Tamil Nadu Fire Service Rules, 1990
Tamil Nadu Fire Service Rules, 1990
Tamil Nadu Fire Service Rules, 1990
Chapter I
1. Short title and extent. - (1) These rules may be called the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Rules, 1990.
(2) These rules shall extend to the whole of the State of Tamil Nadu.
2. Definitions. - In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context, -
(a) "Act" means the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Act, 1985 (Tamil Nadu Act 40 of 1985);
(d) "standard" means the standard prescribed or recommended by the Indian Standards Institutions,
Government of India, New Delhi;
(e) "duty" means the duties prescribed for the members of the service in these rules;
(f) "licence" means a licence issued under section 287 of the [Chennai] City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919
(Tamil Nadu Act IV of 1919) or section 249 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act
V of 1920), as the case may be, and includes a licence issued under the Factories Act, 1948 (Central Act LXIII of
1948) or the rules made thereunder or the Arms Act, 1959 (Central Act 54 of 1959) or the rules made
thereunder or the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (Central Act XXXVII of 1952) or the rules made thereunder or the
Indian Explosives Act, 1884 (Central Act IV of 1884) or the rules made thereunder or the Explosive Substances
Act, 1908 (Central Act VI of 1908) or the rules made thereunder or the Petroleum Act, 1934 (Central Act XXX of
1934) or the rules made thereunder or the Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981 or the Tamil Nadu Places of Public Resort
Act, 1888 (Tamil Nadu Act II of 1888) or the Special Rules for Multi-storeyed Buildings, 1975;
(g) "precautions" means fire precautions as may be specified against fire risk notified by the Government, from
time to time, under section 13 of the Act;
(h) "Fire Officer" means a Member of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service of and above the rank of Assistant Station
Fire Officer and Officer in charge of the Station and also shall include the Leading Fireman in cases where the
Assistant Station Fire Officer and Station Fire Officer are absent;
(i) "order" means the Government order or orders specified in the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual, 1974 and
the General or Standing .[Orders issued by the Director of Fire Service;]
(k) "special services" means rescue calls arising out of other accidents and such other services as are specified
under the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual, 1974;
(l) "jurisdiction" means the territorial jurisdiction of the Fire Station, Divisional Fire Officer or Deputy Director
of Fire Services as may be notified by the Government.
Chapter II
Personnel of the Department
3. Appointment of Members of Fire Service. - The Members of Fire Service shall be those appointed in
accordance with the special rules-framed by the Government.
4. Postings and transfers. - The Members of Fire Service up to the rank of Assistant Divisional Fire Officer shall
be made in accordance with the Tamil Nadu Service Fire Subordinate Rules.
The transfer up to the rank of Divisional Fire Officer shall be made by the Director and above the rank of
Divisional Fire Officers shall be made by the Government in consultation with the Director.
5. Conduct of Members of Fire Service. - The Tamil Nadu Government Servants Conduct Rules, 1973 and
Order Nos. 18 and 110 of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual shall apply to the Members of Fire Service.
6. Duties of the Member of Fire Service. - (1) Director. -
(a) The administration of fire service throughout the areas where the Act is in force shall vest with the Director
of Fire Service.
(b) The Director shall be responsible to the Government for the control and management of the fire-fighting
forces, fire prevention wings and appliances. He shall advise the Government in all matters relating to fire-
fighting including the advice on licensing of manufacture or storage of commodities under the rules.
(c) The Director may issue, without reference to the Government, standing or general orders, on matters of
routine or executive instructions or circulars or circular instructions or circular memorandum, provided that he
shall not issue an order which relates to a point of law without previous reference to Government.
(d) The Director shall be responsible for maintaining strict discipline and the highest possible standards of
efficiency in the fire-fighting forces under him. He shall ensure this by making frequent inspections and by
keeping in close touch with the Deputy Director, Divisional Officers and Station Fire Officers.
(e) The Director may make such disposition of the staff members of the auxiliary force, engines and appliances
for the fire stations.
(f) The Director shall, subject to such general directions as Government may give, from time to time, appoint
staff and shall also take such disciplinary action against them as he considers necessary in accordance with the
relevant rules on the subject.
(2) Deputy Director. - (a) He shall assist the Director of Fire Service and endeavour to establish and maintain
efficiency and discipline, uniformity of procedure and practice and co-operation of Fire Officers and men of the
divisions under his region.
(b) He shall exercise his powers in the matter of appointment, postings, leave, punishments and appeals,
regulate the method of recruitment, pay and allowances, pensions, discipline and conduct of all the
subordinate officers under his control as provided for in the statutory rules.
(c) He shall conduct periodical inspections, surprise checks of fire stations and other fire service institutions
under his control and shall make out inspection reports to the Director.
(d) He shall inspect periodically and check, by surprise, the place of factories, multi-storeyed buildings, place of
public resort and the places run under fire licence and send reports of inspections to the Director and remarks
to the subordinate jurisdiction Fire Officers for follow up actions.
(e) He shall take all possible measures to enforce fire precautions in factories, places of public resort, multi-
storeyed buildings and the places to which fire licences were issued through his subordinate Fire Officers
having the respective jurisdiction.
(3) Divisional Fire Officer. - (a) The Divisional Fire Officer shall exercise general supervision and control over all
the fire stations in his division.
(b) His powers in the matter of appointment, postings and punishments are detailed in the appropriate
sections of the manual and in the statutory rules issued by the Government, from time to time, to regulate the
method of recruitment, conditions of service, pay and allowances, pension, discipline and conduct of the
subordinate officers working under him.
(c) He is responsible for the administrative and operational efficiency of all the fire service institutions under
him and for all matters relating to their internal economy and management.
(d) He shall conduct periodical inspections, surprise checks of fire stations and other fire service institutions
under his control and shall make out inspection reports to the Deputy Director.
(e) At the close of the week, the Divisional Fire Officer shall submit to the Director through the Deputy Director
concerned the weekly report in Form No. 18.
(f) While at headquarters or during inspection or visits to other fire stations, the Deputy Director of Fire Service
and the Divisional Fire Officers shall, as far as possible, attend fire calls received at the fire station concerned.
They may, however, use their discretion in this regard and attend such calls in which their presence will be
essential for technical guidance. In the City of [Chennai] the Deputy Director, when available, and the
Divisional Fire Officer shall attend all major fires involving loss of human lives, whether the fire-fighting
operations as such demand the presence of the superior Fire Officers or not.
(g) The Divisional Fire Officer shall visit the scene of a major fire after the incident, to make on the spot study
to frame his special report or to educate the villages on the need for organising fire fighting squads. If a
journey to the fire spot after the occurrence of a major fire is considered unwarranted, the countersigning
authority may disallow the travelling allowance claimed for the particular journey by the officer concerned.
