Times NIE Web Ed July20 2021 Page1 4
Times NIE Web Ed July20 2021 Page1 4
Times NIE Web Ed July20 2021 Page1 4
Newspaper in
is an
India’s Olympic contingent
WITH arrived in Tokyo on Sunday,
clearing the exhaustive Covid-
TIMES NIE 19 protocols at the airport
before entering the Games
Village. All 88 athletes were
tested Covid negative. They
started training on Monday, the
Sports Authority of India said.
fter the food delivery giant, Zomato
closed its historic and successful ini- Two South African footballers
tial public offering (IPO) last week on tested positive for Covid-19 at
July 16, it has finalised its IPO share the Tokyo Olympic Village,
allotment. The public issue received a great deal of where athletes are housed
demand and response last week, as investors over- during the competition.
subscribing a total of 38.25 times from its opening
day on July 14, till its close date. TIMES NIE explains
(Clockwise) Boxer Mary Kom prays
before having her breakfast at the
LET’S UNDER- Olympic Village in Tokyo; Archery
STAND IPO... mixed team, Atanu and Deepika,
An IPO, or Initial Public during a practice session; Archery
Offering, is a process team being welcomed by Kurobe city
by which a private team and sailor Vishnu Saravanan
company can go public during a training session in Tokyo
by sale of its stocks to
general public. It could
be a new, young com-
pany or an old compa-
ny, which decides to CAN SCHOOL FB POSTS
his week, Twitter crashed and burned on its own plat-
be listed on an form. Last week, the social-media company said in a
exchange and hence,
goes public. The private company hires an investment bank
to sell its stock to the general public for the first time.
THREATEN STUDENT PRIVACY? blog post it was cancelling Fleets, its ephemeral
“story”-like feature popularised by competitors like
Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram. Internet banter
abounded, inclusive of every imaginable pun comparing
After an IPO, the stock gets listed on a stock exchange so Twitter’s short-lived messages to their short-lived exis-
that it can be bought and sold like any other stock. YES, SAYS US STUDY tence. Fleets were introduced just eight months ago, but
Twitter said they failed to catch on as hoped. The Fleets
will be discontinued from August 3, said officials.
WHY DOES IPO HAPPEN? concerns about teachers posting about their
Companies sometimes need extra money for growth and expan- children on social media, said the study.
sion. An IPO is one of the ways they can raise money. Plus, IPOs Millions of student photos available
are a win-win: Companies get to raise money, and people get to
invest in a firm that they haven’t been able to invest in earlier.
In the study, within 9.3 million posts,
around 467,000 students were identified. In
other words, it was found that nearly half a he monsoon session of Parliament — the sixth session
million students on schools’ publicly ac- of the 17th Lok Sabha — started on Monday. It’s the
HOW DOES AN IPO BENEFIT INVESTORS? cessible Facebook pages are pictured and first session after the second wave of Covid-19 broke
When a company offers its stock to the public through an identified by first and last name and the out in the country. Among the Bills, which will be intro-
IPO, investors get to be a part of the future growth of the location of their school. duced are the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amend-
ment) Bill, 2021, The Essential Defence Service Bill, 2021
company – something they would miss out on if the compa- Assessing the risks and The Commission for Air Quality Management in
ny stayed private. Another benefit is the possibility of While many of us already post photos National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Bill, 2021 —
quick gains. Often, the of ourselves, friends and family – and some- the three will replace ordinances. However, the Cryp-
stock price of a company times of our children – on social media, the tocurrency Bill has not been listed.
spikes once the stock One of the bigger benefits posts of schools are different in one impor-
is the prestige that tant sense. As individuals, we can control
gets listed after an IPO - who can see our posts. We can change our
this is called an ‘IPO pop’. accompanies a firm own privacy settings. But people do not nec-
becoming a public compa-
So someone who has
ike many of us, schools in the Unit- essarily control how schools share their
bought the stock in an ny. In the past, only com- ed States are active on social me- posts and images, and all of the posts the
dia. They use their accounts to study analysed were publicly accessible.
