Utilizing Whatsapp Chat Group On Efl Teaching Class

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Kenny Shania Lestari R.
NIM. 17180018


June, 2021

Submitted to the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirement for the Bachelor Degree of Education (S.Pd) in English Education


Kenny Shania Lestari R.

NIM. 17180018


June, 2021

This to certify that the thesis of Kenny Shania Lestari R. It has been approved by the

advisor for further approval by the board of examiners.

Malang, June 9th 2021


Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M. Pd.




Kenny Shania Lestari R.
NIM. 17180018

Approved by:

Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd.

NIP. 197110142003121001

Head of English Education Department,

Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd.

NIP. 197110142003121001


Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd.
Lecturer of Faculty of Edcation and Teacher Training
Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang


Malang, June 08th, 2021
Hal. : Thesis of Kenny Shania Lestari R
Lamp : 3 (Three) Copies

The Honorable,
To the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Assalamu‘alaikum Wr.Wb
After conducting several times of guidance in terms of content, language, writing
techniques, and after reading the students’ thesis as follow:

Name : Kenny Shania Lestari R

Student ID Number : 17180018
Department : English Education
Skripsi : Utilizing WhatsApp Chat Group In EFL Class During

therefore, we believe that the thesis of Kenny Shana Lestari R has been approved by
the advisors for further approval by the board of examiners.
Wassalamu‘alaikum Wr.Wb


Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd.

NIP. 197110142003121001


Especially the most important thing is prostration and gratitude to Allah SWT
and Prophet Muhammad who has given us many mercies and blessings. Thanks for
giving me knowledge, strength and a bright path to accomplish this thesis.
Besides, this thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents, Rochmiadi and Lilik
Hariani who always have sincerity to encourage, pray, educate, and give a lot of
motivation. Also big thanks to my beloved friends especially who always patiently
support me in finishing this thesis. The last, I would like to say thanks to myself who
still survive. Because I believe it is not become easier, but I become stronger.


“Lucky is nothing without hard work and real action. -Kenny


‫الرحِ ي ِْم‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬
َّ ‫هللا‬
ِ ‫ْــــــــــــــــــم‬
ِ ‫ِبس‬
In the Name of Allah SWT, The Beneficent, The Merciful

In the name of Allah the almighty who is the Most Gracious and Merciful, the
Lord of universe and space. Thanks to Allah for giving the author’s study the
knowledge, chance, and willingness to accomplish this final thesis to meet the
bachelor’s degree requirement. Shalawat and Salam are upon our Prophet Muhammad
SAW, who has guided us into from the darkness to the brightness era and better
humankind. In addition, may Allah bless his family, companions, and adherents.

This qualitative current study as one of the requirements for S1 degree in

English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, the State
Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang entitled “Utilizing WhatsApp
Chat Group in EFL Teaching: Voices of ELF Students and Lecturers”. The writer
realize that will not be successful to accomplish this thesis without any help, support,
pray, and guidance from many people. Especially to Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M.
Pd., for his advice, suggestion, motivation, and time until the writer finished and
complete this thesis.

Besides, the writer also wants to show his greatest appreciation, gratitude, and
thanks to:

1. To the Rector of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University, Malang,

Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Haris, M.Ag., The Dean of Faculty of Education and
Teacher Training, Dr. H. Agus Maimun, M.Pd., The Head of English Education
Department, Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd., and all the beloved lecturers in
English Education Department.
2. To the writer’s advisor, Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd.,

3. To the writer’s life. My beloved father, Rochmiadi, and beloved mother, Lilik
4. All lecturers at English Education Department and all lecturers the Faculty of
Education and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang.
5. My beloved friend (Asna Robah and Siti Ulum). Thank for your love, support,
and pray.
6. And everyone whose name cannot be mentioned one by one.

Malang, June 9th, 2021

Kenny Shania Lestari R.

NIM. 17180018


The writing of Arabic-Latin transliteration in this thesis uses

transliteration guidelines based on a joint decision of the Minister of Religion
of the Republic of Indonesia and the Minister of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 158 of 1987 and No. 0543b/U/1987 which can be
described as follows:

‫=ا‬A ‫=س‬S ‫=ل‬L
‫=ب‬B ‫ = ش‬Sy ‫=م‬M
‫=ت‬T ‫ = ص‬Sh ‫=ن‬N
‫ = ث‬Tsa ‫ = ض‬dl ‫=و‬W
‫=ج‬J ‫ = ط‬th ‫=ه‬H
‫=ح‬H ‫ = ظ‬zh ‫=ء‬,
‫ = خ‬Kh ‫‘ =ع‬ ‘‫ =ي‬Y
‫=د‬D ‫ = غ‬gh
‫ = ذ‬Dz ‫=ف‬f
‫=ر‬R ‫=ق‬Q
‫=ز‬Z ‫=ك‬K

Long Vowels: Diphthong Vocals:

Vokal (a) panjang = â ‫ا‬ ‫ = و‬Aw
Vokal (i) panjang = î ‫ = اي‬Ay
Vocal (u) panjang = û ‫ = او‬U


Abbreviation Meaning

Covid-19 Corona Virus 19 1

APJII Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia 2
ESL English as a Second Language 3
L2 A person's second language 4
EFL English as a Foreign Language 4
CALL Computer-Assisted Language Learning 10
SMS Short Message Service 11
TEFL Teaching English as Foreign Language 26
PDF Portable Document Format 40
ICT Information and Communications Technology 46
Mrs. IMB Lecturer 1 49
Mrs. WIM Lecturer 2 49
PC Personal Computer 56


APPROVAL................................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................................... ii
LEGITIMATION SHEET…………………… ........................................................... iii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................. vi
MOTTO ...................................................................................................................... vii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................ viii
LATIN ARABIC TRANSLITERATURE GUIDELINES ........................................... x
LIST OF ABBREVIATION ........................................................................................ xi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ xii
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................... xv
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................ xvi
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. xvii
ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................... xviii
‫ مستخلص البحث‬............................................................................................................... xix
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background of Study .......................................................................................... 1
1.2.Research Question ............................................................................................... 5
1.3 The Objective of the Study ................................................................................. 5
1.4.The Significance of the Study ............................................................................. 5
1.5.Scope and Limitation .......................................................................................... 6
1.6 Definition of Key Terms ..................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER II ................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 EFL...................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Media ................................................................................................................ 10
2.3 An Effective Learning Tool .............................................................................. 12
2.4 Utilizing Media in EFL Class ........................................................................... 12
2.5 WhatsApp Chat Group ...................................................................................... 13

2.5.1 The Definition of WhatsApp ...................................................................... 13
2.5.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of WhatsApp ........................................... 13
2.6 The Concept of Voice ....................................................................................... 15
2.6.1 The Definition of Voice ............................................................................. 15
2.6.2 The Process of Perception .......................................................................... 16
2.6.3 Kinds of (Voice) Perception....................................................................... 16
2.6.4 Factors Affecting Perception...................................................................... 17
2.7 Lecturer ............................................................................................................. 18
2.8 Constructivist Learning Theory ........................................................................ 18
2.10 Previous Study .................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................. 22
3.1. Research Design ........................................................................................... 22
3.2 Data Source .................................................................................................. 23
3.3. Research Instrument ..................................................................................... 23
3.4 Data Collection.................................................................................................. 24
3.4.1 Interview .................................................................................................... 24
3.4.2 Observation ................................................................................................ 25
3.5 Data Analysis .................................................................................................... 26
3.5.1 Data reduction ....................................................................................... 27
3.5.2 Data Display .......................................................................................... 27
3.5.3 Data verification ......................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER IV ............................................................................................................. 29
4.1 Findings ............................................................................................................. 29
4.1.1 Interview Results ........................................................................................ 29
4.1.3 Observation result ...................................................................................... 36
4.2 Discussion ......................................................................................................... 42
4.2.1 EFL Senior Lecturers’ Voices towards Utilizing WhatsApp Chat Group . 42
CHAPTER V............................................................................................................... 46
5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 46
5.2 Suggestion ......................................................................................................... 47

REFERENCES............................................................................................................ 48
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................ 57


Tabel 4. 1 The Result of Lecturer Observation Checklist ........................................... 37


Appendix I The Blueprint of Instrument Guideline .................................................... 58

Appendix II Interview Guide ...................................................................................... 61
Appendix III Observation Guide ................................................................................. 63
Appendix IV The Results of Interview ....................................................................... 65
Appendix V The Result of Observation ...................................................................... 72
Appendix VI Consultation Card.................................................................................. 77
Appendix VII The Survey Report of UIN Malang ..................................................... 79
Appendix VIII Letter of Practical Research Permission ............................................. 92
Appendix IX Curriculum Vitae................................................................................... 93


Shania, Kenny Lestari R. 2021. Utilizing Whatsapp Chat Group in EFL Class During
Pandemic. Graduating Paper. English Education Department. Teacher
Training and Education Faculty. The State Islamic University of Maulana
Malik Ibrahim Malang. Conselour: Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M. Pd
Keywords: WhatsApp chat group, EFLClassroom, voice, and senior lecturers.

