3) The Prince by Machiavelli - Summary
3) The Prince by Machiavelli - Summary
3) The Prince by Machiavelli - Summary
The Prince is an extended analysis of how to acquire and maintain political power. It includes an
opening dedication to Lorenzo de Medici. The dedication declares Machiavelli's intention to
discuss in plain language the conduct of great men and the principles of princely government. He
does so in hope of pleasing and enlightening the Medici family.
The book's 26 chapters can be divided into four sections: Chapters 1-11 discuss the different
types of principalities or states, Chapters 12-14 discuss the different types of armies and the
proper conduct of a prince as military leader, Chapters 15-23 discuss the character and behavior
of the prince, and Chapters 24-26 discuss Italy's desperate political situation. The final chapter is
a plea for the Medici family to supply the prince who will lead Italy out of humiliation.
A prince must always pay close attention to military affairs if he wants to remain in power.
Machiavelli lists four types of armies:
The rulers of Italy have lost their states by ignoring the political and military principles
Machiavelli enumerates.
Fortune controls half of human affairs, but free will controls the rest, leaving the prince
free to act. However, few princes can adapt their actions to the times.
The final chapter is an exhortation to the Medici family to follow Machiavelli's principles
and thereby free Italy from foreign domination.
The Prince is set against the backdrop of the Italian Renaissance, a period of intense activity in
art, science, and literature. Rich, sophisticated, and cultured, Italy was the center of intellectual
achievement in the Western world, and scholars and artists from all over Europe flocked to it to
absorb its heady atmosphere. Even today, the achievements of Italian artists and thinkers are
prized for their beauty and originality. Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci were Machiavelli's
contemporaries, and Florence itself, with its famous cathedral, was one of the capitals of
Renaissance art.
It was also a period of religious change. The decadence and corruption of the Catholic Church,
exemplified by the conduct of Pope Alexander VI, brought about a backlash against Catholic
authority. In Germany (at that time, the Holy Roman Empire), the Protestant Reformation was
gathering strength, led by Martin Luther, the famous German reformer. In politics, as well,
change was brewing. The scattered feudal territories of the medieval period were slowly being
brought under centralized leadership, so that the outlines of what would become the modern
European nations were becoming visible. The modern concept of the state was being born. War
was the ruler's most valuable tool in this struggle to create unified nations. The complexities of
European politics during this period filled large books.
However, because Machiavelli draws so many of his examples in The Prince from contemporary
Italian politics, a brief introduction to the tangled history of foreign involvement in Italy is helpful
in gaining an understanding of the book. Italy's increasing humiliation in the face of repeated
invasions and duplicity from within was a cause of intense resentment to many Italian thinkers.
It is this situation that leads Machiavelli to make his impassioned plea for a strong leader to free
Italy from "barbarian" domination in Chapter 26.
Italy was composed of five main political powers: Florence, Milan, Venice, the Papal States
(including Rome), and the Kingdom of Naples, far in the southern tip of the Italian peninsula.
Naples, in particular, had a vexed history, with powers such as France, Spain, and the popes all
laying claim to it on various dynastic pretexts. The period prior to 1494 was relatively peaceful
and prosperous, with the various Italian powers generally well balanced against each other.
The events that brought such turmoil to Machiavelli's time were set in motion when Ludovico
Sforza, Duke of Milan, invited French forces into Italy, offering to support French claims to the
Kingdom of Naples, and hoping, in return, to conquer territory from the Venetians with the help
of French troops. The French king, Charles VIII, invaded in 1494. Though he was driven out less
than a year later by an Italian coalition that Sforza himself joined, on his first entry into Italy,
Charles met with practically no resistance, a fact that was not lost on other European leaders.
Machiavelli makes note of this in Chapter 12, when he mentions that Charles was able to conquer
Italy with no more than a piece of chalk.
A few years later, Charles' successor, King Louis XII, also had designs on Italy. Louis claimed that
he had a hereditary right to the duchy of Milan through his relation to the Visconti family, who
had ruled Milan prior to the Sforza family. Louis' interest in Italian territory coincided with the
ambitions of the powerful Borgia family. Pope Alexander VI, born Rodrigo Borgia, wanted to make
his son Cesare a force in Italy. To do so, he needed the help of the French armies. Louis,
meanwhile, needed favors that only a pope could manage. In order to consolidate his position in
France, Louis needed to marry Charles' widow, Anne of Brittany, but could not do so until his
marriage to his current wife was annulled. He also wanted one of his advisors, Archbishop
Georges d'Amboise, made a cardinal so that he would eventually be a candidate for the papacy.
In exchange for these favors, Louis agreed to help Alexander and Cesare conquer the Romagna
region and to undertake a campaign against the Kingdom of Naples, which both France and the
pope had claims to. Louis was also urged on by the Venetians, who wanted revenge on Sforza
and Milan. Louis invaded and captured Milan from Sforza in 1499. Many considered it poetic
justice that Sforza had been deprived of his dukedom by the very forces he had first invited into
However, Louis' hold over Naples was weak. He initially installed a puppet ruler in Naples (his
cousin, Frederick of Aragon), but made a secret arrangement to split the kingdom with King
Ferdinand of Spain, who also claimed a hereditary right to Naples. Ferdinand quickly reneged on
the agreement and drove the French forces out of Naples. Even so, the French still controlled
much of Italy. Cesare Borgia may have threatened French power in Italy after his success in the
Romagna region, but his father's sudden death left him without resources or influence.
After Alexander VI's successor, Pius III, died after less than a month in office, Cardinal Giuliano
della Rovere became Pope Julius II in 1503. Julius earns several mentions in Machiavelli's
narrative. As Machiavelli observes, he was every bit as warlike and ambitious as Alexander, but
his goal was always to increase the power of the church, not to aggrandize his own family. Unlike
Alexander, he was a good manager of money and resources and exercised restraint in his
personal habits. He was also a wily politician.
In the power vacuum left after the collapse of Borgia power, Venice had seized part of the
Romagna region, which traditionally belonged to the papacy, and they were also challenging
Julius' authority in spiritual matters. In 1508, Julius formed the League of Cambrai, which included
France, Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire, for the purpose of putting the Venetians back in their
place. The Venetian armies were defeated at the battle of Agnadello (which Machiavelli refers to
as Vailà) and Venice's conquered territories were lost. Soon after, Julius, who feared the French's
hold over Italy, began working to get them out. During this period, Louis had Julius at his mercy
on more than one occasion, but never pressed his advantage, a move that Machiavelli criticizes.
Julius' efforts culminated in the formation of the Holy League, which included combined forces
of the Venetians, the Holy Roman Empire, the Swiss, the English, and the Spanish. Despite a
disastrous defeat at the battle of Ravenna, the League ultimately drove out Louis and his armies
in 1512, putting him out of power in Italy. Machiavelli alludes to this fact in Chapter 3 of The
Prince when he comments that it took the entire world to deprive Louis XII of his Italian
The Florentines had been longstanding allies of the French. The Soderini government supported
Louis up until the bitter end and against all advice, even as the French were pulling out of Italy.
Their loyalty left them at the mercy of Pope Julius and his Spanish allies, and this led directly to
the fall of the Florentine republic which Machiavelli had served for so many years.