IPO can sell it in the open panies that had strong
share timely information, build Anyone in the world could access them. he India Meteorological Department has issued a red
market, and earn a quick fundamentals were able to community and highlight staff and students. alert for Mumbai and neighbouring Thane, indicat-
profit. file for an IPO. But the However, research has shown that schools’ ing heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places.
tech world has changed social media activity may harm students’ WHAT CAN SCHOOLS DO The same has been issued for Pune, Raigad, Ratnagiri,
privacy, says Joshua Rosenberg, Assistant Kolhapur and Satara districts for Wednesday. The IMD
that with the growth of Professor of STEM Education, University Refrain from posting students’ full said red alert indicates that “extremely heavy rainfall is
APPLY FOR the internet boom of Tennessee, US. names: Not posting students’ full likely at isolated places in ghat areas.” Extremely heavy
STOCK IN IPO? While exploring how schools used so- names would make it much more rainfall means more than 204.4 mm precipitation in 24
cial media during the early days of the pan- difficult for individual students to be hours, it said. As many as 32 people lost their lives and many
Buying stock in an IPO is similar to a regular stock trade:
demic, specifically March and April of 2020, targeted and for students’ data to be were injured in rain-related incidents in Mumbai.
You go to your brokerage account during the IPO, and place Rosenberg noticed something surprising sold and linked with other data sources
an order for the company’s about how Facebook worked, “We could view by companies.
stock. the posts of schools – including images of
THIS DAY THAT YEAR Green activists see red as space tourism lifts off
Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo uses a type of
fter years of waiting, Richard Origin rocket today, the nascent space
tough, the tough get THE NIGHTMARE
he pandemic is still raging and specu- do the work given on that day
ast year was nothing short of a turmoil. We
going.... For students in
their classes X and XII, it
is indeed a year when
L were introduced to reduced portions, online
classes and online assignments, which did
open new avenues, but as they say, there
are two sides to every coin. With the
lation is on regarding syllabus and
exams. Online mode may be the norm
all through this year too, so I have made a
solemn resolution to concentrate on studies
I have kept away all things that
distract me.
I regularly indulge in my hobbies that
they need to strengthen pandemic continuing into my board
year, life does seem to be rather
whatever be the situation. I have adopted a
few habits to focus on my studies. 5 include Bharatanatyam, singing and
playing the veena, which help me lighten
their resolve to get I have decided to meditate and practice
tudy! Study! Study! A single word that haunts he academic year 2020-2021 was a difficult one for
students going to sit for their Boards. Learning all me as it involved learning through a virtual plat-
ith one of the most important
our subjects online has not been an easy task. form. This year, I plan on investing my entire time
exams of our school life coming up,
While our favourite subjects are a cakewalk, others are in learning efficiently by keeping my video ON all the
attending five hours of class a day
a hard nut to crack. For me, Science is a subject that I time. This will help me concentrate more in class without
and then tuitions and entrance coaching-for
struggle with. The chemical equations, any distractions. It is hard on both students and teachers, but
some of us, have made time management a
scientific terms and definitions can this is the best we can get at times like this.
only be understood when you are For Board exams, I have to practice time management to write the
While comparing classes X and XII, the
attentive in a physical classroom, papers in the given time. Of all the five subjects that we have (Math,
board exam for the latter is an entirely dif-
throwing questions back and forth. I try and do my best in English, Science, Social and Second Language), I find Math easy. Social
ferent ball game. It's a turning point, a
my online classes. Self-study helps with learning and re- Studies is a tough one for me, it includes Geography, History, Civics, and
deciding factor for grabbing a seat in the
learning at our own pace. I along with my father, experiment Economics, making it an enormous subject with a lot of info.
top-notch colleges, or even the basis for a
with methods of alternate learning and thinking. I will try to revise constantly, make mind maps, refer notes
scholarship. I have started treating this year
Hard work and concentration are keys to help improve upon where we and practice maps in Social. There are a lot of dates and
as a stepping stone and not a hurdle. It
lag behind. The present pandemic has made everything erratic and references to the past in History that need to be memo-
serves as an experience which
unpredictable. But we all have to make sure we stick to a schedule, keep rised. I have put events in a chronological order, which
will prepare me deal with simi-
our grades intact so that we can clear our Boards with flying colours. will allow me to memorise and remember.
lar and perhaps more impor-
tant situations in the future. Nilanjana Singh Roy, class X, Delhi Public School, Nacharam, Hyderabad A Umesh, class X, GTVAM, Chennai
It will be a significant mile-
stone in my life and I plan to
face it in the right spirit. GETTING have just entered class XII after a very skills that I can develop in the time that I only theoretically.