The sudden novel outbreak of COVID-19 is beginning to reach the world of

education. The Indonesian government decided to quarantine policy to diminish the
spread of this novel virus. Teaching and learning are expected to keep the learning
process by online. This case was done by an alternative strategy where WhatsApp is a
popular online tool commonly used by senior lecturers at State Islamic University of
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

The primary aim of this study: to get the voices of senior lecturers toward the
utilizing of WhatsApp aid. This current study used a qualitative approach design by
applying two instruments: interview, and observation. It was done by involving two
lecturers of the English Education Department in Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic

The findings of this research demonstrated that the Grammar lecturer posed the
positive voices toward WhatsApp aid such as implementing WhatsApp as learning
management system, integrating this aid for educational purposes, and never facing
any troubles while applying this aid. Furthermore, Mrs. IMB as educators emphasized
to her students that young generation does not only learn academical matters but also
be social- caring, good attitudes, and high tolerance. This kind of learning strategy, it
is well-known as maternity reflective approach. However, the Prose senior lecturer
stated that she faced many troubles such as irrelevant messages in the discussion forum,
junk notifications, time-consuming, and errors signal. Moreover, Mrs. WIM added that
interactions in WhatsApp aid cannot motivate students to be active. Thus, Mrs. WIM
used WhatsApp aid as supportive learning tool.

Shania, Kenny Lestari R. 2021. Memanfaatkan Grup Obrolan Whatsapp Dalam
Pengajaran Asing Bahasa Inggris Selama Pandemi. Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Ilmu Trabiyah dan Keguruan. Universitas Islam
Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Konselor: Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto,
Kata kunci: Grup chat WhatsApp, Kelas EFL, Perspektif, dan Dosen Senior.
Wabah baru COVID-19 tiba-tiba mulai merambah ke dunia pendidikan.
Pemerintah Indonesia memutuskan karantina untuk mengurangi penyebaran virus.
Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris diharapkan dapat terjaga secara online. Hal ini dilakukan
dengan strategi alternatif dimana WhatsApp ialah perangkat online populer yang biasa
digunakan oleh kalangan pembelajar dan dosen Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana
Malik Ibrahim Malang.
Tujuan utama dari penelitian: (1) untuk mendapatkan persepsi dari murid dan
dosen dan (2) mengerti sejauh mana efektifitas penggunaan grup chat WhatsApp dalam
pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan
menggunakan tiga instrumen yaitu angket, wawancara, dan observasi. Pelaksanaannya
melibatkan dua dosen dan 128 peserta didik semester 2, 4, dan 6 Jurusan Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dosen Tata Bahasa memberikan
suara positif terhadap bantuan WhatsApp seperti menerapkan WhatsApp sebagai
sistem manajemen pembelajaran, mengintegrasikan bantuan ini untuk tujuan
pendidikan, dan tidak pernah menghadapi masalah saat menerapkan bantuan ini. Lebih
lanjut Ibu IMB selaku pendidik menekankan kepada anak didiknya bahwa generasi
muda tidak hanya mempelajari hal-hal akademis tetapi juga memiliki kepedulian
sosial, sikap yang baik, dan toleransi yang tinggi. Strategi pembelajaran semacam ini
dikenal dengan pendekatan reflektif bersalin. Namun, dosen senior Prosa ini mengaku
menghadapi banyak kendala seperti pesan yang tidak relevan di forum diskusi,
notifikasi sampah, memakan waktu, dan sinyal error. Selain itu, Ibu WIM
menambahkan bahwa interaksi dalam bantuan WhatsApp tidak dapat memotivasi
peserta didik untuk aktif. Oleh karena itu, Ibu WIM menggunakan bantuan WhatsApp
sebagai sarana pembelajaran yang mendukung.

‫مستخلص البحث‬

‫صانيا‪ ،‬كيين ليستاري ر‪ .2021 .‬استخدام جمموعات تطبيق الواتساب يف تدريس اللغة اإلجنليزية‪ :‬تصورات الطالب األجانب وحماضري‬
‫اللغة اإلجنليزية‪ .‬حبث جامعي‪ .‬قسم تعليم اللغة اإلجنليزية‪ .‬كلية علوم الرتبية والتعليم‪ .‬جامعة موالان مالك إبراهيم اإلسالمية‬
‫احلكومية ماالنج‪ .‬املشرف‪ :‬الدكتور احلاج الجنينج بوداينتو املاجسرت‪.‬‬

‫الكلمات الرئيسية‪ :‬جمموعات تطبيق الواتساب‪ ،‬متعلم اللغة اإلجنليزية كلغة أجنبية ‪،‬املعلم‪ ،‬الصوت‬

‫ندالع فريوس كوروان اجلديد الذي بدأ يف اخرتاق عامل التعليم‪ .‬قررت احلكومة اإلندونيسية سياسة احلجر الصحي‬
‫للحد من انتشار هذا الفريوس اجلديد‪ .‬من املتوقع احلفاظ على تعلم اللغة اإلجنليزية عرب اإلنرتنت‪ .‬يتم ذلك من خالل إسرتاتيجية‬
‫بديلة حيث يعد تطبيق الواتساب أداة شائعة عرب اإلنرتنت يستخدمها الطالب واحملاضرون يف جامعة موالان مالك إبراهيم ماالنج‪.‬‬

‫األهداف الرئيسية هلذه الدراسة ذات شقني‪ )1( :‬اكتساب تصورات من الطالب واحملاضرين و (‪ )2‬لفهم فعالية‬
‫استخدام جمموعات دردشة تطبيق الواتساب يف التدريس األجنيب للغة اإلجنليزية‪ .‬تستخدم هذه الدراسة تصميم هنج نوعي‬
‫ابستخدام ثالث أدوات ‪ ،‬وهي االستبياانت واملقابالت واملالحظات‪ .‬شارك يف التنفيذ حماضران و ‪ 128‬طالبًا يف الفصل‬
‫الدراسي الثاين والرابع والسادس من قسم تعليم اللغة اإلجنليزية يف جامعة موالان مالك إبراهيم ماالنج‪ .‬تكشف النتائج عن تناقض‬
‫بني أصوات احملاضرين والطالب فيما يتعلق إبمكانية استخدام تطبيق الواتساب بشكل عام ‪ ،‬والراحة ‪ ،‬واجلوانب التعليمية ‪،‬‬
‫واجلوانب التقنية‪ .‬تُظهر أصوات الطالب أن جمموعات تطبيق الواتساب ميكنها حتسني التفاعل بشكل جيد ‪ ،‬ومرنة يف االستخدام‬
‫‪ ،‬وأبسعار معقولة للحصول على أدوات تكنولوجيا املعلومات واالتصاالت ‪ ،‬وبناء جداول أعمال تعليمية أكثر متعة وسهولة‬
‫وإاثرة لالهتمام‪.‬‬
‫تظهر أصوات احملاضرين جوانب إجيابية مثل جمموعات تطبيق الواتساب اليت تدعم تعلم اللغة الثانية والتنفيذ‬
‫املريح وميزات التطبيق اليت تدعم األهداف التعليمية ومشاركة املعلومات واملواد التعليمية حبرية‪ .‬من انحية أخرى ‪ ،‬ذكرت إحدى‬
‫جتارب احملاضرين أهنم واجهوا مشاكل مزعجة مثل الرسائل املكدسة غري ذات الصلة ‪ ،‬وإجهاد العني ‪ ،‬وصعوبة التحكم يف‬
‫الطالب ‪ ،‬وضعف اإلشارات‪ .‬النتيجة الثانية ‪ ،‬ذكر املشاركون أن تطبيق جمموعة تطبيق الواتساب املستخدم يف التعلم عرب‬
‫فعاال ألن التطبيق عزز الطالب ليصبحوا تطبيقات أكثر فاعلية ومرونة يف االستخدام‪.‬‬
‫اإلنرتنت أثناء الوابء كان ً‬



