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The Customer Metering Regulations



TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... 2

Part 1 GENERAL............................................................................................. 3
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Definitions ...................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Application of the Regulations ........................................................................ 7
Part 2 CONDITIONS........................................................................................ 8
2.1 Principles Of Construction & Marking ............................................................. 8
2.2 Approvals and Accreditation.......................................................................... 10
2.3 Initial Verification/certification .................................................................... 11
2.4 Positioning Of Metering Equipment............................................................... 12
2.5 Sealing .......................................................................................................... 13
2.6 In-Service Testing And Reading Of Meters ..................................................... 14
2.7 Re-Verification/certification ......................................................................... 15
2.8 Records ......................................................................................................... 16
2.9 Public Information ........................................................................................ 17
2.10 Transition................................................................................................... 17
2.11 Enforcement............................................................................................... 17
Part 3 ELECTRICITY .................................................................................... 17
3.1 Accuracy requirements.................................................................................. 17
3.2 Meters ........................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Measurement Transformers ........................................................................... 17
3.4 Standards ...................................................................................................... 17
Part 4 WATER .............................................................................................. 17
4.1 Accuracy requirements.................................................................................. 17
4.2 Meters ........................................................................................................... 17
4.3 Standards ...................................................................................................... 17
Part 5 APPENDICES...................................................................................... 17
5.1 Appendix 1 – Approval Process ...................................................................... 17
5.2 Appendix 2 – Sealing ..................................................................................... 17
5.3 Appendix 3 – Meter Testing – Electricity ....................................................... 17
5.4 Appendix 4 – Meter Testing – Water............................................................... 17
5.5 Appendix 5 – Approved devices and certification periods (Electricity) ........... 17
5.6 Appendix 6 – Approved devices and certification periods (Water)................... 17

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The Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Water and Electricity Sector
in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in exercise of its powers conferred under Article
(62) of Law No (2) of 1998 Concerning the Regulation of the Water and Electricity
Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, after consultation with the Abu Dhabi Water
and Electricity Authority, hereby makes the following Regulations:


1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 These Regulations may be cited as the Customer Metering Regulations
and shall come into force on 1st July 2005.

1.1.2 The sale of electricity through electricity meters needs to be subject to

practices that ensure fairness and equity for both the customer and
the supplier. Both parties must understand their rights and
responsibilities. Meters and their installation must be practical and
where appropriate, consistent with international standards.

1.1.3 Words and expressions, other than those defined in paragraph 1.2
above, which are defined in the Law shall have the meanings ascribed
to them in the Law.

1.1.4 Words and expressions to which meanings are assigned by these

Regulations shall (unless the contrary intention appears) have the
same respective meanings in any document issued by the Bureau
under these Regulations.

1.1.5 Unless the context otherwise require, any reference in these

Regulations to a numbered Part, paragraph or Schedule is a reference
to the Part, paragraph or Schedule of these Regulations bearing that

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1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 The following words and expressions shall have the following meanings
in these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires;

"Accredited Laboratory": a testing facility accredited to ISO/IEC

17025 or equivalent - general requirements for the competence of
testing and calibration laboratories or any other laboratory approved by
the Bureau.

"Authorised Manufacturer": any company who manufactures meters

that can demonstrate that he has available to him appropriate
apparatus for testing meters which complies with these regulations and
operates a quality assurance system which conforms to ISO 9002 or

"Authorised Repairer": any company who repairs meters and can

demonstrate that he has available to him appropriate apparatus for
testing meters which complies with these regulations and operates a
quality assurance system which conforms to ISO 9002 or equivalent.

"Bureau": the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Water and
Electricity Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

"Certification": the process whereby a meter, following manufacture or

refurbishment, is tested in an accredited laboratory, prior to
installation, and is deemed to meet the accuracy requirements of the
current Regulations or IEC standard which has been specified (which
ever is the most strict).

"Certification life": the period which a meter used for billing purposes
can remain in service without being laboratory tested. This period is
defined for each type of meter and is based upon ongoing sample

"Class Index": number which gives the permissible percentage error for
all values of load current from 10%Ib/In to Imax.

"Cold Water Meter": A self contained measuring instrument intended

to measure continuously, memorize and display the volume of water
passing through it. The measuring system employs either;

• A mechanical process where the use of volumetric chambers or the

action of the water on the rotation rate of a moving part (turbine,
impeller), or,

• An electronic process to transform the flow or the volume of the

water to be measured into a signal suitable for display or

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"Customer": a person to whom water and electricity is supplied for a

purpose mentioned in paragraph 2.1.

"Distribution Company": an entity licensed by the Bureau under the

Law to distribute and/or supply water and electricity to premises.

"Electricity Meter": for the purposes of this definition it is a self

contained measuring instrument intended to measure active and/or
reactive energy by integrating active and/or reactive power with respect
to time.

"Measuring System": a combination of meter test bench and working

standards, used for the testing of electricity meters or cold water

"Internationally recognised laboratory": an accredited laboratory,

used by international regulatory authorities, to establish suitability,
through ‘Type Approval’, meters for billing purposes. Also maybe
certified/accredited for the calibration of Reference and Transfer
standards, etc.

"Law": Law No (2) of 1998 Concerning the Regulation of the Water and
Electricity Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

"Nominal Flow-rate (Qn)": is the flow-rate in cubic metres or imperial

gallons per hour which is used to designate the meter, being equal to
half the maximum flow-rate (Qmax).

"Maximum Flow-rate (Qmax)": is the highest flow-rate at which the

meter can function over limited periods without damage, without
exceeding the prescribed limits of error on passing as fit for use for
trade and without exceeding the value for pressure loss stated in the
certificate of approval.

"Minimum Flow-rate (Qmin)": is the flow-rate fixed as a function of

the nominal flow-rate (Qn) and above which the meter does not exceed
the prescribed limits of error on passing as fit for use for trade.

"Meter Test Bench": a test facility capable of supplying controllable

voltages, currents and water to meters under test.

"Metering Equipment": means water meters, electricity meters,

measurement transformers, communications equipment and data
collection/outstation equipment plus associated wiring.

"Manufacturers/Repairers Mark": a mark uniquely identified to the

particular Manufacturer or Agent of a meter to which these Regulations
apply, which identifies all or any of the following;

• The manufacturer of the meter,

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• The place and date of manufacture,

• The group of meters of which the meter forms part.