(4) Divisional Fire Officer, State Training School and State Workshop. - (a) He shall have the direct control over
the Tamil Nadu Fire Service, State Training School and State Workshop, [Chennai]. He shall be responsible for
the proper administration of the school and workshop. He shall exercise discipline and control over the staff of
State Training School and Workshop and is responsible for the disbursement of the pay and allowances of the
(b) He shall be personally responsible for the safe custody and proper maintenance and accounting of all
Government property attached to the school and workshop. He shall draw up programmes for the various
courses of training conducted at the school in accordance with the syllabus prescribed for the respective
courses. He shall supervise all the courses of training conducted at the school.
(c) He shall take as many lecture classes as possible. He shall arrange for the instructional visit of trainees to
industrial establishment and for their training in swimming and underwater rescue work.
(d) He shall also carry out any other duty that may be assigned to him by superior officers.
(5) Assistant Divisional Fire Officer. - (a) One or more Assistant Divisional Fire Officers shall be attached to each
Divisional Fire Officer at the Divisional Headquarters. The Assistant Divisional Fire Officer shall assist the
Divisional Fire Officer in executive or operational work including fire prevention. In the absence of the
Divisional Fire Officer on camp or on casual or other similar leave, the Assistant Divisional Fire Officer shall
attend to all executive or operational matters relating to the operational or executive aspects of the
administration requiring immediate attention of the Divisional Fire Officer, he shall arrange to send them to his
camp or obtain orders over telephone in emergent cases. He shall not correspond directly or indirectly with
any one outside the department.
(b) He shall also supervise and control the fire stations in the Division under the directions of the Divisional Fire
Officer and attend fire calls responded to by the station where he is available on duty. He shall scrutinise
copies of General Diaries received from fire stations and the weekly diaries received from the Station Fire
Officers and bring to the notice of the Divisional Fire Officer any defect, irregularity or point of interest or
importance noticed in them. He shall also attend to any other duty that may be specifically assigned by the
Divisional Fire Officer, such as visit to fire stations, inspection of Government building, places of public resort,
trades involving risks from fire, etc. Whenever he makes any inspection under the orders of the Divisional Fire
Officer, he shall send a report to such Divisional Fire Officer.
(6) Assistant Divisional Fire Officer (Transport). - The Assistant Divisional Fire Officer (Transport) shall be in
charge of the Fire Services State Workshop in [Chennai]. He shall be responsible for the efficient administration
and economical working of the workshop. He shall be consulted on technical matters, like repairs, alterations,
replacements and condemnation of fire service appliances and equipments. He shall also be responsible for -
(b) the proper allocation and even distribution of work among the staff of the workshop;
(c) the proper receipt, safe custody, issue, utilisation and accounting of all stores, spare parts, tools,
accessories, etc., and disposal under proper authority, of all surplus, obsolete, unserviceable and condemned
(d) correct receipt, safe custody and proper maintenance of the vehicle attached to the workshop and of
vehicle received at the workshop for repairs;
(e) the satisfactory and prompt execution of all jobs undertaken by the workshop;
(g) the correct maintenance of all the records prescribed in Appendix XII of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service
Manual, Volume II and organisation and function of the Fire Service Workshop as detailed in Order Nos. 417 to
446 to the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual;
(h) testing of stores purchased by the Directorate at [Chennai] and submission of test reports;
(k) any other duties entrusted to him by superior officers, from time to time.
(7) Station Fire Officer and Assistant Station Fire Officer. - (1) The Station Fire Officer or the Assistant Station
Fire Officer in charge of a fire station of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service shall -
(a) be responsible for the efficient working of the fire station and proper maintenance of appliances and
equipments under his control and attend all fire calls promptly and efficiently. He shall be assisted by an
Assistant Station Fire Officer in his duties;
(b) be available and hold himself in readiness for any duty he may be called upon to perform by his superior
officers, at any time, and keep his superior officers acquainted with all matters coming to his knowledge,
affecting his own fire station or the Fire Services Directorate in general;
(c) obey implicitly all orders of his superior officers and extract the strictest obedience and civility from those
serving under him, devote whole-hearted attention to his duties, and set an example to his men by sobriety,
cleanliness, promptitude, civility and devotion to his duties;
(d) take charge and be responsible for all appliances, stores, equipments, etc., issued to the fire station and
submit a report to his superior officers as to the correctness or otherwise of such articles taken charge of. He
shall submit a requisition to his superior officers for the requirements of their fire station as and when
(e) see that all appliances and equipments are kept clean and in proper working condition showing them
properly for immediate use in times of fires and other emergencies without loss of time;
(f) instruct and drill all men under his charge in the use and maintenance of fire appliances and equipment;
(g) hold a muster parade for the periodical inspection of uniforms, clothing, boots and equipments at least
once a month to see that the operational staff in the fire stations keep themselves and their clothing in clean
and good condition and to report shortage, if any, to his superior officers;
(h) ensure that the roll is called at such time as his superior officer considers most suitable, but it shall be done
compulsorily at the time of change over of duties;
(i) carry out surprise turn outs at odd hours at least once a month to ensure prompt attention of staff and
prompt availability of fire appliances;
(j) ensure that the fire station time clock is checked with the clock or time signal at least twice a day at proper
(k) see that the men placed on fire station and sentry duties are properly dressed and are acquainted with
their duties;
(l) see that the communication system is in proper working condition and send an immediate report to
appropriate authority in case of any defect or failure;
(m) keep himself and other staff on duty in readiness at all times to receive superior officers and give, if
required, an accurate account of all matters connected with the station under his charge;
(n) see that the fire pumps in the fire station which have not otherwise worked during a week have water
passed through them at least once every week;
(o) report at once to the superior officer and the police any damage or casualty that may have occurred as a
result of accident;
(p) keep himself and his staff acquainted with the water-supply within the area under his charge. In cases,
where fire hydrants, fire alarm, underground reservoirs, fire-fighting tube-wells are provided, it shall be his
duty to examine, with the help of his staff, those hydrants and water-supply arrangements falling within his
jurisdiction periodically as may be fixed, from time to time;
(q) keep himself and his staff acquainted with the network of communication system as may be existing in the
(r) keep himself and his staff acquainted, as far as possible, with the topography of his own and adjoining
areas, as well as fire risks in such areas;
(s) maintain all registers, log-books, occurrence books, attendance rolls, etc., up-to-date and submit all returns
and statements including pay rolls of his staff to his superior officers every month. All fire and special services
reports shall be submitted by him within 48 hours of the ' occurrence, Sundays and holidays being excepted;
(u) be responsible for all administrative matters relating to the station such as-
(i) the proper utilisation and accounting of the permanent advance sanctioned to the station;
(ii) the correct preferment of claims against Government account and the safe custody and prompt and proper
disbursement of all sums drawn on Government account to the appropriate persons entitled to receive them;
(iii) the collection, custody and remittance to the credit of the appropriate head of the Government account all
dues to Government such as ambulance receipts, stand-by pumping charges, recovery ordered from
personnel, etc.;
(iv) the receipts, custody and issue of all items of appliances, equipments, stores and other valuables supplied
on Government account and prompt disposal under proper authority of all condemned and unserviceable
(v) also be responsible for carrying out any other duty, that may be assigned to him by his superior officers;
(w) be responsible to see that the standard tests such as weekly, monthly of all fire equipments, appliances,
vehicles, hose in the station are carried out as prescribed in Form No.29 (Fire Station Genera) Diary Forwarding
Docket) and Form No. 49 (Log-Book) in the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual, Volume II and that entries are
made in the Station Occurrence Book and Log-Book, etc.