The first chapter consists of some necessary points dealing with the study of the

research. It presents the background of the study, research question, research

objectives, significance of the study, limitation of the study, and definition of key


1.1 Background of Study

Nowadays, the sudden outbreak of deadly disease caused by the invisible virus

took the worldwide by surprise. The impact of Coronavirus 2019 pandemic was starting

to spread to the sector of Education in Indonesia. Following up on this emergency, the

government provided instructions through educational policymakers to shift from its

traditional learning to online learning. It is aimed to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus

2019. This decision has been taken by various countries that are affected by Covid-19.

In the education aspect, as else aspect, this switchmen regulation was unprogrammed

and unpredictable disruption to society suddenly messed up educators' work

(Cruickshank, 2021). This novel virus crisis has obliged the education sector

worldwide to discover and implement alternative ways.

By this phenomenon, internet-based learning is considered an option, an

alternative to traditional learning. During the Covid-19 pandemic it became an essential


element for maintaining the activity of schools and universities (El-seoud, 2020, p. 20).

However, this paradigm shift could generate changes in educators’ perception of this

way of teaching and arise some troubles. For instance, the unpreparedness of educators

and students for online learning. The transition from conventional learning systems to

online system occurred suddenly because the Covid-19 pandemic was not preceded by

mature preparation (Efriana, 2021, p. 40). Thus, the educators need familiar aid that

they used in daily basic.

Throughout 2020, it revealed that 196,7 million Indonesian users were

integrated into the internet (APJII, 2020). This finding indicated a 73,7 percent rise

rapidly compared to the number of internet penetration in 2019 ago. Users used specific

application revealed on another survey finding; the top online app for Indonesian

people is WhatsApp (Population Review and Census, 2019). University students use

their WhatsApp, which can be reflected in WhatsApp's popularity (Tahat, Al-Dabesi,

& Al-Qta, 2014; Dahlstrom & Bichsel, 2014). This aid can fulfil educators’ need as a

familiar aid in this unpredictable situation. Moreover, the role of WhatsApp in terms

of educational purposes, it was used by university students to post links, deliver the

materials' file, share pictures, audio, video, attach location regarding with maps,

organize schedule and meeting related to courses (Yeboah & Ewur, 2014).

Furthermore, the social purpose was included the features of WhatsApp aid (Devi &

Tevera, 2014). The findings in relation to the students’ positive vote of WhatsApp to

create socialization with people, intensive training for students, ease of use for

educational purposes, favors problem-solving, and students’ enjoyment (Ahad & Lim,

2014; Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1992; Umar, Ema, & Dian, 2020).

Generally, when people communicate, they need effective ways to fulfill their

needs and share information. However, much information revealed misinformation, in

the form of unsubstantiated rumor and intentionally deceitful propaganda. Thus, people

with greater emotional intelligence are needed at spotting misinformation (Preston,

Anderson, Robertson, 2021). Conveying the truth information and sharing knowledge

are the first crucial lesson and basic in the holy Qur’an. The current study presents the

high connection between the verses of the holy Al-Qur’an and the science research as

learned by the Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang reflection. The

relevance of this study is delivering knowledge or information must be true, accurate,

and good.

The basic verse which is explained the process of transferring good knowledge

begins with the right communication and proper conversation is Ali- Imran verse 191.

It stated that the greatness of Allah SWT and none of his creations are in vain, like

today’s technological developments which serves communication tool and share good


ۚ ‫ض ۚۚ َربَّنَا َما َخلَ ۡقتَ ٰهذَا بَاطِ ًًل‬ َ ۡ ‫ت َو‬

ِ ‫اۡل ۡر‬ ِ ‫ع ٰلى ُجنُ ۡوبِ ِه ۡم َويَتَفَ َّك ُر ۡونَ ف ِۡى خ َۡل‬
ِ ‫ق السَّمٰ ٰو‬ َ ‫الَّذ ِۡينَ يَ ۡذ ُك ُر ۡونَ ه‬
َ ‫ّٰللا قِيَا ًما َّوقُعُ ۡودًا َّو‬

‫ار‬ َ َ ‫عذ‬
ِ َّ‫اب الن‬ َ ‫س ۡبحٰ نَكَ فَ ِقنَا‬

191. (Ali-Imran: 3) those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, or (reclining)

on their backs, and reflect in the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): 'Our

Lord! You have not created this in vain. Glory to You! Save us, then, from the

chastisement of the Fire.

As communicative tool for online learning, WhatsApp chat group has been

implemented by several class in Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

This finding was demonstrated by survey report toward online learning during

pandemic. University students revealed about their online learning aid they used,

obstacles, and suggestion. However, among departments in UIN Malang, English

Education Department did not list as participants in the survey report.

There were several recent studies addressed WhatsApp's voices on teaching and

learning. Such as Izyani binti Mistar & Mohamed Amin Embi (2016) who undertook

research that collected the data from 20 respondents using a questionnaire form by

Kuala Pilah Pre-University students. They revealed that the significance of WhatsApp

aid in boosting students’ proficiency in applying the English language, supporting the

L2 learning, and teaching increasingly better. Furthermore, participants had positive

voices of the use of WhatsApp-group in EFL teaching were significant in dealing with

the process of learning English, and stimulating L2 learning would be fun, easy, and

valuable (Gasaymeh, 2017, p. 6). Meanwhile, Fatimah (2019) demonstrated some

technical problems found when students used the WhatsApp Group Chat such as

flooding chats, junks notification, and poor signal.

Based on recent studies and pre-liminary study above, there has been no

research that focuses on the voice of lecturers on the use of WhatsApp assistance in the

context of EFL teaching, which results in the evaluation of mobile learning aid only

covering students’ side. This research gap led the researcher to undertake a study of the

voices of senior lecturers on the use of WhatsApp as a learning aid in EFL teaching.

The researcher conducted qualitative method to explore the phenomena (Corbin &

Strauss, 2014, p. 189).

1.2. Research Question

Based on the background above, the researcher focuses to highlight the research


1. How do the voice of EFL senior lecturers towards utilizing WhatsApp chat

group at UIN Malang in EFL classroom?

1.3 The Objective of the Study

In concordance with the research questions above, the aims of this study are:

1. To analyze the voices of EFL senior lecturers during utilizing WhatsApp chat

groups at UIN Malang in EFL classroom.

1.4. The Significance of the Study

This study is proposed to provide benefits in two areas:

1. Theoretical Significance

Theoretically, this research contributes to provide an insightful in the term

of the perspective of utilizing WhatsApp chat group as a media for distance


learning and to know the extent of using this aid effectively in EFL teaching

amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

2. Practical Significance

a. For practical users, especially for senior lecturers. This research provides

the constructive positive and negative voices from users. Thus, it can be an

evaluation to improve a better learning style, optimize features for

educational purposes, to support the educators to evaluate material for the

further lesson plan in the term of media, and adapt to problems while

utilizing WhatsApp chat group.

b. For the next researcher, the results of this research can be useful to be a

reference for conducting further research dealing with the study of

WhatsApp aid perception.

1.5. Scope and Limitation

Based on the ideas highlighted above, this research focuses on seeking the

voices of EFL senior lecturers of the utilize of WhatsApp chat group aid, especially in

grammar and proses classrooms who actively implementing WhatsApp chat group aid

in the distance learning. The subject are 2 senior lecturers of the English Education

Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State

Islamic University, Malang.


1.6 Definition of Key Terms

This subchapter, the researcher identifies some key terms of the study to avoid

the misunderstanding. The researcher provided the following key terms.

