Atresia 4
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The current available literature evaluating feeding difficulties in children with esophageal atresia
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was reviewed. The published literature was searched through PubMed using a pre-defined search
strategy. Feeding difficulties are commonly encountered in children and adults with repaired
esophageal atresia [EA]. The mechanism for abnormal feeding includes both esophageal and
oropharyngeal dysphagia. Esophageal dysphagia is commonly reported in patients with EA and
causes include dysmotility, anatomic lesions, esophageal outlet obstruction and esophageal
inflammation. Endoscopic evaluation, esophageal manometry and esophograms can be useful
studies to evaluate for causes of esophageal dysphagia. Oropharyngeal dysfunction and aspiration
are also important mechanisms for feeding difficulties in patients with EA. These patients often
present with respiratory symptoms. Videofluoroscopic swallow study, salivagram, fiberoptic
endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and high-resolution manometry can all be helpful tools to
identify aspiration. Once diagnosed, management goals include reduction of aspiration during
swallowing, reducing full column reflux into the oropharynx and continuation of oral feeding to
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maintain skills. We review specific strategies which can be used to reduce aspiration of gastric
contents, including thickening feeds, changing feeding schedule, switching formula, trialing
transpyloric feeds and fundoplication.
Esophageal atresia; Tracheoesophageal fistula; Feeding difficulties; Oropharyngeal dysphagia;
Esophageal atresia, with or without tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), is a congenital anomaly
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of the esophagus affecting one in every 2500–3000 live births [1]. Infant survival of this
condition is high, with reported survival rates of over 90% [2]. However, gastrointestinal and
respiratory complications are well documented in children, adolescents and adults with
repaired EA [3–9]. Feeding disorders in children with esophageal atresia are common in
clinical practice but the literature supporting these observations is limited. Between 6% and
Corresponding author. Aerodigestive Center, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston
MA, 02115.
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52% of patients have some abnormalities of feeding [7,10,11]. The majority of studies focus
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in a similar pattern to normal control infants, although do have much greater variability in
achieving these milestones [13]. Baird et al., [10] administered a validated feeding
questionnaire to 30 care-givers of children with EA. They found that, in comparison to
controls, 17.5% of children with EA have feeding scores one standard deviation above the
mean feeding difficulty score and 6.7% of cases are greater than two standard deviations
above the mean. However, overall, feeding difficulties were classified as mild and in the
subclinical range in the majority of patients. Schier et al., [14] administered questionnaires
to 128 parents involved in an EA support group. 68% of respondents experienced feeding
difficulties which included pain, regurgitation, vomiting and burping. Patients generally
avoided meats and other tough or bulky foods and 69% of patients experienced at least 1
food impaction. Given the high prevalence of feeding difficulties in this population, Ramsey
et al., [15] advocated for early involvement of a multidisciplinary team comprised of
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occupational therapy, nutrition and psychological support to assist families with feeding-
related difficulties. However, despite the fact that feeding difficulties are common in patients
with EA, only 11% of parents report discussing their concerns with medical staff [11].
involves (1) an esophagram to assess for strictures or, when present, pooling above the
fundoplication; (2) videofluroscopic imaging during swallowing to assess for aspiration; (3)
upper endoscopy to assess for inflammation and; (4) esophageal motility study to assess for
adequate contraction pressures, and when paired with impedance, to assess for bolus stasis.
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histologic evidence of esophagitis and 36% had gastric metaplasia [16]. Interestingly, there
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was no association between symptoms of dysphagia and endoscopic findings, either grossly
or histologically in this cohort. Similarly, Sistonen et al. reported histologic esophagitis in
25% of patients, however there were no significant differences in rates of dysphagia between
patients with esophagitis and those with normal biopsies [17]. Deurloo et al. found that
while patients who reported dysphagia more often had disturbed motility on esophageal
manometry, there was no association between reported dysphagia and biopsy confirmed
esophagitis [18]. Further supporting this observation is the finding that 38% of patients with
food impactions have normal esophageal biopsies, suggesting that food impactions can
occur even in the absence of inflammation and may be more related to abnormal esophageal
motility [16].