(2) It shall be the duty of the Station Fire Officer in charge of Fire Station or, if the Station Fire Officer, is absent
from duty, the Assistant Station Fire Officer in charge of the Fire Station for the time being, to receive from the
Divisional Fire Officer of his division on the first working day of every month, or any subsequent day on which
payment may be made by the latter, pay and allowances or the officers and personnel of the Fire Station in his
charge for the officers and personnel of the Fire Station in his charge for the preceding month, and to disburse
the amount to those officers and personnel according to the acquittance rolls prepared by the Divisional Fire
Officer. For the amount received by him from the Divisional Fire Officer, he shall give a receipt. Any amount
not disbursed during the day shall be returned to the Divisional Fire Officer on the next day:
Provided that the Station Fire Officer or the Assistant Station Fire Officer disbursing the pay shall be relieved of
operational duties during the time taken for disbursement. The Divisional Fire Officer concerned shall so
arrange that on the pay day, the Station Fire Officer or the Assistant Station Fire Officer in charge of a Fire
Station is assisted by another officer competent to take charge of a fire incident on call. The Station Fire Officer
on duty shall exercise control and supervision over the work of the Leading Firemen. He shall report at the fire
control room ten minutes before the time scheduled for change over of duties in order to acquaint himself
with all matters current and pending of operational and administrative importance. He shall be alert
throughout the watch period and shall not leave the control room on any account unless his duties are
properly arranged to be looked after during such period by making proper entries in the Fire Control General
Diary. He shall be responsible for the efficient working of the fire control and for the allocation of specific
duties to each Leading Fireman on duty at the time. He shall ensure that all records and registers are properly
maintained and reports and returns due to superior officers are sent correctly and promptly. He shall not allow
unauthorised persons to enter the control room. He shall carry out any other duty assigned to him by his
(3) (a) In case of a fire station having a Station Fire Officer and Assistant Station Fire Officer, the former shall be
in charge of the station and the latter shall assist him in carrying out the above-mentioned duties.
(b) In the absence of the Station Fire Officer, the Assistant Station Fire Officer shall be in charge of a fire
(8) Station Fire Officer (State Training School). - (a) The Station Fire Officer, State Training School shall assist the
Divisional Fire Officers, State Training School in conducting various courses of training as specified in the Order
No. 447 of Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual, Volume I and gives lectures and drills as per the syllabus for various
courses of training conducted at State Training School as specified in Appendices III to IX and XI of Tamil Nadu
Fire Service Manual, Volume II.
(b) He shall accompany the trainees during their instructional tour of industrial establishment. He shall also
perform any.other duty that may be assigned to him by the Divisional Fire Officer.
(9) Station Officer (Transport). - The Station Officer (Transport) shall be in-charge of the Mobile Repair Squad in
the Division. He shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of all vehicles in the division and for the
efficient administration and economical working of the Mobile Repair Squad. He shall be consulted on
technical matters, like repairs, alterations, replacements and condemnation of fire service appliances and
equipments. He shall also be responsible for -
(a) the discipline, control and supervision of the Mobile Repair Squad staff under him;
(b) the proper allocation and even distribution of work among the staff of the squad;
(c) the satisfactory and prompt execution of all jobs entrusted to the squad;
(d) the proper receipt, safe custody, issue, utilization and accounting of all stores, spare parts, tools,
accessories, etc., and disposal under proper authority of unserviceable and condemned articles;
(e) the correct receipt, safe custody and proper maintenance of vehicles entrusted to the squad for repairs;
(g) the correct maintenance of all the registers, records and periodicals as prescribed in Order No. 416 of the
Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual, Volume I and prompt submission of all periodical returns;
(i) training Fireman selected for promotion as Fireman Driver or Fireman Mechanic;
(10) Leading Fireman. - (1) The Leading Fireman of a Fire Service shall -
(b) obey implicitly all orders of his superior officers and maintaining the strictest obedience and civility among
those serving under him;
(c) see that the men placed under him on duty are properly dressed and are assigned duties pertaining to the
fire station and fire appliances and such other duties that may be incidental to the efficient working of the fire
station. He shall also be responsible for maintaining the fire station premises clean and tidy and appliances and
equipment in neat and efficient working condition and ready for immediate use;
(d) see that all equipments, gears, etc., are properly accounted for and be responsible for the same when in
charge of fire appliance or equipment. In case of any loss or damage of articles or equipments, uniform,
clothing, etc., he shall immediately report it to his next senior officer;
(e) keep his superior officers acquainted with all matters coming to his knowledge affecting the fire station
staff or the Fire Services Directorate in general;
(f) be responsible for keeping the fire station premises, such as appliance rooms, offices, drill yard, watch
rooms, workshop, dormitory, drill tower, hose drying tower, etc., neat and clean by washing, when necessary
and keeping appliances, equipment, gears, etc., clean and tidy;
(g) keep himself alert to attend to fires, special services like rescue jobs, stand-by duties at exhibitions, fairs,
puja pandals, pumping out water from waterlogged areas, tanks or ditches, destroying films, fire drills and
removing overhead signboards constituting public danger, etc., in the shortest possible time on the alarm
being sounded in and to carry out any order given by an officer in this connection to perform the work
(h) thoroughly inspect the fire appliances for which he shall be responsible and report to the officer in charge
of the fire station of having verified the same. The Leading Fireman shall be jointly and severally responsible to
the officer in charge of the fire station for the appearances, scrupulous cleanliness of vehicles, polishing and
painting of equipment, appliances and vehicles, proper cleaning of the hoses, floors, walls, doors and windows
of the premises, garages and drill towers and smoke chamber. Leading Fireman and other ranks
accommodated in barracks or dormitory shall, solely, be responsible for the proper cleanliness and orderly
arrangement of their personal belongings. They shall also be responsible for the safety of the various fixtures,