WhatsApp Chat : It is one of the learning management tools that used by EFL

Group senior lecturers in EFL classroom at Maulana Malik

Ibrahim State Islamic University, Malang.

EFL Classroom : EFL is defined as English a Foreign Language. It means

that speaking country that applies as their third, fourth in

their daily communication.

Voices : It can be referred by idea, opinion, and perception. How

people think and understand about objects or phenomena of

Utilizing WhatsApp cha group as learning tools that used

by senior lecturer at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic

University, Malang.


This second chapter concerns some theories that will be used to strengthen the

study. It consists of several main variables. They are EFL, Media, Utilizing Media in

EFL Class, WhatsApp Chat Group, Voice, Lecturer, An Effective Learning Tool,

Constructivist Learning Theory, and Previous Study.

2.1 EFL
EFL is regarded as English as a Foreign Language. Stern (1983) stated in his

book ‘Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching’, “foreign language means the

language used outside the country. Learning a foreign language is for tourism,

communicating with native speakers, reading foreign journals and so on”. But, the

Second language refers to the language that plays the same important role as mother

tongue. Simply, EFL is the study of English by non-native speakers in countries where

English is not the dominant language, to learn a language in order to use it as a means

of communication, the pupils need to deal with the four language skills. They are

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Every skill has the own definition and benefit

to help in communicating English language. They are;


a. Listening

Listening is one of the abilities to accurately accept and interpret

information in the communication. Geoffrey Broughton (1980) claimed that

“listening skill is included in passive skill. It can be implied that the listener does

not need to respond to anything”. They just receive the information during the

listening process. This kind of skill is hard for some people, especially for the

foreign students that are not usually used to listening to other languages.

b. Writing

Writing ability is an important aspect in the communication process,

mastering writing ability should be had by students. Good writing ability can

allow the reader to catch the message in written form easily. Mohammad

Abdallah (2016) stated that “writing is the main aspect to establish and maintain

connection with others, express feelings, transfer information, entertain, and


c. Reading

The ability of an individual to read, understand, and analyze written form

on a page o is called reading ability. Reading skill can be engaged by practicing

constant reading. Master of reading skill is necessary for students, because it is

one of the strategic methods to pass academic achievements. Reading ability is

an interactive, complex, comprehending, purposeful activity (Bojovic, 2010).

d. Speaking

Speaking ability is the most effective way to communicate, it is a

complex linguistic and cognitive skill. This ability might allow the speaker to

tell the information in a thoughtful, convincing, and passionate way. The

process of speaking is the sender speaks messages to the listener by mouth

directly, so the listener can give the feedback. Mahmoud Abdallah (2016)

claimed that “speaking ability implicates several overlapping aspects, such as;

cohesion, grammar, pronunciation, accuracy, and fluency.”

2.2 Media
A medium is plural word by media, it means of communication and source of

information by general interpreting. The book of “Instructional Technology & Media

for Learning” by Smaldino, Lowther and Russel (2004) stated that “Media is derived

form Latin word meaning “between,” term of anything that carries information

between a source and receiver” (p. 9). Examples include video, television, diagrams,

printed materials, computer programs, and instructors. These are considered

instructional media when they provide messages with instructional purposes. The

purpose of media is to facilitate learning and communication. Sanjaya (2012) stated

that “various types of media, especially audio and visual aids to help educators in the

teaching process” (p. 121). Russel revealed that educators expanded their repertoire of

materials and procedures to include the new technologies for learning. The newer

learning technologies (products) include the utilize of digital videodisc (DVDs),


satellite communication, computers, and the internet. (Smaldino, Lowther and Russel,

2004, p. 9).

Especially, the use of Computer Assisted-Learning language (CALL) has

increased noticeably by educators. It is a technique that parallel with the field of

language learning, not only utilizing computer to acquire the improvement of language

learning but also needs appropriate materials and methodology and adapt others for

various teaching and learning styles (Januszewski & Molenda, 2008). The development

of technology affects the changing of the teaching and learning process and provides

the various learning strategies, one of the technology learning language strategy is the

learning management system (LMS).

The further explanation of LMS (Learning Management System) is a software

application that automates the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting of

learning programs (Ellis, 2009). It can facilitate the instructors, the students, and also

the administrators to help in the term of accessing the services without any restriction

of their time and place in the teaching and learning process. In addition, the positive

side of this instructional learning media can help students to build their knowledge of

the language (Sari and Putri, 2019). One of the hottest learning management system

software (LMSs) is WhatsApp chat group.


2.3 An Effective Learning Tool

Media as technology and machine are instructional tools that can support L2

learning, but they do not have impact towards students’ skill if they do not relate to the

learning materials and context. The major aim of media is platform to convey the

materials. Utilizing of learning media can give four positive implications for EFL

students, they are; (1) help learner to absorb of learning materials, (2) facilitate to ease

learning for students, (3) generate new desires and interests, (4) stimulate greater

attention in other students do not feel bored with interest presentation on visual display

(Arsyad, 2003).

The use of media in educational purposes has practical values such as; allow

smooth interaction directly, overcome learner’s issues, arouse new desires and interests

(Asnawir & Usman, 2002). In the learning process, students frequently bored using

same tools. Learning tool is one of the crucial elements to assist teachers while teaching

students. Besides that, the teacher should maintain how to use the media is suitable

with students’ needs.

2.4 Utilizing Media in EFL Class

Media is one the main component to conduct the learning process in the class.

The use of media is related to the level of psychological development and the ability

of students who follow the learning process and adapted to the interests and talents of

students who can arouse student motivation towards learning. The book entitled

"Instructional Technology and Media for Learning" that created by Heinich (1996). He

noted that the media is a communication channel tool. Learning media can be said as a

messenger technology used for learning purposes. The additional positive side of

technological aid are helping educators and students to reduce their anxiety and

fostering them to take a part in learning English. Among various online media,

WhatsApp is considered as the easiest, most popular and effective tool that can be

occupied by teachers.

2.5 WhatsApp Chat Group

2.5.1 The Definition of WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the kind of multi-platform messaging application for I-

phone, Android, Windows phone or for Windows Pcs. It’s usually known as

WhatsApp messenger or simply called WhatsApp. Actually, WhatsApp is a

popular and familiar online application that supplies unlimited text messaging.

It can mean that WhatsApp is an application without the cost like SMS.

WhatsApp allows users to deliver messages, attach photos and videos, share

files, and even voice, video note recordings over the stable internet for free and

much more (Atiah, 2020; Dunlap, 2006).

2.5.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of WhatsApp

Nowadays, WhatsApp shows significant development informing online

media. WhatsApp aid serves useful features, unlike normal old text messages

where users must pay for every text message we send. WhatsApp technology

enables to send text messages for free. Users only need a stable connection or

wi-fi. Furthermore, it can share location, photos, videos, and links (Church &

de Oliveira, 2013; Sahu, 2014). These features are the worth, innovative, and

beneficial features that WhatsApp application offers. This is also the main

reason why many people started leaving SMS and switched to the WhatsApp

aid. WhatsApp can send free international messaging without adding the cost.

Moreover, users can convey the video and voice note recording support. In

the calling aspect, WhatsApp is available to have a video call group consisting

of 3- 4 people at the same time. It makes WhatsApp apps truly online

messenger need the most now.

The most beneficial features of WhatsApp that enable it to support the

education sector is WhatsApp chat group (Tang & Hew, 2017). In higher

education purposes, WhatsApp-group can be addressed to create connection

in formal and informal ways, follow up immediate connections, and

encourage daily communication (Hanekom, Gachago, Strydom, Simons, and

Walters, 2015). Moreover, it can be a good blended-learning media

(Barhoumi, 2015) and useful app for language assessment (Tarighat and

Khodabakhsh, 2016). In contrast, the negative sides of WhatsApp

applications are time consuming, risk of miscommunication, constrained by

the rules of phone etiquette and users have to make sure in a range stable

access internet area (Malecela, 2016). WhatsApp is one of the addiction tools

for young students. Mostly, parents get the hard situation to handle their

children's addiction to WhatsApp. Sometimes, this application can be

annoying due to pop messages (Sari & Putri, 2019, p. 56)

2.6 The Concept of Voice

2.6.1 The Definition of Voice

The word “voice” in this context, it refers to perception, opinion, and

idea. The general definition of perception or voices is an ability to interpret,

perceive something, how people think and understand something. In addition,

Cambridge dictionary stated that perception is opinion or belief based on how

things seem.

