Sl. No. Name of The Verification Certificate Amount in Rupees Select Appropriate Service Sought
Sl. No. Name of The Verification Certificate Amount in Rupees Select Appropriate Service Sought
Sl. No. Name of The Verification Certificate Amount in Rupees Select Appropriate Service Sought
The Commissioner of Police / Superintendent of Police / SHO Photo
_________________________ City / District / Police Station.
With regard to the above, following are the personal details for whom the PVC / PCC is required.
1. Name
2. Father/
3. Nationality
a. Period of stay
6. Permanent
7. Address
to be verified
with period of
a. Period of stay
(Please enter the 12 digit transaction number in the boxes above. First 3 characters are
Alphabetical and rest 9 characters are Numerical.)
b. Date of issue
a. Passport Number
The information furnished in this application is true to the best of my / our knowledge &
belief. No information has been suppressed.
Please verify the ANTECENDENTS and / or the STAY DETAILS of the above named person at
the given address for the given period of stay and issue the PVC/ PCC.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Date :
Signature of the Applicant /
the I/c of the Company / firm.
From Address:
1. Applicant should furnish one of the approved documents by the State Government
for the purpose of address proof.(Passport, Pan card, Ration Card, Voter ID, BSNL
Telephone Bill, Gas Bill, Water Bill, Electricity Bill, Driving License, Aadhar Card)
2. Enclose two additional passport size photos along with the application.
3. Furnish the proof of date of birth.
4. The PVC / PCC issued shall not be used for any other purpose other than the purpose
specified in the application.