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Energy Procedia
Energy Procedia 00
(201709) 2–9
72nd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association, ATI2017, 6-8
72nd Conference of the ItalianSeptember
Thermal Machines Engineering
2017, Lecce, Italy Association, ATI2017, 6-8
September 2017, Lecce, Italy
Transient model of a Professional Oven
TheTransient model
15th International of a Professional
Symposium Oven
on District Heating and Cooling
F. Burlona,b,* a,b a b
a,b,*, E. Tiberia,b , D. Michelia , R. Furlanettob , M. Simonatob
F. Burlon the
, E.feasibility of using
Tiberi , D. Micheli , R.the heat demand-outdoor
Furlanetto , M. Simonato
University of Trieste - Department of Engineering and Architecture, Via Valerio 10, 34128 Trieste, Italy
ofResearch b
Trieste - Hub byfor
Electroluxlong-term district
and Architecture,
Professional, Viale Treviso Via heat
15, 33080 demand
10, 34128
The Research Hub by Electrolux Professional, Viale Treviso 15, 33080 Pordenone, Italy
Italy Italy forecast
1. Introduction
The current global environmental situation requires technical efforts for designing new systems and machines
capable to minimize the overall energy consumption. Professional kitchens, having an average energy demand
almost twice the amount used for domestic cooking, has a substantial energy saving potential. To meet the
increasing demand for more sustainable kitchen products, it is necessary to develop suitable design strategies, based
on theoretical models experimentally validated according to rigorous and significant test protocols on a prototype.
The models should take into account not only steady state operating conditions, but also the transient behaviours
of the device, which must be described with specially developed theoretical dynamic models. In fact, transitory
situations are very common and time consuming during the operating life of a professional cooking appliance: the
operating profile of an oven, for example, consists of a sequence of unsteady phases (cavity heating-up, food
introduction and extraction, switching from one cooking mode to another) interspersed with steady cooking steps.
To characterize the energy performances of the system it is necessary to identify and quantify the incoming and
outgoing energy flows from the device, including the evaluation of internal and external heat transfers during both
the transitory and the steady state phases. The scope of such an analysis is not only to do an energetic performance
evaluation of a particular appliance but, more generally, to give support to the design phase, the material selection,
the cooking phases evaluation and the control logic definition from the beginning.
The aim of this paper is the definition and validation of a model of a professional oven. Several studies dealing
with the modelling of an oven can be found in the open literature: they can be organized according to five possible
approaches, i.e. three or two dimensional CFD models, system modelling for control purposes, algebraic modelling
and applications of the lumped capacitance method, as briefly discussed in the following review.
The most accurate and detailed 3D-CFD approach is adopted in [1], [2], [3]. In [1] authors present a model of an
electric bread-baking oven, comparing the internal temperature profiles obtained with three radiation models.
In [2] the authors evaluate heat transfer and fluid flows inside a domestic gas oven. Reference [3] presents the
model of a pilot scale convection oven, used to study the reduction of the energy consuming pre-heating time. All
these models are validated by comparison with experimental data with fairly limited discrepancy, also at different
thermal levels and geometries of the internal baffle plate [3].
Other authors have analysed the thermal behaviour of an oven by means of 2D-CFD numerical models. In [4], an
electric static oven, used for bread baking, is analysed to calculate the heat exchanged with the product. Authors
present a comprehensive methodology for evaluating the heat fluxes around the test material, considering natural
convection, infrared radiation and conduction through a cement slab. Heat equations are solved on a cross section of
the cavity, for all components of the oven, with the finite element method, using a parametric solver. Numerical
results are in good agreement with heat flux measurements on the upper surface of a polymeric cylindrical sample.
The scope of the model was to test the influence on energy consumption of different operating conditions, obtained
lowering the cooking temperature, increasing the incident radiative heat flux and lowering the thermal capacity of
the oven.
Another approach, used in the designing of control systems, considers simple thermal models, able to describe
the temperature dynamics of an oven cavity. In [5], the authors present a set of mathematical models, which relate
the input power and the air temperature inside a forced convection oven, based on experimentally determined
transfer functions.
A modelling approach based on simple algebraic models is presented in [6]. The authors predict the heat transfer
to a load positioned in an electric oven, considering the contributions of natural convection and radiation. To allow
an analytical solution of the model equation, the radiative transfer term was linearized considering the temperature
differences between the oven walls and the surface of the thermal load, instead of being driven by the fourth-power.
The analysis takes into account changes of size, shape, materials, radiation surface properties and oven set point
temperatures, showing discrepancies of about 1% between predicted and experimental data.
Another approach, based on lumped capacitance method, is presented in [7]. The authors state that such an
approach, used for building energy simulation [8] with apparently good results, have never been used to model
ovens before. It simplifies the heat transfer equations by considering the system as a discrete set of thermal
capacitances and resistances, permitting to have good results in transient heating and cooling problems [7], [9].
