Esophageal Atresia: Future Directions For Research On The Digestive Tract
Esophageal Atresia: Future Directions For Research On The Digestive Tract
Esophageal Atresia: Future Directions For Research On The Digestive Tract
1 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital Leuven, Address for correspondence Maissa Rayyan, MD, Neonatal Intensive
Leuven, Belgium Care Unit, University Hospital Leuven, Herestraat 49, Leuven 3000,
2 ExpORL, Department of Neurosciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Belgium (e-mail:
3 Disorders of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Department of
Gastroenterology, Universitaire Ziekenhuizen Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium
4 Translational Research Center for Gastrointestinal Disorders
(TARGID), Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
5 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital
Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium
6 Department of Development and Regeneration, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
7 Intensive Care and Department of Pediatric Surgery, Erasmus Medical
Center-Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
maximal exercise tolerance.2,6 Some adults still present with a
Esophageal atresia (EA) is a congenital anomaly of the esophagus. chronic (barking) cough and wheezing.5
This anomaly arises from a developmental disruption with faulty Because of the complexity of this medical condition, the
separation of the embryogenic foregut into the trachea and medical approach remains a challenge for every clinician
esophagus during early gestation. The prevalence is 2.4 in 10,000 treating EA patients. It is still not clear what the best surgical
births.1 Gastrointestinal problems as well as respiratory prob- strategy is for long-gap EA and how we should deal with
lems are very common in young infants, but remain common in motility disorders of the esophagus. Many researchers have
adults.2–5 Many patients suffer from severe gastroesophageal tried to fill these gaps in knowledge by developing experi-
reflux (GER), esophagitis, dysphagia, and poor weight gain. mental models. Doxorubicin and molecular experimental
Young children may present with respiratory problems such models are very useful models to study organogenesis of
as tracheomalacia, chronic respiratory infections, and decreased EA. Organogenesis of the esophagus as well as from the
respiratory tract in EA models have been described in Esophageal Dysmotility Data from Human Research
research articles.7–10 In this review, the focus lies on esoph- GER and dysphagia can both—at least partially—be
ageal problems in EA, and therefore only research articles explained by dysmotility of the esophagus. The etiology
involving the esophagus are included. First, clinical aspects of of esophageal dysmotility is still debated, yet is usually
esophageal morbidity are discussed, followed by clinical classified as either primary, that is, due to intrinsic factors
esophageal motility testing. Finally, we will discuss relevant or secondary, that is, due to external factors. Primary
ongoing research that may create opportunities to translate dysmotility disorders include intrinsic factors related to
new-gained knowledge into applicable, evidence-based, the abnormal development of the esophageal smooth
clinical approaches. muscle and (intrinsic and extrinsic) innervation of the
esophagus.18 Preoperative manometry (before surgical
anastomosis) performed in newborns already showed
Gastroesophageal Morbidity
disturbed esophageal motility.29 Similar, dysmotility has
Gastroesophageal Morbidity Is Common, Persistent, been described in patients with tracheoesophageal fistula
but Poorly Understood without atresia.30 In addition, abnormal gastric motility
GER and dysphagia are the two most reported symptoms in has also been described in patients with EA.31 Histopatho-
patients with EA, even after successful surgical repair. Chronic logical data hereby support the role of abnormal intrinsic
GER can lead to severe peptic esophagitis, and Barrett esophagus. and extrinsic innervation of the esophagus with neuronal
The incidence of esophagitis ranges between 27 and abnormalities of the esophagus.10,32,33 These neuronal
46%,3,11,12 but unlike the spontaneous improvement observed defects can—at least partially—explain the esophageal dys-
in normal infants, the GER incidence increases in EA cases till motility often described in patients with EA.
the age of 1 year11 and usually persists in later life.13,14 Two On the contrary, esophageal motility can be secondary or
mechanisms are essential to protect the esophagus from GER: caused by external factors such as surgery and GER.34,35
Abbreviations: EA, esophageal atresia; HRM, high-resolution manometry; N/A, not available.
P is the number of pressure channels on catheter; two different types of catheters are mentioned when two different sizes were used for small
children versus adults.
Total number of infants included in this study; age of infants with HRM study not further specified.