sanitary and electrical fittings in such premises;
(i) carry out any duty when ordered by an officer on the fire ground, to efficiently and promptly extinguish the
fire or to perform any reasonable work;
(j) check up that the wheels and undercarriages of the fire appliances and vehicles are properly cleaned and
are in order;
(k) perform round duties at night to pay surprise checks on the sentry, fire station properties and guard rooms
and report any discrepancy immediately to the control room and to the officer on duty;
(l) respect all officers of the fire station by saluting when on parades and drills and otherwise when called
during his duty period by coming to attention;
(m) perform parade and drills as per scheduled routine or such other drills as may be ordered by the officer in
charge and to attend all kinds of authorised demonstration relating to fire service, in and outside fire station;
(n) remain in proper uniform during his duty hours. Both the outgoing and incoming batches shall fall in during
change-over of duties in proper uniform;
(o) assist the fireman in loading and unloading of petrol containers on and from vehicles at the fire station,
scene of fire, places of duty at exhibition, fairs, etc., and also places of storage;
(p) be responsible for the writing up of general diary. If he is otherwise busy, it may be entrusted to a Fireman
who is conversant with maintaining records. The ultimate responsibility for the correct maintenance of the
General Diary shall, however, be that of the Leading Fireman;
(q) be responsible for the safe custody of all moneys received by him in the absence of the Station Fire Officer
and Assistant Station Fire Officer and the proper handing over of all such moneys to the Station Fire Officer and
Assistant Station Fire Officer when he comes to duty at the fire station as laid down in Chapter XXIII of the
Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual, Volume I;
(r) be responsible for the proper discharge of any other duty assigned to him by the Station Fire Officer or
Assistant Station Fire Officer.
(2) The Leading Fireman on duty shall assist the Station Fire Officer in the efficient working at, and
maintenance of, the fire control. He shall report at the fire control room ten minutes before the
commencement of the shift. He shall be responsible for -
(i) the prompt, correct and instantaneous transmission of all incoming fire ambulance or emergency call to the
fire station;
(ii) the correct recording of all such calls and message received at the fire control room;
(iii) the immediate and accurate disposal of all such calls and messages as indicated by the contents;
(iv) the recording of the movement of the staff, appliances and equipments, maintenance of the availability
and disposition boards in minute-to-minute details;
(v) the synchronisation of all station clocks with the local telephone exchange time at every change-over of the
station watches and recording the fact of having done so in the Fire Control General Diary;
(vi) execution of such other duties as are entrusted to him by the Station Officer. He shall be alert throughout
the watch period. While on duty, he shall not leave the fire control room on any account without the specific
permission of the Station Fire Officer which, if granted, shall be recorded in the General Diary.
(11) Leading Fireman (State Training School). - The Leading Fireman (State Training School) shall be responsible
for conducting physical training classes for all trainees. He shall assist the Divisional Fire Officer and the Station
Fire Officer in conducting various drills and demonstrations to the trainees. He shall also perform any other
duty assigned to him by the Divisional' Fire Officer, or the Station Fire Officer, State Training School.
(12) Leading Fireman (Station Telephones). - (1) The duty of Leading Fireman in charge of the Station
Telephones shall be responsible for -
(i) the correct recording of all calls and messages issued at the Fire Station;
(ii) the immediate and accurate disposal of all such calls and the messages as indicated by the contents;
(iii) the recording of the movement of the staff, appliances and equipment, maintenance of the availability and
disposition boards in minute-to-minute details; and
(iv) execution of such other duties as are entrusted to him by superior officers.
(2) The Leading Fireman on duty shall be alert throughout the watch period. He shall not quit the Fire Station
telephone room on any account, no matter, how brief the absence be unless his duty is properly arranged to
be looked after during such period by making proper entries in the Fire Station General Diary. Unauthorised
persons shall not be allowed to enter the fire station telephone room.
(13) Driver Mechanic (Fire Station). - (a) The Driver Mechanic shall be responsible for the supervision and
maintenance of all appliances at his station in accordance with the instructions laid down in Appendix XVIII. He
shall do oiling, greasing, correct maintenance of tyre pressure, petrol, water and all oil levels and checking of
nuts, bolts, etc. He shall also be responsible for carrying out of all running repairs with the assistance of the
Fireman Drivers, if necessary. It shall be his duty to inspect all the units of his station and report to the Station
Fire Officer any defect and see that his report is entered in the General Diary. If he can rectify the defect, he
shall do it at once. If spare parts are required, he shall immediately inform the Station Fire Officer.
(b) He shall also attend all fire calls for which the station appliances are turned out.
(c) He shall, when necessary, work as a Fireman Driver. He may be posted on duty during day or night watches
at the discretion of the Station Fire Officer.
(d) It shall be essentially the duty of the Driver Mechanic to see that all sanctioned appliances attached to the
station are kept in perfect working condition at all times. He may be called upon to explain, if there is any
breakdown or mechanical trouble in a vehicle, which could normally have been avoided by diligent action on
his part.
(e) He shall also perform any other duty as are assigned to him by the Station Fire Officer.
(14) Driver Mechanic (Workshop and Mobile Repair Squad). - The Driver Mechanic attached to the State
Workshop or the Mobile Repair Squad shall be responsible for carrying out efficiently and economically all
repairs to vehicles or other items of work entrusted to him by the Assistant Divisional Fire Officer (Transport) in
the case of workshop and the Station Officer (Transport) in the case of Mobile Repair Squad. As soon as the job
is allotted to him, he shall examine the repairs required and report them to the Assistant Divisional Fire Officer
(Transport) or the Station Officer (Transport), as the case may be, along with a list of materials required to
complete the job. He shall see that parts of the vehicles are not unnecessarily replaced when they can be
repaired. He shall supervise the work of the Fireman Mechanic (and Fireman Labourers in the case of
workshop) allotted to him for assistance for particular job. He shall also perform any other duty as may be
assigned to him by the Assistant Divisional Fire Officer (Transport) or the Station Officer (Transport), as the
case may be.