"Maximum Current (Imax)": is the highest value of current at which

the meter purports to meet the prescribed limits of error on passing as
fit for use for trade.

"Minimum Current (Ib/In)": is the current in accordance with which

the relevant performance of a direct or transformer connected meter is
fixed and above which the meter does not exceed the prescribed limits
of error on passing as fit for trade.

"Quality System": the organisational structure, responsibilities,

activities, resources and events that together provide organised
procedures and methods of implementation to ensure the capability of
the organisation to meet quality requirements, such systems having
been assessed as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 or ISO
9002 by a suitably accredited independent certification body.

"Re-cycled Meter": a meter that has been taken out of service (for any
reason) and is; maintained, tested, calibrated and re-certified for use
under these Regulations.

"Reference Meter": a meter for use in testing measuring equipment

and shall have been tested by a reference standard over the range of
energy values or flow rates for which it is intended to be used.

"Reference Standard": an ac or dc standard whose measurement

traceability to national standards is maintained by periodic calibration
at a suitably accredited laboratory and is the standard against which
working standards are directly or indirectly maintained.

"Transitional Flow-rate (Qt)": is the flow rate fixed as a function of the

nominal flow rate (Qn) and at which the prescribed limits of error on
passing as fit for use for trade change from 2 % to 5 %.

"Transfer Standard": a standard that has been verified by comparison

to a reference standard and is used to compare working standards
indirectly against reference standards.

"Type approved": a meter type which has been tested by an impartial,

recognised, accredited agency on behalf of a regulatory body such as
Ofgem (in the UK) and verified that meters are compliant with certain
metrological standards. A certificate of approval is then issued.

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"Working Standard": a standard that has been verified by comparison

to a reference standard or to a transfer standard and is used for the
regulating and testing of electricity meters. Test equipment used for on-
site meter testing and dispute resolution are deemed ‘working

"Verification Scale": means the fastest-moving visible graduated

element of the indicating device of a meter.

"Year": calendar year, according to the Gregorian calendar.

1.3 Application of the Regulations

1.3.1 These Regulations apply to metering equipment;

a) Associated with orders placed with suppliers on or after 1st

July 2005 for installation at some time thereafter,

b) Re-cycled on or after 1st July 2006, where the equipment is

installed sometime thereafter,

c) Currently in service, where a transition period of five years will

be allowed to enable such meters to be assessed and re-
certified or replaced as necessary,

d) Currently held in stock, where a transition period of one year

from the effective date of these Regulations (i.e. up to and
including 30th June 2006) will be allowed to enable such
meters to be installed, and in so doing will move into category
1.3.1 c),

Where the equipment is installed compulsorily by or at the behest of

the supplier of the water or electricity for use for trade for measuring
any supply of water or electricity to residential, commercial and light
industrial use (and which are used in non-negotiated transaction).

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2.1 Principles of Construction & Marking

2.1.1 Before meters can be produced with a view to use for trade in Abu
Dhabi, the pattern or design must be approved for the class of use
intended by a suitably accredited and approved national/international
metrological body. That is to say such a body will have been accredited
in relation to electricity meters as being a body which conforms to the
criteria set out in ISO 17025. Compliance with the metrological
requirements as mentioned in 3.2 and 4.2 will be a pre-requisite for
such approvals depending on accuracy class requirement. Meters so
approved and assessed as compliant with these regulations shall be
listed in Appendix 5 and 6 of these regulations.

2.1.2 Metering Equipment shall be legibly & durably marked with as a


a) The name or trade name of the manufacturer or his trademark,

b) The year of manufacture and individual serial number,

c) The metrological accuracy class of the meter,

d) The last test date of the meter,

e) The reference temperature if different than 230C,

and, in addition, for electricity meters;

f) The number of phases and number of wires for which the

meter is suitable,

g) The reference voltage and frequency,

h) Ib and Imax rating of the meter,

i) The insulation class,

j) No of rev or pulses/kWh,

and, for water meters;

k) Nominal flow rate (Qn) in cubic metres or imperial gallons per


l) The letter ‘V’ or ‘H’, if the meter can operate only in either the
vertical (V) or horizontal (H) position,

m) One or more arrows showing the direction of flow,

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n) The number of the certificate of approval preceded by the

words “Certification No” or “Cert No”,

o) The maximum operating pressure in bar, if this can exceed 10


2.1.3 The Distribution Company shall be supplied with appropriate

documentation to certify that all meters are manufactured and
individually tested in accordance with the standards contained in or
referred to in 3.2 and 4.2 and that this includes the more onerous
environmental conditions also stipulated in clauses 3.2 and 4.2 of
these regulations.

2.1.4 When procuring new meters, the authorised manufacturer shall be

contracted to keep records of all meters supplied, including testing
certification, for 10 years from the time of supply.

2.1.5 Meters shall be provided with suitable means of sealing metrological

sensitive parts.

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2.2 Approvals and Accreditation

2.2.1 Before certain metering related activities can be carried out, approval
must be gained from the Bureau. The activities for which approval
must be gained are;

p) Supply of meters

q) Meter and Standards testing (on-site and laboratory)

r) Meter installation and commissioning

s) Meter repairing/recycling

t) Sealing of metering equipment

2.2.2 Each activity for which approval must be gained has a set of minimum
criteria which have to be met by the applicant company. These criteria
include, but are not limited to;

a) ISO accreditation

b) Training and Competence

c) Experience in the market

d) Support network

e) Audit and inspection

2.2.3 None of the activities in 2.2.1 can take place without prior Bureau

2.2.4 The application process for approval of each activity in 2.2.1 is detailed
in Appendix 1.

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2.3 Initial Verification/certification

2.3.1 Every meter shall be individually tested (series/batch testing of meters
of same manufacturer, same size and same class of accuracy is
acceptable) and calibrated in accordance with the applicable
standard(s) by a duly authorised manufacturer, repairer or his
appointed agent with an accredited laboratory. Such activity should be
subject to initial verification/certification by an appropriately qualified
inspection body.

2.3.2 Meters shall be tested according to Appendix 3 of these Regulations.

2.3.3 Measuring systems shall comply with these Regulations.

2.3.4 Each meter shall display the year it was last tested/certified.

2.3.5 Once verified/certified by the manufacturer or his agent, a meter may

remain in service for a prescribed period of time (see Appendix 5 and 6)
except where the meter is suspected to be malfunctioning.

