Transmission Line Faults and Methods of Analysis: Dept. of Electrical Engg., MGI-COET, Shegaon
Transmission Line Faults and Methods of Analysis: Dept. of Electrical Engg., MGI-COET, Shegaon
Transmission Line Faults and Methods of Analysis: Dept. of Electrical Engg., MGI-COET, Shegaon
The electrical power system normally operates in a balanced three-phase sinusoidal steady-state mode.
However, there are certain situations that can cause unbalanced operations. The most severe of these
would be a fault or short circuit. Examples may include a tree in contact with a conductor, a lightning
strike, or downed power line.
The occurrence of faults in a transmission line is uncertain. There are various reasons of fault. A
contact between two or more lines causing short circuit or one or more lines coming in contact with
ground in three Phase systems are some of the reasons [1]. Lightning ionizing the air, flashovers, birds
striking the transmission lines, deformation of insulators leading short circuits, are also responsible
[2].Whatever may be the reason, once a fault occurs, the protection relays of the system gets tripped
resulting system breakdown . A fault has to be identified and classified before the tripping of relays, so as
to understand the reason for breakdown. Thus fault detection and classification becomes a very vital task.
Many methods are proposed for determination of faults and their classification in three phase transmission
lines. Conventional methods used fuzzy logics [3] and ANN (Advanced Neural Networks) [4] for this
purpose. The main drawback of neural networks methods is that for good performance, it requires a
considerable amount of training effort. This condition becomes critical under a wide variation of operating
conditions such as system loading level, fault resistance, source impedance, etc. Also in neural networks,
the training may not converge in some cases, due to random selection of starting point [5]-[6].Thus we
need another better method and that is where wavelet transforms come into play. When compared to the
results obtained by using ANN, it was found that wavelet transform proves far better. Continuous wavelet
transforms (CWT) and discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) are two broad categories of wavelet transforms
based on which many novel methods are proposed by different researchers. The transients occurring due
to fault can be analyzed by using both these wavelet transform types. The challenging task is analysis of
these transients. The most prominent faults occurring in transmission lines are of four types. 1) Single
phase to ground fault(L-G) 2) Line to line fault(L-L) 3) Double line to ground fault(D-L-G) 4) Three
phase short circuit fault(L-L-L). Where we name the three phases as A, B, C respectively and ground as G.
These faults are further classified by making subsequent sets, into total eleven faults. [7] In this paper we
compare various methods of fault detection and classifications by using wavelet transforms. Some
methods use continuous wavelet transforms (CWT) [8] while there are many methods which use discrete
wavelet transforms (DWT) [1- 2][9-10].Some methods use the combination of ANN(advanced neural
networks) and discrete wavelet transforms [11]. We do a comparative analysis of these methods on the
basis of faults type to give a conclusion about the best type of wavelet transform for fault detection and
Power system is classified into power generation, transmission and distribution. Transmission
network is considered to be one of the vital parts of power system, as it connects the supply and the
demand. The loss in transmission and distribution network is considered to be very high, compared to
other parts of power system. Currently, the electric power infrastructure is highly vulnerable against many
forms of natural and malicious physical events, which can adversely affect the overall performance and
stability of the grid. The fault in the transmission network obstruct the supply of power to the consumer.