(15) Fireman Driver. - The Fireman Driver of a fire station shall -
(b) obey implicitly all orders of his superior officers and extract the strictest obedience and civility from those
serving under him, if any;
(c) be responsible for the proper upkeep and mechanical condition, maintenance of the vehicles and pumps
under his charge;
(d) start at least twice a day or as may be directed by his superior officers the fire appliances and other vehicles
in his charge and check petrol, oil, lubricant, radiator, water-level, lights, brake, etc., to make sure that the
same are in serviceable conditions and report the same to the officer on fire station duty and report the
defect, if any, immediately to the officer on station duty as laid down in Appendix 18 of the Tamil Nadu Fire
Service Manual, 1974.
(e) keep an inventory of all articles and equipment under his charge and maintain a record of time at work,
mileage, petrol and oil consumption, etc.;
(f) attend minor defects of appliances and vehicles at fire station level without sending to workshop;
(g) be physically present and render all help to the mechanics while any repair to appliances or vehicle is done
in the station;
(h) do servicing of the undercarriages and engines of appliances and vehicles on a working day to be decided
by the officer in charge for their proper upkeep and maintenance and also fill petrol in the tanks of the vehicles
at the fire stations and assist the Fireman in loading and unloading of petrol containers on and from vehicle at
the scene of fire or places of duty at exhibitions.
(i) thorough cleaning of engines or appliances and vehicles including pump side;
(ii) pouring of engine oil and lubricants in the engine and pumps;
(iii) thorough cleaning of the undercarriage with the help of kerosene oil and by scrapping the stickily, oily
coating of the undercarriage after washing of the undercarriage is done;
(iv) application of one coat of anti-corrosive paint, as and when required or ordered by superior officer;
(i) perform parade and drills as per the scheduled routine or such other drill as may be ordered by the officer in
charge and attend all kinds of authorised demonstrations relating to fire service, in and outside the fire
(j) remain in proper uniform during his duty hours. Both the outgoing and incoming batches shall fall in during
change-over of duties in proper uniform;
(k) carry out any other duty relating to the maintenance, mobility and operation of fire appliances, motor
vehicles, pumps or other fire-fighting and rescue gears as may be ordered by his superior officer;
(l) respect all officers of the station by saluting when on parades and drills and otherwise when called during
his duty period by coming to attention;
(m) maintain a log-book in Form 49 as prescribed in the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual, Volume II for each
motor vehicle engine pump in his charge;
(o) in the absence of the Driver Mechanic of the station, the Fireman Driver in charge of the unit shall be
responsible for carrying out the duties of Driver Mechanics in respect of his units;
(p) when the situation warrants, a fireman driver shall also be posted to do the work of a fireman. He shall also
perform any other duty assigned to him by the Station Fire Officer.
(16) Ambulance Driver. - The Fireman Driver when posted in charge of an ambulance shall be responsible in
addition to the duties and responsibilities referred to in Order 148 of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual,
Volume I for -
(a) the safe loading, transporting and unloading of patients with the help of the ambulance attendant;
(c) the correct issue of receipts for moneys collected for service rendered and handing over the collections to
the Station Fire Officer; and
(d) the proper discharge of any other duty assigned to him by the Station Fire Officer.
(17) Fireman Mechanic (Workshop and mobile repair squad). - The Fireman Mechanic shall be responsible for
carrying out all the jobs entrusted to him by the Assistant Divisional Fire Officer (Transport) or Station Officer
(Transport). He shall assist the Driver Mechanic in carrying out repairs to vehicles. He shall also perform any
other duty assigned to him by the Assistant-Divisional Fire Officer (Transport) or Station Officer (Transport), as
the case may be.
(18) Fireman Labourer. - The Fireman Labourer shall generally be posted to work with or under a Driver
Mechanic or a Fireman Mechanic in the workshop and shall be responsible for the execution of any job
entrusted to him. He shall also perform any other work allotted to him by the Assistant Divisional Fire Officer
(19) Fireman. - (1) This category shall consist of Fireman, Fireman Messengers, Fireman Sentries, Fireman
Orderlies, Fireman Labourers and Ambulance Attendants. They shall work under the Leading Fireman. The
Fireman of a Fire Station shall-
(b) obey implicitly all orders of his superior officers and hold himself in readiness to carry out all duties
assigned to him by his superior officers promptly and efficiently;
(c) keep himself and his quarters, if provided, neat and clean;
(e) be an example to others for sobriety, cleanliness, promptitude, civility and devotion to duty;
(f) be responsible for keeping the fire station premises, such as appliance rooms, offices, drill yard, watch
rooms, workshops, dormitory, drill tower, hose drying tower, etc., neat and clean by washing when necessary
and keep the appliances, equipment gears clean and tidy;
(g) be alert and keep himself in readiness to attend to fires, special services like rescue calls, stand-by duties at
exhibitions, fairs, puja pandals, pumping out water from water-logged areas, tanks or ditches, destroying films,
fire drills, removing overhead signboards, constituting public danger, etc., in the shortest possible time on
alarm being sounded and carry out any order given by an officer in this connection to perform the work
(h) keep himself acquainted with topography of his own and adjoining areas as well as fire risks in such areas;
(i) carry out duties assigned to him, from time to time, and be responsible jointly and severally to the Leading
Fireman of the fire unit for the care, appearance and scrupulous cleanliness of the unit and all equipments,
correct upkeep, storage and maintenance thereof;
(j) carry out proper maintenance and handling of equipments and gears of the vehicles, perform guard duties,
workshop duties, control room and watch room duty, Fire Station Officer's office duty and despatch
messenger's duty;
(k) thoroughly inspect the fire appliances for his work and report to the Leading Fireman of having verified the
same. The Fireman shall be jointly and severally responsible to the Leading Fireman of the unit for the
appearance and scrupulous cleanliness of the vehicles, polishing and painting of equipments, appliances and
vehicles, proper cleaning of the hoses, floors, walls, doors and windows of the premises, garages, drill towers,
etc. Fireman and other ranks accommodated in the barracks or dormitory shall be responsible for the proper
cleanliness, orderly arrangement of their personal belongings, etc. They shall also be responsible for the safety
of the various fixtures and sanitary and electrical fittings in such premises;
(l) perform all duties assigned to him by a senior officer in the interest of public service at fire station and fire
operational ground;
(m) perform parade and drills as per scheduled routine or such other duties as may be ordered by the Officer
in charge and attend all kinds of authorised demonstration relating to fire service in the outside fire stations;
(n) remain in proper uniform during duty hours. Both the outgoing and incoming batches shall fall in during
change-over of duties, in proper uniform;
(o) while on fire ground or special job, etc., not leave his post without the permission of an officer and carry
out any order given for the prompt extinguishing of the fire or rescue work;
(p) respect all officers of the fire station by saluting when on parades and drills and on sentry duty and
otherwise when called during his duty period by coming to attention;
(q) assist Fireman Driver, during the servicing of the vehicle by removing the wheels and re-fitting the wheels
of the fire units and during removal of the batteries from the fire units, re-setting for the purpose of charging
and others. He shall also assist the Fireman Driver in checking the charge condition and distilled water level in
the battery;
(r) load and unload petrol containers on and from vehicles at the fire station, scene of fire, places of duty at
exhibitions, fairs, etc., and also places of storage.
