Cloud-Based Web Application With NFC For Employee Attendance Management System

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The 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT2018)

Cloud-based Web Application with NFC for

Employee Attendance Management System

Sai Ba Oo∗ , Nang Hlaing Myat Oo† ,Suparat Chainan‡, Arpha Thongniam§ and Waralak Chongdarakul¶
School of Information Technology, Mae Fah Luang University
Chiang Rai, Thailand
Email: ∗, †, ‡,
§, ¶

Abstract—Efficient employee attendance management leads nologies for person identification i.e. Radio Frequency Identi-
any organizations to increase overall corporate performance and fication (RFID) and biometric technologies such as fingerprint
accomplish specific goals. Accurate employee attendance records recognition. The biometric system is employed to validate the
are importantly used to control working discipline and increase person authorization. However, there exist some limitations
worker’s productivity. Manual attendance-time checking makes of the biometric system. The fingerprint attendance system
increasingly the expense of time-consuming and paper work of the
has a problem of human physical contact. The fingerprint
companies. Human actions i.e. mistake at work, and fraudulent
time keeping are additional hidden expenses which affect the sensor usually touched by a lot of people may cause some
productivity of the organization. Variation of the attendance disease infects. Dryness or dirty of the finger skin probably
policies set up in different companies make more complicated in make inaccuracy of the matching results. The image captured
evaluation of employee working hours. Hence, automated time- of finger demands a large memory space so that the system
attendance management system is the key operational variables has slow running time when the volume of employee data
for enhancing the performance, and profitability. The attendance highly grows. The memory device used to store employee data
management system captures time-attendance data and serves in many separate locations make the data management more
the management of the employee working hour records. However, complicated. Additionally, the cost of the fingerprint system
some existing time attendance systems have limitations in terms of is relatively expensive. Several attendance monitoring systems
identification speed, cost of system devices, real-time attendance
monitoring, and flexibility of database storage size. In this paper,
using fingerprint technology were proposed in [3], [4].
we introduce a cloud-based employee attendance management
On the other hand, the contactless attendance checking
system using NFC technology. The proposed application provides
several important operations such as captured attendance records device i.e. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near
using NFC, automatic time calculation, leave and overtime check- Field Communication (NFC) technology give more efficiency
ing, working hours evaluation, real-time updated information of flexible data integration, and more efficient cost in commer-
access, and generating reports. The proposed system also offers cial and industrial use. NFC is newer version type of RFID
online portal which allows multiple company user accounts, which is currently integrated with mobile devices in two way
requires no special software to install, and provides more flexible communication between NFC tags and reader. RFID itself
data storage. The evaluation of user satisfaction shows that our is mainly used in identification and tracking applications i.e.
proposed system is practically used and satisfied. inventory, package tracking, highway toll gate, baggage load
Keywords: employee attendance; time attendance manage- control, while NFC is used for more sophisticated and data
ment system; NFC; cloud computing. secure transaction i.e. person identification, payment system,
or other contactless access control. NFC is also embedded in
smartphones to support the new trends of life styles such as
I. I NTRODUCTION buying tickets, access the room lock, parking, check-in at the
Recently, most companies or organizations need the system airport, and business cards exchanges. The NFC and RFID
to record employee attendance. The accurate employees atten- applications and implementations were described in [5], [6],
dance data is very necessary for maintaining the employees [7].
supervision and discipline. Traditionally, the employee atten-
dance is manually used by the paper based attendance sheet. In Some other employee attendance systems using different
this manual system, manager of the company hardly manages technologies have been proposed. We compared them with
the employees updated information and evaluates their work- respect to the fundamental parameters related to attendance
ing hours and performance. In general, the supervisor adds checking environments. Three time attendance systems were
working hours by using the employee time card and fill in discussed as follows. Firstly, Cloud-TA Time and Attendance
the time sheet indicating number of working hours for each System [8] uses the fingerprint reader to capture the employee
week or each period time. This process spends inefficient time data and transmit the data to server through Internet commu-
consuming in attendance records calculation, employee time nication and also includes door lock control and data backup.
shifts management, every in/out time tracking, and high cost However, the system has some limitations of the identification
of the paper sheet [1], [2]. speed. For verifying a single fingerprint, it must check the
one with all other templates stored in the database server
To improve the employee attendance tracking, there are that is time consuming [9]. Secondly, First Time Attendance
various attendance management systems using current tech- Management [10] was designed for a small-size company

