GIAE_L5_Evaluation Rubrics_Unit 1
GIAE_L5_Evaluation Rubrics_Unit 1
GIAE_L5_Evaluation Rubrics_Unit 1
1 Evaluation rubrics
Solving shopping issues Talk about returning an item to a store
Task fulfillment Fully covers all the steps Covers all the steps Covers all the steps Doesn’t cover all Doesn’t cover all
required by the task: required by the required by the the steps required the steps
Think, Prepare, Practice task: Think, task: Think, by the task and/or required by the
and Perform. Prepare, Practice Prepare, Practice with little detail in task and/or with
and Perform. and Perform but the Think and very little detail in
with some detail Prepare sections. the Think and
missing from the Prepare sections.
Think and Prepare
Language Uses a wide range of Uses a range of Uses a limited Uses a very limited Doesn’t use a
vocabulary. Uses key vocabulary. Uses range of range of range of
grammar: past tenses, key grammar: past vocabulary. Uses vocabulary. Uses vocabulary.
with no or very few tenses, with only a key grammar: past key grammar: past Doesn’t use key
mistakes. Uses a good few mistakes. Uses tenses, with some tenses, with grammar: past
number of key phrases: some key phrases: mistakes. Uses a several mistakes. tenses. Doesn’t
for solving shopping for solving few key phrases: Uses a limited use key phrases:
issues. shopping issues. for solving number of key for solving
shopping issues. phrases: for shopping
solving shopping issues.
Pronunciation Speaks clearly and with Speaks clearly, Speaks clearly, Often struggles to Struggles to
intelligible pronunciation occasionally sometimes speak intelligibly. speak intelligibly.
for the most part. struggles with struggles with
pronunciation but pronunciation but
without affecting without affecting
understanding. understanding.
1 Evaluation rubrics
Write a description of a person
Task Fully covers all the Covers all the key Covers all the key Covers all the key Doesn’t cover all the
fulfillment key points required points required by points required by points required by key points required
by the task: Think, the task: Think, the task: Think, the task: Think, by the task.
Prepare, Write and Prepare, Write and Prepare, Write and Prepare, Write and
Check. Check. Check but with Check but with a lot
some detail missing. of details missing.
Language Uses key vocabulary: Uses key Uses some key Uses limited key Uses very limited
personal qualities vocabulary: vocabulary: vocabulary: key vocabulary:
and describing personal qualities personal qualities personal qualities personal qualities
personal and describing and describing and describing and describing
characteristics, with personal personal personal personal
no or very few characteristics, characteristics, characteristics, with characteristics,
spelling mistakes. with only a few with some spelling several spelling with spelling
Uses key grammar: spelling mistakes. mistakes. Uses key mistakes. Uses mistakes. Uses very
past tenses, Uses key grammar: grammar: past limited key grammar: limited key grammar:
accurately, with no or past tenses, with tenses, with some past tenses, with past tenses, with
very few mistakes. only a few mistakes. mistakes. several mistakes. mistakes.
Organization Organizes the Organizes the Organizes the Uses one or two Doesn’t use
description into four description into three description into paragraphs. Doesn’t paragraphs. Doesn’t
paragraphs. or four paragraphs. three paragraphs. organize the text so organize the text so
Organizes the text so Organizes the text Organizes some of that the reader that the reader
that the reader so that the reader the text so that the understands little of understands very
understands all of understands most of reader understands the message. little of the message.
the message. the message. some of the
Genre Uses several Uses phrases as Uses some phrases Uses very few Doesn’t use any
phrases accurately appropriate for the as appropriate for phrases as phrases as
as appropriate for the writing genre: for the writing genre: for appropriate for the appropriate for the
writing genre: for describing describing writing genre: for writing genre: for
describing appearance and appearance and describing describing
appearance and character. Includes character. May or appearance and appearance and
character. Includes an anecdote. may not Include an character. Doesn’t character. Doesn’t
an anecdote. anecdote. include an anecdote. include an anecdote.
1 Evaluation rubrics
Create a personal identity poster; present the poster
Task Fully covers all the Covers all the steps Fully covers all the steps Fully covers all the Doesn’t cover all the
fulfillment steps required by the required by the task: required by the task: steps required by the steps required by the
task: Think, Plan, Think, Plan, Create Think, Plan, Create and task: Think, Plan, task.
Create and Present. and Present. Present but with some Create and Present
detail missing. but with a lot of details
Content Creates an attractive Creates a clearly Creates a poster about Creates a poster Creates a simple
and clearly organized organized poster with personal identity but about personal poster about personal
poster with key key information about some key information is identity but a lot of identity with very
information about personal identity. missing or the key information is limited information;
personal identity. Includes most of the organization of the poster missing or poster isn’t poster isn’t clear.
Includes all of the following: isn’t always clear. Includes clear. Includes little of Includes very little or
following: - a brief introduction some of the following: the following: none of the following:
- a brief introduction - sections about - a brief introduction - a brief introduction - a brief introduction
- sections about appearance and - sections about - sections about - sections about
appearance and personality, hobbies, appearance and appearance and appearance and
personality, hobbies, a fun fact and a personality, hobbies, a personality, hobbies, personality, hobbies,
a fun fact and a personal anecdote fun fact and a personal a fun fact and a a fun fact and a
personal anecdote - effective visuals. anecdote personal anecdote personal anecdote
- effective visuals. - effective visuals. - effective visuals. - effective visuals.
Language Uses key language in Uses key language in Uses some key language Uses limited key Uses very limited key
the poster: past the poster: past in the poster: past tenses, language in the language in the poster:
tenses, personal tenses, personal personal qualities and poster: past tenses, past tenses, personal
qualities and qualities and describing personal personal qualities qualities and
describing personal describing personal characteristics, with and describing describing personal
characteristics characteristics, with some mistakes. personal characteristics, with
accurately, with no or only a few mistakes. characteristics, with many mistakes.
very few mistakes. several mistakes.
Presentation Presents each section Presents each section Presents the poster well, Presents the poster, Presents the poster by
of the poster very of the poster clearly, but some parts of the but many parts of the simply reading the
clearly, with good with reasonable presentation could be presentation are information aloud.
pacing. Answers pacing. Answers clearer. Answers unclear. Struggles to Presentation is
questions about the questions about the questions about the answer questions unclear. Is unable to
poster accurately and poster accurately and poster, but sometimes not about the poster. answer questions
clearly. clearly. accurately or clearly. about the poster.