Hence the transmission network fault identification and clearance should be very fast. Additionally, there
is an impending need to equip the age old transmission line infrastructure with a high performance data
communication network that supports future operational requirements like real time monitoring and
control necessary for smart grid integration. Many electric power transmission companies have primarily
relied on circuit indicators to detect faulty sections of their transmission lines. Even though the sensors,
breakers and other communication line is used the system look bulkier costly and time consuming one for
fault location and clearance. However there are still challenges in detecting the exact location of these
faults. Although fault indicator technology has provided a reliable means to locate permanent faults, the
present scenario in identification of fault is very tedious and time consuming as the technical crew and
patrol teams still has to physically patrol and inspect the devices for longer hours to detect faulty sections
of their transmission lines and then have to clear the fault, which requires a more human effort in
identifying the fault location and clearing the fault. Wireless sensor based monitoring of transmission lines
provides a solution for several of these concerns like real time structural awareness, faster fault
localization, accurate fault diagnosis by identification and differentiation of electrical faults from the
mechanical faults, cost reduction due to condition based maintenance rather than periodic maintenance,
etc.. These applications specify stringent requirements such as fast delivery of enormous amount of highly
reliable data. The success of these applications depends on the design of cost effective and reliable
network architecture with a fast response time. The network must be able to transport sensitive data such
as current state of the transmission line and control information to and from the transmission grid. This
paper provides a cost optimized framework to design a real time data transmission network. To monitor
the status of the power system in real time, sensors are put in various components in the power network.
These sensors are capable of taking fine grained measurements of a variety of physical or electrical
parameters and generate a lot of information. Delivering this information to the control center in a cost
efficient and timely manner is a critical challenge to be addressed in order to build an intelligent smart
grid. Network design is a critical aspect of sensor-based transmission line monitoring due to the large
scale, vast terrain, uncommon topology, and critical timing requirements. Mechanical faults, cost
reduction due to condition base maintenance rather than periodic maintenance, etc. The use of sensor
networks has been proposed for several applications like mechanical state processing and dynamic
transmission line rating applications. To monitor the status of the power system in real time, sensors are
put in various components in the power network. The hierarchical model proposed in, offers a very
expensive solution with the idea of deploying cellular transceivers on every tower. While such a network
can provide extremely low latency data transmission, this model is highly cost inefficient as it incurs huge
installation and subscription costs.
When fault occurred, the insulating path and conducting path get affected which causes the short
circuit and open circuit of conductor. During ideal operating condition, the power system equipment
operated at normal voltage and current rating. But in faulty condition, the voltage and current values are
swing from their reference value. Normally our power system is protected by switch-gear and protection
equipments like relays, circuit breaker, fuses to reduce the losses of service due to the electrical failure
after the occurrence of faults.
The method of symmetrical components provides a tool to study systems with unbalanced phasors.
• Developed by Charles Fortescue in 1913, who presented a paper entitled’ “Method of Symmetrical
Co-ordinates Applied to the Solution of Polyphase Networks.”3
• The method simplifies circuit analysis of a three-phase mutually coupled circuit by transforming it
into 3 single phase circuits with no mutual coupling.
Internet of things (IoT) is a system where devices, sensors, and equipment are connected to a
network and can communicate data for tracking, analysis, and action processes. Even though IoT has
drawn increasing attention, and become a promising technology in many areas within half a decade, it has
some serious challenges to handle fault in IoT system too. The main objective of this systematic literature
review (SLR) is to summarise the current state of the art of fault analysis in the IoT. After applying
inclusion and exclusion selection criteria, this systematic literature review includes 68 papers published
between January 2012 and April 2017, 15 papers addressed different aspects of IoT fault, 37 addressed
recovery methods for IoT-fault, and 28 research papers including three review-based papers addressed
IoT-issues and challenges in fault handling. The findings of this SLR further provide empirical evidence
for establishing future IoT-related faults' research agendas.
Ing. Komiagbesi ,f elixattu quayeo kai. (1 jan 2016) Smart GSM based fault detection and location
system was used to adequately and accurately indicate & locatethe exact spot where fault had occurred.
Chandra shekar p. (may 2014) We can detect the multiple fault of three phase transmission line one
can monitor the temperature, voltage current by means of GSM modem by sending message.
Prof.M.S. sujatha, Dr M.vijaykumar. (30 nov 2011) A powerful GSM networking is designed to
send data from a network to other network.any change is parameters of transmission is sensed to protect
the entire transmission &distribution.