978-1-5386-0572-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 162

The 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT2018)

i.e. 10-20 employees. This application uses LAN-based and

USB storage to transfer employee attendance data from the
fingerprint scanner to the local server. It also allows manager
of the company to generate and view the time attendance
reports and manage employee information and their attendance
records, however this module cannot be accessed online.
Thirdly, the attendance system namely, UA300 system also
use the fingerprint matching biometric technique, but it does
not provide online service. Other related works using NFC and
RFID for the attendance tracking were presented in [11], [12].
The proposed system uses the concept of NFC to control the
attendance system wirelessly while maintaining the confiden- Fig. 1. Development plan of the proposed application
tial and security of the system. In the application [11], NFC is
implemented through RFID card. It uses a microcontroller to
store database, RFID tag to store the identification data, RFID system has been tested by the target users. Therefore, our
reader to transmit and receive data, and a Zip-Bee control system specification has been adjusted until meet the desired
wireless. requirements. The user satisfaction method is used to evaluate
our proposed system performance. The result shows that our
Since the employee and attendance information will be proposed system is practically used and satisfied.
more effective if employees and managers can access real
time from anywhere to manage and make a good decision [2]. II. METHODOLOGY
Moreover, all industries can benefit by using the attendance
system more flexibility and low cost in terms of hardware and In this paper, our proposed system has been developed
software infrastructure. Therefore, the cloud-based time and based on the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which
attendance tracking system comes to our attention. Recently, is the one of the popular software development method. For the
the cloud technology has been integrated with the employee customer satisfaction, the proposed application was evaluated
attendance system for more efficiency of data management with Expectancy Disconfirmation Model.
though the visualization technology [13]. The cloud based sys-
tem can be accessible through a web interface and all database A. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
can be stored on servers with more secure connection and The SDLC is a process used to produce a high-quality
regular backups. It also allows the data to be viewed, modified, software which meets the customer expectations within times
report and analyzed. The research [14] proposed a cloud-based and cost estimation. The development process of the proposed
time and attendance system which allows employees to login time-attendance management system is described in a series
and out over the web, enables employees and managers to of seven main phases consisting of planning, analysis, design
monitor time and compliance, schedule staff, and run reports. development, testing, implementation and maintenances as
The time and attendance system using several technologies i.e. follows.
Bluetooth, RFID, and NFC was proposed in [15].
1) Planning phase: The development of the proposed ap-
As motivated above, we develop cloud-based applica-
plication has been performed within 4 months as shown in the
tion using NFC technology for employee attendance tracking
timeframe of Figure 1. Since the purpose of our system is to
namely Time Attendance Management System (TAMS). Unlike
support the time attendance management of any organizations
other systems above, our application offers several stakeholder
and their employees, we established the survey to collect the
accounts. For commonly used in all level of employees, we
user requirements in the form of questionnaire. The result was
begin using NFC card for indicating each of them. To meet
concluded in Table II.
the user requirements, the proposed application consists of the
main features i.e. online access of employees and managers, User Requirement The end user’s needs and intended uses
capability of using the existing NFC card and scanners, no were gathered from several company managers and staffs as
limitation of employees, no limitation of data storing, and described in Table II. During requirement identification, we
generating reports. The main functions of our proposed sys- had taken into account two main system features consisting of
tem were compared with other time attendance management input and output specifications. The Input part of the system is
systems as shown in Table I. designed for the user registration, employee information man-
agement, and NFC tag data management. The output functions
enable generating various reports, setting up clock schedule,
and managing the company and employee data storage.
First time
System/Task Cloud-TA attendance UA 300 Our System
Functional Requirements The operation of the system
Online system Yes No No Yes for data manipulation and processing should include creating
Scan NFC card No No No Yes
Report Yes Yes Yes Yes and modifying the user accounts and enabling search options
No limitation Employee number Yes No No Yes of the employee details. Other specific functionalities should
Available login for employee Yes No No Yes
No Limitation of data storing Yes Yes No Yes accomplish creating shift and associate policies, assigning shift
to employees, tracking every employee’s in-out time .
To ensure that our proposed employee attendance man- Non-Functional Requirements The qualification aspects
agement system can be used effectively and practically, the of the system should be concerned such as performance

The 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT2018)


Topic Time Attendance Management System
Actors 1.Manager 2.Official Actors
Input Form Requirements
Company Manager
1) Register Form
and Employees
2) Add employee information form Company Manager
Scan(Insert) NFC mac address
3) Company Manager
into the system
Output Form Requirements
1) Summary of weekly/monthly/yearly Report Company Manager
2) Table form of time check in/out/total hours Company Manager
Personal information of Company Manager
company and employees and Employees
1.Able to create/delete user account
2.Able to edit/update user profile
3.Able to search employees’name , position
4.Able to request absence to work
5.Able to show table of check in/out,
daily total hours, employs information
6.Summary of report
1.Print summary of report
2.Forgot password
3.Log out automatically in 15 minutes
4.Help button

Fig. 2. Use case diagram of the proposed system.

