STEP SocialWork
STEP SocialWork
STEP SocialWork
2 authors, including:
Mirshad Rahman T M
GEMS Arts and Science College Ramapuram
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mirshad Rahman T M on 27 July 2020.
Source: Bhattacharya, S. (2003). Social Work: An Integrated Approach. Deep and Deep Publications.
Individual or a
Macro problems on a
societal level
Source: Derezotes, D. S. (1999). Advanced generalist social work practice. Sage Publications.
Scope of Social Work
• Case management • Correctional agency settings
• Medical and psychiatric • Community development
social work settings
• Counselling • Academician
• Family and child welfare • School setting
• Youth welfare • Social welfare agencies.
• Welfare of the weaker section • Industrial agency setting/CSR.
• Grass root • Gerontological settings
organizations • Environmental issues
• Community health agencies • Crisis intervention
• Prison welfare service. • Disability settings etc.
Characteristics of Social Work
• Social work is a welfare activity based on humanitarian
• It respects the worth and dignity of individuals.
• It assists individuals, groups and communities to become self
reliant and inter dependent.
• Social work has a strong scientific base.
• It is closely related to psychology and sociology.
• It is an activity that helps to cope with problems.
• It requires specific knowledge, skills acquired through formal
• It is remunerative.
Objectives of Social Work
1. To Solve psycho-social problems.
2. To fulfil humanitarian needs.
3. To solve adjustmental problems.
4. To create self sufficiency.
5. To make harmonious social relations.
6. Develop democratic values.
7. Provide opportunities for development and social programme.
8. Provide socio legal act.
9. Change the environment in favour of individuals growth
and development
10. Bring change in the social system for social development.
Source: Miśra, P. Ḍ. (1994). Social work philosophy and methods. Inter-India Publications.
Functions of Social Work
1. Curative Function - (medical and health services, services
relating to psychiatry, child guidance, child welfare services,
services for the differently abled etc.)
2. Correctional Function - (prison reform, family welfare
services,school social work, industrial social work etc.)
3. Preventive Function - (public assistance, social legislation,
adult education and prevention of diseases etc.)
4. Developmental Function - (socio-economic development
activities such as: education, recreational services, urban and
rural development and programmes of integration etc.)
Source: Miśra, P. Ḍ. (1994). Social work philosophy and methods. Inter-India Publications.
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) – An Overview
• The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree program provides
the education and experience necessary for a career in social
• It prepares graduates for beginning generalist social work
practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations and
• The curriculum (theory and field work) helps students prepare
for the professional responsibilities of social work and acquire
the skills needed for effective social work practice.
• 3 year course (theory 50%, field work 50%)
• Any stream in XII – science/commerce/humanities.
BSW – Course objectives
• It helps to gain conceptual clarity and ability to perform as
social work professionals.
• To develop the foundational skills in working with
individuals, groups and communities.
• Training provided to engage in evidence-based practice and
to be equipped with research skills.
• To promote the ability of the students to work independently
and in teams.
• To understand the ethical standards of the social work
profession and encourage social sensitivity with responsiveness.
Subjects covered in BSW
• Introduction to Social
• Practices for working
with individuals and
• Human behavior and the families
• Group practice methods.
• Social welfare policy
• Social work research and • Introduction to Counselling
statistics • Sociology for social work
• Social work administration • Social policy and
• Field Practicum social legislations
BSW - Components
• Theory papers
• Observation Visits
• Concurrent Field Work (IC/GC)
• Rural/Tribal Camps
• Participatory Rural Appraisal Camps.
• Dissertation/Project
• Industrial Visits/Study tour/ NGO Visits
• Block placement
• Winter/Summer Internships
• Community Extension programs/Mini projects.
Fields of Social Work in India
Emerging fields
• Generic social work
• Medical & Psychiatric Social Work. • Gerontological work
• Community Development. • Disability social work
• Family & Child Welfare. • Correctional social work
• Industrial social work. • Child rights and Protection
• Youth development
• Public and Mental health etc.
Skills and Qualities – Social Workers
I am….
A. a good listener who is supportive.
B. a strategic thinker with big ideas.
C. a patient teacher and problem solver.
D. a good speaker with an interest in political issues.
I would like to work in...
A. an individual or group counseling setting.
B. the administrative offices of a program or agency.
C. a classroom or research setting.
D. local, state or national government.
E. a community based setting (national/international).
I want to spend my day...
A. working directly with clients.
B. strategizing and implementing programs and policies.
C. conducting research and/or teaching others.
D. lobbying individuals, agencies and organizations for legislative action.
E. championing the rights of individuals and communities.
I would like to work with...
A. individuals and families in need of assistance.
B. agency or program leaders and decision-makers.
C. students, educators and researchers.
D. politicians and community leaders.
E. grassroots organizations and community leaders.
I want to make an impact by...
A. helping people overcome setbacks and challenges.
B. developing programs and policies that improve lives.
C. improving the way social work is practiced and implemented.
D. influencing government to ensure social justice for all.
E. inspiring the community to represent and defend others.
Pic. Courtesy: National Association of Social Workers
26-07-2020 Dr. Mirshad Rahman T M, MSW, NET, UGC-SRF, PhD. 23
26-07-2020 Dr. Mirshad Rahman T M, MSW, NET, UGC-SRF, 24
Career opportunities
• NACO (National Aids Control • UNICEF (United Nations International
Organization) Children Emergency Fund), WHO
• CAPART (Council for • World Health Organization
Advancement of People’s Action
and Rural Technology) • ILO (International Labour
• CSWB (Central Social Welfare Board)
• Ford Foundation
• CRY (Child Relief and You)
• Action Aid
• Child line (1098)
• CARE (Co operative America
• MINDS Foundation Relief Everywhere)
• CRY (Child Rights and You) • DESH (Deepam Educational Society
• Oxfam India. for Health)
Career opportunities (contd..)