I have realised that self-study is most short class XI experience. Unfortunately, am saving by not having to commute to col- My parents, both who love the subject,
important. Following simple practices such
CLARITY OF I don't think going to physical college is lege. Honestly, it's the only bright side of are looking forward to helping me undertake
as setting achievable goals and meeting ECONOMICS going to be possible anytime soon. college being online. this endeavour. In this overall situation, all
them will certainly give me a sense of satis- Therefore, I must make do with online Unfortunately, I am not drawn you can do is make the best out
CONCEPTS college for the year ahead. to any subject in the curriculum of what you have.
faction. This will act as a driving force to
help get through the portions smooth- I don't quite enjoy the online because of the general exhaus-
ly and perform better. classes as the lack of interaction tiveness of the portion. Arushee Menon,
makes the whole ordeal exhausting. Economics is one subject in class XII,
By the time the college day ends, I am which I can never seem to recol- St Xavier's
Ishita Delish, class XII, Global
Public School,
all tuckered out. Online classes are rather lect the concepts when I need to. I plan College,
draining, as any student would know. The to devote more time to Economics and try Mumbai
only thing I look forward to is the other to understand it more practically, instead of
z The academic session is divided into labus). z The weightage of Term I exam for the final score
z The syllabus for the Board obtained will be uploaded by the school but Term I exams are held at schools or centers.
examination 2021-22 will be rationalised. on the very same day. z Results will be based on the performance of
z Internal Assessment/Practical/Project z Marks of the Term I examination will students on Term I MCQ based examination and
work will be made more credible and valid contribute to the final overall score. internal assessments.
z The weightage of marks of Term I examination
z Schools will continue teaching in distance z Term II examination would be held around
A LOOK AT THE mode till the authorities permit in-person March-April 2022 at the examination centers Assessment/Examination as per
conducted by the Board will be increased to provide
year end results of candidates.
fixed by the Board.
CBSE SPECIAL SCHEME mode of teaching in schools. situations that may arise...
z Schools will create a Student Profile for all
assessments undertaken over the year and
z The question paper will have questions of
different formats (case-based/ situation
A) In case the pandemic situation improves
and students are able to go to schools or
D) In case the situation of the pandemic forces
complete closure of schools and Board con-
ducted Term I and II exams are taken by the candi-
retain the evidences in digital format. based, open ended- short answer/long
BOARD EXAMS z Flexible schedule to be conducted
answer type).
centres for taking the exams.
z Board will conduct Term I and Term II examina-
dates from home in the session 2021-22.
z Results will be computed on the basis of the
FOR CLASSES between November-December 2021 z It will cover the rationalised syllabus tions at schools/centres. Internal Assessment/Practical/Project Work.
with a window period of 4-8 weeks. of Term II only (i.e. approx. 50% of the z The theory marks will be distributed equally z Theory marks of Term-I and II exams taken by the
X AND XII z The Question Paper will have Multiple
entire syllabus). between the two exams. candidate from home in Class X/XII subject to the
FOR THE Choice Questions (MCQ) including z In case the situation is not conducive for moderation or other measures to
case-based /assertion-reasoning type. normal descriptive examination, a 90-minute
MCQ based exam will be conducted at the end
B) In case the situation of the pandemic forces
complete closure of schools during
November-December 2021, but Term II exams
ensure validity and reliability of the
z Duration of test will be 90 min-
of the Term II also. Marks of the Term II are held at schools or centres.
