Coleoptera (Aquatic Beetles) : Guide To Aquatic Invertebrate Families of Mongolia - 2009

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Guide to Aquatic Invertebrate Families of Mongolia | 2009


(Aquatic Beetles)

June 17, 2009

138 Chapter 12 | COLEOPTERA

Guide to Aquatic Invertebrate Families of Mongolia | 2009

Aquatic Beetles

The order Coleoptera is a huge order, of which the majority of members are terrestrial. However,
there are still a great number of beetles adapted to an aquatic existence encompassing a large
diversity of habitats and life histories. Aquatic beetles can be found in nearly any aquatic habitat, but
beetles reach their greatest diversity in lentic habitats such as wetlands and pond margins. Part of
the reason for their success in aquatic habits is the ability of the adults to enter or leave the water to
search for mates or to search for better conditions. Some beetles are aquatic as both larvae and

adults, while others are aquatic as adults or as larvae. However, almost all aquatic and semiaquatic
Coleoptera pupate terrestrially with the exception of a few taxa (e.g. Psephenidae, Scirtidae). The
Coleoptera key does not include some semiaquatic taxa which may be collected in aquatic
invertebrate samples, but it will be sufficient for the major groups.

Coleoptera Morphology

Larvae: Larvae of aquatic Coleoptera

can be recognized by the presence of a
sclerotized head, three pairs of
segmented thoracic legs, and the
absence of wing pads (Figure 12.1).
Characters such as the number of tarsal
claws, number of leg segments, body
shape, and antennal length are
diagnostic characters for Coleoptera

Figure 12.1: Dorsal view of coleopteran larva.

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Adults: Coleoptera adults can be recognized primarily by the presence of heavily sclerotized fore
wings (elytra) which lack veins and cover the membranous hind wings (Figure 12.2). In addition, the
entire body is generally hardened and three pairs of segmented legs are present. Adult Coleoptera
families can be separated by characters such as the shape of the eye, the hind coxae, and the
antennae (Figure 12.3, Figure 12.2,).

Figure 12.2: Dorsal view of coleopteran adult. Figure 12.3: Ventral view of coleopteran adult.

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Key to Coleoptera Families (Larvae)

The family Dryopidae is not included in the Coleoptera larva key because these larvae live in riparian
areas and are not generally collected in aquatic samples.

1. Thorax and abdomen short and obese, lacking distinct sclerites (Figure 12.5, Figure 12.4);
legs reduced (Figure 12.5) or absent (Figure 12.4) .................................................................... 2

Figure 12.5: Donacia sp.

(Chrysomelidae) larva, Lateral View. Figure 12.4: Curculionidae larva,
Lateral View.

1'. Thorax and abdomen not short or obese (Figure 12.6, Figure 12.7); legs well developed
(Figure 12.6, Figure 12.7) .............................................................................................................. 3

Figure 12.6: Laccophilus testaceus

(Dytiscidae) larva, Dorsal View.
Figure 12.7: Peltodytes sp.
(Haliplidae) larva, Lateral View.

2(1). Legs reduced, but visible (Figure 12.8); dorsal hooks present at posterior end of abdomen
(Figure 12. 9) ...................................................................................... Chrysomelidae p. 151

Figure 12. 9: Terminal

abdominal segments of
Donacia sp.
(Chrysomelidae) larva,
Ventral View.
Figure 12.8: Donacia sp.
(Chrysomelidae) larva, Lateral View.

2'. Legs absent (Figure 12.10); dorsal hooks absent from posterior end of abdomen (Figure
12.10) .....................................................................................................Curculionidae p. 152

Figure 12.10: Curculionidae larva,

Lateral View.

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3(1'). Two tarsal claws at end of leg (Figure 12.11) ............................................................................. 4

Figure 12.11: Leg of Rhantus sp.

(Rhantus) larva, Dorsal View.

3'. A single tarsal claw at end of leg (Figure 12.12) ........................................................................ 5


Figure 12.12: Leg of Hydrochara sp.

(Hydrophilidae) larva.

4(3). Abdominal segment 10 with 2 pairs of hooks (Figure 12.13); 10 pairs of lateral filaments
on abdomen ...................................................................................................Gyrinidae p. 156


segment 10

Figure 12.13: Terminal abdominal

segments of Gyrinidae larva.

