Q2. Who, disciple of Vivekananda, used to refer himself as “Vivekananda’s dog” out of love
and respect?
A. Swami premanand
B. Swami shivpadananda
C. Swami Sadananda
D. Swami Dhananada
Q3. Which religion was considered as mother of all religions by Swami Vivekananda?
A. Hinduism
B. Christianity
C. Buddhism
D. Iilam
Q4. Which birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda we are celebrating on 12th January
A. 155th
B. 156th
C. 157th
D. 158th
A. Dalit
B. Women
C. Transgender
D. Muslim
Q6. At whose house swami Vivekananda met for the first time Shri Ramakrishna
Q7. Who was the friend of Vivekananda, whom he helped in fee exemption during college?
Q9. Who founded students' Association with intention to make young Bengalis physically
strong and aggressive?
Q10. After split in Brahmo samaj, which new society Vivekananda joined?
Q11. Who told swami Vivekananda,"My boy, you have the Yogi's eyes"?
A. Shri Ramkrishna
B. Adi Sankarachaya
C. Maharshi Devendranath Tagore
D. None of the above
Q12. What was the name of the journal started by Swami Vivekananda to make it the voice
of Ram Krishna movement?
A. Raj yoga
B. Karm yoga
C. Prabuddha bharat
D. Sonar bharat
A. Purity
B. Sprituality
C. Divinity
D. Loyalty
Q15. Who told Swami Vivekananda that, "If you have a real desire to realize God, then come
to the Master at Dakshineswar instead of visiting Brahmo Samaj and other places"?
Q16. According to Ramkrishna, Swami Vivekananda was incarnation of which ancient sage,
born on earth to remove the miseries of mankind?
A. Shiva
B. Narayana
C. Rama
D. Brahma
Q17. Which saint had been regarded by Swami Vivekananda as holiest of the holy?
A. Swami Dyanand
B. Swami shraddhanand
C. Shri Ramkrishna
D. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Q18. Whose words put swami vivekananda to doubt into his mind about God's existence and
His Providence?
Q19. Who tried to cast aspersions on the character of swami vivekananda in front of shri
Ramkrishna and got reprimanded by the latter?
A. Bhavanath,
B. Narendra nath sen
C. Ashokananda
D. Parmnanda
Q20. Whom did swami Vivekananda tell to pray to goddess Kali to relieve his poverty?
A. Swami Parmanand
B. Shri Ramkrishna
C. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
D. Adi sankaracharya
Q21. Which City of USA has named its street as "Honorary Swami Vivekananda Way"?
A. New York
B. Chicago
C. San Francisco
D. Washington D.C.
A. Chicago
B. New York
C. San Francisco
D. Washington D.C
Q23. According to Swami Vivekanand, "What will be the good of studying the Vedas”?
Q.24. During Childhood, what Swami Vivekananda mentioned himself while playing?
A. Spiritual Leader
B. Samrat
C. Freedom fighter
D. Monk
A. Kalo
B. Dholu
C. Bagha
D. Sheru
Q26. Since when National Youth Day started observing on Swami vivekanand’s birth
A. 1987
B. 1985
C. 1989
D. 1991
Q27. Whom Swami Vivekananda pointed to a particular spot on the bank of the Ganga, and
said gravely, “When I give up the body, cremate it there!”?
A. Swami Sadananda
B. Swami Shivananda
C. Swami Premananda
D. Swami Girjananda
Q28. With which freedom feighter Swami Vivekanand travelled in train from Bombay to
Q29. Whom Swami Vivekananda requested to make regular donation of Rs 100 to his mother
Q.31. At Whose request Swamiji assumed his monastic name Vivekananda in preference to
A. Shri Ramkrishna
B. Maharaja Ajit Singh
C. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
D. Adi Sankaracharya
A. Seven
B. Five
C. Three
D. Eight
Q35. What was the name of the hall in which the first session of the Chicago parliament of
religions was started?
A. Aster Hall
B. The great hall of Columbus
C. Hayden Hall.
D. Wells Street Hall