Total number of adults included in this study; age of adults with HRM study not further specified.
Organogenesis, Pathophysiology, and Histopathology medical condition (although very rarely) associated with,
among other conditions, EA.53,54 We already know that there
esophageal body. Nakazato et al described abnormal Auerbach tension group described can model for esophageal dysmotil-
plexi in five esophagus specimens at autopsy.33 The Auerbach ity in EA patients with anastomosis under traction. The
plexus was more deficient in the distal esophagus than in the difference in the effect of electrical stimulation on the striated
proximal esophagus. The fundus of the stomach was also and smooth muscle may not only be linked to the type of
showing abnormal Auerbach plexi, mainly larger ganglia and stimulation but may also be influenced by the type of
thicker interganglionic fibers in a looser network. Finally, the musculature being striated versus smooth muscle.
interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) seem to play a role in dysmotility, Montedonico et al investigated the effect on the esoph-
acting as an intestinal pacemaker and facilitating propagation ageal function of an anastomosis on the esophagus under
of the intestinal peristalsis. They are less numerous in the tension compared with an anastomosis without tension in
esophagus of patients with EA.59 In addition, a craniocaudal rats exposed to doxorubicin.62 The group with tension un-
distribution of these cells was hereby noticed, since the ICC derwent esophageal transection and resection of 15 mm
were more present in the upper esophagus and in the proximal proximal esophagus, whereas the group without tension
pouch compared with the distal esophagus and fistula. More- underwent transection of the esophagus without resection.
over, the aboral migration of neural crest-derived cells leaves They compared the resting pressure at the lower esophageal
the distal part of the atretic esophagus with a lower concen- sphincter (LES) in both groups using a pull through perfusion
tration of neuronal cells. The lower concentration of the neural manometry. They found that the pressure at the LES was
crest-derived cells in the control of maturation of ICC may significantly lowered postoperatively in the tension group. Of
explain the delayed maturation of their target cells. All these note, the baseline pressures at the LES were higher in the
neuronal defects could explain the esophageal dysmotility of esophageal resection group (44.9 mm Hg) versus the esoph-
patients with EA. ageal transection group (32.7 mm Hg). The length of the
intra-abdominal esophagus in the resection group was also
Experimental Esophageal Motility Studies in Relation to significantly lowered after surgery compared with the tran-
Besides esophageal mechanical lengthening by trac- In terms of diagnostic progress of patients with EA, HRM
tion,22,23 esophageal replacement strategies can be used for has been proposed as the state-of-the-art test for esophageal
long-gap EA. Current strategies include gastric transposition function. However, currently, normative values for neonates
(gastric pull-up),24 colon interposition,25 and jejunal interpo- and pediatrics are lacking due to ethical constraints.68 More
sition.26 Many researchers looked at alternative approaches for so, the link between symptoms and esophageal motor pat-
esophageal replacement using tubular acellular scaffolds terns as assessed by HRM remains unclear. Therefore, novel
derived from animal and human settings.67 To reduce com- methodologies combining HRM with objective measurement
plications, tissue engineering approaches using cell-seeded of bolus flow have been suggested to increase the diagnostic
grafts have recently been explored.67 Although this technique yield.43
is promising, there are still some issues on the poor regenera- Current esophageal motility methodologies have a high
tion of the muscular layer. Adding to the challenge is that sensitivity and potential to elucidate the difference between
peristaltic contractility needs to be regenerated by electrical congenital and postsurgical dysmotility patterns. So far, only
stimulation or by enhanced neural regeneration. The authors two old studies looked preoperatively at esophageal motility
suggested that enhanced neural regeneration might play a role patterns in humans using water perfused, low-resolution
and that the contribution of neural crest cells is essential for sensors.29,36 Therefore, comparing pre- and postoperative
functional peristalsis. motility in the proximal as well as in the distal segment
using novel, quantitative HRM impedance technology could
result in the refined characterization of esophageal motor
Future Perspectives: From Anatomic
patterns in patients with EA.41,69,70
Continuation to Improved Functional Repair
In conclusion, we reviewed the existing clinical and
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associated anomalies in 23 European regions. Arch Dis Child 2012;
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stretching on inflammation, fibrosis, and risk for anastomotic
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