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2.4 Positioning Of Metering Equipment

2.4.1 Meters shall be so installed as to ensure that they are reasonably
accessible for subsequent reading, inspection, testing and
maintenance. Due account should also be taken to allow the customer
to read his own meter without requiring right of access to it from
another party e.g. through an adjacent property.

2.4.2 A meter installed outside of a building shall be installed in a suitably

protective housing to minimise environmental impact and
unauthorised access. This is especially important in remote areas and
farms. (See UK specification, Energy Networks Association (ex-
Electricity Association), Technical Specification 12-3, Outdoor Meter

2.4.3 Not withstanding 2.4.1 and 2.4.2, the Distribution Company shall;

a) Determine where any meter should be positioned in relation to

any premises. This shall normally be on the customer’s premises
unless it is more reasonable to place it outside those premises or
in some other position,

b) Notify the customer of the location in which they propose to

install a meter.

2.4.4 The customer may, in writing, giving reasons, request the Distribution
Company to;

a) Install the meter in a position other than that proposed,

b) Reposition the meter where the meter has already been installed.

Any costs associated with such a request shall be as defined in the

Distribution Company’s published fees & charges.

2.4.5 Where the Distribution Company agrees to such a request under

paragraph (2.4.4), they shall;

a) Notify the customer in writing giving an estimate of the expenses

likely to be incurred,

b) Ensure that the Distribution Company’s right of access to the

metering equipment (see 2.4.1) is assured.

2.4.6 Where the Distribution Company does not agree to such a request they
shall notify the customer in writing of their reasons within fifteen
working days of receiving the request.

2.4.7 Where remote out reading/AMR devices are used these shall be so
installed as to ensure that they are reasonably accessible for reading,
inspection, testing and maintenance. Such devices shall be non re-

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settable and sealed in accordance with these regulations.

2.5 Sealing
2.5.1 A security seal shall be fitted to all metering equipment to prevent
access to components which may affect its metrological characteristics
or affect the ability of the meter to record actual consumption. This
security seal shall perform the function of;

a) Identifying that no internal access has been gained to the


b) That the meter functioned to acceptable standards when


2.5.2 The following requirements also apply;

a) The manufacturers/testers stamp shall be placed on every seal

(as appropriate),

b) Meters shall have a suitable security seal fitted by suppliers

before any final verification/certification,

c) A security seal shall not be removed from the meter cover

unless the meter is returned for repair.

2.5.3 A secondary seals shall be applied as appropriate by the Distribution

Company to;

a) Prevent access to live terminals or pipe termination points

following installation,

b) Prevent access to and interference with connections that may

affect the continuity or accuracy of the billing data.

2.5.4 The seal and sealing system that is used for the above applications
shall be one that is approved by the Bureau see Appendix 2.

2.5.5 Seals used in 2.5.1 and 2.5.3 will never be the same.

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2.6 In-Service Testing and Reading of Meters

2.6.1 The Distribution Company or any accredited company duly authorised
by them, may at any time, and shall if so requested in writing by the
customer, test the accuracy of any meter which has been installed.

2.6.2 A meter shall be tested in accordance with these regulations in order

to determine whether it falls within the prescribed limits of error.
Accuracy tests should be based on Appendix 3 using working
standards where testing is to be completed in situ. The customer
should be provided with copies of all applicable tests.

2.6.3 The Distribution Company or any duly authorised company, may

remove a meter from premises where it is necessary to do so for the
purpose of testing. Continuity of supply must be ensured during this
process therefore a replacement meter must be provided.

2.6.4 Where a test is carried out in accordance with these regulations

(Appendix 3) at the request of the customer, and the meter, on being
comprehensively tested, falls within the prescribed limits of error, the
Distribution Company may recover from the customer a fee as
published by them for carrying out the test.

2.6.5 Where a test is carried out on site, the resulting error of the meter
shall be better than ± 2% with an overall uncertainty of ± 0.6% using
appropriate working standards at a prevailing load of greater than 10%
Imax. In certain cases, a laboratory test may also be carried out.

2.6.6 Where Distribution Companies fix charges in relation to any premises

by reference to metered quantity, a reading from the meter installed in
relation to those premises proved in accordance with this regulation
shall be evidence of the quantity of electricity supplied to those
premises, unless the meter is proved to register incorrectly.

2.6.7 A reading from a meter may be proved by producing the certificate of a

person duly authorised by the Distribution Company to read the meter
and certify the reading.

2.6.8 A meter shall be regarded as registering incorrectly if on being tested it

is found to exceed the prescribed limits of error detailed in 2.6.5
and/or Appendix 3.

2.6.9 The meter shall be visited at least once in every year either as part of
the meter reading function of the Distribution Company or as a
separate visit. It shall be the duty of the Distribution Company or duly
authorised meter reader to check the condition of the seals and
condition of the meter and if not in compliance with these regulations
report and initiate appropriate action.

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2.7 Re-Verification/certification
2.7.1 Each meter type shall have ascribed to it a certification life (time
allowed to remain on circuit). This certification life will be different for
electricity and water meters;

a) Electricity meters - If no supporting evidence is available, a

period of 10 years or such time that the meter ceases to
operate within permitted margins of error, whichever is least.
In any event no meter shall remain on circuit for periods
exceeding 20 years (see Appendix 5). The Meters (Certification)
Regulations 1998, Statutory Instrument No. 1566, Schedule 4,
issued by Ofgem (in the UK) will be used as one reference for
determining meter certification periods,

b) Water meters - If no supporting evidence is available, a period

of 5 years or such time that the meter ceases to operate within
permitted margins of error, whichever is least. In any event no
meter shall remain on circuit for periods exceeding 10 years
(see Appendix 6). Internationally recognised
experience/expertise may be used for determining meter
certification periods.

2.7.2 The Distribution Company shall maintain auditable records of all

meters on circuit and their projected date of replacement (in line with

2.7.3 All re-cycled meters must be re-verified/certified by an accredited

laboratory. Testing shall be in accordance with Appendix 3 of these
regulations. The initial certification/test date shall be
removed/obscured and the certification/test date of the accredited
laboratory marked on the meter.

