: Isdawati Talib NIM: 36119034 Kelas: 2B-D3
Multiple Choice: Nama: Isdawati Talib NIM: 36119034 Kelas: 2B-D3
NIM : 36119034
Kelas : 2B-D3
1. Major reasons why a company may become involved in leasing to other companies
is (are)
a. interest revenue.
b. high residual values.
c. tax incentives.
d. all of these.
3. Which of the following best describes current practice in accounting for leases?
a. Leases are not capitalized.
b. Leases similar to installment purchases are capitalized.
c. All long-term leases are capitalized.
d. All leases are capitalized.
4. While only certain leases are currently accounted for as a sale or purchase, there is
theoretic justification for considering all leases to be sales or purchases. The
principal reason that supports this idea is that
a. all leases are generally for the economic life of the property and the residual
value of the property at the end of the lease is minimal.
b. at the end of the lease the property usually can be purchased by the lessee.
c. a lease reflects the purchase or sale of a quantifiable right to the use of
d. during the life of the lease the lessee can effectively treat the property as if it
were owned by the lessee.
9. In computing the present value of the minimum lease payments, the lessee should
a. use its incremental borrowing rate in all cases.
b. use either its incremental borrowing rate or the implicit rate of the lessor,
whichever is higher, assuming that the implicit rate is known to the lessee.
c. use either its incremental borrowing rate or the implicit rate of the lessor,
whichever is lower, assuming that the implicit rate is known to the lessee.
d. none of these.
11. In the earlier years of a lease, from the lessee's perspective, the use of the
a. capital method will enable the lessee to report higher income, compared to the
operating method.
b. capital method will cause debt to increase, compared to the operating
c. operating method will cause income to decrease, compared to the capital
d. operating method will cause debt to increase, compared to the capital method.
12. Based solely upon the following sets of circumstances indicated below, which set
gives rise to a sales-type or direct financing lease of a lessor?
Transfers Ownership Contains Bargain Collectibility of Lease Any Important
By End Of Lease? Purchase Option? Payments Assured? Uncertainties?
a. No Yes Yes No
b. Yes No No No
c. Yes No No Yes
d. No Yes Yes Yes
13. Which of the following would not be included in the Lease Receivable account?
a. Guaranteed residual value
b. Unguaranteed residual value
c. A bargain purchase option
d. All would be included
14. In a lease that is appropriately recorded as a direct financing lease by the lessor,
unearned income
a. should be amortized over the period of the lease using the interest method.
b. should be amortized over the period of the lease using the straight-line method.
c. does not arise.
d. should be recognized at the lease's expiration.
*18. When a company sells property and then leases it back, any gain on the sale should
usually be
a. recognized in the current year.
b. recognized as a prior period adjustment.
c. recognized at the end of the lease.
d. deferred and recognized as income over the term of the lease.