requirements, security, or reliability. Based on the quality
requirement, our system should provide the feature of system
recovery and backup, automatically logging out after 15 min-
utes of none active use and the function to display help text,
tips, or suggestions.
2) Analysis phase: At this phase, our system functionalities
are defined. There are various main functions consisting of user
registration, user login authentication, real-time attendance
information view, company and its employee profiles man-
agement, attendance captures with NFC scanner, shift policy
assignment, automatically calculation of leave, late, overtime Fig. 3. Overview of the the proposed TMS architecture
from recording entries and exits, and generate reports.
A proper use case diagram describes a high-level overview ating weekly, monthly, and yearly reports.
of the relationship between the user and the different use cases Employee of the company: With attendance monitoring
to achieve the stated functions. The use case diagram in Figure module, an employee of any company can do the reg-
2 shows how the main components of the system interact istration and receive an NFC card with an identification
with the involved people consisting of the company manager, number. Every employee will use the NFC card to mark
employees, and system administrator. entering or leaving time stamps. They also login or out
Administrator: The administrator of the system is the to view their own attendance records, profiles as well as
highest level user. The administrator can manage user update their personal information.
accounts and profiles such as approved changes to basic
Since the proposed time attendance system is based on
employee information (duty hours, type of duty, alter-
cloud technology, all users can access the application through
native work schedules, name changes, etc.). The other
the internet communication. The overview of the system ar-
authorized users i.e. employee and manager are assigned
chitecture is described in Figure 3.
by the administrator to do some specific tasks in the sys-
tem. For the main features of the attendance management As mentioned earlier, the proposed system can be used in
system, the administrator can create and perform the time any companies or organizations to monitor their employees’
keeping management together with the NFC technology. working time with three user roles. When the employee scans
The personal identification numbers for each employee the NFC card, all details of the employee attendance i.e. ID,
is assigned and stored in the NFC card given to the photo, date, time-in and time-out is transmitted using NFC
employee of the company. communication modes. The employee’s identity is searched in
the database with the scanned data. The system then validates
Company Manager: Manager of any company can firstly the person information and marks the presence with the current
register then login or out to the system. The important data and time. The application can repeat the steps above
system features are provided for the manager i.e. creat- for all present employees. The process is briefly explained in
ing and assigning separate shifts for different types of Algorithm 1.
employees based on departments, defining the attendance
policies, tracking every employee in/out time, and gener- Since the proposed time management application is devel-

The 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT2018)

Algorithm 1 Time Attendance Checking Process

1: Add employee data of a company.
2: Assign ID NFC tag.
3: while Departure time is not enabled do
4: Read employee arrival time.
5: Update database with arrival time.
6: Display arrival time.
7: end while
8: if Departure time enabled then
9: Read employee departure time.
10: Update database with departure time.
11: Display departure time.
12: end if Fig. 5. Attendance record page
13: Calculate time elapsed.
14: Conduct attendance data analysis.

Fig. 6. Summary report page

Fig. 4. Home Page of the System

generated the relevant reports as shown in Figure 6. Hence our
proposed web-based application offers a wide range of reports
oped based on cloud computing, the data storage is built using to facilitate the managers to access real-time attendance data
the enterprise Microsoft SQL Server which provides the appli- such as time in, time out, overtime data, late entry, early exit).
cation and database services on cloud. Our system is developed The program also provides the list of reports with various
in the web-based application with user responsive interface filtering options i.e. summary report by Employee which
design which supports the web site to display the same content provides a daily total of the hours for a specific employee.
to all devices with different styles of the resolution screens. The attendance report can be produced in form of bar chart
Hence the users can access the application using any devices for the summary in weekly, monthly, and yearly as shown in
from any places. Figure 7.
3) Design Phase: In the design phase, the specific designs
4) Development phase: Based on the previous system
and workflows for our application to accomplish the user
design documents, the application development is divided in
requirements are identified. The proposed system features are
modules and the coding is actually started. This phase includes
described in the user interface design and application archi-
building, installation, configuration, testing, and finding defects
tecture. The user interface should make the user interaction
and error. Our program was written in PHP language since it
as simple and effective. To support our different types of
is the open sources which provides reasonable and customized
user i.e manager, employee, and administration, the proposed
server cost. For simple implementation and maintenance,
application shows individual system appearance for each type
we use Model-View-Control (MVC) framework and MySQL
of them after they login. Four pages to represent our important
database system allowing efficient code reuse and parallel
features are shown in Figures 4-7.
A. Home page: The first page of our web-based application
provides the main features for accessing to the system i.e. the
registration, login and logout, search, and the company contact
as shown in Figure 4.
B. Attendance Records Page: As shown in Figure 5, this
page is used to view the employee attendance records by all
users. It shows the time tracking of employee’s entry and exit
in daily routine work. The month drop-down can be chosen to
view the daily attendance listed in the duration of the selected
months. The individual employee attendance information can
also be searched and viewed in this page.
C. Employee Attendance Report: The employee atten-
dance data is valuable for the companies as the data can be Fig. 7. Chart of Summary report