Bruce Goldstein in the book entitled “sensation and perception”,

perception is a conscious sensory experience of the world. Perception can

happen when the electrical signals that represent the moth are transformed by

Ellen’s brain into human experience of seeing the moth. In this light, Schimitz

(2009) defined that “perception is the process of choosing, organizing, and

interpreting the information”. People might have the voices or perception based

on their thought and belief, it can be positive or negative. The process of voices

or perception, it can be done by five senses of human, they are; hearing, smell,

touch, taste, and vision.


Koentjaraningrat as cited in Sahal (2010) stated that “voices can be

processed when people face realization of human brain process and it might be

appeared by a phenomena in real life” (p. 7). The process of voices caused by

some factors, such as; needs, motivation, educational background, experience,

feeling, etc.

2.6.2 The Process of Perception

The process of perception begins with the existence of an object raises

a stimulus, and a stimulus regarding the sense organs. The stimulus received

sensory organs transmitted by the sensory nerves to the brain. Then there is a

process in the brain as the center of consciousness so that the individual realizes

what is seen, or what is heard, or what is felt. Response as a result of the

perception can be taken by individuals in a variety kinds of forms (Walgito,


2.6.3 Kinds of (Voice) Perception

According to Sunaryo (2004) perception can be divided into two types,

such as; External Perception and Self-Perception.

1. External Perception

Namely the perception that occurs because it comes from stimulation

from outside the individual.


2. Self- Perception,

Namely the perception that occurs because of stimulation from within

the individual. In this case the object is self.

3. Attention

To realize or to hold a perception is necessary attention, which is the

first step as a preparation in order to hold perceptions.

2.6.4 Factors Affecting Perception

According to Sobur (2003), there are several factors that influence a

person's perception, they are internal factors and external factors:

1. Internal factors

Internal factors are factors that come from within someone in

creating and finding something that is then useful for many people for

example. In this case internal factors that affect perception, namely

general confidence, background, personality, and experience.

2. External factors

External factors are the opposite of internal factors, that is

factors that come from outside oneself in creating and finding

something. In this case the external factors affect perception, namely

intensity, movement, and familiarity.


2.7 Lecturer

Lecturers are professional educators and scientists with the main task of

transforming, developing and disseminating science, technology, and arts through

education, research and community service. Lecturers have a position as professionals

at the higher education level who are appointed in accordance with statutory

regulations. The position of lecturers as professionals serves to increase the dignity and

role of lecturers as learning agents, developers of science, technology and arts, as well

as community service and serves to improve the quality of national education. Based

on Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of lecturer is a person who gives lectures,

especially as an occupation at a university or college of higher education.

Didi Supriadi (2012) declared that “lecturers can do various ways in teaching,

such as giving instructions, suggesting, urging, encouraging, guiding, pointing,

speaking, informing, conveying material, demonstrating, training, testing, researching,

criticizing, correcting, directing, honing skills, as well as other things that do not hinder

student understanding.”

2.8 Constructivist Learning Theory

Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky is regarded as the father of Constructivist

Learning Theory. Vygotsky noted that “Constructivist theories ague that learning is an

active process and that the context has a crucial role in learning. Learning is not only

an individual matter but also that it develops within a social environment.” (Vygotsky,

1978, p. 96) The aims of this theory aim to develop the students’ social interaction as

well as to raise and share information. The current implementation of Constructivist

Learning Theory is applying social media, social media provides interactions that

create chances for the evolution of knowledge. Izyani & Amin (2016) as cited in

Vygotsky (1978) who noted that new phenomenon is parallel suits with Constructivist

Learning Theory is the use of WhatsApp. The view is also supported by Lim (2019)

rethinking of Vygotsky’s standpoint of social constructivism that knowledge

established and gained through active interactions with members of society, such as

one’s colleagues or adults, rather than through individual cognitive activities (Lim et

al., 2019).

2.9 Maternal Reflective Method

Maternal reflective method or also known as MRM, it is special treatment for

baby who is new to language for gaining communication ability (Salma, 2018, p. 154).

The essential perspective of this theory is the role of mother and learning style mother

to child. Mother has an active role in giving stimulus to the child, establishing direct

communication in the form of questions to lead in the daily activities experienced by

children. Sumarto (2006) stated that Maternal Reflective Approach is a lesson that

follows how a child hears to master the native language, the setting point on the

language and communication needs of children and not in the program language rules

that need to be presented as natural as possible to the children (Prasetyo, 2015, p. 27).

As noted by Linawati (2012, p. 5), the aims of Maternal Reflective Method such as

encourage deaf students to talk orally and actively convey ideas, thoughts, feelings.

Regarding the aims above, it is important for the educators need to understand what the

students say and actively ask and invite the students in order to engage in a conversation


2.10 Previous Study

First, Izyani binti Mistar & Mohamed Amin Embi (2016) in the study entitled

“Students’ Perception on The Use of WhatsApp as A Learning Tool in ESL

Classroom” undertaken research that collected the data from a survey using a

questionnaire form by 20 respondents Kuala Pilah Pre-University students. The

researcher determined in to usefulness and convenience aspects. The findings were the

significance of WhatsApp aid in boosting learner’s proficiency in applying the English

language and supporting the L2 learning and teaching increasingly better

Second, the study of Montana Gasaymeh (2017) examined 154 university

students’ who utilize WhatsApp, they completed a questionnaire. The results revealed

that participants had positive voices of the use of WhatsApp-group in EFL teaching

were significant in dealing with the process of learning English, and boosting students’

proficiency in applying English, and stimulating L2 learning would be fun, easy, and


Third, the study was undertaken by Fatimah (2019). The subjects were 28

second year undergraduate students who enrolled writing course. The data used were

questionnaire, interview, and observations which findings: students admitted positive

beliefs and intentions of utilizing WhatsApp-group, easy to use due to effectiveness of


interacting, be effective in submitting the assignment, and handled-well the three steps

of learning agenda, namely pre-writing activity, writing activity, and post-writing

activity. On the other hand, some students also demonstrated that there were some

technical problems.

Regarding to the previous study above, the researcher would analyze to the

lecturers’ voices toward utilizing WhatsApp chat group in EFL classroom using

qualitative method to explore more the phenomenon.



The chapter concerns the process of obtaining, gathering, and arranging the

data. There are some methods that conducted by researcher in systematically, it

consisted of the subject of the research, research approach, location, method design,

proper instruments, data collection, data analysis. In this research, the participants were

senior lecturers of English Education Department at State Islamic University of

Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

3.1. Research Design

The researcher undertaken the study at the English Education Department of

Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang due to some reasons; UIN

Malang (2020) conducted the survey consisted of among departments which applied

that WhatsApp is one of the aid as learning tool amid the COVID-19, they have shifted

the new regulation from traditional learning to the use of online media, the popularity

of WhatsApp aid is reflected by university students (Population Review Census, 2019;

Al- Monthana, 2017; APJII, 2020), and university students have full control to use

WhatsApp and smartphone without any distractions.

The aim of the study focused on analyzing the voices of two senior lecturers

towards utilizing WhatsApp chat group in EFL class. Regarding the research objective,


the study applied the qualitative methodology with a case study approach to get focuses

on the investigation of the phenomenon appeared (Crewell, 2013). In addition, using

qualitative method can make the data well-demonstrated and represent the participants

in detail. The researcher also used Constructivist learning theory that stated by Izani &

Embi (2016) as theoretical framework in this study. His theory consisted of two key

frames; Usefulness (Motivation and interactions) and convenience (ease of use).

Fatimah (2019) added technical and educational aspects

3.2 Data Source

In this topic, the researcher classified the kind of data source in the research,

such as data primary source and secondary source. The researcher takes the primary

data source from the participant, they were two lecturers in English Education

Department UIN Malang who actively used WhatsApp chat group as learning tool

during pandemic. The secondary data such books, journal articles, website etc that

related to the study.