4'. Hooks absent on abdominal segment 10 (Figure 12.14); lateral filaments usually absent
from abdomen although terminal filaments are often present (Figure 12.14) .........................
........................................................................................................................Dytiscidae p. 154

segment 10

Figure 12.14: Terminal

abdominal segments of
Dytiscidae larva.

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5(3'). Legs with 5 segments (not counting tarsal claw) (Figure 12.15); abdomen terminating with
1-2 long filaments ........................................................................................Haliplidae p. 157

2 3
Figure 12.15: Leg of
Haliplidae larva.

5'. Legs with 4 segments (not counting tarsal claw) (Figure 12.16); abdomen not terminating
in 1-2 long filaments ...................................................................................................................... 6

2 4

3 Figure 12.16: Leg of Hydrochara sp.

(Hydrophilidae) larva.

6(5'). Antennae longer than head with more than 10 segments (Figure 12.17); Not known
from Mongolia ............................................................................................... Scirtidae p. 162

Figure 12.17: Head of

Scirtes tibialis (Scirtidae)
larva, Dorsal View.

6'. Antennae shorter than head with only 3 segments (Figure 12.18).......................................... 7


Figure 12.18: Head of Enochrus

pygmaeus nebulosus (Hydrophilidae)
larva, Dorsal View.

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7(6'). Short terminal filaments (urogomphi) present at end of abdomen (Figure 12.19, Figure
12.20); abdominal segment nine without operculum and lacking anal gills (Figure 12.19,
Figure 12.20) ................................................................................................................................... 8

Figure 12.20: Tropisternus sp. Figure 12.19: Helophorus sp.

(Hydrophilidae) larva, Dorsal View. (Hydrophilidae) larva, Dorsal View.

7'. Terminal filaments (urogomphi) absent at end of abdomen (Figure 12.22, Figure 12.21);

abdominal segment nine with operculum which may or may not enclose anal gills (Figure
12.21) ..............................................................................................................................................10

Figure 12.22:
Elmidae larva,
Lateral View.
Figure 12.21: Terminal abdominal
operculum segments of Cleptelmis sp. (Elmidae)
larva, Lateral View.

8(7). Labrum not a separate distinct sclerite from the clypeus (Figure 12.24); usually with 8
abdominal segments (Figure 12.23) although some taxa with 10 or rarely 9 segements
(Figure 12.19) ...................................................................................... Hydrophilidae p. 160

Figure 12.24: Head of Enochrus Figure 12.23: Berosus sp.

pygmaeus (Hydrophilidae) larva, (Hydrophilidae) larva, Dorsal View.
Dorsal View.

8'. Clypeus and labrum distinct, separated by a suture (Figure 12.26); abdomen with 10
abdominal segments (Figure 12.25) although tergite 10 sometimes reduced ........................ 9



Figure 12.26: Head of Ochthebius impressus Figure 12.25: Ochthebius impressus

(Hydraenidae) larva, Dorsal View. (Hydraenidae) larva, Dorsal View.

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9(8'). No urogomphi present (Figure 12.27); Not Known from Mongolia .....................................
............................................................................................................... Heteroceridae p. 158

Figure 12.27: Heterocerus sp.

(Heteroceridae) larva, Dorsal View.

9'. Urogomphi present on abdominal segment 9 and consisting of two segments (Figure
12.29); 10th abdominal segment with hooks (Figure 12.28); Not Known from Mongolia
.................................................................................................................. Hydraenidae p. 159

Figure 12.29: Ochthebius impressus
(Hydraenidae) larva, Dorsal View.

Figure 12.28: Terminal abdominal

segments of Ochthebius sp.
(Hydraenidae) larva, Dorsal View.
10(7'). Body flattened with thoracic and abdominal segments expanded so that legs and head are
obscured from above (Figure 12.30); Not known from Mongolia ........................................
......................................................................................................................... Psephenidae p. 161

Figure 12.30: Ectopria sp.

(Psephenidae) larva,
Dorsal View.

10'. Body cylindrical or sub-cylindrical; head and legs visible from above (Figure 12. 31) ...........
................................................................................................................................. Elmidae p. 155

Figure 12. 31: Stenelmis

sp. (Elmidae) larva,
Dorsal View.