Sushil Chavhan, Vaibhav Barsagade, Abhijit Dutta, Shubhangi Thakre. (5 march 2015) In the
proposed concept power line is divided by WNS (wireless sensor network) nodes that could sense the
faulty condition in power line, display to operator as well as send SMS through GSM modem to service
Bhanuprakash .M .E1, Arun. C2, Akhil Satheesh3 (march 2017) This project mainly focuses on the
section of power line that connects the transformer with customers.. This is done by placing individual
units on certain points of the power line which consists of set of voltage and current sensors. Using sensor
values, the system checks whether there is any fault is present on the line or not.
Nareshkumar, Member, IEEE, M. A. Choudhry, Senior Member, IEEE, J. Lai, A. Feliachi, This
paper presents amulti-agent system model for fault detection and reconfiguration based on graph theory
and mathematical programming.
The per-unit System In many engineering situations it is useful to scale, or normalize, dimensioned quantities.
This is commonly done in power system analysis. The standard method used is referred to as the per unit system.
Historically, this was done to simplify numerical calculations that were made by hand. Although this advantage is
eliminated by the calculator, other advantages remain. • Device parameters tend to fall into a relatively narrow
range, making erroneous values conspicuous. • Using this method all quantities are expressed as ratios of some
base value or values. • The per-unit equivalent impedance of any transformer is the same when referred to either
the primary or the secondary side. • The per-unit impedance of a transformer in a three-phase system is the same
regardless of the type of winding connections (wye-delta, delta-wye, wye-wye, or delta-delta). • The per-unit
method is independent of voltage changes and phase shifts through transformers where the base voltages in the
winding are proportional to the number of turns in the windings.
The base value always has the same units as the actual value, forcing the per-unit value to be dimensionless. The
base value is always a real number, whereas the actual value may be complex. The subscript pu will indicate a
per-unit value. The subscript base will indicate a base value, and no subscript will indicate an actual value such as
Amperes, Ohms, or Volts. The first step in using per-unit is to select the base(s) for the system. Sbase = power
base, in VA. Although in principle Sbase may be selected arbitrarily, in practice it is typically chosen to be 100
Symmetrical Components Systems The electrical power system operates in a balanced three-phase sinusoidal
operation. When a tree contacts a line, a lightning bolt strikes a conductor or two conductors swing into each other
we call this a fault, or a fault on the line. When this occurs the system goes from a balanced condition to an
unbalanced condition. In order to properly set the protective relays, it is necessary to calculate currents and
voltages in the system under such unbalanced operating conditions. 13 In Dr. C. L. Fortescue’s paper he described
how symmetrical components can transform an unbalanced condition into symmetrical components, compute the
system response by straight forward circuit analysis on simple circuit models, and transform the results back into
original phase variables. When a short circuit fault occurs the result can be a set of unbalanced voltages and
currents. The theory of symmetrical components resolves any set of unbalanced voltages or currents into three sets
of symmetrical balanced phasors. These are known as positive, negative and zero sequence components. Fig. 7.1
shows balanced and unbalanced systems
Symmetrical components are used extensively for fault study calculations. In these calculations the positive,
negative and zero sequence impedance networks are either given by the manufacturer or are calculated by the user
using base voltages and base power for their system. Each of the sequence networks are then connected together
in various ways to calculate fault currents and voltages depending upon the type of fault.
Faults are classified into two parts, Active and Passive Fault.
1]Active Fault: When current passing from one phase to another phase or phase to ground is
known as Active fault. This fault must be cleared as quickly as possible otherwise its damages to
the conductor or line or the equipment.
2] Passive Fault: Passive faults are stressing the system beyond its design and long duration
fault which ultimately results in active fault.
Examples are:
Overloading – When load increased its results in voltage increased and insulation is
overheating. Overvoltage – Voltage is increased to its rated voltage and stressed to the
Under frequency – Frequency goes below to its rated frequency it results in plant to
behave incorrectly. Power swings – generators outage and loss of synchronism.
