Discrete Structure and Theory of Logic Subject Code: KCS303 Sem: III
Discrete Structure and Theory of Logic Subject Code: KCS303 Sem: III
Discrete Structure and Theory of Logic Subject Code: KCS303 Sem: III
Assignment 1
2. A total of 1232 students have taken a course in Spanish, 879 have taken a course in French
and 114 have taken a course in Russian. Further 103 have taken courses in both Spanish and
French, 23 have taken courses in both Spanish and Russian and 14 have taken courses in
both French and Russian. If 2092 students have taken at least one of Spanish, French and
Russian, how many students have taken a course in all three languages?
3. Prove that if n is a positive integer, then 133 divides 11n +1+ 122n −1 ?
4. Let A ={ 2,4,5,7,8}=B, aRb if and only if a+b <=12. Find relation matrix.
5. Define Union and Intersection of multiset and for A={1,1,4,2,2,3 }, B={1,2,2,6,3,3}
6. Prove by mathematical induction
3+33+333+……. …….33…3= (10n−1−9 n−10)/27
7. Prove by mathematical induction
n 4−4 n2 is divisible by 3 for all n>=2
8. Let R be a relations on the set of natural numbers N, as R = { (x, y): x, y Ɛ N, 3x+y=19}. Find
the domain and range of R. Verify whether R is reflexive.
9. Show that the relation R on the set Z of integers given by R = {(a, b) : 3 divides a - b}, is an
equivalence relation.
1 1 1 n
10. Prove by induction + + … … …+ =
1.2 2.3 n(n+1) (n+1)
11. Show that if set A has 3 elements then we can have 2 symmetric relations on A.
12. If Dn define the set of all positive odd integers i.e. D n={1,3,5,7 , … … .}, then prove with
help of mathematical induction P(n): 1-3n is divisible by 4.
13. S={(1,2), (2,1)} is a binary relation on set A={1,2,3}. Is it irreflexive? Add the minimum
number of ordered pairs to S to make it an equivalence relation.
14. Show that (A-B) ∩(B-A) =∅
15. Determine which of the following function f: R → R are one-to-one and which are onto R.
a) f(x)=x+1
b) f(x)= x 3
c) f(x)=|x|+x, ∀ x ∈ R
16. Let G = {1, -1, i, -i} with the binary operation multiplication be an algebraic structure, where
i= sqrt(-1). Determine whether G is an Abelian or not.
17. Show that the “greater than or equal” relation (>=) is a partial ordering on the set of
18. Prove that every cyclic group is an Abelian group.
19. Show that (( p ∨q )∧∼(∼ p ∧(∼q ∨ ∼r))¿∨(∼ p ∧∼q)∨(∼ p ∨r ) is a tautology
without using truth table
20. Write the properties of Group. Show that the set {1, 2,3, 4, 5} is not group under addition
and multiplication modulo 6
21. Simplify the following Boolean functions using K-map: F(x,y,z) = ∑(0,2,3,7)