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Key to Coleoptera Families (Adults)

The families Psephenidae and Scirtidae are not included in the adult key as the adults of these
families are not aquatic and are therefore not commonly collected in aquatic samples.

1. Compound eyes divided and appearing to have 2 pairs of eyes (Figure 12.32) .......................
..........................................................................................................................Gyrinidae p. 156


Figure 12.32: Head of

Gyrinus sp. (Gyrinidae)
adult, Lateral View.

1'. Compound eyes undivided (Figure 12.33) .................................................................................. 2


Figure 12.33: Head of Laccophilus

sp. (Dytiscidae) adult, Lateral

2'. Head produced anteriorly (Figure 12.34); note – most members of this family are terrestrial ...........
................................................................................................................ Curculionidae p. 152

Figure 12.34: Emphyastes sp.

(Curculionidae) adult, Lateral

2'. Head not produced anteriorly (Figure 12.35)............................................................................. 3

Figure 12.35: Head of

Laccophilus sp. (Dytiscidae)
adult, Lateral View.

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3(2'). Elytra short with at least 2 abdominal segments completely exposed (Figure 12.36); note –
most members of this family are terrestrial .................................................. Staphylinidae p. 162

Figure 12.36: Bledius sp.

(Staphylinidae) adult, Dorsal

3'. Elytra covering all or nearly all abdominal segments (Figure 12.38, Figure 12.37) .............. 4

Figure 12.38: Dytiscus verticalis
(Dytiscidae) adult, Dorsal View. Figure 12.37: Peltodytes sp.
(Haliplidae) adult, Dorsal View.

4(3'). Hind coxae expanded into plates that cover abdominal segments 1-2 or 3 and bases of
metafemora (Figure 12.39) .........................................................................Haliplidae p. 157

hind coxa

Figure 12.39: Metathorax and

abdomen of Peltodytes sp.
(Haliplidae) adult, Ventral View.

4'. Hind coxae not expanded into plates (Figure 12.41, Figure 12.40) ........................................ 5

hind coxa
hind coxa

Figure 12.41: Laccophilus sp. Figure 12.40: Hydrochara sp.

(Dytiscidae) adult, Ventral View. (Hydrophilidae) adult, Ventral View.

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5(4'). Hind coxae extending posteriorly and dividing abdominal segment 1 into two sections
(Figure 12.42) ...............................................................................................Dytiscidae p. 154
abdominal sternite 1

Figure 12.42: Laccophilus sp.

(Dytiscidae) adult, Ventral View.

5'. Hind coxae not extending posteriorly and dividing abdominal segment 1 into two

sections (Figure 12.43) ................................................................................................................... 6

abdominal sternite 1

Figure 12.43: Hydrochara sp.

(Hydrophilidae) adult, Ventral View.

6(5'). Antennae clubbed (Figure 12.44) ................................................................................................. 7

Figure 12.44: Antennae of

Hydrophilidae adult.

6'. Antennae elongate and slender (Figure 12.45) or with short, thick basal segment (Figure
12.46) ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Figure 12.45: Antenna of Figure 12.46: Antenna of

Optioservus sp. (Elmidae) adult. Helichus sp. (Dryopidae) adult.

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7(6). Antennal club with 7 segments (Figure 12.47); club without cuplike base; Not Known
from Mongolia .................................................................................. Heteroceridae p. 159

Figure 12.47: Heteroceridae

adult, Dorsal View.

7'. Antennal club with fewer than 7 segments (Figure 12.48); club with cuplike base ............8

Figure 12.48: Antenna of

Hydrophilidae adult.

8(7'). Antennal club with 3 segments (Figure 12.49) ............................... Hydrophilidae p. 160

Figure 12.49: Antenna of

Hydrophilidae adult.

8'. Antennal club with 5 segments (Figure 12.50); Not known from Mongolia ........................
.................................................................................................................. Hydraenidae p. 159

Figure 12.50: Antenna of

Hydraena sp. (Hydraenidae)

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9(6'). Prosternum expanded anteriorly with head often retracted into thorax (Figure 12.51);
antennae often concealed .............................................................................................................. 9

Figure 12.51: Head and pronotum

of Optioservus (Elmidae) adult,
Lateral View.