studied [17]. Deurloo et al. described similar findings, with 70% of patients having low or
moderate amplitude of esophageal body contractions and 35% of patients having retrograde
contractions [18]. Furthermore, they found that patients reporting dysphagia more often had
disturbed motility and significantly lower scores on a variety of health-related quality of life
scales. Kawahara et al. also described a lack of distal esophageal contractions on esophageal
manometry in patients with EA [19]. For centers where esophageal motility studies are not
available, even radionucleotide esophagogastric studies reveal significantly longer
esophageal transit time in patients with a history of long-gap EA, compared to those with
non-long-gap EA suggesting that imaging may be helpful in identifying dysmotility. In these
patients, the bolus accumulated mainly in the lower 2/3 of the esophagus below the
anastomosis and persisted in this area for several minutes before being cleared into the
stomach [20] (see Figures 1 and 2). This suggests that impaired clearing capacity may be
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playing a role in the dysphagia in these patients. There appears to be overall improvement in
esophageal peristaltic function on manometric studies as patients age [21]. More recently,
high-resolution manometry has been used in the EA population to better characterize both
esophageal dysmotility and extraesophageal symptoms. Lemoine et al. used high-resolution
manometry in 40 children with a history of EA repair [22]. All patients had abnormal
manometry results: 38% of patients had aperistalsis, 15% had pressurization and 47% had
abnormal distal contractions. They found both gastroesophageal reflux and pulmonary
symptoms more commonly in the aperistalsis group. Kawahara et al. found the absence of
significant contractions in the middle esophagus just below the anastomosis in 29 patients
with repaired EA [19]. Lack of distal esophageal contractions with significantly correlated
with development of gastroesophageal reflux in this population (P < 0.001). Patients with
EA have also been shown to have significantly fewer complete bolus transits of both liquids
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and viscous materials, compared to controls [23]. While the majority of the literature
describes dysmotility in EA patients after surgical repair, one recent case report found
dysmotility on high-resolution manometry preoperatively in two children with isolated
unrepaired tracheoesophagela fistula [24]. This suggests that dysmotility may stem from
abnormal development of the innervation and smooth muscle of the esophagus, rather than
from surgical intervention.
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GERD related, or anastomotic) and retention of food in the proximal esophageal pouch as a
cause for dysphagia. Anastomotic strictures have been reported in 8%–59% of patients with
EA, and may contribute to dysphagia and feeding difficulties in these patients [2,3,17,25].
Esophageal strictures may present with dysphagia, poor feeding, emesis or food impactions
[26]. Esophagrams are also useful in EA patients who have undergone fundoplication, which
can create an esophageal outlet obstruction in the setting of a dysmotile esophagus.
Holschneider et al. found a higher rate of dysphagia in patients with EA undergoing
fundoplication (17.2%) compared to children undergoing fundoplication for other
indications (6.5%) [27]. There are no studies which address the impact of fundoplication on
acquisition of feeding milestones or rates of significant food impactions.
symptoms should also include the same tests outlined above for dysphagia to determine,
apart from reflux, if esophageal dysfunction (with resultant stasis) or oropharyngeal
dysfunction (with aspiration) is occurring. In addition, the evaluation of children with
respiratory symptoms must include an assessment of swallowing function. One of the most
under-recognized causes of respiratory symptoms in EA patients is aspiration during
swallowing because the symptoms of aspiration are identical to the symptoms of reflux:
gagging, choking, head turning, arching, noisy breathing, poor growth and coughing.
Hormann et al. studied videofluoroscopic findings (25 examinations) in 19 children with
repaired EA [29]. They found that 16% of patients had nasopharyngeal regurgitation, 5%
had had residue in the pharynx, 10% had laryngeal penetration and 37% had aspiration.
Once aspiration or penetration on swallow study is diagnosed, the following differentials
must be considered in order to predict prognosis:
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following cardiac surgery, 35% recovered vocal cord function with a median time to
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failed the VFSS initially eventually passed after a median of 3.4 months from the first study.
These results suggest that, whenever possible, patients should undergo a repeat MBS to
assess for improvement in swallowing before consideration of surgical interventions such as
gastrostomy tube placement.