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2.8 Records
2.8.1 The following records shall be kept and made available for inspection
by the Bureau or it’s representative at any time;

a) Test certificates of all in service meters,

b) Meter test equipment/standards calibration history,

c) Meter re-certification or replacement schedules,

d) Results of all adhoc on-site or laboratory meter testing initiated

by the customer or the Distribution company,

e) For every account, details of the meter(s) installed (see 2.1.2 for
information to be stored),

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2.9 Public Information

2.9.1 The Distribution Company shall provide metering information as
public handouts available from their offices and other suitable
facilities. These should include but not be limited to the following

a) How to read a meter,

b) Customer obligations on meter care,

c) What to do if you think your bill is too high,

d) Advice on who to contact with queries,

e) How to get the meter checked,

f) How to check for water leaks,

g) Dispute resolution procedure,

2.9.2 Once metered consumption has commenced the Distribution Company

is responsible for maintenance and replacement of the meter
(irrespective to purchaser). However both the Distribution Company
and the customer have obligations in keeping metering in good order
and these obligations should be emphasised in published

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2.10 Transition
2.10.1 The Distribution Company in implementing this regulation shall
produce a transition plan to ensure that all metering procedures are in
compliance by nominated future dates.

2.10.2 The plan – which shall be provided to the Bureau by 1 Nov 2005 shall
include but not be limited to;

a) Phasing out of non compliant meters,

b) Meter replacement programmes which take account of failure


c) Production of Public Information,

d) Procurement of meters only in compliance with this regulation,

e) Upgrading of Test & Calibration facilities,

f) Implementation and phasing of 100% customer metering for

both electricity and water,

And, for electricity meters;

g) Phasing out of meters older than 20 years,

And for water meters;

h) Phasing out of meters older than 10 years,

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2.11 Enforcement
2.11.1 Pursuant to Article 66 of Law No. 2 of 1998, failure of any person to
comply with these regulations is contrary to the Law.

2.11.2 These Regulations are subject to modification or revocation by the

Bureau at any time and from time to time.

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3.1 Accuracy requirements

3.1.1 Overall accuracy - Connections from a Distribution Company network
to a customer shall have it’s Meter accuracy and equipment
requirements determined by the capacity of the circuit to be metered.
In general this means following the established requirements of the
Metering & Data Exchange Code (MDEC) used for Settlement Metering
at interface points between Generating/Desalination Companies and
Distribution Companies, and TRANSCO. In summary this means for
circuits rated;

a) Active Energy

Limits of error at stated power factor

@ 0.5 lag &
@ unity pf
0.8 lead pf
Circuit capacity
120 to 21%¹ 20 to 6%¹ 5%¹ 120 to 10%¹

Greater than 100 MVA ±0.5% ±1.0% ±1.5% ±1.0%

Greater than 10 MVA up to 100

±1.0% ±1.5% ±2.0% ±1.5%
Greater than 1 MVA up to 10
±1.5% ±2.0% ±2.5% ±2.0%
Greater than 100 kVA up to 1
±2.0% ±2.5% ±2.5% ±2.5%

Less than 100kVA ±2.5% ±2.5% ±2.5% ±3.0%

¹ percentage of rated current.

² reactive power limits of error apply only where measurement is included in a new

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b) Reactive Energy

Limits of error at stated power factor

@ 0.866 lag & 0.866
@ zero pf
lead pf
Circuit capacity
120 to 10%¹ 120 to 10%¹

Greater than 100 MVA ±3.0% ±4.0%

Greater than 10 MVA up to 100 MVA ±3.0% ±4.0%

Greater than 1 MVA up to 10 MVA ±4.0% ±5.0%

Greater than 100 kVA up to 1 MVA ±4.0%² ±5.0%²

Less than 100kVA ±4.0%² ±5.0%²

¹ percentage of rated current.

² reactive power limits of error apply only where measurement is included in
a new meter.

3.1.2 Metering equipment accuracy

Circuit capacity Transformers
kWh kVArh Current Voltage

Greater than 100 MVA 0.2S 2.0 0.2S 0.2

Greater than 10 MVA up to 100 MVA 0.2S 2.0 0.2S 0.2

Greater than 1 MVA up to 10 MVA 0.5S 3.0 0.2 0.5

Greater than 100 kVA up to 1 MVA 1.0 3.0 0.5 0.5

Less than 100kVA 2.0 3.0 0.5 N/A

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3.1.3 Main & Check requirements

Circuit capacity Transformers
kWh kVArh Current Voltage
Main & Main & Main & Main &
Greater than 100 MVA
Check Check Check Check
Main & Main & Main &
Greater than 10 MVA up to 100 MVA Main
Check Check Check
Main &
Greater than 1 MVA up to 10 MVA Main Main Main

Greater than 100 kVA up to 1 MVA Main Main Main Main

Less than 100kVA Main Main Main N/A

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3.2 Meters
3.2.1 Where an electricity customer is to be charged for his supply, wholly or
partly by reference to the quantity of electricity supplied, the supply
shall be given through, and the quantity of electricity shall be
ascertained by, an appropriate meter.

3.2.2 For the purposes of these regulations a meter is an appropriate meter

if it complies as a minimum with the requirements of either;

a) IEC 62053-11: Electromechanical meters for active energy

(classes 0.5, 1 and 2),

b) IEC 60145 : Var-hour (reactive energy) meters,

c) IEC 62053-21: Static Meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2),

d) IEC 62053-22: Static Meters for active energy (classes 0.2S and

e) IEC 62053-23: Static Meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3),

as appropriate and as amended from time to time, and,

f) IEC 62052-11: Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General

requirements, tests and test conditions, Part 11: Metering
equipment, and,

g) it is in compliance with these regulations, and,

h) it has been type approved by a internationally recognised


3.2.3 All new meters shall additionally be expected to operate in the

prevailing environmental conditions in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. In
particular such meters shall perform within prescribed error for
ambient temperatures up to 600C and humidity up to 95%

3.2.4 All meters shall record, as a minimum;

a) The cumulative active energy consumption (in watt-hours) in

accordance with applicable standards,

b) Where a meter is used with an in built reactive energy (VArh)

measurement capability, the cumulative reactive energy
consumption (in var-hours) shall be recorded, and,


c) Active energy demand values, programmable (in 5 minute

increments) from 5 minutes duration to 1 hour, or,

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d) A voltage free pulse output that can be connected to any data

collection device or outstation.

3.2.5 All new meters shall be sized by the Distribution Company for the
likely range of load current expected to be drawn by the customer.

3.2.6 The meter shall be provided;

a) By the Distribution Company or

b) By the customer, subject to agreement with the Distribution


3.2.7 If the customer refuses or fails to take his supply through an

appropriate meter provided and installed in accordance with these
regulations, the Distribution Company may refuse to give or may
discontinue the supply.