9'. Antennae longer than head and thorax (Figure 12.53); mouthparts small and directed

ventrally (hypognathous) (Figure 12.53, Figure 12.52); note – most members of this family are
terrestrial ............................................................................................... Chrysomelidae p. 151

Figure 12.53: Donacia sp. Figure 12.52: Head of Donacia sp.

(Chrysomelidae) adult, Dorsal View. (Chrysomelidae) adult, Frontal View.

9(8). Antennae short with a pectinate (comb-like) club; body size 5-6.5 mm long (Figure
12.54); Not known from Mongolia ....................................................... Dryopidae p. 153

Figure 12.54: Antenna of

Helichus sp. (Dryopidae) adult.

9'. Antennae without pectinate club; body size < 4.5 mm long (Figure 12.55) ............................
.............................................................................................................................Elmidae p. 155

Figure 12.55: Antenna of

Optioservus sp. (Elmidae) adult.

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Coleoptera Family Descriptions

Chrysomelidae ________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Leaf Beetles

Feeding Group: Shredders-herbivores
Tolerance Value: Unknown
Habitat: Chrysomelids are generally found in lentic habitats with vascular hydrophytes.
The larvae are usually submerged and feed on the roots, stems, and leaves of
these plants. The adults are typically not found submerged but on the floating
leaves upon which the larvae feed.
Size: Larvae: Small to Medium

Adults: Small to Medium (5-14 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Thorax and abdomen short and obese, lacking distinct sclerites; legs
reduced; dorsal hooks or spines present at end of abdomen (characteristic
specific to the Donaciinae).
Adults: Hard bodied; hind coxae not extending posteriorly and dividing first
abdominal segment into two sections; antennae longer than head and thorax and
not clubbed; mouthparts small and directed ventrally (hypognathous)
Notes: Donaciinae not confirmed for Mongolia. The family Chrysomelidae is a
large family, but most members of this family are terrestrial. The only group of
chrysomelids that will key out using this key are the Donaciinae. These beetles
are associated with the aquatic plants upon which they feed. In many cases each
species of beetle only feeds on a single species or group of species of aquatic
plant. The larvae of Donaciinae do not possess any special adaptations for an
aquatic existence with the exception of a pair of caudal spines. It is believed
that these spines are used to tap into the tissues of aquatic plants to obtain
oxygen from within the plant.

Figure 12.56: Donacia sp.

(Chrysomelidae) larva, Lateral View.

Figure 12.57: Donacia

sp. (Chrysomelidae)
adult, Dorsal View.

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Curculionidae _________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Weevils

Feeding Group: Shredders-herbivores
Tolerance Value: Unknown
Habitat: Curculionids are typically found in lentic habitats with large amounts of
Size: Larvae: Small
Adults: Small (2-8 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Thorax and abdomen short and obese, lacking distinct sclerites; legs
Adults: Hard bodied; head produced anteriorly into a snout; antennae usually
elbowed and arising on the middle of the stout.

Notes: The family Curculionidae is a large family and only a small fraction of the
species are semiaquatic or aquatic. It is not uncommon to collect Curculionidae
in aquatic samples, but it is often difficult to determine if these specimens are
aquatic or semiaquatic. Due to the large size of the group, terrestrial taxa are
sometimes collected when aquatic habitats are sampled. Some species of
weevils are pests on aquatic plants including rice. Other species of curculionids
are used a biological control agents to control nonnative nuisance plants.

Figure 12.58: Curculionidae larva,

Lateral View.

Figure 12.59: Lissorhoptrus

simplex (Curculionidae) adult,
Dorsal View.

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Dryopidae ____________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Long-Toed Water Beetles

Feeding Group: Scrapers
Tolerance Value: 5 (Moderate)
Habitat: Dryopid adults occur in the swift
portions of streams and are generally
collected under rocks and logs.
Size: Adults: Small (5-6.5 mm)
Characteristics: Adults: Hard bodied; antennae short
with a pectinate club; hind coxae not
extending posteriorly and dividing first
abdominal segment into two sections.

Notes: Not known from Mongolia. Dryopid
adults resemble elmids; however,
dryopids tend to be larger. The antennae
are difficult to see because they are
shortened pectinate clubs that are
sometimes concealed with a portion of
the head under the enlarged pronotum.
This family of beetles is unique because
the larvae are generally terrestrial Figure 12.60: Helichus
(sometimes semiaquatic) whereas the sp. (Dryopidae) adult,
Dorsal View.
adults are aquatic.