There are many different methods of diagnosing oropharyngeal dysphagia and all of them
are complementary with no clear gold standard test. Studies have suggested that the
agreement between studies is poor. Baikie et al. for example, studied the agreement between
three tests for aspiration – barium videofluoroscopy, salivagram and milk scan - in 63
children with cerebral palsy [35]. The authors found that overall agreement between the tests
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was poor, with a maximum kappa of 0.20 suggesting that if aspiration is suspected, several
different diagnostic modalities, including the following tests, should be considered.
2.5) or aspiration of thin liquids (OR 2.4) on univariate analysis. There was no significant
increase in risk of pneumonia with aspiration of other consistencies. However, on
multivariate analysis, these factors were no longer significantly associated with pneumonia.
Radionucleotide scintigraphy can be used to detect aspiration of oral secretions and refluxed
gastric contents. Unlike VFSS, salivagrams are used to detect aspiration of saliva rather than
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a bolus of food. Simons et al. studied salivagrams in 129 pediatric patients with suspected
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aspiration [38]. Aspiration was identified on 21% of studies. Positive salivagram results
were significantly associated with developmental delay (OR 2.8), chronic respiratory
infections or pneumonia (2.6) reactive airway disease exacerbations (2.8) and use of H2
blockers or proton pump inhibitors (OR 2.7). Drubach et al. found a similar rate of positive
salivagrams (25%) in a study of 222 pediatric patients [39]. The authors compared
agreement between salivagram and chest x-ray results and found high agreement (kappa =
0.891, P < 0.0001). 50 of the 55 patients with abnormal salivagrams also had positive chest
radiography findings (consolidation, prominent peribronchial markings or bronchiectasis).
Somasundaram et al. studied the utility of salivagrams in the routine evaluation of
developmentally normal children who have recurrent lower respiratory tract infections [40].
The authors found a positive salivagram in 39% of infants and 16% of children ages 1–2
years. No aspiration was detected in children above the age of 2 years.
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with dysphagia to either FEES or MBS to guide management decisions [45]. They found no
statistically significant differences between the two groups with respect to the incidence of
pneumonia. There was also no difference in the pneumonia-free interval between the two
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are no studies on the management of aspiration in children with EA, conclusions can be
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Thickened oral or gastric feeds to reduce aspiration during swallowing and aspiration of
gastric contents
Thickened feeds may improve swallowing, reduce reflux into the oropharynx and reduce the
chance of retching. Wenzl et al. studied 14 otherwise healthy infants with reflux who were
fed alternating thickened feeds vs. standard formula [47]. They measured GER episodes by
simultaneous intraesophageal impedance measurement and pH monitoring. They found that
regurgitation frequency and amount were significantly lower after feedings with thickened
formula and, while the authors found no differences in mean maximal height reached by
refluxate after thickened feeds, the benefit of less in the mouth (i.e. less vomited) may be of
particular benefit in the aspirating child. Similarly, in a 2008 systematic review of 14
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randomized controlled trials studying the efficacy and safety of thickened feeds for the
treatment of GER in healthy infants, Horvath et al. [69] found significant improvement in
regurgitation. However, again there was no effect on effect of thickening on the reflux index,
number of acid GER episodes per hour or the number of reflux episodes lasting > 5 minutes.
Given these results, there may be a role for thickened feeds in the aspirating child to try to
prevent formula from entering the mouth.
Thickening may also have a beneficial effect on the stomach. For example, thickened feeds
may also have a role in reducing gagging and retching in patients who have gastrostomy
tubes and fundoplications. Pentiuk et al. reported that over half of the 33 children studied
had > 75% reduction in gagging and retching when given a pureed diet via gastrostomy tube
[48]. Nishiwaki et al. found similar results with thickened feeds in adults with percutaneous
endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes [49]. The percentage of GER was significantly reduced
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in patients who received semi-solid compared to liquid nutrients, however this effect did not
appear to be mediated by differences in gastric emptying time. Shizuku et al. similarly
studied 42 adult patients with PEG tubes [50]. These patients received 8 weeks of feeding
with a liquid diet and 8 weeks of feeding with a semi-solid diet. The percentage of
observational days with fever during half-solid nutrient feeding was significantly lower than
that during the liquid nutrient feeding (p =0.03).
