What Is Biofil
What Is Biofil
What Is Biofil
The Biofil digester is an aerobic decomposition system that treats toilet waste
and flush water in the chamber. It breaks down the toilet waste completely
with oxygen in a way that odor is not generated. The chamber itself is filter,
when you flush your water closet (WC), the digester filters the waste water
through grades of stones, fiber-net, coconut husk and porous concrete,
allowing non-toxic clean and odorless water to drain out to your graders, soak
way or gutter, leaving the toilet waste (feces) in a suspended habitat where
oxygen gets to every part of it. Under those conditions, millions of
environmental friendly micro organism and bacteria feed on the toilet waste,
making them disappear completely (Biodegradation)
Site Inspection
Check the topography of the land
Check the water table of this area
Confirm the number of users in the house
Confirm the spot / location to construct the Biofil digester
Confirm the presence of drainage, gutters, gardens.
Dig the pit for laying the block
Take measurement of length and width. Always make sure an extra 1 foot is added to the
original measurement. For example (small biofil digester of 4ft x 3ft), measure out 5ft x 4ft.
the extra 1foot provide an inner perimeter for the accuracy measurement.
Note: Every biofil digester has a depth of 3ft
Create a slope for easy and fast drainage
Lay your blocks in 2 chambers
Construction of out let pipe using 3’’ pipe
Construction of in let pipe using 4’’ pipe
Casting of floor (sloppy) towards the outlet pipe
Construction of Biofil digester slabs
Construction of a 2ft tall pipe with vent cap for ventilation
Allow 2 days for dryness
Lay your charcoal at the base of the digester. Make sure to spread the charcoal over the
base (1/2 bag) and full bag for big size.
Next put in about 2 inches of chippings or water friendly stones
Cover it up with net fiber to prevent direct contact with the coconut husk with the stones.
Fasten the net fiber to the concrete wall using nails to prevent it from pulling off.
Completely spread or lay your treated coconut husk fiber in the net fiber.
Then put a little quantity of coconut husk fiber in the centralized perforated baskets.
The perforated basket must be placed directly under the 4’’ inlet pipe.
The inlet pipe has a bend that controls the inflow of the waste water.
Place 3 table spoons of the biozyme into the basket.
Then seal the biofil digester with the slab.
Instruct your clients on how to use the biozyme monthly. ( 3 spoons is flushed into the WC