3.3. Research Instrument

The researcher employed a set of questions in the interview section which

belong to qualitative data collection techniques. In addition, to get deeper meaning

from EFL lecturers, the researcher gathered information from classroom observation.

This research was conducted at English Education Department of State Islamic


University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. It consisted of interviews and


3.4 Data Collection

This current study, the researcher combined a variety of data collection approaches

such as interviews and observation. The researcher obtained the participant’s valuable

data from several instruments, they were.

3.4.1 Interview

The next step to gather the valuable data was an interview. In-depth

interview is a process to get information for the aim of research by face-to-

face questioning between the interviewer and informant or interview, with or

without the use of an interview guide (Bungin, 2007). The researcher

employed interview for gathering the information about participants’ views,

experiences, and beliefs regarding the phenomenon of utilizing WhatsApp

chat group in English Education Department. The reason of selecting English

Education Department as site of this study, because survey report toward

online learning during pandemic showed the finding that WhatsApp as one

of the management learning aid in some departments (Survey report of UIN

Malang, 2020). Regarding this survey, the researcher was interested to

analysis the voices of educators in English Education Department as did not

listed as participants in the survey report.


The research used purposive sampling, among the lecturers of English

Education Department, there were 2 lecturers who utilize WhatsApp chat

group as learning aid during pandemic. The researcher employed a semi

structured interview regarding Corbit & Strauss (2004) noted that a semi

structured interview was including on depth-interview (p. 37). In addition,

the researcher expected that subject of informant could freely to express

their, ideas, and opinions without any restrictions.

Related to the novel of COVID-19 outbreak, the researcher allowed

two kinds of interviews, both face-to-face and non-face-to-face interviews.

The aims of non-face-to-face interview, between the researcher and

participant can be enjoyable to consider the place, schedule, and time.

Moreover, the researcher utilized WhatsApp technology that allows text

messages, record voices, call and video call features to the user. On the

contrary, for the face- to-face interview, the phone recorder was used to take

some notes to record the participants' perceptions.

3.4.2 Observation

The second approach to gather data is using observation. Based on

Burhan Bungin (2007), observation is kind of the data collection approach to

gather the data through sensing and observation. So, in this light, the

observation was conducted to obtain the voices of lecturers and students in

teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL) during utilizing WhatsApp


chat group in teaching-learning programs. Observation technique conducted

by online.

The researcher decided to observation indirect. Anguera et al (2018)

notes that “Observation indirect is a recent concept in systematic

observation. It largely involves analyzing textual material generated either

indirectly from group discussions” (p. 1). The researcher monitored the

learning activity from a students’ smartphone. It is aimed that due to avoid

the inconvenience of learning, unnatural behavior, and bias data. Related to

this case, as the sophisticated WhatsApp features, all data and time can be

recorded clearly. Moreover, the guideline of the observation sheet has

validated by expert advisor. Thus, the researcher could observe well.

3.5 Data Analysis

In the qualitative research approach, the data analysis was shown by descriptive

text. Data analysis is a systematic process of research and arranging the data to arrange

their data in order to increase their understanding of the data and to enable them to

present the result to others. J. Amos Hatch (2002) explained that, commonly it could

involve evaluation, comparison, categorization, synthesis, interpretation, and pattern


In accordance with the research objectives, this data analysis the voices of

lecturers and students of UIN Malang during utilizing WhatsApp chat group. data

analysis consisted of three flows activities: data reduction, data display, and data


3.5.1 Data reduction

The declaration of Miles & Hubberman (1994), data reduction means

the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming the

data that appear in written-up field notes or transcription.

Firstly, the researcher gathered the data from questionnaire, interview,

and observation results. Secondly, the data were classified to be relevant and

irrelevant data. For example, the relevant data gathered based on the category

of usefulness, convenience, educational aspect, technical aspect. and the

irrelevant data from interview questions were discarded.

3.5.2 Data Display

At this stage, the research focused on the next step, it’s displaying the

data. It can be defined as presenting the data from rough draft data to be

narrative text form (Miles and Huberman, 1984). Firstly, the researcher focuses

to change the rough data from questionnaire, interview, and observation results

to be narrative text and presents the data into 8 tables in questionnaire results,

extract the interview results, and 3 observation results. Secondly, requiring

simplification without reducing the contents.


3.5.3 Data verification

The final stage of the data analysis process is verification. The

characteristics of final conclusion in the qualitative study is temporary. In this

stage, the researcher draw conclusions from the data display, evidence the

validity and consistency by using triangulation.



The fourth chapter elaborates the result of the study that divided is into two

selections, both of them are the findings of research and discussion where the finding

outlined the result of the data. The research was undertaken to comprehend EFL

students’ and lecturers’ voices toward the utilization of WhatsApp chat group in

Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University.

4.1 Findings

The researcher used Constructivist learning theory that stated by Izani & Embi

(2016) as theoretical framework in this study. His theory consisted of two key frames;

usefulness (motivation and interactions) and convenience (ease of use). Fatimah (2019)

added technical and educational aspects. This section demonstrated result findings and

data presentation based on the data has been gathered from the results interview, and

observation with two senior lecturers who implemented WhatsApp group aid during

distance learning. Further research results revealed below.

4.1.1 Interview Results

The second section, the researcher demonstrated the result of the lecturers

interview towards WhatsApp chat group. The data was obtained during February until

March by face-to-face interview and chat via WhatsApp. Among the lecturer, some of


them prefer to use WhatsApp chat group during distance-learning. The lecturers as

subject of informant in this research. They are: (1) Mrs. IMB as Grammar lecturer of

second and fourth semester and (2) Mrs. WIM as Prose lecturer of sixth semester. The

researcher elaborated the lecturers’ answer and managed them into four categories;

those are: Usefulness
The first section, the researcher focussed to investigate the EFL lecturers’

voices about the enthusiastic of used WhatsApp chat group during the distance-

learning. The result indicated that WhatsApp group aid presented positive relation

towards students’ motivation and boosting interactions. The evidence can be seen

from the extract as follows:

Extract 13
February, 23th 2021
Mrs. IMB : “It’s very enthusiastic, it can be evidenced by their effectiveness
in the online class, they always expressive to deliver the opinion
and question. Moreover, there are 5 questions that delivered in
every meeting. It’s well-improved.”
Mrs. IMB : “Certainly, I give them chance to ask the difficult material at 24
hours in the online group discussion, it can chat me on personal
messages. I give them freedom to be expressive, thus teaching-
learning in the grammar class is fun, they can do and express
related with their characteristic. So, WhatsApp chat group is not
confining them.”

Extract 14
February, 23th 2021
Mrs. WIM : “Of course, yes. Because that's the only way we can communicate
two ways in real-time. Especially for sharing the link of google

meet/zoom. Or give the info that material has been provided in e-

Mrs. WIM : “Maybe they have one or two difficult problems, but because one
of the students has already asked. Thus, they feel they are

Based on the interview extracts above, Mrs. IMB claimed that

WhatsApp chat group could boost students more enthusiastic and motivated in

L2 learning, Mrs. IMB also added the real illustration by following

argument “There are 5 questions that delivered in every meeting”. It presented

that learner always active to express their-self and ask the difficult materials

while learning activity, they enjoyed to discuss 5 questions in every meeting.

Mrs. IMB divided the learning agenda into two sections such as question and

discussion section. She emphasized the students to enjoy class and behave

freely politely according to their characteristics (Extract 13).

On the extract 14, Mrs. WIM added the usefulness of WhatsApp group,

she claimed that WhatsApp group is the only way for them to communicate two

ways in real-time. The kind of positive experience such as sharing the

information such as such as delivering links, informing the agenda, and

materials. However, Mrs. WIM faced bad experiences in the term of lack of

interaction with students.

32 Convenience

The simple and flexible operation of utilizing the aid service makes it

convenient for the users. Precisely in this section, the researcher focussed to ask

about the convenience aspect while operating this aid.