the continuous group). Bowling et al. measured gastric emptying time and gastroesophageal
reflux in 12 healthy volunteers who were given a liquid feed via an oral bolus, NG tube
bolus and continuous NG tube infusion [52]. They found no significant differences in the
median number or duration of reflux episodes between these three groups. However, there
are no pediatric studies to determine the safest method of feeding from an airway
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While there do not appear to be differences in GER characteristics between infants fed
breastmilk and formula, the type of formula may be important [54,55]. Seventeen children
with cow’s milk allergy and suspected GERD underwent intraluminal impedance monitoring
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while fed 24 hours of amino acid-based formula then 24 hours of cow’s milk challenge [55].
The authors found that the total reflux episodes and the number of weakly acid episodes
were significantly higher during the cow’s milk challenge (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001
transpyloric feeds. Srivastava et al. compared fundoplication and gastrojejunal tube feedings
in 366 children with neurologic impairment and GERD [58]. 43 children had a gastrojejunal
feeding tube and 323 children underwent fundoplication. Children were followed for a
median of 3.4 years. Pneumonia-free survival and overall survival were similar between the
two groups, suggesting that neither option is superior in preventing subsequent aspiration
pneumonia or improving overall survival.
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than those who underwent gastrostomy tube placement alone. Goldin et al. reported a
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nontrivial percentage of patients (22%) who had more reflux related hospitalizations
following fundoplication compared to the preoperative period [62]. In a study of 342
pediatric patients with fundoplications, Lee et al. reported no significant difference in the
rates of hospital admission for aspiration pneumonia, respiratory distress or failure to thrive
before and after fundoplication [63]. However, following fundoplication, 20 patients with no
history of previous hospitalization were admitted with aspiration pneumonia and 55 patients
never previously hospitalized were admitted with respiratory distress. Preoperative reflux
burden, including acid and non-acid reflux as measured by pH-multichannel intraluminal
impedance, does not predict fundoplication outcome [64].
Feeding difficulties are common in patients with repaired EA. In this review, we investigate
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the mechanisms for abnormal feeding in these patients. Esophageal dysphagia is well-
described in patients with EA and is often due to anatomic abnormalities such as strictures,
esophageal dysmotility or mucosal inflammation. While respiratory symptoms are highly
prevalent in patients with EA, there are very few studies evaluating oropharyngeal
dysfunction in this population. Aspiration is an under-recognized cause of respiratory
symptoms and feeding difficulties in EA patients. Symptoms of aspiration can be identical to
the symptoms of reflux. Clinicians caring for patients with repaired EA should have a high
index of suspicion for aspiration in their patients with feeding difficulties or persistent
respiratory symptoms. Further studies are needed to identify the optimal method of
managing aspiration in patients with EA.
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This work was supported by the Translational Research Program at Children’s Hospital Boston and NIH NIDDK
R01 DK097112. It was funded by the NASPGHAN/ASTRA research award for disorders of the upper tract.
EA Esophageal atresia
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Figure 1.
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Normal peristalsis with normal bolus clearance using high resolution esophageal manometry
with impedance. Purple: Liquid. Note that with each peristaltic wave in yellow/red there is
complete bolus clearance with no residual purple in the esophagus (white circle).
LES: Lower esophageal sphincter; UES: Upper esophageal sphincter.
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Mahoney and Rosen Page 17
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Author Manuscript
Figure 2.
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Absent esophageal peristalsis in a patient with esophageal atresia and a fundoplication. Note
the minimal to absent peristalsis, the stasis of liquid in the esophagus (circle), and the lack of
LES relaxation with the fundoplication.
Author Manuscript
Paediatr Respir Rev. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 June 01.
Mahoney and Rosen Page 18
Table 1
Gatzinsky [65]
Beucher [66]
Pneumonia 31–52% Malmstrom [4]
Chetcuti [28]
Bronchitis 24–42% Legrand [8]
Chetcuti [9]
Abnormal pulmonary function tests 68–88% Legrand [8]
Obstructive lung disease 19–50% Banjar [59]
Restrictive lung disease 11–23% Beucher [66]
Mixed lung disease 36% Sistonen [67]
Chetcuti [68]
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Paediatr Respir Rev. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 June 01.