In our investigation, we have developed a lumped capacitance model of a professional oven, characterized by the
interactions between two thermal zones, i.e. the power zone and the cooking zone (Fig. 1.b), and by the adoption of
a not linearized radiation heat transfer approach. As a whole, the main features of this model are:
the analysis of the energy exchange between the two zones of the oven;
the modelling of external energy exchange, taking into account the temperature outside the glass door;
it considers all the heat exchange mechanisms (radiation, forced convection due to the fan and conduction);
the number of nodes inside the material is customizable, to evaluate the impact of layers of different insulation
materials on the oven efficiency;
it can be easily modified for evaluating new designs with low computational resources.
The oven used for the analysis is an Electrolux AoS Touchline 10 GN 1/1 lengthwise. It has an internal cavity
with a volume of 0.335 m3 and a capacity of 10 GN 1/1 trays. It can operate in three modalities: forced convection,
steam, combined convection and steam. The declared power (for power supply at 400V, \ AC 3N 50Hz) is 17 kW in
forced convection and in steam cooking modes (using the resistors in the boiler) and other 0.5 kW absorbed by
auxiliaries [10]. The oven cavity is composed of two adjoining sections: the rear part, or power zone, occupied by
the fan and the heat exchanger elements, and the cooking zone (Figure 1.b). The suction wall, that separates the two
zones, has two functions: guiding the air flow to the fan and directing the heated air into the cooking zone [10]. The
power zone has the following dimensions: height = 0.76 m, width = 0.65 m, length = 0.2 m, while the cooking zone
has height = 0.76 m, width = 0.65 m and length = 0.48 m.
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Suction wall
Power ZONE 2
zone Cooking
Fig. 1. (a) Electrolux AoS Touchline 10 GN 1/1; (b) Scheme of Electrolux AoS Touchline 10 GN 1/1.
Aim of the model is the evaluation of the energy performance of the oven during transient and steady state
operations. The numerical model considers two zones, which contain only dry air and oven accessories (fan, trays,
etc.); these have a high impact on the thermal inertia of the system. The presence of the food is not considered. All
the components are modeled with the lumped capacitance method, so they interact as lumped elements of an electric
circuit: the potential nodes refer to the temperature of each element, a set of capacitors reproduce the thermal
capacity while electric resistances are used to indicate the convective, radiative or conductive thermal interaction
between the elements. The model considers the two zones of the professional oven separately, as previously
described: the power zone (hereinafter indicated with the subscript P) and the cooking zone (hereinafter indicated
with the subscript C). Spatial discretization is considered for the walls (hereinafter indicated with the subscript
for the i-th wall), divided in one dimensional isothermal layers. The layers are numbered starting from the external
one (indicated with the subscript ) to the internal superficial one (indicated with the subscript ), see Fig.3a.
The total number of walls in each zone is indicated with N.
The logical scheme of the power zone is shown in Fig.2. This zone is bounded by five continuous walls and
interfaced with the cooking zone through the suction wall, Fig.1.b.
The power zone is characterized by the presence of the heaters (electric resistor); they are modeled with two
nodes (one internal and one external) due to the resistor high thermal inertia. The thermal power, , is generated
only inside the volume of the inner node. The external node interacts both with the air through convection and with
the walls through radiative heat transfer. The presence of the fan and other accessories is considered in the thermal
6 F. Burlon et al. / Energy Procedia 126 (201709) 2–9
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mass node (indicated with the subscript mP). The fan is responsible of the enthalpy flux exchange between the
power and the cooking zones, . The corresponding energy balance equations for every node are
given below (Eqs.1-5).
In Eq.5, the subscript j indicates a wall different from the ith one.
The logical scheme of the cooking zone is shown in Fig.3b. This zone has the same number of bounding walls of
the power zone, but it is characterized by the presence of the door, which is composed by two glasses with an air gap
between them. The door is modeled with two nodes: the internal node (subscript ) and the outer node (subscript
). The internal node interacts with the cooking zone by convection (the radiation with the walls is neglected since
the door is made with a low-emission glass) and with the outer node by means of an overall thermal resistance,
indicated in the figure as . Furthermore, the area of inner glass is equal to the area of the outer glass, .
Figure 3. a) Functional scheme of a composite wall; b) functional scheme of the cooking zone of the oven.
The corresponding energy balance equations for every node are given below (Eqs.6-12).
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Radiation has a big impact in the heat transfer process in a professional oven, in particular in the power zone
where the resistor radiates with high temperature difference towards the walls and the other elements. In building
energy simulation, but also in the case of ovens analysis [6], radiation is usually modeled with the linearization
theory. With such an approach, a coefficient of radiative heat transfer multiplies the temperature difference between
two surfaces, so that the radiation term becomes linear, but some assumptions are required to estimate the
coefficient itself, which depends on several factors (geometry, temperatures, etc.). In building simulation, the
geometry is simple and temperature differences are quite low thus, the linear model is sufficient to have a good
evaluation of radiative heat transfer. In the present case, due to both the complex geometry of the oven and the high
temperatures, the linear model is not taken into account. The radiation heat transfer is here modeled directly with an
explicit scheme, without linearization and with the evaluation of the view factors between the resistor and the walls.