3.2.8 A register of approved, compliant meters shall be kept by the Bureau.

This register will include meters that have been submitted for
inclusion by Manufacturers or Suppliers (see Appendix 5), and will be
issued by the Bureau at least annually along with the current
certification life of each meter.

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3.3 Measurement Transformers

3.3.1 Where required, all new measurement transformers shall meet the
requirements of IEC 60044, the accuracy limits described in 3.1.2 and
procured with a test certificate.

3.3.2 Where new measurement transformers are installed on an existing

circuit, the errors of the meter should be checked to ensure the overall
accuracy is within the limits set by these regulations (see 3.1). Where
the overall accuracy is outside the limits, the meter(s) shall be

3.3.3 Newly installed meters shall be compensated for measurement

transformer errors in all cases and without exception.

3.3.4 Where a new meter is installed on an existing circuit via existing

measurement transformers, the following steps should followed in
order to ascertain the errors of the measurement transformers, and
apply them to the new installation;

a) Use individual measurement transformer test certificate from

existing records,

b) Obtain individual measurement transformer test certificate

from measurement transformer company’s records,

c) Obtain statistical error information from measurement

transformer companies of errors of certain batches of
measurement transformers,

d) Allow an error equal to the accuracy class across the meter

error curve to allow for the worst case scenario.

3.3.5 Where these regulations require a main and check meter (see 3.1.3)
they shall be fused separately at the Voltage Transformer.

3.3.6 Due account shall be taken of the burden connected to a measurement

transformer and factored into any compensation corrections applied to
the meter(s).

3.3.7 Adequate test facilities shall be provided at the meter(s) to allow on-
site testing, continuity of data and safe working practices.

3.3.8 Where adjacent circuits supply the same customer, these are to be
metered separately. Summation CT’s are not to be used unless by
prior agreement with the Bureau on a case by case basis.

Page 25 of 46

3.4 Standards
3.4.1 This section applies to test facilities used to verify the performance of
Electricity Meters to be used for Revenue purposes in the Abu Dhabi
Electricity Sector. They apply equally to manufacturers and those
facilities of the sector used for the purpose of test and calibration of
watt-hour meters.

3.4.2 Principles as outlined in;

a) IEC 60736 – Testing equipment for testing electrical energy

meters, and,

b) OIML D5 – Principles for the establishment of hierarchy

schemes for measuring instruments, shall be observed,

shall be observed.

3.4.3 The following pieces of test equipment are deemed by these regulations
to be Standards;

a) Reference Standards

b) AC/DC Transfer Standards

c) AC Transfer Standards

d) Working Standards

3.4.4 All Standards shall be maintained and calibrated at the following

intervals by a bureau approved accredited laboratory;

Standard type Maximum period between calibrations

Reference Standards 2 year

AC/DC Transfer Standards 2 year

AC Transfer Standards 1 year

Working Standards 6 months

Page 26 of 46

Test reports provided by bureau approved accredited laboratories, shall

be retained for inspection on request by the Bureau.

3.4.5 The overall uncertainty of measurement during any testing shall be

calculated in accordance with UKAS publication; The Expression of
Uncertainty and Confidence in Measurement: M3003. The confidence
level in the determination of the overall uncertainty shall be 95% or

3.4.6 The overall uncertainty of energy measuring systems shall not be

greater than those values listed in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Maximum Uncertainty for Meters

0.5S 1 2
Power 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
1 1 1
Factor lagging leading lagging leading lagging leading
Error ±0.1 ±0.15 ±0.2 ±0.2 ±0.3 ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.45 ±0.6

3.4.7 Apparatus used for the regulating and testing of electricity meters
shall cease to be used if periodic verification shows the instrument to
be inaccurate or unstable. Such apparatus must not be brought back
into service until it has been repaired and re-calibrated.

3.4.8 For any test load, the load applied to a working standard integrating
meter shall not be less than 25 % or more than 125 % of its full load
rating. For a working standard wattmeter, the applied load shall not be
less than 40 per cent or more than 100 % of its full scale or range

Page 27 of 46

Part 4 WATER

4.1 Accuracy requirements

4.1.1 Overall accuracy - Connections from a Distribution Company network
to a customer shall have it’s meter accuracy and equipment
requirements determined by the size of the supply to be metered i.e.
bigger supply requires higher overall accuracy. In summary this
means for supplies;

Limits of error
Lower flow rate zone Upper flow rate zone
For flows in pipe work
with internal diameters Q1 ≤ Q < Q2 Q2 ≤ Q ≤ Q4

Up to 50mm / 2” ±5.0% ±2.0%

Greater than 50mm / 2” ±3.0% ±1.0%

Q Flow rate
Q1 Minimum flow rate
Q2 Transitional flow rate
Q3 Permanent (Highest) flow rate
Q4 Overload flow rate

4.1.2 Metering equipment accuracy

Limits of error
Lower flow rate
Upper flow rate zone
For flows in pipe work
with internal diameters Q1 ≤ Q < Q2 Q2 ≤ Q ≤ Q4

Up to 50mm / 2” ±5.0% ±2.0%

Greater than 50mm / 2” ±3.0% ±1.0%

Page 28 of 46

4.2 Meters
4.2.1 Where a water customer is to be charged for his supply, wholly or
partly by reference to the quantity of water supplied, the supply shall
be given through, and the quantity of water shall be ascertained by, an
appropriate meter.

4.2.2 For the purposes of this regulation a meter is an appropriate meter if it

complies as a minimum, with the requirements of;

a) ISO 4064-1 – Measurement of water flow in closed conduits –

Meters for cold potable water - Part 1: Specifications, and,

b) ISO 4064-2 – Measurement of water flow in closed conduits –

Meters for cold potable water - Part 2: Installation
requirements and selection, and,

c) ISO 4064-3 – Measurement of water flow in closed conduits –

Meters for cold potable water - Part 3: Test methods and


a) ISO 7858-1 - Measurement of water flow in closed conduits –

Combination meters for cold potable water - Part 1:
Specifications, and,

b) ISO 7858-2 - Measurement of water flow in closed conduits –

Combination meters for cold potable water - Part 2: Installation
requirements, and,

c) ISO 7858-3 - Measurement of water flow in closed conduits –

Combination meters for cold potable water - Part 3: Test


a) OIML R49-1 – Water meters intended for the metering of cold

potable water, Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements,

b) OIML R49-2 - Water meters intended for the metering of cold

potable water, Part 2: Test methods,

c) OIML R49-3 - Water meters intended for the metering of cold

potable water, Part 3: Test report format,

d) OIML D4 – Installation and storage conditions for cold water

meters as appropriate and as amended from time to time, and,

Page 29 of 46

e) It is in compliance with these regulations, and,

f) It has been type approved by a internationally recognised


4.2.3 All new meters shall be sized by the Distribution Company to cater for
the likely range of flows to be expected by the customer without undue
pressure loss.

