IAS Disaster Recovery
IAS Disaster Recovery
IAS Disaster Recovery
Module 1
Disaster Recovery Plan is designed to ensure the continuation of vital
business processes in the event that a disaster occurs. The plan provides an
effective solution that can be used to recover all vital business processes
within the required time frame using vital records that are stored offsite.
The Plan is just one of several plans that will provide procedures to handle
emergency situations. These plans can be utilized individually but are
designed to support one another. The first plan is the Crisis Management
Plan. The plan allows the ability to handle high-level coordination activities
surrounding any crisis situation. This unit will also discuss the development,
maintenance and testing of the Disaster Recovery Plan. Lastly, it will discuss
the culture and employee education on Disaster Recovery. The term
“disaster” is relative because disasters can occur can occur in varying
degrees. So, this Plan has considered this issue and incorporates
management procedures as well as technical procedures to insure
provable recovery capability.
Any event that can cause a significant disruption in operational and/or
computer processing capabilities for a period of time, which affects the
operations of the business.
Types of disasters
1. Natural or environment disasters
Recovery Strategy
The recovery strategy in this part of the Disaster Recovery Plan will be to
relocate critical Information Systems processing to an alternate computer-
processing center. The processes will be recovered at the Disaster Recovery
Services provider name and location of the Hot-Site. The Disaster Recovery
Services provider name is responsible for ensuring that the system
configurations and the associated network requirements are accurate and
technically feasible at all times. Therefore, yearly testing will be a part of the
alternate processing strategy. Also, the associated network connectivity will
be recovered, within the disaster recovery scenario, using the alternate
processing strategy.
Recovery Phases
The ideal disaster recovery process recognizes the possibilities of the
situation, and manages the necessary activities so that they are solutions,
not additional problems.
Identify and minimize the risks posed by the building, its equipment
and fittings, and the natural hazards of the area.
Carry out a building inspection and alter factors which constitute a
potential hazard.
Establish routine housekeeping and maintenance measures to