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Dytiscidae ____________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Predaceous Diving Beetles

Feeding Group: Predators
Tolerance Value: 5 (Moderate)
Habitat: Dytiscid beetle adults and larvae can be found in
nearly any habitat, but they are most common and
diverse in standing or slow-flowing waters where
there is a lot of vegetation.
Size: Larvae: Small to large (2-70 mm).
Adults: Small to large (2-25 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Two claws on each leg; legs 5-segmented;
abdomen usually terminates in a pair of urogomphi.

Adults: Antennae slender; hind coxae extending

posteriorly and dividing first abdominal segment into
two sections.
Notes: Dytiscids are a very common and diverse family of
aquatic beetles. They are well suited for aquatic Figure 12.61:
Laccophilus testaceus
existence and are very good swimmers. Most larvae (Dytiscidae) larva,
and adults need to breathe atmospheric oxygen, Dorsal View.
which means they can be found in habitats with low
levels of dissolved oxygen. The adults break the
water surface with the tip of their abdomen in order
to refill their air supply stored under their wings.

Figure 12.62:
Hydroporus niger
(Dytiscidae) larva,
Dorsal View.
Figure 12.63:
Dytiscus verticalis
(Dytiscidae) adult,
Dorsal View.

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Elmidae ______________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Riffle Beetles

Feeding Group: Scrapers
Tolerance Value: 5 (Moderate)
Habitat: Elmid beetles occur in the swift areas of streams
(most commonly in cool waters) generally under
rocks or logs. They are also sometimes found along
the wave washed shores of lakes.
Size: Larvae: Small (3-8 mm).
Adults: Small (1-8 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Legs with four segments and terminating in
a single claw; 9 abdominal segments; abdominal

segment with cavity containing gills that is protected
by hinged lid.
Adults: Hard bodied; antennae usually slender
(sometimes clubbed); elytra with rows of
indentations; legs are long compared to body.
Notes: Riffle beetles are one of the few beetle groups that
live completely underwater in all life stages. They
are sometimes difficult to see in the field due to
their small size and slow movements. After
emerging, the adults generally fly for a short period
of time before returning to the water. Once the Figure 12.64:
Elmidae larva,
adults enter the water they do not fly again and over Lateral View.
time their wings waste away. Because elmids do not
breathe atmospheric oxygen, many species require
waters with high oxygen contents. These species
are usually limited to fast-flowing streams with cool

Figure 12.65: Ordobrevia

sp. (Elmidae) adult,
Dorsal View.

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Gyrinidae _____________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Whirligig Beetles

Feeding Group: Predators
Tolerance Value: 4 (Moderate)
Habitat: The larvae and adults of gyrinids occur in the areas
of calm water in streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds.
The larvae are found underwater among aquatic
vegetation while the adults are generally observed on
the surface.
Size: Larvae: Small to Medium (6-30 mm).
Adults: Small to Medium (3-16 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Two claws on each leg; legs 5-segmented;

abdominal segment 10 with 2 pairs of hooks; 10

abdominal segments; 10 pairs of lateral filaments on
abdomen (1 pair each on segments 1-8 and 2 pairs
on segment 9).
Adults: Compound eyes divided and appearing to
have 2 pairs of eyes; antennae clubbed; mid and hind Figure 12.66: Dineutus
legs paddle-like. sp. (Gyrinidae) larva,
Dorsal View.
Notes: The larvae of whirligig beetles can be confused with
Megaloptera larvae due to the presence of abdominal
filaments. Examination of the terminal segment can be used to easily separate
these two groups. Whirligig beetles get their name from the circular swimming
motions of the adults. The adults have divided eyes, which allow them to see
underwater and above water at the same time while they are swimming on the
surface. Although the adults are conspicuous on the water surface, they have
few predators due to the production of distasteful secretions. In some species
these secretions smell like ripe apples, hence another common name, “apple

Figure 12.68: Figure 12.67: Dineutus

Dineutus americanus americanus (Gyrinidae)
(Gyrinidae) adult, adult, Ventral View.
Dorsal View.

