Opinion Composition-Written Assessment Rubric My Biggest Regret'
Opinion Composition-Written Assessment Rubric My Biggest Regret'
Opinion Composition-Written Assessment Rubric My Biggest Regret'
‘My biggest regret’
Content & The text is logically The text is not The text is The text is not
Organization organized. always logically organized but not in organized.
All the points are organized. the logical order. Not all the
successfully All the points are Most of the points points are
covered. well covered. are covered. covered.
Grammar & The student uses The student uses The student uses The student
Vocabulary a wide range of quite a wide range some vocabulary does not
vocabulary seen in of vocabulary seen and a few effectively use
class. in class. expressions. the vocabular
Grammar Grammar structures Grammar patterns seen in class.
structures are are well used, with 1 are well used, with Grammar
perfectly used. or 2 mistakes. more than 3 structures are
mistakes. not clear. A
myriad of