Symmetrical Fault: In such types of faults all the phases are short-circuited to each other and
often to earth. Such fault is balanced so that the systems remain symmetrical, or the lines are
displaced by an equal angle i.e.120 in three phase line. It is most severe type of fault involving
largest current, but it rarely occurs. Balanced short circuit calculations are performed to
determine the large currents.
Asymmetrical Fault: Asymmetrical faults involve only one or two phases. In asymmetrical faults
the three phase lines become unbalanced. Such types of faults occur between line to ground or
between phase to ground, whereas asymmetrical shunt fault is an unbalanced in the line
impedances. An asymmetrical fault has a dc offset, transient in nature and unbalanced fault.
A 440 V , 3 supply given through MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) after that will converted
into pulsating DC using rectifying circuit consists of capacitor, resistor and diode which will
reduce the voltage according to input per phase voltage. When we generate fault on HV side
there is change in per phase voltage value and that voltages will be compare in LM358
comparator. LM358 comparator consists of 4 amplifier, three amplifier compare the per
phase value of voltage with reference voltage and output of these three amplifiers given to the
fourth amplifier that will also compare the voltage with reference voltage with respect to input.
The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit(chip) used in a variety of timer, pulse generator and
oscillation applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator and as a
flip-flop element. Derivatives provide up to four timing circuits in one package. The IC 555
drives the SPDT relay and make the circuit closed due t which contactor auxiliary coil get
energized and trip the contactor and disconnect lamp load. As fault switch OFF, there is no
trigger for IC 555 but IC 555 circuit gives output for some time according to biasing component
i.e. R and C this will allow to clear remaining fault. After some time contactor gets closed and
lamp load is turned ON. This mechanism helps to make system stable and protect from damage.
Wide Supply Ranges:
Single Supply: 3 V to 32 V (26V for
LM 2904) Dual Supplies: +1.5 V to +
16 V
Low Supply: Current Drain, independent of supply voltage 0.7
mA typical Wide Unity Gain Bandwidth: 0.7 MHz
The LM358 is a low power dual operational amplifier integrated circuit originally introduced by National
Semiconductor. It is used in detector circuits. The abbreviation LM358 indicates an 8-pin integrated
circuit, comprising two operational amplifiers at low power. The LM358 is designed for general use as
amplifiers, high-pass filters and low, band pass filters and analog adders.
due to the large scale, vast terrain, uncommon topology, and critical timing requirements. Mechanical
faults, cost reduction due to condition based maintenance rather than periodic maintenance, etc. The use
of sensor networks has been proposed for several applications like mechanical state processing and
dynamic transmission line rating applications. To monitor the status of the power system in real time,
sensors are put in various components in the power network. The hierarchical model proposed in, offers a
very expensive solution with the idea of deploying cellular transceivers on every tower. While such a
network can provide extremely low latency data transmission, this model is highly cost inefficient as it
incurs huge installation and subscription costs.
The proposed system identifies the fault and displays the fault location on the LCD screen and
sends the data within fraction of seconds through IoT to the web page. This helps the operators to
locate the fault precisely and send the service man to clear the fault and restore the power system
back into service. The data for every phase can also be recorded for every second and can be
used for data sampling, behaviours of the transmission network for various load flow studies can
be analysed.
