Cloud-Based Web Application With NFC For Employee Attendance Management System
Cloud-Based Web Application With NFC For Employee Attendance Management System
Cloud-Based Web Application With NFC For Employee Attendance Management System
Sai Ba Oo∗ , Nang Hlaing Myat Oo† ,Suparat Chainan‡, Arpha Thongniam§ and Waralak Chongdarakul¶
School of Information Technology, Mae Fah Luang University
Chiang Rai, Thailand
Email: ∗, †, ‡,
§, ¶
Abstract—Efficient employee attendance management leads nologies for person identification i.e. Radio Frequency Identi-
any organizations to increase overall corporate performance and fication (RFID) and biometric technologies such as fingerprint
accomplish specific goals. Accurate employee attendance records recognition. The biometric system is employed to validate the
are importantly used to control working discipline and increase person authorization. However, there exist some limitations
worker’s productivity. Manual attendance-time checking makes of the biometric system. The fingerprint attendance system
increasingly the expense of time-consuming and paper work of the
has a problem of human physical contact. The fingerprint
companies. Human actions i.e. mistake at work, and fraudulent
time keeping are additional hidden expenses which affect the sensor usually touched by a lot of people may cause some
productivity of the organization. Variation of the attendance disease infects. Dryness or dirty of the finger skin probably
policies set up in different companies make more complicated in make inaccuracy of the matching results. The image captured
evaluation of employee working hours. Hence, automated time- of finger demands a large memory space so that the system
attendance management system is the key operational variables has slow running time when the volume of employee data
for enhancing the performance, and profitability. The attendance highly grows. The memory device used to store employee data
management system captures time-attendance data and serves in many separate locations make the data management more
the management of the employee working hour records. However, complicated. Additionally, the cost of the fingerprint system
some existing time attendance systems have limitations in terms of is relatively expensive. Several attendance monitoring systems
identification speed, cost of system devices, real-time attendance
monitoring, and flexibility of database storage size. In this paper,
using fingerprint technology were proposed in [3], [4].
we introduce a cloud-based employee attendance management
On the other hand, the contactless attendance checking
system using NFC technology. The proposed application provides
several important operations such as captured attendance records device i.e. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near
using NFC, automatic time calculation, leave and overtime check- Field Communication (NFC) technology give more efficiency
ing, working hours evaluation, real-time updated information of flexible data integration, and more efficient cost in commer-
access, and generating reports. The proposed system also offers cial and industrial use. NFC is newer version type of RFID
online portal which allows multiple company user accounts, which is currently integrated with mobile devices in two way
requires no special software to install, and provides more flexible communication between NFC tags and reader. RFID itself
data storage. The evaluation of user satisfaction shows that our is mainly used in identification and tracking applications i.e.
proposed system is practically used and satisfied. inventory, package tracking, highway toll gate, baggage load
Keywords: employee attendance; time attendance manage- control, while NFC is used for more sophisticated and data
ment system; NFC; cloud computing. secure transaction i.e. person identification, payment system,
or other contactless access control. NFC is also embedded in
smartphones to support the new trends of life styles such as
I. I NTRODUCTION buying tickets, access the room lock, parking, check-in at the
Recently, most companies or organizations need the system airport, and business cards exchanges. The NFC and RFID
to record employee attendance. The accurate employees atten- applications and implementations were described in [5], [6],
dance data is very necessary for maintaining the employees [7].
supervision and discipline. Traditionally, the employee atten-
dance is manually used by the paper based attendance sheet. In Some other employee attendance systems using different
this manual system, manager of the company hardly manages technologies have been proposed. We compared them with
the employees updated information and evaluates their work- respect to the fundamental parameters related to attendance
ing hours and performance. In general, the supervisor adds checking environments. Three time attendance systems were
working hours by using the employee time card and fill in discussed as follows. Firstly, Cloud-TA Time and Attendance
the time sheet indicating number of working hours for each System [8] uses the fingerprint reader to capture the employee
week or each period time. This process spends inefficient time data and transmit the data to server through Internet commu-
consuming in attendance records calculation, employee time nication and also includes door lock control and data backup.
shifts management, every in/out time tracking, and high cost However, the system has some limitations of the identification
of the paper sheet [1], [2]. speed. For verifying a single fingerprint, it must check the
one with all other templates stored in the database server
To improve the employee attendance tracking, there are that is time consuming [9]. Secondly, First Time Attendance
various attendance management systems using current tech- Management [10] was designed for a small-size company
The 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT2018)
The 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT2018)
The 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT2018)
The 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT2018)
Questions Mean
Level of The study is conducted with the financial support and
education from Mae Fah Luang University. Moreover, the
1. Clicking to other pages was easy. 4.59 Satisfied researchers would like to appreciate the Summit Computer Co.
2. Going back to home page from any page was easy. 4.59 Satisfied Ltd., for giving consulting to the project.
3. Going to the default page
4.33 Satisfied
(Time attendance page) from any page was easy.
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