4.2.4 All new meters shall additionally be expected to operate in the

prevailing environmental conditions in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. In
particular such meters shall perform within prescribed error for
ambient and water temperatures up to 600C and humidity up to 95%

4.2.5 The meter shall be provided:-

a) by the Distribution Company or

b) if agreed by the Distribution Company, by the customer.

4.2.6 All meters shall record, as a minimum;

a) Cumulative volume consumption in cubic metres (m³) or

imperial gallons (g),

And, preferrably,

b) Flow rate measured in cubic metres per hour (m³/h) or

imperial gallons per hour (g/h),

In addition, shall have the ability to read down to at least two decimal
places of a cubic metre or gallon.

4.2.7 A register of compliant meters shall be kept by the Bureau. This

register will include meters that have been submitted for inclusion by
Manufacturers or Suppliers (see Appendix 6), and will be issued by the
Bureau from time to time along with the deemed certification life.

Page 30 of 46

4.3 Standards
4.3.1 This section applies to test facilities used to verify the performance of
Water Meters to be used for Revenue purposes in the Abu Dhabi Water
Sector. They apply equally to manufacturers and those facilities of the
sector used for the purpose of test and calibration of water meters.

4.3.2 Principles as outlined in;

a) OIML D7 – The evaluation of flow standards and facilities used

for testing water meters, and,

b) OIML D5 – Principles for the establishment of hierarchy

schemes for measuring instruments,

shall be observed.

4.3.3 The following pieces of test equipment are deemed by these regulations
to be Standards;

a) Calibrated reference device i.e. calibrated tank, reference

meter, etc,

b) Time measurement device,

c) Flow rate measurement device,

4.3.4 All Standards shall be maintained and calibrated at the following

intervals by a bureau approved accredited laboratory;

Standard type Maximum period between calibrations

Reference Standards 2 years

Flow Standard 1 year

Timing device 1 year

Water temperature & pressure

1 year
measuring devices

Weighing device 1 year

Reference Meter 6 months

Page 31 of 46

Test reports provided by bureau approved accredited laboratories, shall

be retained for inspection on request by the Bureau.

Issued in Abu Dhabi

On 1st July 2005

On behalf of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Water and
Electricity Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi by:



Page 32 of 46


5.1 Appendix 1 – Approval Process

5.1.1 Before meters can be purchased for installation, each device shall be
submitted to the Bureau for approval.

5.1.2 The attached form shall be completed in full and submitted with any
additional supporting information to;

The Director General

The Regulation & Supervision Bureau
PO Box 32800
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

5.1.3 Applications for approval will normally be processed within one

calendar month of receipt. However, if applications are deemed
incomplete or additional information required, this may be sought
from the applicant or from third parties to reach a fair decision and
the approval process will be delayed accordingly.

5.1.4 Where approval if refused for an activity, the applicant may re-submit
an application no sooner than six months from the dated previous

5.1.5 Approval for meters may be sought by any party.

5.1.6 A fee, as defined in the Bureau’s Current Scale of Charges and

Services, shall accompany each application, without such a fee the
application will not be processed, and therefore approval will not be

Page 33 of 46

Application for appoval

Please indicate which approval is being sought (only one per application);

5.1.1 Meter – Use; Water / Electricity, Model; ………….., Rating; ………………., Accuracy
Class; ……..

5.1.2 Meter/Standards testing & certification (laboratory) – Security Seal identification; C


5.1.3 Meter Installation, site testing and commissioning – Security Seal identification; I

5.1.4 Meter Repairing/recycling – Meter Use; Water / Electricity, Model; ………….., Rating;
………………., Accuracy Class; ……..

Applicant details
Company name; ……………………………………….………………………………….
Registered address; …………………………………………………………….…………….

Trading address; ……………………………………………….………………………….

(if different to registered address) …………………………………………………………………………..

Contact details; Name ……………………………

Email ………………………….…
Tel No …………………………….
Fax No …………………………….

Supporting evidence
ISO accreditation(s); ……………………….……………………………………………………….

Audit and inspection regime; ………….….……………………………………………………….

Experience in the market; ……………………..…………………………………………………..

International recognition (approvals); ……………………………………………………………..

Training and Competance of staff; ………..……………………………………………………….

Support network; ………………………………………………………………………………………

(Please continue on separate sheet)

The information supplied in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signed; ……………..…………..…..

Print name; ………………….…..…. Position in company; ……...………………….…. Date; ………

Page 34 of 46

5.2 Appendix 2 – Sealing

5.2.1 Security seals that are fitted to any part of the metering equipment
shall be made up of two components;

a) The ferrule, and,

b) The wire rope.

5.2.2 The ferrule shall;

a) Be a tin-plated, annealed, copper ferrule,

b) Be not less than 5.0mm nor greater than 7.0mm long,

c) Have an internal diameter which is not less than 1.98mm nor

greater than 2.28mm,

d) Be of some constant cross section of such a size and shape so

that it’s external perimeter lies within a circle whose diameter
is not less than 4.06mm nor greater than 4.6mm and the wall
is nowhere less than 0.72mm thick,

5.2.3 The wire rope shall;

a) Be manufactured from 7 strands of drawn, class Z, zinc coated

wire complying with BS EN 10264,

b) Have a diameter of not less than 0.914mm, and,

c) Have a breaking load of not less than 880N.

5.2.4 Only reputable companies shall be used for the supply of sealing pliers
and dies i.e. quality assurance accredited.

5.2.5 The following information relating to individually identifiable sealing

pliers and dies shall be retained as appropriate;

a) Names and dates of issue and return,

b) Those lost and stolen,

c) Those destroyed in a controlled and auditable manner,

5.2.6 Duplicate dies shall not be retained.

5.2.7 Sealing pliers with dies that do not make legible impressions shall not
be used.

5.2.8 Sets of dies that have been damaged e.g. 5.2.7 or are no longer
required e.g. the person assigned to them leaves the company, shall be
destroyed in a controlled and auditable way.