IoT based transmission line fault monitoring system is proposed. The transmission line prototype
is modelled. The resistance of typical transmission line for 1Km is about 500Ω. Hence for
modelling 1KΩ resistor is used for every 2Kms of transmission line. Fault in the transmission
line is manually introduced for the purpose of demonstration. The short circuit fault at a
particular distance in the transmission line is located using ohms law. The system uses Arduino
to analyses distance of fault occurrence with the help of software developed, which works on
analyzing the voltage drop in the transmission line. The fault location is transmitted to the
control center using Wi-Fi module. The benefits of this system are
➢ Reduces the time to locate the fault in the field
➢ Fast repair to revive back the power system
➢ Improves the performance of the system
➢ Reduces the operating expense
3.3 Fault Detection and Classification in Power Transmission Lines Based on Transient Signal
Analysis: A Review of Different Methodologies
The frequency analysis range at which Wavelet Transform can offer a better compromise
in terms of localization governs the size of analysis window. This becomes main advantage of
Wavelet Transform [12]. The Wavelet Transform is feasible and practical for analyzing power
system transients and disturbances. We simulate each fault condition by using different
simulators like PSCAD/EMTDC [13], ATP/EMTP [14], MATLAB/SIMULINK [1]
andSVM [15] which is followed by rigorous transform analysis of these transient signals
which we get due to the occurrence of this fault. We then summarize our results for each type
of fault.
We find that the results obtained in [2] clearly indicate that DWT computation followed by
energy estimation of transients is not a much reliable method for particularly B-G fault. The best
method for this purpose is the one with DWT computation and use of SVM [9].
Line to line fault is a kind of fault that can occur in between any two phases thus it can be of
types A- B fault, B-C fault, A-C fault [7]. As same as in the case of L-G fault, for algorithm
using CWT we select the simulation case corresponding to phase to phase fault. We can take
fault between any two phases. The results are then studied. Unlike the L-G fault case, here we
find that, as the distance at which fault occurs increases the percentage of error decreases in
both the cases. It can be clearly seen that the percentage error in case of Mexican hat wavelet
transform is low as compared to that of the coif let method. Hence Mexican hat method is more
useful in case of L-L fault [8].
different algorithms [1]-[2] [9]-[10]. In all of them transient analysis is done by using DWT. We
find that out of various algorithms used, the method of data reduction described in [1] appears to
be best suitable for this kind of fault detection and classification.
These faults cannot be detected and classified by using CWT. For these types of faults
detection we have to rely only on methods using DWT. We also find that as indicated in [10]
DWT analysis along with energy estimation is not very accurate method for this kind of fault.
The method with DWT and SVM analysis as indicated in [9] is the most accurate method out of
all available methods for such kind of fault analysis.
Similar to above two cases of L-G and L-L, for L-L-L fault we select the simulation case
with phase-
„A‟ to phase -„B‟ to phase -„C‟ fault. The results are compared. In CWT approach, unlike the
L-G fault case, here we find that, as the distance at which fault occurs increases the percentage
of error decreases in both the cases. It can be clearly seen that the percentage error in case of
Mexican hat wavelet transform is low as compared to that of the coif let method. Hence
Mexican hat method is more useful in case of L-L-L FAULT [8].
When we simulate this fault using DWT analysis, we find all the proposed methods are
very good for this fault detection and classification. Still the best preferred ones are the
methods described
Fault CWT
Type Mexican Hat Coif let DWT
More accurate than Highest accuracy using all the
Higher accuracy Mexican hat available algorithms
L-G than conventional method
ANN method
From the comparison of the discussed methods we find that though Mexican hat wavelet
based method is best for the analysis of L-L-L fault, DL-G fault cannot be identified by it. The
method involving DWT along with the SVM gives lesser efficiency of L-L-L fault
identification; still it gives very high accuracy for other types of fault. Thus we conclude that
this method is most appropriate one for transmission line fault detection and classification. In
future scope we can say that the methods suggested can be also extended for localization of
When fault occurred, the insulating path and conducting path get affected which
causes the short circuit and open circuit of conductor. During ideal operating condition, the
power system equipment operated at norvoltage and current rating. But in faulty condition,
the voltage and current values are swing from their reference value. Normally our power
system is protected by switch-gear and protection equipments like relays, circuit breaker,
fuses to reduce the losses of service due to the electrical failure after the occurrence of
Fault: In an electrical power system, a fault or fault current is any abnormal electric
current that flows through the line. In three phase system, fault may occur between one or
more phases and ground or it may involve only phases. There are two main types of faults:
A. Symmetric fault: This fault is also called as balanced fault. It affects all the
three phases of transmission line equally. Approximately 5% faults are symmetric, in total
transmission line faults.