(2) Fireman when posted as guard or sentry by turn or otherwise as may be deemed fit by the officers in
charge of the fire station shall be properly dressed in uniform prescribed in the Order No. 353(c) of the Tamil
Nadu Fire Service Manual, Volume I and shall not leave his post until he is duly relieved. While on guard duty,
the Fireman shall -
(a) guard all properties, fixtures, fittings and other effects both in the fire station premises and station
(b) see that all persons entering the fire station premises are directed to the officer in charge;
(d) control the movement of incoming and out-going vehicles to avoid accident;
(e) patrol round the entire premises and surroundings once in every fifteen minutes while on duty;
(f) in the case of workshop search all persons leaving the workshop. He shall prevent any authorised article
being brought into, or removed from, the workshop;
(g) shall report to the persons in charge of the telephone in the workshop the movement of all officers and
appliances arriving at and leaving the workshop.
7. Working hours. - (a) The duty hours of the Deputy Director of Fire Service, Divisional Fire Officers and
Assistant Divisional Fire Officers shall be from 10.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m on each day.
(b) Fire Control. - [Chennai] City. - The fire control in Chennai city shall be manned all the 24 hours of the day
and night, by two watches, one by day and one by night each watch with a Station Fire Officer and 8 (eight)
Leading Firemen. The day watch shall be from 08.00 hours to 17.00 hours and night watch from 17.00 hours to
08.00 hours. The Station Fire Officer on duty shall be in charge of the control room and be assisted by the eight
Leading Firemen on duty.
(c) Fire station. - Fire station functions round-the-clock. The staff attached to the fire station shall work on two
shifts. The duration of duty hours of the staff shall be as follows:-
The weekly change-over shift shall be done at 12.00 hours every Sunday.
The telephones at the fire station shall be manned by a Leading Fireman on duty, by turn in the following
timings: -
Chapter III
Particular Duties
8. Station and other operational routine. - (1) The Members of the Fire Service shall act in accordance with
the procedure and attendance at Fire Station as envisaged under Chapter XII and Part III, Chapter XIII of Tamil
Nadu Fire Service Manual, 1974.
(2) The Members of the Fire Service not below the rank of Assistant Station Fire Officer and officer in charge of
the fire station and the Leading Fireman in cases where the Assistant Station Fire Officer and Station Fire
Officer is absent shall act in accordance with Part IV, Chapters XIV, XV and XVI of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service
Manual, 1974.
Chapter IV
Preventive Measures
9. Preventive measures. - (1) The Members of the Fire Service authorised under rule 8(2) shall report the
negligence, carelessness, wilful commissions or omissions of the holders of the licence mentioned under rule
2(g) and sections 15,16,17 and 19 of the Act, to the Director of Fire Service through proper channel. On
approval of the Director of Fire Service and after giving the owner or occupier, a reasonable opportunity not
exceeding thirty days of making representation, shall take action to serve, detain or remove such objectionable
objects or goods under section 13(2) of the Act. This shall be without prejudice to any prosecution that may be
launched under sections 15,16,17 and 19 of the Act.
(2) Prosecution procedure. - Officers not below the rank of Assistant Divisional Fire Officer upon the records
made out by the Station Fire Officer and on obtaining sanction to prosecute from the Director of Fire Service
shall lodge a complaint before the Court of competent jurisdiction against the offenders under sections
15,16,17 and 19 of the Act.
Chapter V
10. Repairs and replacement of appliances and stores. - The Director of Fire Service shall exercise power in
the matter of repairs and replacement of appliances, procurement of stores and maintenance of the repair
squad and workshop as per procedure contemplated in Chapters I, XVII, XIX and XX of the Tamil Nadu Fire
Service Manual, 1974.
Chapter VI
11. Training. - The Director of Fire Service shall organise various training courses for different levels as
envisaged in Chapter XI of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual, 1974. He shall take the assistance of the
Deputy Director of Fire Service at Headquarters and the Divisional Fire Officers (Training) and the Director,
National Fire Service College, Nagpur. He shall also co-ordinate with the Government, the administrative
department for Fire Service in the Government and the Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Training)
Department in the Government and organise courses on administration and management training, seminars
and conferences. He shall also co-ordinate with the Fire Advisor, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of
India, Chairman, Standing Fire Advisory Committee under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Director, Indian
Standards Institutions and the Director, Supplies and Disposals, Government of India and organise courses on
quality control and purchase procedure. He shall also coordinate with the Director, Central Building Research
Institute, Rurkee and Fire Advisor, Ministry of Defence and Advisor, Communications, Government of India and
organise courses on research and development. He shall be also responsible for the implementation of up-to-
date technology in the department, for the betterment of service and technology in the department and to
satisfy the safety needs of the public from the fire hazards.
Chapter VII
12. Buildings. - The Director of Fire Service shall exercise his powers in the matter of construction of new fire
stations, providing permanent buildings for the old fire stations, construction of quarters for the staff and
construction of static water tanks, following the procedures contemplated under Chapter XII of the Tamil Nadu
Fire Service Manual as amended, from time to time. He shall also utilise the services of the Tamil Nadu Water
and Drainage Board, the Corporations and Municipalities, major panchayats and Panchayat Unions for
providing hydrant system to the required areas in the State so far afford as fire protection system to the entire
Chapter VIII
Office Procedure
13. Office Procedure. - The Director of Fire Service shall follow the office procedure contemplated in the
District Office Manual, the Tamil Nadu Treasury Codes, Tamil Nadu Financial Codes and Fundamental Rules and
other administrative Manuals issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu, from time to time.
Chapter IX
14. General. - (a) The Members of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service shall consist of various ranks in the Special Rules
for the Tamil Nadu Fire Service and the Tamil Nadu Fire Subordinate Service and their number shall be as
sanctioned by the Government, from time to time.
(b) The recruitment and appointment of various ranks in the Tamil Nadu Fire Service shall be governed by the
Special Rules for the Tamil Nadu Fire Service and the Tamil Nadu Fire Subordinate Service. The procedure for
recruitment, appointment, transfers, postings, accommodation, uniform, transportation shall also be governed
by the same rules and relevant orders in the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual.
(c) The membership certificate shall be issued to various ranks of the department in the format prescribed in
Appendix VIII appended to these rules.