Page 35 of 46

5.2.9 Sealing pliers shall be individually numbered and the way in which
they are managed falls into two categories;

a) Those used mainly in the laboratory to seal the meter at the

certification phase will be closely monitored and normally kept
in a secure place with limited access e.g. a safe. A signing in
and out record of use shall be maintained stating when a
particular crimping tool was used and by whom. Overnight use
shall not be permitted,

b) Those used at a customer premises to seal associated metering

equipment at the installation phase will be issued on a per
person basis. Records shall be kept and maintained showing
who has been issued with which crimping tool.

5.2.10 Security seal ferrule identification marking shall take the following

a) On one side, the company’s three alpha character code (see

Appendix A) prefixed by either ‘C’ for certification seal or ‘I’ for
installation seal,

b) On the other side, a three digit number starting from 001,

traceable to a person.

5.2.11 Approved sealing identification codes;

a) Certification Seals – Approved companies

Company name identification Start date

e.g. Abu Dhabi Distribution Company C ADD

e.g. Al Ain Distribution Company C AAD
e.g. Iskra Metering C ISK

Page 36 of 46

b) Installation Seals - Approved companies

Company name identification Start date

e.g. Abu Dhabi Distribution Company I ADD

e.g. Al Ain Distribution Company I AAD

Page 37 of 46

5.3 Appendix 3 – Meter Testing – Electricity

5.3.1 Where an IEC standard states it is applicable to newly manufactured
meters, the requirements of this regulation are, in the following
instances, applicable to re-cycled meters also. Some subjects will be
covered by the IEC standard in part or full. In the case of
inconsistency, the appropriate IEC standard shall prevail.

5.3.2 In addition to the requirements of the appropriate IEC standard, prior

to carrying out testing any alternating current watt-hour meters, the
circuits of the meter shall have been energised for sufficient time to
reach thermal stability. It shall be deemed sufficient time when;

a) The voltage circuits of meters under test, and,

b) The voltage circuits of working standard integrating meters,

have been energised for period of one hour, or half an hour if a
current of not less than either 10% of basic current or 5% of
marked current, is applied to the current circuits of the meters
(non-registration and starting current tests may be carried out
during the pre-heating period providing that the above is
adhered to).

5.3.3 Appropriate IEC standard shall be referenced for the following;

a) Reference Conditions

b) Test of no-load condition

c) AC voltage test

5.3.4 The rate of advance of a meter over a test period shall be obtained by
one of the following;

a) Reading the electro-mechanical register or electronic display on

or connected to the meter,

b) Monitoring the rotation of the disc or pulse output of the meter.

5.3.5 The tests in Table 2 shall be carried out by one of the following
a) Method A test
A long period dial test where the advance of a kWh display,
which is part of or connected to a meter under test, is
compared with the advance of a precision kilowatt-hour meter

b) Method B test
A short period test where the rate of advance of a meter under
test is compared to the rate of advance of a precision kilowatt-
hour meter, or,

Page 38 of 46

c) Method C test
A short period test where the actual rate of advance of a meter,
when tested under constant power conditions over a specified
test period, is compared to the calculated rate of advance for
those conditions.
5.3.6 Reference conditions for all testing;
a) Dial tests
Where all the errors of repaired meters are determined by the
method B or method C test, an additional test in accordance
with method A shall be carried out. The method A test shall be
carried out at one of the loads used for the method B or method
C test. The error obtained by the method A test shall not differ
by more than 0.6 % from the error obtained at the same load
value by the method B or method C test.

b) Duration of test
The tests described in 5.3.5 shall continue until the error of
meters can be calculated within a tolerance not greater than
plus or minus 0.2 %.

c) Conditions for mixing methods of test

The method A test may be used for intermediate and high
loads, at unity power factor and at 0.5 power factor, and the
Method B or Method C test for the low load. This can be done
provided an additional Method B or Method C test is carried
out at one of the test load values where the Method A test was

5.3.7 Multi-register meters

a) Induction meters

i. All induction meters with more than one register shall be

tested on one register in accordance with 5.3.6 and Table 2
and on each and every other register at a low load using the
method A, method B or method C test and at an intermediate
or high load using the method A test.

ii. For the same load conditions the maximum permitted

difference between the error on one register, expressed as a
percentage, and the error on any other register, expressed as
a percentage, is 1%.

b) Static meters

i. All static meters with more than one register shall be tested
on one register in accordance with 5.3.6 and Table 2.

Page 39 of 46

ii. For repaired static meters with more than one register;

• Where the total units are the sum of all the registers, a
further test shall be carried out on each and every other
register using method A, but,

• Where the total units are recorded on one register, only

that register is required to be tested in accordance with
5.3.6 and Table 2.

5.3.8 Every polyphase meter shall be tested on a circuit having a phase

relationship for which that meter is designed, provided that three
phase, four wire polyphase meters may be tested without current in
the neutral conductor.

5.3.9 Polyphase meters shall be tested by using;

a) a polyphase kilowatt-hour energy standard,

b) 2 or 3 single phase kilowatt-hour energy standards, or,

c) 2 or 3 single phase watt-meters.

5.3.10 For margins of error see Table 2 and 3

Table 2 Load Points for Testing

Test load in terms of marked current
Test number and Power Basic / Maximum Long Short range Meter type Polyphase meter
load factor maximum continuous range load
1 (high) 1 Imax 100% 100%- 100%-125% Single and Balanced
200% (Note 1) polyphase
(Note 1)
2 (intermediate) 1 Ib or Any load between 25%-75% of the Single and Balanced
125%Ib value specified for test number 1 polyphase
(Note 1)
3 (low) 1 5%Ib 1.67% (Note 5% 5% Single and Balanced
2) polyphase
4 (inductive) 0.5 Ib or Imax 100% The same value selected Single and Balanced
(Note for test number 1 polyphase
5 (high - per 1 Ib 100% The same value selected Polyphase One phase
element) for test number 1 loaded in turn
6 (inductive – per 0.5 Ib 100% The same value selected Polyphase One phase
element) (Note for test number 1 loaded in turn
7 (starting-current) 1 0.5%Ib to 0.5% to 1.0% 0.5% to 0.5% to 1.0% Single and Balanced
1.0%Ib 1.0% polyphase

