USE Separate Answer Book FOR Different Sections
USE Separate Answer Book FOR Different Sections
USE Separate Answer Book FOR Different Sections
a. State and explain the first law of thermodynamics with its applications. [2]
b. What are the parameters need to specify to define a thermodynamic system. [2]
c. Define with a neat sketch of P-V diagram on [3]
i. Isobaric Process
ii. Isothermal Process
iii. Isochoric Process
d. Explain diesel cycle with P-V diagram and S-T diagram. [4]
a. Piezometric tubes are tapped into a venturi section as shown in the figure. The liquid is
incompressible. The upstream piezometric head is 1 m, and the piezometric head at the
throat is 0.5 m. The velocity in the throat section is twice large as in the approach section.
Find the velocity in the throat section. [3]
b. Air enters a compressor with a density of 1.2 kg/m3 at a mean velocity of 4 m/s in the
6cm × 6cm square inlet duct. Air is discharged from the compressor with a mean velocity
of 3 m/s in a 5cm diameter circular pipe. Determine the mass flow rate and the density at
outlet. [2]
c. Distinguish between steady and unsteady, uniform and non uniform flows. [4]
d. Differentiate between reaction turbine and impulse turbine. [2]
a. Differentiate azimuthal bearing and reduced bearing. The WCB of the following lines are
obtained by a prismatic compass. Calculate the interior angles. [1+4]
Line WCB
AB 50⁰
BC 130⁰
CD 200⁰
DA 310⁰
What do you mean by surveying? What are the principles of surveying? Explain them in
brief. [1+1+3]
b. Define remote sensing. Briefly explain about the types of remote sensing with one
example of each. [1+1]
c. Explain how GPS works. Mention the four application areas of GPS system. [1+1]
d. Define local attraction in compass survey. List the types of survey on the basis of
equipment used. [1+1]
a. State and explain properties of a good Brick. What the different types of Structural Steel
with their properties. [2+2]
b. Why is Dam used in a Hydropower Project? Explain different types of dams based on
their structure. [1+3]
c. Define and sketch different type of stone masonry and supervision of stone masonry
construction on site. [1+1+1]
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End Semester Examination
August/September, 2016
Level : B.Sc. Course : ENGG 111
Year : I Semester : I
Exam Roll No. : Time: 30 mins. F. M. : 20
1. The force, which meet at one point and their lines of action also lie on the same plane, are
known as
[ ] coplanar concurrent forces [ ] coplanar no – concurrent forces
[ ] non coplanner concurrent forces [ ] non – coplanner one concurrent forces
2. The center of gravity of a semi –circle lies at a distance of ________________ from its base
measured along the vertical radius
[ ] 3r/8 [ ] 4r/3𝜋 [ ] 8r/3 [ ] 3r/4𝜋
Where “r” is radius of semi-circle
3. A body of weight “w” is required to move up on rough inclined plane whose angle of
inclination with the horizontal is “𝛼”. The effort applied parallel to the plane is given by
[ ] P = w 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛼 [ ] P = w (tan(𝛼+𝜙)
[ ] P = w (𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼+𝜇𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼) [ ] P = w (𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼+𝜇𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼)
5. The ratio of specific weight of a liquid to the specific weight of pure water at a standard
temperature is called
[ ] density of liquid [ ] specific gravity of liquid
[ ] compressibility of liquid [ ] surface tension of liquid
6. A flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path, and the paths of individual particles
do not cross each other is called
[ ] steady flow [ ] uniform flow [ ] streamline flow [ ] turbulent flow
8. Which of the following pump is suitable for small discharge and high heads
[ ] centrifugal pump [ ] axial flow pump
[ ] mixed flow pump [ ] reciprocation pump
9. Second law of thermodynamics defines
[ ] heat [ ] work [ ] internal energy [ ] entropy
15. The whole circle bearing of a line is 300 ⁰. Its quadrantal bearing is
[ ] W30 ⁰N [ ] N60 ⁰W [ ] N30 ⁰W [ ] W60 ⁰N
16. The process of rotating theodolite about the horizontal axis in vertical plane is known as
[ ] Plunging [ ] Reversing [ ] Swinging [ ] Transiting
17. The process of taking out stones of various sizes from natural rock is known as
[ ] Dressing [ ] Seasoning [ ] Quarrying [ ] Grading
18. In a Nominal mix Design, M20 has Cement, Sand and Aggregate ratio of
[ ] 1:3:6 [ ] 1:1:2 [ ] 1:2:4 [ ] 1:1.5:3
20. To deform with time under strained (constant Loading) is termed as ___________________
[ ] Fatigue [ ] Creep [ ] Resilience [ ] Tenacity