(d) (i) The structure of pay and allowances and the emoluments connected with their appointment shall be
fixed by the Government, from time to time.
(ii) Their discipline, control and appeal shall be governed by the [Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Classification,
Control and Appeal) Rules, 1955] and the Tamil Nadu Government Servants Conduct Rules, 1973.
(e) The deputation of members of the service to other organisations or foreign countries shall be governed by
the fundamental rules at the discretion of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
(f) The members of the service shall be engaged in fire-fighting, rescue and relief operations on a safeguard to
their life safety being an award of money compensation as per the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923
(Central Act VIII of 1923) and a Group Insurance Scheme. Further, the family members who are suitable shall
be appointed to suitable ranks in the force in the event of their death in action or on duty. Further, they shall
be entitled to all the benefits applicable to the Government servants while dying in harness and all other
legitimate compensation announced by the Government, from time to time. They shall also be entitled to
receive any special awards granted by the Government or private person, company, Corporation, Boards and
(g) Any member of the service shall resign his office, after, giving previous notice in the manner as prescribed
for the Government servants.
(h) The member of the service up to the rank of Assistant Divisional Fire Officer shall be entitled for all the
"Rewards" contemplated under Chapter V of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual.
(i) The award amount of compensation for the member who is injured during action or while on duty or their
death on the event shall be to the extent decided by the Tribunal for Workmen's Compensation or by any
other Court competent to pass such an order in addition to all other benefits entitled to by the member while
dying in harness.
(j) The jobs such as private stand-by, pumpings and others undertaken utilising the men and machine power of
the department shall be governed by the orders in the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual. The Government, by
any special order, may treat such paid jobs as free at their discretion.
(k) The members of the service holding various ranks shall be equivalent in ranks of various other para-military
forces in the country by a special order and they shall enjoy the status and protocol on their day-to-day official
affairs and on national occasions. Their dress regulation shall be regulated on these lines, from time to time, by
the Government.
Chapter X
15. Compensation. - The Director of Fire Service may grant compensation to persons, who, while rendering
effective service to the Fire Service in the discharge of their duties, met with accident to the extent fixed by the
Government, from time to time, for injury and compensation to their dependents in the event of their death.
Chapter XI
Auxiliary Force
16. Auxiliary Force. - The Director of Fire Service may organise the Auxiliary Force on the pattern developed by
the Fire Adviser, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and the expenditure thereof shall be borne by
the Government from the State Contingent Fund. [The Director of Fire Service] shall be the recruiting authority
for the members of Auxiliary Force.
1. List of trades, storage and transportations coming under the purview of the Act.
4. Register to be maintained by Fire Officers and the parties issued with licence.
7. Form of report of defects/inspection to the Director of Fire Service by the Inspecting Officer through proper
10. List of records and registers to be maintained in the Fire Station, Divisional Fire Office, Regional Fire Office
and the Directorate.
Appendix - 1
List of Places, Storage and Transportation Coming Under the Purview of the Act
(b) Vaseline.
(1) Gold.
(2) Gilding and electroplating by hand and machine power.
89. Selling wholesale or retail or storing for wholesale or retail trade, packing,
pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufacturing, by any process whatever, cow-
dung cakes.
90. Fins.
91. Flax hemp.
92. Offal.
93. Jute.
94. Leather.
95. Skins (above 50 cwts).
96. Horns.
97. Hair (dyeing or drying also).
98. Wool.
99. Packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufacturing, by any processing
whatsoever, soap snuff.
100. Tailoring (dress makers) using 70 or more sewing machines.
101. Battery charging and repairing, vulcanising, retreading tyres, radio and electrical
repairs and lumber materials, welding, etc.
102. Automobile shops - repairing, building, assembling, cleaning, etc., of
automobiles (by hand power).
103. Printing presses - printing, composing, binding, etc. (by hand power employing 5
persons or less).
104. Rubber tyres and tubes - storing, dumping, curing, cleansing, etc.
105. Washing soiled clothes or keeping soiled clothes for the purpose of washing
them or keeping washed clothes (by machine power).
106. Dumping, shifting, selling or storing (charcoal, coal, storing cake, combustible
107. Selling or storing - Firewood.
108. Grass, hay, dry leaves (combustible materials), straw, thatching materials.
109. Timber, storage, processing.
110. Storing - Line.
111. Rags resin (including resin), spirits and turpentine.
112. Tobacco (above 50 maunds).
113. Cold storage of fish, etc.
114. Poultry - To carry on the trade of a poulterer. Poultry - To use place for the sale
of poultry.
115. Selling wholesale or retail, storing for wholesale or retail trade, packing,
pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever -
116. Selling wholesale or retail, or storing for wholesale or retail trade, onion, garlic,
chillies (dried), selling wholesale or retail or storing for wholesale or retail trade,
pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever.
117. Oil-cakes.
118. Coconut' fibre, selling for storing, fibres and articles made of coconut fibres.
119. Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufacturing, by any
process whatever, Oil - gingelly, groundnut, coconut, castor, vegetable oils,
margo, etc.
120. Paper (waste paper) - Storing or selling in retail or wholesale.
121. Paper (printing, writing including newsprint paper, card-boards, etc.) storing
and selling.
122. Sugar - packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufacturing, by any process
whatever, sugar - storing or selling retail or wholesale.
123. Sugar-candy - packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufacturing by any
process whatever.
124. Ink (writing ink, marking ink, etc.) manufacturing by any process whatever.
125. Ink (printing ink) manufacturing by any process whatever.
126. Crockery, enamelling, etc. - manufacturing by any process whatever.
127. Beedi leaves - storing or selling in retail or wholesale.
128. Thatching materials such as coconut leaves, woven coil mats, ropes, etc., storing
or selling in retail or wholesale.
129. Tea (dust, leaves, powder, etc.), bread - storing or selling in retail or wholesale.
130. Articles, made of flour (biscuits) (bread) cakes, peppermint, chocolates, etc. -
manufacturing by any process whatever.
131. Furniture (wood, metal, cane, bamboo, etc.) storing or selling in retail or
132. Cloth (cotton textile) - manufacturing by any process whatever (by machine
133. Automobile - cleansing, servicing and body-building, etc. - manufacturing,
assembling, repairing, stocking or selling in retail or wholesale, etc.
134. Cycle - manufacturing, assembling, storing or selling in retail or wholesale.
135. Glass (including mirror, glassware, glass plates, etc.) - manufacturing by any
process whatever.
136. Glass (including mirror, glassware, glass plates, etc.) - storing or selling in retail
or wholesale.
137. Rubber (goods, such as sheet, cloth, toys, shoes, etc.) - storing or selling in retail
or wholesale.