For the last purpose, it has been used a MATLAB© script developed by [11]: it is a function that uses CDIF
(Contour Double Integral Formula) to calculate view factors between planar surfaces (polygons). Consequently, the
main assumption of the model is that the resistor is seen by each surface as a plane surface. The heat transmitted by
radiation is then calculated with the approach called the net radiation method for encloses. A formal explanation of
this theory is presented in [12] and correspond to Eq. 13:
where i has the value 1,2,...N for each surface. Temperatures at the time step n-1 are used to calculate the radiative
heat exchanged at the time step n (explicit scheme). Air is considered transparent to radiation.
The following four parameters are selected as tuning parameters for setting up the model:
- the averaged convective coefficient between air and walls: ;
- the averaged convective coefficient between air and thermal resistance, multiplied by resistor surface:
- the averaged convective coefficient between air and thermal masses, multiplied by the interface area:
A tuning procedure based on the trial and error method has been used for setting up the four parameters. A
comparison between numerical and experimental data was made analysing the slope of the transitory state (initial
heating up phase), see Fig. 4 and of the ramp up and ramp down in steady state phases, see Fig. 5. In order to check
the physical meaning of the parameters, for two of them ( and ) it was possible to compare the
results with those obtained with theoretical correlations. The average convective coefficient between air and walls is
calculated through the averaged Nusselt number obtained with the heat transfer correlation, valid for isothermal flat
plates, defined by Eq. 14 [13]:
ReL is calculated with a velocity of 10 m/s, obtained from known CFD values, and a characteristic length of the
walls L = 0.7 m. The averaged convective coefficient between air and heaters was compared with a heat transfer
correlation used for the crossflow across tube banks [13]. The averaged Nusselt number is given by Eq. 15:
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where the coefficients, which depend on the geometry of the tubes, have been assumed equal to C2 = 0.76, C = 0.4,
m = 0.6 [13]. Also in this case the mean velocity, 15 m/s, is a result of known CFD analysis for this type of
professional oven, while the heaters diameter D = 0.006 m is considered as characteristic length. For the other two
parameters ( and ) no theoretical considerations can be made. The following Tab. 1 presents the
values of the parameters obtained with the tuning procedure.
The correlation values are different from the tuning ones: in fact the heat transfer correlations are valid for
heaters tubes in perfect crossflow and fluid flow parallel to the surface, while in the oven these conditions are only
partly satisfied. Moreover the differences are due also to the use of the averaged value of velocity.
The control logics used in the model is on/off for the resistor power, with a fixed set point, and a deadband for
the activations of the heating power, based on the power zone temperature. With the chosen values of the tuning
parameters the model shows a good agreement with the experimental data as shown in the following Figs. 4 and 5.
Figure 4: Comparison between numerical and experimental temperature Figure 5: Comparison between numerical and experimental
profiles in the cooking cavity (transient state). temperature profiles in the cooking cavity (steady state).
With the present model, it is therefore possible to face the challenging task of studying the thermodynamic of a
professional oven, which has to ensure high productivity with high quality.
Advanced control strategies can also be developed, to increase the performance of the device according to several
parameters, i.e. the monitored temperature of a sample inside the cavity, or the energy exchanged with it. Figs. 6 and
7 present some preliminary numerical results. In the first, heaters temperature and activation times are reported
together with the air temperatures in the two oven zones. In the second, the radiation heat transfer exchanged by the
heathers is shown: it is clear how radiation influences the transient state, while during steady state it has a lower
impact, since the temperature difference between the heaters and the surrounding components is lower.
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Figure 6: Numerical results: temperature and power diagrams. Figure 7: Numerical results: radiative heat from the heaters.
In this article, a numerical model of a professional oven has been presented. This model is based on the lumped
capacitance method, that has demonstrated the capability of predicting the thermodynamic performances of the oven
with low computational efforts compared to other numerical techniques (i.e. CFD). The oven presents two distinct
zones: the power zone and the cooking cavity. The model is capable of predicting the thermodynamic behavior of
both the zones and it permits to evaluate the overall energy performances of the device. The oven works mainly in
forced convection so it was required an estimation of the convection parameters with a tuning procedure to find their
averaged value. The contribution of radiation heat transfer has also been modeled with a quite accurate approach
based on the so-called net radiation method for encloses.
The results have been compared with a set of experimental data showing a good agreement in both the transitory
and the stationary operating phases. The last part of the article presents the capabilities of the model to predict in
detail the thermodynamic performances of the oven in given operating conditions. Future work will focus on the
following activities:
- comparison with more experimental data at different cooking modes;
- an optimization study to find correlations of the tuning coefficients according to different operating conditions;
- introduction of the hygrometric balance in a combined oven (presence of steam produced by a dedicated boiler);
- simulation of the food thermodynamic behavior inside the oven.
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