Iii Q2M5
Iii Q2M5
Iii Q2M5
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1 Investigation
s and
Interpretation &
Data Analysis
What is the first thing that enter to your mind when you see data? The first
instinct is to find patterns, connections, and relationships. We look at the data to find
for the significance in it. In the same way, in research, once data is collected, the next
step is to get meaning from it.
Data is all around us, it`s everywhere and in every actions we do results in a
new data and information. Research data such us questionnaires, Focus Group
Interview (FGI), Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and other related documents should
be collected, observed, or created for the purpose of analysis to come up with an
original research results. You cannot simply move into conclusion in your research
study without doing the correct process and methodology used in the analysis and
interpretation of your data gathered. In other words, data analysis, interpretation and
implications are needed. It is as important to a researcher like you as it is important
for a doctor to cure the sickness of the patient before giving him any treatment and
medicines. Data analysis help the researcher to come up to a valid and concrete
This module will guide you on how to do the interpretation of data and
descriptive data analysis method. It contains some activities that can help you enhance
your knowledge and skill in data analysis and interpretation and implication. You can
improve your hidden skills in this area. You can make it.
At the end of this module you are expected to learn the following:
⮚ Interpretation of Data
⮚ Descriptive Data Analysis Method
How to learn from this module?
Term Definiti
What I Know
What is Research
Ordinal Scale: exclusive categories that are exclusive and exhaustive but
with a logical order. Quality ratings and agreement ratings are
examples of ordinal scales (i.e., good, very good, fair, etc., or agree, strongly
agree, disagree, etc.).
As you can see in the above examples, there is a numerical value assigned to
each are and this is known as quantitative data.
Descriptive statistics are most helpful when the research is limited to the sample
and does not need to be generalized to a larger population.
For example, if you are comparing the percentage of adults vaccinated in four
different barangays, then descriptive statistics is enough.
Since descriptive analysis is mostly used for analyzing single variable, it is often
called univariate analysis.
The importance of data interpretation is evident and this is why it needs to be done
correctly. Data is very likely to arrive from multiple sources and tends to enter the
analysis process with tapsy turvy ordering. Data analysis tends to be extremely
subjective. While there are several different types of processes that are implemented
based on individual data nature, the two broadest and most common categories are
“quantitative analysis” and “qualitative analysis”.
Think: Ponder about your data from various point of views, and what it
means for various respondents.
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents by Age
Age Frequen Perce
cy nt
21 – 30 yrs. 170 45.33
31 – 40 yrs 90 24.00
41 – 50 yrs. 80 21.33
51 – 60 yrs. 35 9.33
Total 375 100
Table 2 reveals that almost 45.33 percent of the respondents are in the age
bracket of 21- 30 years old compared to only 9.3 percent in ages 51 – 61 years old and
above and 21.33 percent belonged to the 31- 40 age range.
This age profile is important as it also reflects the current age demographic for
the Filipinos according to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). There is a much
younger age cohort of teachers entering the workforce.
There is a much younger cohort who has the capacity to purchase product and
Table 2
Distribution of Respondents by Sex
Sex Frequen Percent
Male 230 61.33
Table 2 shows that 61.33 percent of the respondents are female compared to
38.67 percent males. This is representative of the current gender distribution of the
population in the Philippines.
According to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in 2015 of the total
population in the Philippines, 50.40% are males and the rest are females.
This gender distribution is common among most countries where male
becomes more in population than female (Skelton, 2012).
STOP! Now it`s your turn to answer the following questions below �
Table 3
Distribution of Respondents by Age
Age Frequen Perce
cy nt
21 – 30 yrs. 38 42.22
31 – 40 yrs 21 23.33
41 – 50 yrs. 18 20
51 – 60 yrs. 13 14.44
Total 90 100
Activity 1
Suppose you want to sell your product to of one of the school canteen of El
Salvador city thus you conducted study to one of the schools in El Salvador city
Misamis Oriental to determine the factors affecting consumer preferences of the
students ages 16 to 19 years old. The following data were given.
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents by Age
Age Frequen Perce
cy nt
16 yrs. old 370 45.12
Kindly write your interpretation, based on the data given in table 1. Remember
to write first the comparison and contrast of the data given, its implication to the study
and connect it with your review of related literature.
Activity 2
Table 2
Distribution of Respondents by Sex
Sex Frequen Percent
Male 430 52.43
Table 3
Distribution of Respondents by Daily Allowance
Daily Allowance Frequen
Below Php20 120 14.63
Kindly write your interpretation, based on the data given in table 3. Remember
to write first the comparison and contrast of the data given, its implication to the study
and connect it with your review of related literature.
1. b 6. a 11. d
2. b 7. b 12. d
3. a 8. b 13. d
4. c 9. c 14. a
5. b 10. b 15. c