Semi Detailed Lesson Plan For Sampling
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan For Sampling
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan For Sampling
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
B. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students on how they conduct survey. The teacher will
affirm and lead the students to consider who will answer the survey and ask the
following question:
a. What do you call the people who will answer your survey?
b. Why wouldn’t you ask all the people related to a survey topic to
answer a survey?
c. What do you call the entire group of people that you are interested in
asking questions about your survey?
d. Does it matter which people you asked to answer your survey?
Tell The students that today’s lesson will focus on sampling research
C. Lecture Proper
1. Definition of Population and Sample
The teacher will ask the students to differentiate Population and Sample
and the teacher will present examples and ask students to identify if
population or sample.
2. Determining the Sample Size
The teacher will give example to compute using the Slovin’s formula
3. Importance of Sampling
4. Sampling Techniques: Probability and Non-Probability
The Teacher will ask the students how would they choose their
respondents and identify the difference between probability and non-
probability technique.
5. Probability Sampling Procedure
The teacher will present example to the students on the different
probability sampling techniques
6. Non-Probability sampling Techniques
The teacher will present example to the students on the different non-
probability sampling techniques
D. Application
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