Host Modulation Therapy - An Innovative Paradigm in
Host Modulation Therapy - An Innovative Paradigm in
Host Modulation Therapy - An Innovative Paradigm in
Review Article
DOI: 10.5455/jrmds.2016412
Inflammation comprises a series of events that leads to a host response against trauma and microbial invasion,
resulting in liquefaction of surrounding tissues to prevent microbial metastasis, and eventually to healing of injured
tissue compartments. Thus, by definition, the host response involves not only the mechanisms of defence but also
processes of repair of damage that occurs by the direct effect of invaders or trauma or host systems. Periodontal
diseases are inflammatory processes in which microbial etiologic factors induce a series of host responses that
mediate an inflammatory cascade of events in an attempt to protect and heal the periodontal tissues. The adjunctive
use of host modulation therapy can enhance therapeutic responses, slow the progression of the disease, and allow
for more predictable management of patients, particularly in those patients at increased risk caused by factors
beyond the reach of conventional therapeutic approaches.
10 Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science | Vol. 4 | Issue 1 | January - March 2016
Latha G et al: Host modulation therapy
Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science | Vol. 4 | Issue 1 | January - March 2016 11
Latha G et al: Host modulation therapy
“There are compelling data from studies in animals INHIBITION OF ARACHIDONIC ACID
and humans indicating that pharmacologic agents that METABOLITE: THROUGH NSAIDS
modulate host response may be efficacious in slowing
down the progression of periodontitis” (Williams RC, Von Euler (1939) first described a characteristic
1990) [11]. vasoactive fatty acids from human seminal vesicle
fluid capable of decreasing blood pressure in rabbits
HOST MODULATION THERAPY (HMT) and was named „„prostaglandin‟‟ because it was
assumed to originate from the prostate gland.
Periodontal therapy basically constitutes the non
surgical and surgical therapeutic procedures. One of the pathway involved in periodontal disease
Changing paradigm in clinical research lead to the pathogenesis is the synthesis and release of
newer treatment approach of host modulation prostaglandins and other arachidonic acid (AA or
therapy. HMT is a treatment concept that aims to ARA) metabolites within periodontal tissues. AA can
reduce tissue destruction and stabilize or even be metabolized via the cycloxygenase (CO) or
regenerate the periodontium by modifying or down lipoxygenase (LO) pathways [15].
regulating destructive aspects of the host response
and upregulating protective or regenerative response. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the
These are systemically or locally delivered formation of prostaglandins, including prostaglandin
pharmaceuticals that are prescribed as part of E2, which is produced by a variety of resident and
periodontal therapy and used as adjuncts to infiltrating cell types in the periodontium in response
conventional periodontal therapy. to lipopolysaccharide. Various NSAIDs which are
under research for HMT are indomethacin,
Rationale of HMT is treating the host side of the host- flurbiprofen, naproxen, sulindac, meloxicam,
bacterial interaction. The purpose of host modulation ketoprofen and ibuprofen.
therapy is to restore the balance of proinflammatory
or destructive mediators and anti-inflammatory or Daily administration for extended periods of time
protective mediators to that seen in healthy (years rather than months) is necessary for
individuals [12]. periodontal benefits to become apparent. Prolonged
NSAIDs intake leading to the suppression of renal
Manipulation of the immune response to suppress prostaglandin synthesis may result in increased
unwanted reactions is desirable in conditions such as sodium retention, reduced renal blood flow and
autoimmunity, allergy, or graft rejection. It is also eventually renal failure, damage to the gastrointestinal
required in the case of infectious disease to stimulate tract, Hemorrhage, may affect cardiovascular risks
the protective processes. Strategies to achieve these through various mechanisms and has rebound effect.
goals are collectively referred to as modulation of host While our understanding of the role of COX-2 in the
response and provide a novel concept in treatment. pathogenesis of periodontitis suggests that inhibition
Compared to other modes of treatment against of COX-2 might be a desirable target for therapeutic
infection, host response modulation potentially has intervention, serious adverse effects of current
fewer side-effects, is not invasive, and does not formulations preclude their use as an adjunct to
require complicated application methods [13, 14]. periodontal therapy [16].
Various methods of HMT have been developed to ANTI- PROTEINASE BLOCKING OF MATRIX
block or modify the pathways of periodontitis, as METALLOPROTEINASES (MMP’S)
Inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolite: NSAIDs Matrix Metallo Proteinases (MMPs) belong to a group
Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs): of Zn dependent and calcium requiring
Tetracyclines endopeptidases, which play a central role in many
Modulation of bone metabolism: biological processes like embryogenesis, normal
Bisphosphonates tissue remodeling, wound healing, and angiogenesis,
Regulation of immune and inflammatory and in diseases such as atheroma, arthritis, cancer,
response: IL1 and TNF-α receptor antagonist, and tissue ulceration [17].
NO2 inhibition, vaccination, Infusion/
supplementary anti-inflammatory cytokines Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are
important controlling factors in the actions of matrix
12 Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science | Vol. 4 | Issue 1 | January - March 2016
Latha G et al: Host modulation therapy
metalloproteinases, and tissue destruction in disease chemically modified tetracycline and Sub antimicrobial
processes often correlates with an imbalance of dose doxycycline with their merits and demerits in
matrix metalloproteinases over tissue inhibitors of clinical application.
metalloproteinases. They are of two types:
1. Endogenous inhibitors examples are TIMPs CHEMICALLY MODIFIED TETRACYCLINE’S
and α-2 Macroglobulin: TIMP‟s probably
control MMP activities pericellularly whereas Presently, it is accepted that destruction of supporting
α2-macroglobulin functions in body fluids. periodontal tissues is primarily related to host derived
During inflammation, however, α2- enzymes, cytokines and inflammatory mediators. This
macroglobulin escapes the vasculature and has led to increased interest in the development of
also functions in the extracellular matrix. agents. Chemically modified tetracycline‟s (CMTs) are
2. Exogenous: (synthetic inhibitors) one such group of drugs which have been viewed as
Exogenous inhibitors include zinc and potential host modulating agents. Currently ten CMTs
calcium chelating agents, phosphorous are available but their clinical application is under
containing peptides, sulfur based inhibitors, research.
hydroxamic acid inhibitors.
Sub antimicrobial dose of tetracycline (SDD)
Tetracycline is a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent
which, apart from their antimicrobial activity also Doxycycline tends to be highly concentrated in GCF
exhibit anticollagenase activity by inhibiting matrix at levels 5-10 times greater than serum and show
metalloproteinase‟s. It is one of the effective agents substantivity as they bind to the tooth structure and
used in host modulation therapy. In addition to its are slowly released as still active agents. To avoid
antimicrobial activity, this group of compounds has antibiotic resistance a low dose of 20 mg twice daily
the capability of inhibiting the activities of neutrophils, was introduced, which was shown, after 2 weeks, to
osteoclasts, and matrix metalloproteinases, thereby inhibit collagenase activity by 60–80% in the gingival
working as an anti-inflammatory agent that inhibits tissues and crevicular fluid of patients with chronic
bone destruction. periodontitis [19, 20]. SDD is currently the only FDA
approved systemically administered HMT indicated
Fig. 3: Mechanisms of tetracycline in prevention of specifically in the treatment of periodontitis. It was
connective tissue breakdown previously called LDD and is currently marketed as
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