B. Asymmetric fault: This type of faults are unbalanced faults. All the three
phases of transmission line does not get affected by asymmetric fault. It is again divided
into three types as follows:
1) Line-to-line fault: This fault occurs when there is a short circuit between
two lines originated when those
two lines comes into physical contact with each other. Roughly 5% are asymmetric L-L
1) Line-to-ground fault: This type of fault occur when there is a short circuit
between one line and ground. This happen due to physical contact between line and
ground conductor because of storm damages and lightning etc. This is the most frequent
fault occur in transmission line faults.
2) Double line-to-ground fault: Whenever the two line come into the physical
contact with each other and the ground conductor it termed as double line-to-ground
fault. The percentage occurrence of this fault is 15-20%.
Under-voltage: Generally this point occur when the voltage supplying the drive is too low. It
is occur when supply voltage is less than nominal voltage rating for example, a 440 V
machine powered by 220 V will caused the under-voltage.
Figure shows block diagram of multiple line fault detection using GSM technology. The
three phase parameter i.e voltage, current, temperature senses by respective sensing
equipment i.e CT PT & LM 35. Once the fault occurred in transmission line, voltage and
current values varies from the nominal ranges. This values continuously send to the ADC
(analog to digital converter), ADC convert this analog values into digital values which is
required to the microcontroller, microcontroller takes digital values from ADC and compare
with reference values. If the real time values are not identical to the reference values then
microcontroller send signal to the GSM, which indicate that the fault occurred in the
i.e change in the values of voltage, current & temperature) then GSM take this signal from
microcontroller and send SMS to the service provider company as well area service man.
The 89S52 has 4 different ports, each one having 8 Input/output lines providing a
total of 32 I/O lines. Those ports can be used to output DATA and orders do other devices,
or to read the state of a sensor, or a switch. Most of the ports of the 89S52 have 'dual
function' meaning that they can be used for two different functions.
The first one is to perform input/output operations and the second one is used to
implement special features of the microcontroller like counting external pulses, interrupting
the execution of the program according to external events, performing serial data transfer or
connecting the chip to a computer to update the software. Each port has 8 pins, and will be
treated from the software point of view as an 8-bit variable called 'register', each bit being
connected to a different Input /Output pin.
applications. A 16x2 LCD display is very basic module and is very commonly used in
various devices and circuits. These modules are preferred over seven segment and other
multi segment LCDs. The reasons being: LCDs are economical; easily programmable;
have no limitation of displaying special & even custom character (unlike in seven
segments), animation and so on.
A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In
this LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two registers,
Here, In this paper we have designed a GSM and Microcontroller based transmission
line fault detection system that send information and classification of fault to the electricity
board via SMS. Also it send real time values of current a voltage to the electricity board.
IoT based transmission line fault monitoring system is proposed. The transmission line prototype
is modelled. The resistance of typical transmission line for 1Km is about 500Ω. Hence for
modelling 1KΩ resistor is used for every 2Kms of transmission line. Fault in the transmission
line is manually introduced for the purpose of demonstration. The short circuit fault at a
particular distance in the transmission line is located using ohms law. The system uses Arduino
to analyses distance of fault occurrence with the help of software developed, which works on
analyzing the voltage drop in the transmission line. The fault location is transmitted to the
control center using Wi-Fi module.
The method involving DWT along with the SVM gives lesser efficiency of L-L-L fault
identification; still it gives very high accuracy for other types of fault. Thus we conclude that this
method is most appropriate one for transmission line fault detection and classification. In future
scope we can say that the methods suggested can be also extended for localization of faults.