2021-2022 utes. It will cover the ratio-
nalised syllabus of Term I only
Examination would contribute to the final z Term I MCQ based examination will be taken T Lalitha Kumari, Principal,
overall score. by students online/offline from home. Sister Nivedita School, Hyderabad
(i.e. approx, 50% of the entire syl-
TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2021
It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
Fun experiment thrills students
Student council members T
he students of class
VI enjoyed their sci-
ence club activity,
as part of which they
performed an experiment
n accordance with the new norm, for various positions, they filed their
the school organized elections for nominations.
the Students Council 2021-2022 on Ankit Bhatia, Abhishek, Yathin EXCELLENCE
online. and Krishna Vamshi were the con-
It was a pleasure to see that the testants for the position of the school
present threat of the pandemic has head boy. Ananya, Anjali, Devi Priya where coloured water
not dampened the spirit of the chil- and Sireesha contested for position moved up the tissue
dren. We received an overwhelming of school head girl. The other con- paper due to capillary
testants were Pratham Gowda,
Hardick Borana, Sumit Vishwakar-
action and mixed with
YASHASVI ma and Yogesh for school deputy other colours to make a
VIDYNIKETHAN head boy; Jigyaseeni, Sakshi Tanwar,
Harshitha and Sahana for deputy
place on July 16. The students of
classes VII to X were eligible to vote,
ners were Krishna Vamshi as head
boy, Devi Priya as head girl,
rainbow generated a lot
of curiosity and enthusi-
head girl. along with the teaching and non- Pratham Gowda as deputy head
response from our students. Digital campaigning was held on teaching staff. boy and Jagyaseeni as deputy head asm among the students.
After the school picked students July 13 and 14, 2021. The voting took The students who emerged win- boy.
he Investiture Ceremony is a
solemn occasion where all the
young student leaders are pre-
pared to don the mantle of leadership
vational song performed by the stu-
dents, readings from the holy verses
were also part of the ceremony. The
outgoing head boy handed over
Fun ways to learn math
and discharge the responsibilities en- charge to the new Student Council
trusted upon them by the school. and outgoing head girl of the school
Daffodils English School has al- thanked the management and teach-
ers for the opportunity and confidence
DAFFODILS ENGLISH SCHOOL invested in the outgoing council.
The vice-principal, principal and
ways been inspired by the vision of CEO addressed the new council about
our founder P K Bheemaiah, that virtues, duties and fulfilling them.
every child who comes to this temple They wished the student council all
of learning should aspire to be the badges on our newly selected coun- held virtually wherein the newly the very best for a successful tenure.
torch bearer of tomorrow. cil, circumstances did not permit us elected members of the student coun- The council later took the pledge
We proudly honoured and in- to do so. Who better to do this than cil were introduced and had their to uphold the school motto ‘Do Well
vested our new leaders into their roles parents? Parents - the constant moti- badges pinned by their parents - a All You Do’ in high regard and esteem.
for the academic year 2021-22. While vators and supporters of our students proud moment for both of them.
it would have been the school’s priv- and esteemed institution. An invocation dance, oath-taking _ Roopa Gore, CCA
ilege and honour to bestow their The investiture ceremony was by the new student council, a moti- and sports coordinator
un, hands on math games are a great way to make early math
concepts clear and keep students engaged. Introducing math games VIDYAPEETH
Sometimes may hold us back From the scar of life. A mask that covers us
But the larger cause of living sprights the lamp of From the disease and also ourselves.
Today, we breathe through our shadow into the classroom is a great way to make learning fun, engaging SCHOOL
In hope of a better tomorrow Niharika Dusi, class X, and motivating for young learners. The class VI students actively partici-
But is that so important, We've locked up our souls again. Air Force School, ASTE pated in the activity of divisibility rule for 11 using different materials available at home.
conomic development of a coun- when GST was made the common tax- learning, "Government systems devel-
try depends on the efficient uti- ing pattern for our nation's economy. op in need of a society", pupils enthu-
lization of available resources, The commemoration began in the siastically presented their under-
which needs the right infrastructure. standing about different types of tax-
notable and unprecedented tax reform searching and finding out the practical with a quiz.