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Haliplidae ____________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Crawling Water Beetles

Feeding Group: Shredders
Tolerance Value: 7 (High)
Habitat: Haliplid beetle larvae and adults most
commonly occur in standing and slow-moving
waters in lakes, ponds, marshes, and streams.
They are usually found associated with dense
Size: Larvae: Small (5-12 mm).
Adults Small (2-6 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Legs with 5 segments; one claw at

end of each leg; abdomen terminating in 1-2
long filaments.
Adults: Antennae long and slender; elytra
with indentations; legs lined with swimming
hairs; hind coxae expanded into plates that Figure 12.69: Peltodytes
cover abdominal segments 1-2 or 1-3 and sp. (Haliplidae) larva,
Lateral View.
bases of metafemora.
Notes: Like most aquatic beetles the adults store air
under their wings, but haliplid beetles are
unique in having enlarged coxal plates that are
also used to retain air. The air stored under
the coxal plates is probably used less as an
oxygen source than a means of maintaining
buoyancy, allowing the adult to float to the
surface rather than swim. The larvae spend
most of their life underwater obtaining oxygen
from the water. Haliplid adults and larvae are
not very good swimmers and spend most of
their time crawling among vegetation. The
larvae move very slowly and will play dead
when disturbed. Some kinds of the larvae are
very distinctive with several long projections
half as long as the body extending from most
Figure 12.70:
Peltodytes sp.
(Haliplidae) adult,
Dorsal View.

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Heteroceridae _________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Variegated Mud-Loving Beetles

Feeding Group: Collector/Gatherers
Tolerance Value: Unknown
Habitat: Both the larvae and adults are found along the shores of streams and lakes in
sandy mud.
Size: Larvae: Small (2-10 mm).
Adults Small (4-6 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Clypeus and labrum distinct, separated by a suture; antennae shorter
than head with only 3 segments; legs well developed; body widest in thorax and
taping to end of abdomen; abdomen with 10 abdominal segments; no
urogomphi present.

Adults: Antennae short with last seven segments forming a club; mouthparts
long and projecting forward front and middle legs modified for digging
(expanded and spiny).
Notes: Both adults and larvae live in tunnels in sandy mud. The easiest way to collect
these beetles is to wash water up on the shores with sandy mud and then to look
for the adults and larvae as they are washed from their tunnels.

Figure 12.71: Heteroceridae Figure 12.72: Heteroceridae

adult, Dorsal View. larva, Lateral View.

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Hydraenidae __________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Minute Moss Beetles

Feeding Group: Collector/Gatherers (larvae possibly predators)
Tolerance Value: Unknown
Habitat: Hydraenids are semiaquatic and occur just above the waterline along streams
and other waterbodies.
Size: Larvae: Very Small (1-3 mm).
Adults Very Small (1-2 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Legs well developed; abdominal segments 1-8 with a wide sclerite;
urogomphi present on abdominal segment 9 and consisting of two segments;
10th abdominal segment with hooks.
Adults: Similar to hydrophilids; very small; antennal club with 5 segments with

last segment before the club cuplike;
Notes: Hydraenids are not commonly collected because of their small size and because
they are semiaquatic.

Figure 12.74: Ochthebius Figure 12.73: Ochthebius

impressus (Hydraenidae) sp. (Hydraenidae) adult,
larva, Lateral View. Dorsal View.

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Common Name: Water Scavenger Beetles

Feeding Group: Larvae: Predators. Adults: Collector/Gatherers
Tolerance Value: 5 (Moderate)
Habitat: The larvae and adults of water scavenger beetles most
commonly occur in the standing and slow-moving waters
of lakes, ponds, marshes, streams, and rivers; however,
they occur in nearly any water body. They are usually
found amongst aquatic vegetation.
Size: Larvae: Small to large (2-60 mm).
Adults: Small to large (1-40 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Mandibles large; legs with 4 segments; legs

terminating in a single claw; end of abdomen generally

blunt. Adults: Antennae clubbed with a cup-like segment
at the base of 3-segmented club; hind coxae not extending
posteriorly and dividing abdominal segment 1 into two
sections. Figure 12.75:
Notes: Hydrophilid beetles are the second most common and Tropisternus sp.
diverse family of beetles behind the dytiscids. larva, Dorsal View.
Hydrophilid larvae and adults are good swimmers
although not as good as dytiscids. Like dytiscid beetles,
both larvae and adult hydrophilid beetles breathe
atmospheric oxygen. The adults break the water surface
head first in order to refill air stores under the wings.
This is in contrast to dytiscid beetles, which break the
water surface with their abdomen to refill their air supply.