138. Battery - storing, selling, manufacturing, assembling, servicing, etc.
139. Electrical instruments, apparatus, etc. - storing, selling, in wholesale or retail,
manufacturing, assembling, servicing, etc.
140. Radio - storing, selling, retail or wholesale, manufacturing, assembling,
servicing, etc.
141. Paper - packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing, manufacturing by any process
whatever, making card-board boxes, envelopes, etc.
142. Fibres (materials made of jute, coir or any other fibre) - storing or selling in
retail or wholesale.
143. And all other trades, storage and transportation as follows are covered and
envisaged to the various rules, i.e. -
(1) Explosives Act.
(2) Petroleum Act.
(3) Carbide Act.
(4) Oil Fields Act.
(5) The Arms Act.
(6) Warehousing Corporation Act.
(7) The Emergency Risk (Hoods) Insurance Act, 1962.
(8) The Major Port Trust Act, 1983.
(9) The Coal Miners Compensation and Development Act, 1974.
(10) The Cinematograph Rules, 1948.
(11) Factories Act, 1948.
(12) The District Municipalities Act.
Inflammable Chemicals
1. Ammonium Nitrate.
2. Potassium Dichromate.
3. Potassium Permanganate.
4. Chlorates.
5. Potassium Nitrate.
6. Picric Acid.
7. Sodium (Metal).
8. Potassium (Metal).
9. Phosphorous.
10. Inflammable organic solvents.
11. Sulphur.
12. Calcium Carbide.
13. Gas Cylinder - Hydrogen, Oxygen or Acetylene.
14. Acetone.
15. Acetate.
16. Aniline.
17. Benzine.
18. Benzol.
19. Butane Liquid.
20. Carbon Bi/Di-sulphide.
21. Cellosolve.
22. Cleaning solvents (dry-cleaners).
23. Ethyl Alcohol.
24. Ethyl Ether.
25. Ethyl Chloride
26. Fuel Oils.
27. Naphtha.
28. Naphthalene.
29. Aluminium dust.
30. Magnesium dust.
31. Zinc dust.
32. Nitric Acid.
33. Sulphuric Acid.
34. Carbon Monoxide gas.
35. Methane gas.
36. Ethylene gas.
37. Sulphuretted Hydrogen gas.
38. Coal gas in cylinders and holders.
39. Producer gas in holders.
40. Red Phosphorous.
41. Phosphorous Pentasulphide.
42. Sodium Nitrate.
43. Barium Nitrate.
44. Calcium Nitrate.
45. Toulene.
46. Phenol.
47. Xylene.
48. Turpentine.
49. Calcium Cynamide.
50. Cellulose Acetate or Cellulose.
51. Collodion.
52. Chromates and Di-chromates.
53. Calcium Phosphide.
54. Methyl Ethyl Ketone.
Inflammable Chemicals
Appendix - II
Whereas, it is necessary in the public interest and safety, ............. is hereby direct you,
Thiru/Tmt./Miss. ......................................./Firm/Company/ Institution/Public/Private Buildings/
Owner/Possessor of Fire Service Licence No................. have violated the condition No............... by not
maintaining in satisfactory working condition or defective or having not produced thereby endangering lives
and property of the inmates and public in and around your premises.
Take notice hereby that you are directed to rectify the above defect and reset the fire protection system
ensuring the safety within 15/30/90 days from the date of receipt of this notice lest, fire service licence issued
to you shall be suspended/ your renewal application refused/your fire service licence cancelled besides action
will be taken to prosecute in the Court of Law under section............of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Act, 1985
read with rule No.............and furnished.
You are directed to acknowledge the receipt of this notice in the duplicate.
Copy to the Licensing Authority.
Copy to All Superior Fire Officers of the jurisdiction.
Appendix -IV
Appendix - V
Part - II
Name of Factory...........................
Licensing Authority.......................
Fire Service Licensing Authority............
Fire Service Licence No...................
Licence No...........................
Name of Proprietor/Owner..................
List of fire Date of Date of The Complia Whether Signatu
protection checking inspectio remarks nce by the re of
arrangeme as per n or of the complia license
nts as per periodicity surprise inspecti licensee nce was e
the prescribed check by on accepted
conditions for each authoris visiting or not. If
of Fire item of ed Fire authoris not
Service fire Officers ed Fire what
Licence protection with Officers was the
arrangeme their future
nts as per name action
column and taken by
designati the
(1) on licensee
Note: - Maintenance of this register in Part II by the licensee is a condition of Fire Service Licence and it is
permanent register for the licensee till the licence ceases.
Part - III
Appendix - VI
Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual Orders 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259 and 263
1. Present:
Name of Officer who issues Licence:
2. Subject:
Case Number
3. Date of inspection and by whom ?
4. Premises number and name of building Street
5. Licence required under which Act, Rules (as per
Appendix XXI to Tamil Nadu Fire Service Manual -
Order 249)
6. Occupants:
(a) Name of firm or company or business or factory.
(b) Name of the proprietor or owner.
(c) Name of contract,
7. Description:
(a) Nature of business, trade, process or industry
(Detailed notes on the raw
materials/Chemicals/Machinery/Electric Motors
/Boilers used)
(b) Commodities and quantities applied for in case of
storage of chemicals with reference to
Appendix - VII
Appendix -VIII
Appendix - IX
This is to certify that Thiru......has successfully undergone the authorised course of Fireman/Fireman
Driver/Driver Mechanic/Station Fire Officer/Divisional Fire Officer (Training) as per rule 14(c) of the Tamil Nadu
Fire Service Rules, 1990 and under section 7 of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Act, 1985 (Tamil Nadu Act 40 of
1985) in the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Training School and has been awarded a full-fledged membership and
declared his professional skill and competency to fire-fighting, fire prevention and fire engineering and he is
hereby authorised to perform all the functions and duties assigned to him under the above said rule and Act
and he is declared to be a member of the Tamil Nadu Fire Subordinate Service.
Seal and date of the Administrative
Department in the Government of
Tamil Nadu (Home).
Appendix - X
List of Records and Registers to be maintained in the Fire Station, Mobile Repair Squad, Divisional Fire Office,
Regional Fire Office, Workshop, Training Centre and in the Directorate
The list of records and registers to be maintained in the Fire Station, Mobile Repair Squad, Divisional Fire
Office, Regional Fire Office, Workshop, Training Centre and in the Directorate as in vogue and as prescribed,
from time to time, by the Director of Fire Service.
Form No. 18
Weekly Report
Details of Vehicles out of Commission (Difference Between Items (7) and (8) Above to be Accounted)