iipa Buller Khosla is an Indian Pic: Getty Images ture and colour. She taught me that
born and brought up social we don’t need to step out to make a
media influencer, who is change. Knowledge and a simple social TIME TO CYCLE
spreading the desi roots in fashion media platform hold a lot of power to FREE LIVE WEBINAR ON
industry around the globe. She moved make it happen. Diipa continues to
abroad to complete her degree in inspire thousands of girls out there
international human rights law and a that courage and hope is enough to Excel
c in Exams with
dream to make a change. Because of break the barriers of society and
Diipa, I feel that I can achieve any- shine bright.
thing I want if I have crystal clear She’s also the first Indian influ-
Cycling, cycling,,,
vision for it. She is the founder of NGO encer to walk the red carpet of
Tring, tring, tring.
called ‘Post For Change’ where social Cannes Film Festival in France. The
Cycle every day makes you
media influencers use their platform House of Commons of Great Britain
as a transformative engine to drive invited her to speak on Women’s Day
Plan to take out time a bit. CLICK HERE TO
change with the tagline where she said "To the girls and to my
Morning or evening,,, https://forms.gle/bPFkzWYfudey2MVz7
#SocialmediaforSocialchange. old self, I owe it to use my voice here
Let's take a cycle round.
Post for Change revolves around and a well as online to share my jour-
Sunny or rainy,,,, 24th July - Saturday
equality for women, sexual rights and ney from an insecure 17-year-old girl
Let's go healthy around. 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
mental health. Stepping into this whitening her skin and wearing
Cycling cycling ,,,,
industry she got pushed back a lot coloured contact lens- LEARN MORE- CONTACT US
Tring, tring , tring.
because of her colour and race es to the proud brown 8097758902
Breathe the fresh air.
but she did not let it affect her woman I am today."
Let's show the nature care. Student age group
and continued achieving her TANVI MITTAL, class X, With Master Trainer
Shatakshi Bopanna, class IV, 8 years and above
dreams. She shared her story St Joseph’s Sr Sec
National Public School, Amrut Jadhav
openly and inspired thousands of DIIPA BULLER KHOSLA School, Chandigarh
Kengeri Note:- Parents should attend the FOUNDER OF BRAIN INFINITE
teen girls to embrace their cul- webinar along with the child. AUTHOR OF YOU CAN HAVE A JUMBO MEMORY
Will look to secure
series with won
over Sri Lanka in Shikhar Dhawan and Ishan Kishan in
action as they run between the wickets
second ODI
ndia’s young guns will get another dav bossing the opposition from ball one. er Bhuvneshwar Kumar did not have the ball 43, Sri Lanka were able to cross 250. He
opportunity to flaunt their excep-
tional talent and secure a series win ■ India are unlikely to make changes as
DHAWAN AT 10,000 AS best of days but trust him to be back in his
elements in the next game.
feels his team can regularly score 300-plus
if the batsmen don’t squander starts. “We
against a hapless Sri Lankan outfit
in the second ODI in Colombo on
they would like to pocket the series before
giving chances to other youngsters in the
OPENER, 6000 IN ODI were trying to play longer innings - even
when I was batting with Dasun Shanaka in
Tuesday. Skipper Shikhar Dhawan squad. The only one feeling the heat would India’s stand-in white-ball captain Shikhar Lankan team the 42nd or 43rd over I asked him if I should
was left in complete awe at the oth- be Manish Pandey, who laboured to a 40- go for some big shots, but he told me to wait
er end as the likes of Prithvi Shaw, ball 26 in the series opener when others
Dhawan has completed 10,000 runs as an lacks experience until the 45th over.
Ishan Kishan and Suryakumar Yadav made were at their fluent best. Shaw, in his opener in international cricket. The left-
batting look ridiculously easy in the first ODI comeback game, played breathtaking handed batsman achieved the feat against ■ Sri Lanka bowlers also made it easier for ■ “If more of our batsmen had been able to
on Sunday night. strokes on the off-side but missed out on the marauding Indian batters who romped bat longer, we could have attacked earlier and
a big score. It is something he would like Sri Lanka in the first ODI of the three-match home to the win in the 37th over. It will take gone for a bigger score. We do have the abili-
to correct on Tuesday. series. He also became the tenth Indian a special effort from the struggling Sri ty to get to 300 or 350, and hopefully that will
Bench strength evident batsman to score 6000 runs in the 50-over Lankan side to pull one back against the happen in the next games,” said Karunaratne.
