Introduction To Preventive Maintenance
Introduction To Preventive Maintenance
Introduction To Preventive Maintenance
Electrical equipment failures in the TCN power system network results in damage of equipment and loss in revenue for the company. As the company electrical
infrastructure continues to age, this problem is only going to worsen unless active steps are taken to counter the trend. Ironically, more than two-thirds of electrical
system failures can be prevented by a routine preventive maintenance program.
The failure rate of electrical equipment is three times higher for components that are not part of a scheduled preventive
maintenance program as compared with those that are. In addition, a planned Preventive Maintenance program allows the Management to schedule the system
outage at a time of their choosing rather than having to correct major problems resulting from an always untimely failure. Good preventive maintenance planning and
scheduling also ensures that maintenance is done on the electric power systems and equipment in accordance with accepted industry safety standards
and work practices.
1. Power Transformer
2. Gas Circuit Breaker
3. Vacuum Circuit Breaker
4. Disconnecting & Earthing Switch
5. Current Transformer
6. Voltage Transformer
7. Lightning Arrester
8. Protection Relay
9. Station Service Transformer
10. Protection & Control Board
11. Distribution Board
12. Bus Bar
13. Power Cable
14. Battery & Battery Charger
15. Grounding
16. Lightening Arrester/Surge Counter
-Insulation Resistance Test: Energize 5,000 Vdc for 1 min on each arrester, phase to ground. The value shall be exceeding more than 100,000 MΩ
-Counter Operation Test: Verify correct operation of surge counter by input about 100 Vdc (by capacitor 300mF) at top and bottom of surge counter and counter should count up
- (Optional) DC Hi-Pot Test: Power frequency voltage test on the main circuit for 1 min at lease 62% of maximum test voltage, should have a few difference leakage current of each
Verification check by voltage method, measure a turn ratio of each phase and each tap by energize current following nameplate (such as 1000 A for CT, 150 A for VT) between HV
and LV in every core Then, read the ratio value from a test instrument in A. analyze the value of turn ratio in the every core, the different value should be very less comparing by
nameplate shall not deviate more than 0.5%
4. Voltage Transformer & Current Transformer
-Support Structure
-Seal and Body
-Motor Charging
7. Power Transformer
Relay in testing
27/59 – Under/Over Voltage Relay
50/51G – Instantaneous/Inverse Time Overcurrent Relay
21 – Distance Relay
87 – Differential Relay
- Vacuum Circuit Breaker
- Current Transformer
- Voltage Transformer
- Protection Relay
- Metering
- Power Cable
1. Visual Inspection
- Support Structure
- Seal and Body
- Bus Bar Connection
- Cleaning
- Motor Charging (VCB)
- Terminator (Power Cable)
- Record Setting Relay (Relay)
Visual Inspection
- Bushing, Tank and associated device
- Oil Level Check
- Cleaning
Electrical Test
- Visual Inspection
- Cleaning
- Communication System Test
Test for 1 min on each bus, phase to ground and phase to phase with input/output off.