Extract 15
February, 23th 2021
Mrs. IMB : “WhatsApp chat group is effortless aid to use, however, before I
hold the o line class, I should prepare the materials like PPT,
quiz, etc. so, that’s my effort.”
Mrs. IMB : “WhatsApp chat groups provide flexible time for students to
continue acting as children at home, but they also do not fall
behind with grammar lessons. Because I think that time with
family is more important. So, WhatsApp chat group is considered
a suitable application that can bridge this.”
Mrs. IMB : “For grammar class, I think the suitable method is offline, but in
this case, WhatsApp chat group is the suitable alternative media
that fulfilled my needs. I take some risks, such as delivering short
materials, taking a long time till 3 hours, and preparing the
materials before class.”

Extract 16
February, 23th 2021
Mrs. WIM : “Yes, I believe”
Mrs. WIB : “Yes, certainly”
Mrs. WIB : “Yes, of course. In term of using it for informing something about
the material that i have uploaded in e-learning etc.”

The brief statement “Yes I believe” was declared by the informant's

initial name Mrs. WIM on the extract 16. The finding regarding students’

positive voices of the use of this media in their experience aligned with the

findings of similar on the extract 15, she was strengthened with the following

statement “WhatsApp chat group is effortless aid to use.” It can be meant that

applying a WhatsApp group in L2 learning is not using complicated apps and

it does not need to prepare anything so it is easy to implement this aid.

The result demonstrated that WhatsApp group aid could be

characterized as a flexible app, it was strengthened by the following statement

“WhatsApp chat groups provide flexible time….” It meant that lecturers did

not need complicated ICT tools, and did not need specific time, and place to

implement WhatsApp group. In addition, it facilitated the learning process

everywhere. Related to the interview result above, all of the subject informant

deal to claim that the WhatsApp chat group is pleasant to use, effortless, and

can be used every time. Educational Aspect

Ease of use and smoothness of implementing a learning media are

necessary parts during conducting distance-learning. The interview results

indicated positive voices towards the utilization of WhatsApp chat group in

the formal meeting. Precisely in this section, the researcher focussed to ask

about the enjoyment while operating this aid. In the term of conducting

discussion agenda, delivering the materials, and the need of WhatsApp group

as the main media.


Extract 17
February, 23th 2021
Mrs. IMB : “Yes, of course. Almost all of the class already knew my rules’
class. Thus, the switching method from offline to WhatsApp
chat group aid does not change anything. Still enjoy and have
Mrs. IMB :“Of course, I send links of learning videos or motivation videos
for students, moreover I send PPT, PDF, and other things
related with Grammar.''
Mrs. IMB : “Certainly, I divide both of two sections such as the asking
section and discussion section.”
Mrs. IMB : “For this case is enough.”

Extract 18
February, 23th 2021
Mrs. WIM : “I sent a link of zoom, information and greetings. For feedback I
used others' aid.”
Mrs. WIM : “Yes, I did. I send the materials in the WhatsApp chat group but
recently I do not.”

From the extract above, it revealed some positive voices while utilizing

WhatsApp-groups in EFL teaching such as sending learning video or

motivation, PPT, PDF, information, greeting, and materials related to the

course. Extract 17 demonstrated her positive experience while applying this

aid by the following statement: “the switching method from offline to WhatsApp

chat group aid does not change anything. Still enjoy and fun” it meant that the

learning process is fun and enjoyable either using WhatsApp group or face-to-

face learning. On the contrary, Mrs. WIM had a different voice, she added that

faced some difficulties. So, she sent the feedback and materials using another

supportive aid (Extract 18).

35 Technical Aspect

Generally, taking education online has equal opportunities and risks.

Monitoring all of the students and controlling the agenda course at the same

time using distance tools is difficult. So, the researcher focused on analysing

and interview regarding troubles faced by lecturers during implementing

WhatsApp group.

Extract 19
February, 23th 2021
Mrs. IMB : “It’s very easy, there are no obstacles. Flooding chat is not my
Mrs. IMB : “I am not exhausted when waiting for students' responses, as
they are very active. I give feedback based on the schedule.
Moreover, preparing the material, quiz, etc makes me exhausted,
and WhatsApp chat group do not make me stare.”
Mrs. IMB : “Internet or stable connection will never be my big problem, as
this aid is not consuming data. But, I ever have problems when
sending videos, but the trouble is the big capacity.”

Extract 20
February, 23th 2021
Mrs. WIM : Yes, I do.
Mrs. WIM : Yes, of course, I must scroll up chat, that’s too complicated

On the extract 19, Mrs. IMB revealed positive responses towards the

troubles during applying this aid, she stated “There’s no obstacle”. This

statement is also strengthened by the following statement: “I am not exhausted

when waiting for students' respond”,” Internet or stable connection will never

be my big problem”, and “Flooding chat is not my problem.”. Based on the


Mrs. IMB's demonstration, it can be said that she has no bad experience toward

utilizing WhatsApp chat group. In contrast, Mrs. WIM revealed different

voices. She stated on the extract 20 that “I must scroll up chat, that’s too

complicated” it meant that she faced the trouble of flooding chat in the

WhatsApp forum.

4.1.3 Observation result

The observation was done to answer the research question number one about

“How do the voices of EFL students and lecturers towards utilizing WhatsApp chat

group?” and “To what extent is the use of WhatsApp chat group effective in teaching

and learning?”. The researcher conducted observations during March until April at the

Grammar and Prose online-learning chat group. It was done when the lecturer

implemented WhatsApp chat group aid as asynchronous media in the distance-

learning. In doing observation, the researcher employed screenshotting the picture and

observation sheet to get the valid data.

Among of the lecturer who utilizing WhatsApp chat group, they were two

lecturers who integrating with this qualitative study, they were Mrs. IMB as Grammar

lecturer for 2nd and 4th semester students and Mrs. IMB as Prose lecturer for 6th

semester. The result of the lectures' observation checklist was shown to be good in

almost all of the aspects. (See table 4.1)


Tabel 4. 1 The Result of Lecturer Observation Checklist

No. Category Yes No Indicators Notes

1. Usefulness
• Motivation a. Delivering motivational - Mrs. IMB shared
quotes to engage students motivational quotes
b. Helping students to be and videos frequently.
active and deal with their - Mrs. WIM also
fear supports students
giving solutions
√ when students faced
- Lecturers
actively engage
students and
become active
participants by asking
• Interactions √ a. Helping students to deal - Both of lecturers tried
with frightness (by asking to engage students to
any others comments, ask the difficulties
opinion, and questions) materials, deliver the
b. Dealing more opinion, and share the
comfort conversations information
b. Smooth and comfort - Mrs. IMB allowed
interactions students to express
and say anything in
the WhatsApp forum,
it’s different from
Mrs. WIM’s rule of
- Formal conversation
was applied in the
Mrs. WIM’ class and
Mrs. IMB’s s tone
class tends to be
informal and fun.
2. Convenience
• Easy of use √ a. Help students success fully
every time
b. Flexile to use

c. Effortless to use
• Satisfactions a. Fun to use
b. Satisfied and pleasant to
3. Educational √ a. Lecturers have ICT tools - Not only integrating
aspects to join WhatsApp Chat WhatsApp chat group
Group (Smartphone, as learning media,
laptop, PC) Mrs. WIM also
b. Sharing and responding utilizing other
the materials, video, etc media to support her.
c. Willing to share the On the contrary, Mrs.
information IMB tend to say that
d. Using others media to WAC is enough
support the learning media.
process - Both of them have
proper ICT tools to
support the learning
- Both of them deliver
materials, information,
4. Technical √ a. Facing some - Mrs. WIM faced
aspect troublesome (flooding trouble, especially
chat, eyes strain, flooding chat. On the
error signal. contrary with Mrs.
b. Easiness to set and IMB’s experience.
navigate this aid

a. Usefulness

In line with the table observation checklist above, the researcher demonstrated

the findings of the data in utilizing WhatsApp chat group. Firstly, the usefulness

category contained two aspects, they were motivation and interactions. Based on the

observation that was conducted in March 2021, it can be revealed that the aspects were

applied well. Mrs. IMB always started the class with nice greetings that were supported

by alignment emoticons and delivering motivational videos and quotes to stimulate

students’ behavior. In the interaction aspect were demonstrated well, Mrs. IMB always

reminds students to ask the difficulty that faced students and take a deal with them to

give feedback then. In the beginning semester, she sent a welcoming letter that

consisted of a welcomed introduction, the set rule of Grammar class, asking students

to cooperate, and ensuring students were not reluctant to express their-self. So, the

interactions were going smooth and fun. It’s implied that almost all of the students were

active and enthusiastic to integrate with Grammar class.