Page 40 of 46

Table 3 Load Point Error Limits

Maximum meter error
Class 2 meters Class 1 meters Class 0.5S meters
Test number Tested with Tested Tested with Tested without Tested with Tested with Tested
and load current without current current current & current without
transformers current transformers transformers voltage transformers current &
connected transformers connected connected transformers only connected voltage
connected connected transformers
1 (high)
+/- 1.5% +/- 1.0% +/- 1.0% +/- 0.8% +/- 1.1% +/- 0.6%
+/- 0.4%
+/- 1.5% +/- 1.0% +/- 1.0% +/- 0.8% +/- 1.1% +/- 0.6% +/- 0.4%
3 (low) +/- 1.5% +/- 1.0% +/- 1.0% +/- 0.8% +/- 1.1% +/- 0.6% +/- 0.4%
4 (inductive) +/- 1.5% +/- 1.0% +/- 1.0% +/- 0.8% +/- 1.1% +/- 0.6% +/- 0.4%
5 (high - per
+/- 1.7% +/- 1.5% +/- 1.2% +/- 1.0% +/- 1.3% +/- 0.8% +/- 0.6%
6 (inductive –
+/- 1.7% +/- 1.5% +/- 1.2% +/- 1.0% +/- 1.3% +/- 0.8% +/- 0.6%
per element)

Note 1 Where a range is given, any value within that inclusive range may be selected.
Note 2 For maximum continuously rated prepayment meters, the low load test value may
be twice the value shown.
Note 3 For test numbers 4 and 6, the inductive power factor shall be between 0.45 and
0.55 inclusive.

Page 41 of 46

5.4 Appendix 4 – Meter Testing – Water

5.4.1 Sample Test Certificate

Approved Test House Name:

Phone No:

Water Meter Inspection & Test Certificate No [1234]

Station Job No
Sector/Area Plot Villa/Flat No

Excessive Working Leakage/Supply

Reason for Meter
Consumption Performance Disturbance/Other

Registered Meter Details In-Situ Test Meter Details

Meter Serial No Meter Serial No
Make & Model Make & Model
Meter Size Meter Size
Units - m3/gal Units - m3/gal
Reading at Removal Reading at Installation
Date of Removal Date of Installation
Working Condition Working Condition at time of
prior to removal Installation
Date of Test Date of Removal
Working Condition at Reading at time of Removal
time of test


Test Flow Rate - Test Pressure - Accuracy % Test Duration

Litre Bar

Meter Submitted by: Meter Repaired by: Meter Tested by: Responsible Officer:

Date: Date: Date: Date:

Page 42 of 46

5.4.2 Guideline Procedure for In-situ Testing of Domestic Meters Using a

Reference Meter;

a) Identify the nature of the customer’s complaint and note if the customer
has carried out their own test and if so the method employed and the
result of it,

b) Check the installation of the meter for compliance with Water Supply
Regulations, appropriate ISO/OIML standard(s) and note compliance or

c) Note the Meter Serial No, make and Approval Certificate No.

d) Ensure as far as is practicable that there is no internal use of water by

visual inspection and making sure that all internal water fittings are shut

e) When it is certain that there is no internal use of water, check for leakage
by taking two meter readings at 5 minute intervals. Note the readings.

f) If there is any difference in the readings this will be an indication of

leakage; advise the customer to have it repaired and terminate the check.

g) Identify an accessible cold-water tap fed directly from premises supply

pressure and attach a reference meter using a suitable adaptor,

h) Set the flow at the tap at a high rate between ¼ Qn and ½ Qn as

measured by the reference meter and allow the tap top run for 2 minutes.
Check the flow rate by filling a 200ml or 500ml cylinder, noting the time
taken to fill. Note visually the flow of water (which must be steady and
free from air) and the rotation rate of the meter register.

i) Stop the flow and take initial readings on the customers and reference
meters and note.

j) Set the tap to approximately the flow rate and check as in 8 above and
allow to run for 5 minutes.

k) Stop the flow and note the final readings from both meters.

l) Calculate the consumption on both meters and compare. Calculate the

average flow rate and note.

m) If the flow rate is outside the required range repeat the test by adjusting
the flow rate.

n) Repeat the test from 8 above at a flow rate between Qt and 5Qt and test
for 20 minutes

o) Give the customer a copy of the results sheet.

Page 43 of 46

Model Form Test Report

Address of premises including PO Box No:

Name of Customer:
Telephone No:
Nature of Complaint
Result and method of ant test by customer:
Compliance of installation with standards
and regulations:
Meter Serial No Make: Model:
Meter Pattern approval No Qn: Qt:
Leakage Check Reading 1: Reading 2:
Flowrate test 1 (1/4 Qn to ½ Qn) – (5 minute duration)
Customers Meter Ref Meter
Final Readings
-------------------------m3 -----------------------------m3
Initial Readings
-------------------------m3 -----------------------------m3
Quantities Indicated by Meter
------------------------m3 (A) ----------------------------m3 (B)
Observed flowrate = B x 12
Ref meter error from correction chart at
observed flowrate --------------------------%
Corrected value of B=B (1+E/100) =

Observed meter error -----------------------------% (Limit 2.5%)

= A – C x 100
Flowrate test 2 (Qt to 5Qt) – (20 minutes duration)
Customers Meter Ref Meter
Final Readings
---------------------------m3 -------------------------------m3
Initial Readings
---------------------------m3 -------------------------------m3
Quantities Indicated by Meters
------------------------m3 (A) ----------------------------m3 (B)
Observed Flowrate = B x 3
Ref meter error from correction chart at
observed flowrate --------------------------%
Corrected value of B=B (1+E/100) =
Observed meter error
= A – C x 100 -----------------------------% (Limit 2.5%)
Name: Signed: Date:

Page 44 of 46

5.5 Appendix 5 – Approved devices and certification periods (Electricity)

Meter Certification Meter
Model Model period
manufacturer period (Years) manufacturer
ABB M81 10 OSAKI OB94BM 10


SIEMENS 7CA441-7 10
C21B/M 20 SIEMENS H2D5 10



FLOTON S301 10


GEC C11B2T-H 10
GEC E43B 3B 10

ISKRA E89C2 10
ISKRA E89C2-5 10
ISKRA E89E2 15
ISKRA T35E2 10
ISKRA T37E2 10
ISKRA T37E2-5S 10

LANDIS & GYR CL27-2 20



Page 45 of 46

5.6 Appendix 6 – Approved devices and certification periods (Water)

Meter Certification Meter Certification

Model Model
manufacturer period (Years) manufacturer period (Years)

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