■ It was good to see Kuldeep Chahal and rampaging visitors. The inexperienced team The bowlers too need to raise their game sig-
■ In the long run, India want to play more ag- Yuzvendra Chahal bowl in tandem after a format. Virender Sehwag, Sachin Tendulkar, showed it has the talent to compete with the nificantly to put pressure on the high-quality
gressively in the shorter formats and the per- long time and they proved once again that Sunil Gavaskar, and Rohit Sharma are the opposition if not win. Most of the batsmen Indian batsmen.
formance of the trio served as a perfect tem- they perform better as a pair. With spin- got starts but could not convert. It is some-
plate in that context. Their sensational bat- ners bowling the bulk of the overs, star all- other batsmen to have scored more than thing they will have to fix to test India. ■ Both teams might be interested in chasing
ting also reinforced the might of India’s bench rounder Hardik Pandya showed promise in 10,000 runs as an opener. with the slow pitch playing better in the
strength with ODI debutants Kishan and Ya- the five overs he bowled. Seniormost pac- ■ Thanks to Chamika Karunaratne’s 35- evening. PTI
ahiri ended the week one Lahiri, who was laid low by COVID-19 and Japan’s Hideki Matsuyama, this one game to play. Shakib Al
stroke behind the playoff in April. “Every opportunity that I get, year’s Masters champion. Lahiri, a two- Hasan hit 96 not out to con-
duo of eventual champion I’m going to grab it with both hands, time winner on the European Tour, said tinue a brilliant series for
Seamus Power and J T Pos- and hopefully I can go with this form an Olympic medal would go a long way him. His five wickets in the
ton after shooting rounds of to Tokyo and keep making these birdies in lifting golf ’s profile in India, where first game saw him become Shakib Al Hasan
68, 67, 68 and 65 at the Keene Trace Golf because I’m going to need them.” cricket is king. “I think it would change Bangladesh’s highest wick- sure on. Wessley Madhe-
Club in Nicholasville. “I think all week, the way golf is perceived in India. It et-taker in ODIs. Shakib’s vere made 56 in Zimbabwe’s
I’ve played a little better than the scores
I’ve shot,” the former Asia number one
OLYMPIC WATCH would have similar impact to winning
a major even,” said the 34-year-old.
unbeaten 69-run partner-
ship with No. 9 Mohammad
240-9 in 50 overs. Captain
Brendan Taylor scored 46.
told the PGA Tour after securing his In Tokyo, Lahiri will be part of a “I think more people would watch Saifuddin (28 not out) took Shakib also took two wick-
tour card for the next season. field that includes newly crowned an Olympic event than just a regular Bangladesh home. ets with his left-arm spin to
“I’m not playing next week, off to British Open champion Collin PGA Tour event. That’s a great oppor- Zimbabwe had a chance help Bangladesh’s bowling
Tokyo, so I wanted to make sure that I Morikawa, world number one Jon tunity for me to give back to the game when Bangladesh was 130- effort. The third ODI is on
get the most out of this week,” said Rahm, Justin Thomas, Rory McIlroy and bring some glory to India.” REUTERS 5 but couldn’t keep the pres- Tuesday. AP
Photo: AFP
Photo: TOI
a. Yuki Irie b. Emilia Cîrîcu athlete to receive a nomination for a a. Divya and Babitha b. Kavitha and Geetha
The Olympians
Q2: The Indian wrestler won gold
at Yasar Dogu International
in Istanbul in 2019. Under which
b. Pro Wrestling Illustrated awards
c. AEW Dynamite Awards
d. Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Awards
Q7: Vinesh Phogat is the
daughter of which
famous wrestler?
weight category did she compete? a. Mahavir Singh b. Dalip Singh Rana
orn into a family of wrestlers from