BAC211-LUA (SAP Semi-Final Lab Exam) - Group2
BAC211-LUA (SAP Semi-Final Lab Exam) - Group2
BAC211-LUA (SAP Semi-Final Lab Exam) - Group2
Instruction: Answer the following problems in SAP Business One. Screenshot the marketing
document as required. Once finished, email back this file to my account:
OEC Computers received 20 samples of Hitachi HD 2TB. Enter first the product into Item
Master Data, and then create a Goods Receipt to receive the items. The serial number must follow
a format “HT####," the first serial number must be HT0010.
After receiving the samples, OEC Computers’ personnel finds that 3 of the received
items with serial numbers HT0012, HT0017, and HT0019 are damaged and need to move out of
the warehouse. Create a Goods Issue to record the movement of these damaged items.
Screenshot the Item Master Data, Goods Receipt, Goods Issue, Serial Number Setup
(showing the serial numbers with mfr date, warranty start, and end dates) and the Serial
Number Selection. Print pictures below.
Problem 2
Create a sales order of 10 units each that is due for delivery today from Norm
Thompsom for the following items.
Using Pick and Pack Manager open the sales order and release 5 units each. Screenshot
the picking to show the “to release” items in the document.
Release the items (5 units for each item) to the Pick List. Screenshot the Released and
Picked windows to show the released and picked data.
Create a Delivery for the picked items using the Manual Delivery tab and pack items
using pallet.
Print the pictures of all the documents/processes, such as the sales order, pick and pack
manager’s open, released and picked list status windows, and the delivery document.
Problem 3
OEC Computers gives discount groups to Microchips and special prices to Marshina
Corporation. The following are the settings for the following business partners.
OEC Computers received sales orders which is due for delivery today of the merchandise
listed below from both Marshina Corporation and Microchips. Post a separate sales order for
the two companies on the following merchandise below. Screenshot and print below the Group
Discount setup, Special Prices setup, and Sales Orders.