Exploring The Bible
Exploring The Bible
Exploring The Bible
1. Identify the three books of the Old Testament named after women, and list
them in order of length (longest to shortest).
2. Which of the psalms in the Book of Psalms is the longest? How many verses
are in it? (Hint – It’s much longer than any other psalm.)
4. Write out any two proverbs from the Book of Proverbs. (Hint – the proverbs
themselves don’t start until chapter 10.)
5. According to Sir 50:27, who wrote the Book of Sirach? Does this mean this
book has a Christian (and not Jewish) origin? Why or why not?
6. Who is the author of Acts of the Apostles? What other book of the Bible was
written by this person? (Hint – Look to the introduction.)
7. How many New Testament letters are there? Which is longest? Which is
8. How many books of the Bible have the name “John” in their title? What is
the full title of each of these books?
9. What is the first miracle of Jesus according to the Gospel of Mark? How
about according to the Gospel of John?
10. Which two Gospels begin with two chapters of stories about Jesus’ birth?
From a brief scan of these chapters, are the stories identical? Why or why