The 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT2018)


needs of the company to correct bugs or security issues. During
the maintenance phase, the proposed application may include
No Question
programming updates, handling bugs and error, monitoring the
1 Clicking to other pages was easy. system performance, and adding increased functions.
2 Going back to home page from any page was easy.
3 Going to the default page from any page was easy.
4 The search at default page was effective. B. Expectancy Disconfirmation model
5 The site has workable links.
6 The site has no dead-end pages. An expectancy disconfirmation model focuses on the gap
7 Buttons word related to the destination page. between system performance and customer expectations. This
Organization standard approach refers to the evaluation of prior user ex-
1 The organization/structure of the site was understandable.
2 The organization/structure of the site is simple. pectations toward the observed performance of the proposed
Ease of use application. Therefore, the expectation and the outcome perfor-
1 Fast loading the sites pages. mance are two main parameters to be measured as the customer
2 Fast downloading excel file from the site.
3 Moving around the site was easy. satisfaction results. Recently, it becomes popular in other
Design scholarly domains such as information systems [17], [16],
1 The site was attractive. [18]. The evaluation of our system by using the expectancy
2 The images were appropriate.
3 The color were appropriate.
disconfirmation model is described in Section III-B.
4 The pages design was attractive.
5 The text size were easy to read.
6 The layout was consistent.
7 The layout was easy to learn.
In this section, we explain how to get the requirement,
1 The daily date and time were quick importing. collect the target user satisfaction from the survey and evaluate
2 The daily date and time have accurate importing. our system performance.
3 The daily date and time were up to date.
4 The information was accurate.
5 The late time and overtime was clearly presented. A. How to collect the user requirement
6 The information was clearly presented.
7 The reports are clear and understandable. To implement the proposed application, we have collected
8 The reports were adequate.
the employee attendance data from the target user in the com-
panies. The basic function associated with an Employee time
development. and attendance system consists of multiple work schedules,
attendance rules and policies, leave policies, overtime rules,
5) Testing phase: Software testing is investigated to present supervisory review on-line or paper-based requests, global time
stakeholders about the qualification of the software prod- entry and exit by timekeeper or department head, display on
uct [16]. To ensure our proposed system having correctness the time capturing device, shift schedule assignment, employee
and completeness, the software testing is performed by us- viewing of sick, leave, absences, and late statuses. For the
ing Expectancy Disconfirmation model to measure the user system and integration, the proposed system should support
satisfaction. The results to be considered include that the the existing NFC devices of an organization, flexible software
system should meet the owner requirement and satisfaction, and database infrastructures with cloud system, and available
and system improvement should satisfy the client desires after for multiple organization user accounts.
evaluation in terms of navigation, design, architecture and ease
of use. The model was represented in survey which contains B. Evaluation Results
the questions corresponding to the expected result evaluation.
The proposed application is evaluated in the form of
The survey with a Likert scale (5-point scale) questions questionnaire generated by the Expectancy Disconfirmation
is used to evaluate our proposed system performance. Our model. The questionnaires are collected by 22 respondents.
questionnaire ask the target users to give their quantitative The system should meet the client satisfaction in both of
value in five levels of agreement as follows. functional and non-functional requirements as shown in Table
level 5 = strongly agree III. The scores based on the questionnaire respondents are
level 4 = agree measured by the user satisfaction model as shown in Table
level 3 = uncertain IV.
level 2 = disagree
level 1 = strongly disagree IV. DISCUSSION
The questionnaire contains 5 parts consisting of Navi- In this paper, we propose the employee time attendance
gation, Organization, Ease of use, Design, and Content as management system (TAMS) web-based application. The pro-
described in Table III. posed system is introduced for facilitating the company to track
and monitor its employees working hours as it monitors late
6) Implementation phase: Once the proposed time atten-
arrivals, early departures, and time taken on breaks. It also
dance management system has been completed, we deploy the
provides the benefits of the accuracy of their payments as
entire database and the application code on the cloud server.
well as improving the employee productivity. The functionality
However some specific changes can be deployed in further.
of the proposed application was collected by the target users
7) Maintenance phase: After the application is in fully of several types of companies. The system performance was
operation, the software may need to address changes in the evaluated after development and deployment and the result

The 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT2018)



Questions Mean
Level of The study is conducted with the financial support and
education from Mae Fah Luang University. Moreover, the
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2. Going back to home page from any page was easy. 4.59 Satisfied Ltd., for giving consulting to the project.
3. Going to the default page
4.33 Satisfied
(Time attendance page) from any page was easy.
4. The search at default page (Time attendance page) was effective 4.14 Satisfied
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