Figure 12.76:
Berosus sp.
larva, Dorsal View.

Figure 12.78: Figure 12.77:

Berosus sp. Hydrobiomorpha sp.
(Hydrophilidae) (Hydrophilidae) adult,
adult, Dorsal View. Dorsal View.

160 Chapter 12 | COLEOPTERA

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Psephenidae __________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Water Pennies

Feeding Group: Scrapers
Tolerance Value: 4 (Moderate)
Habitat: Psephenid larvae occur in fast- to moderately fast-flowing streams in riffle areas.
They are found attached to rocks.
Size: Larvae: Small (3-10 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Body flattened with thoracic and abdominal segments expanded so that
legs and head are obscured from above; legs with four segments and terminating
in a single claw.
Notes: Not known from Mongolia. The larvae of psephenids are well adapted for
scraping algae from the surfaces of rocks in swift waters. The larvae spend the

day under rocks and at night, move to the top of the rocks to feed. The
flattened body of a psephenid larva functions as a suction cup and allows it to
cling to rocks in swift currents. This body shape and their brown color give
them their common name “water pennies”. Adult water pennies are terrestrial.

Figure 12.80: Figure 12.79:

Ectopria sp. Ectopria sp.
(Psephenidae) larva, (Psephenidae) larva,
Ventral View. Dorsal View.

Chapter 12 | COLEOPTERA 161

Guide to Aquatic Invertebrate Families of Mongolia | 2009


Common Name: Marsh Beetles

Feeding Group: Scrapers, Collector/Gatherers, Shredders
Tolerance Value: 7 (High)
Habitat: Scirtid larvae are most commonly collected in
standing and slow-moving waters in streams,
ponds, and marshes. They usually occur in
vegetated margins of ponds and marshes or
at the edges of streams in overhanging
Size: Larvae: Small to medium (5-15 mm)
Characteristics: Larvae: Antennae longer than head; legs with

four segments and terminating in a single

Notes: Not known from Mongolia. Marsh beetles
are most diverse in the tropics, but are not
very diverse in temperate zones. Adult marsh Figure 12.81: Scirtes
beetles are terrestrial. Some of the larvae are sp. (Scirtidae) larva,
Dorsal View.
found in tree holes and other temporary
water bodies.

Staphylinidae _________________________________________________________________

Common Name: Rove Beetles

Feeding Group: Predators, (Collector/Gatherers, Shredders)
Tolerance Value: 8 (High)
Habitat: Staphylinids are found in the littoral zone of lotic
and lentic habitats.
Size: Adults: Small to medium
Characteristics: Adults: Elytra short with at least 2 abdominal
segments completely exposed.
Notes: The shorted elytra will separate these beetles from
other aquatic and semiaquatic Coleoptera. The
family Staphylinidae is a large family, but the
majority of the members are terrestrial. The
staphylinid species considered aquatic or
semiaquatic do not occur beneath the water

Figure 12.82: Bledius sp.

(Staphylinidae) larva,
Dorsal View.

162 Chapter 12 | COLEOPTERA

Guide to Aquatic Invertebrate Families of Mongolia | 2009

Families and Genera of Coleoptera Known from Mongolia*

Gyrinidae Hydraenidae* Psephenidae*

Haliplidae Hydrophilidae Elmidae

Haliplus Berosus
Cercyon Heteroceridae*
Dytiscidae Enochrus
Agabus Hydrobius Chrysomelidae
Colymbetes Hydrochara
Cybister Laccobius Curculionidae
Dytiscus Pachysternum
Graphoderus Paracymus

Hydroglyphus Sphaeridium
Hygrotus Staphylinidae
Laccophilus Scirtidae*
Oreodytes Dryopidae*

* Presence in Mongolia needs to be confirmed

Many additional taxa likely occur in Mongolia, but their occurrence needs to be confirmed.

Chapter 12 | COLEOPTERA 163

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