In relation to Mrs. WIM class which has some similar conditions. Beginning

the online-class by greetings, presenting goals of learning, dealing with the previous

progress and preparing the meeting. Different from Mrs. IMB’s class, Mrs. WIM’s tone

of class was formal. She was not allowed the students' greeting due to flooding chat. In

addition, Mrs. WIM supported students by reminding them of the students’ preparation

before conducting presentations and giving solutions when students faced any troubles.

B. Convenience

This category consisted of two aspects as follows; easy to use and satisfaction.

Based on the observation classroom, all of those indicators were well-implemented.

Lecturers could use WhatsApp chat group anytime and every time, it was not hindered

by time. It can be shown when Mrs. WIM posted the information at 07.00 pm and

students can follow up the information directly. This kind of convenience could occur

when they used WhatsApp hence this aid did not need specific time and tools. It’s

illustrated can answer the indicators “easy to use”, “flexible to use”, and “help

successfully every time.

These findings were identical with the interview result of Mrs. IMB’s statement

by the following statement “Of course, the reason why I use WhatsApp chat group is

that students are enabled to learn the grammar materials enjoyable and do not need to

strike time “. These kinds of positive implementation were similar done by Mrs. IMB’s

class. In relation with observation, the learning- teaching grammar lesson can be said

to be smooth enough. The interactions between lecturer and learner tend to present an

enjoyable, WhatsApp chat group as synchronous media was not mind. For instance,

students can be free to deliver some funny stickers and jokes to each other, however

the lecturer in WhatsApp forum. Moreover, their discussion was not aligned with the

materials topics. These kinds of behavior were presenting that the students were

satisfied while using WhatsApp chat group.

b. Educational Aspect

This category can be done by following implementation, especially in the Prose

class of Mrs. WIM. She was willing to share the information and confirm something

in the WhatsApp chat group by following evidence “How’s the progress of your

presentation?” and “join the link above”. The researcher monitored and concluded that

both lecturers can set and handle this aid with proper ICT tools, it can be evidenced by

some features that were used such as delivering the materials, sharing information,

attaching links, and sending any kind of video, voice note, and picture.

Regarding the indicator of “WhatsApp is enough”, Mrs. IMB tended to present

the answer by her behavior and interview result that WhatsApp chat group is enough

media for learning-teaching in Grammar class. On the contrary, Mrs. WIM as Prose

lecturer also utilized other media to support the prose-learning. It can be shown by Mrs.

WIM’s behavior to attach links in the WhatsApp forum. She decided to apply blended-

learning due to some factors, one of reason was that a new style of learning could help

students from boredom. It has been applied to blended-learning recently, in the

beginning of distance-learning Mrs. WIM was totally integrating WhatsApp chat group

as learning media.

c. Technical Aspect

Generally, utilizing online-platform is common to face troublesome problems

such as flooding chat, eye strain because of light-setting, error signals, and consuming

internet data. The researcher found out the findings after conducting an observation-

classroom. For instance, Mrs. IMB faced trouble when uploading motivational video

with high size. To solve this trouble, Mrs. IMB applied some solutions from students,

after trying the video could be uploaded well by compressing the size. Therefore, in

the interview section. Mrs. IMB demonstrated that “Neither consuming internet or

stable connection never be my big problem”

Utilizing and exploring the setting of WhatsApp chat group can be well-handled

by both of the lecturers. The implementation can be shown by their behavior when

integrating WhatsApp chat group aid with teaching-learning such as delivering the

materials, sending the video, picture, voice-recording, and attaching the link.

4.2 Discussion

The aim of this qualitative study was analyzing the voices of EFL senior

lecturers towards utilizing WhatsApp chat group at the EFL classroom in English

Education Department of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Based on this case,

researcher focused on analyzing WhatsApp chat group. This aid is an alternative

strategy in EFL classroom during online learning. The valuable data was obtained by

conducting interviews and observation. The researcher gives further interpretation and

discussion as follows.

4.2.1 EFL Senior Lecturers’ Voices towards Utilizing WhatsApp Chat Group

This qualitative study addressed to analyse the EFL senior lecturers’ voice

toward utilizing WhatsApp chat group as learning tool in EFL classroom. The

switchmen regulation form traditional learning to online using learning management


Based on qualitative research findings above. Mostly, the results are

demonstrated that EFL lecturers’ voice towards utilizing WhatsApp chat group

application an alternative media during online learning. Between two lecturers as the

subject of this study, they revealed the contradictory regarding WhatsApp aid overall

usefulness, convenience, technical, and educational aspect.


Based on the usefulness aspect, the researcher found that Grammar class was

enthusiastic and fun, it could be evidenced by the activeness during activity class.

Learner’ activeness supported by Mrs. IMB’s rule was giving students a chance to ask

difficult material. It was different with Mrs. WIM’s experience that interaction did not

run well due to only one or two students ask difficult materials in online discussion,

Mrs. WIM guessed that the students felt that their question were represented when other

students asked. Furthermore, through interview section, two senior lecturers revealed

positive voices towards the features of WhatsApp aid could help for educational

purposes in the term of sending materials, recording video, audio, etc. It is in lined by

a research conducted by Ida Sanjaya (2012) who found that majority of students are

interested in using WhatsApp chat group app because this communication aid provides

many attractive facilities such as sharing information in the form of audios, videos,

images, or even sharing location of the user’s place.

As a media communication, WhatsApp chat group gives convenience and

satisfaction to conduct online-learning classes. The findings showed that the lecturers’

attitudes towards the utilization of WhatsApp chat group. they demonstrated that this

aid was easy to use, easy to operate, and easy to share the materials. Moreover, it could

help in discussing the information easily. Thought the interview section, Mrs. IMB

believed that WhatsApp chat group aid was the suitable alternative aid that fulfilled her

needs, she explained that changed the rule of class during distance-learning. She

emphasized that learning process was broad, grammar was important. But, the more

important was to be a young generation who has a good attitude, good social caring,

and full of tolerance. The learning approach that Mrs. IMB applied was similar with

the theory of maternal reflective approach who studied by Putera (2017) and Prasetya

et al (2015) that emphasizing the learning mother to child. Educators as a mothers’ role

active consisted of giving stimulus, establishing direct communication in the form of

questions, suggestion, and motivation that lead to daily activities experienced by


Educational aspect is the dimension which is related with the teaching-learning

activity. Based on the findings, the senior lecturers claimed incompatibly voices

towards this aspect. Mrs. IMB stated that WhatsApp could make the learning process

was fun, easy, and enjoyable. The rules of Grammar class are divided into two sections,

they were asking and discussion sections. So, deeper clarity on difficult materials can

be fixed as soon as possible and doubt cleared immediately (Bansal T, 2014). The

shared knowledge will spread faster via the ‘group’ in WhatsApp chat, this fact is in

line with Rahaded, Puspitasari & Hidayati, (2020) who revealed that this kind of

innovative educational mobile app makes L2 learning easy, doubts immediately

cleared, faster to deliver knowledge, online-discussion classes were able to get

students’ attention when it is well- designed and flexible education matches with

distance-learning nowadays. Unlike Mrs. IMB’s voice, Mrs. WIM preferred to stand

in a negative voice. Based on the interview, Mrs. WIM demonstrated that it used

WhatsApp chat group in the early pandemic, but there were many troublesome

appearances. Thus, in this semester, she only used WhatsApp chat group in the term of

sharing information, greeting, and materials. It can be concluded that Mrs. IMB used

WhatsApp as a major learning management system and Mrs. WIM used this aid to be

supportive learning aid.

On contrary, one of the lecturers sated the negative voices towards technical

aspect of WhatsApp aid. The problems are waiting along to obtain students’ response,

message overloaded, and poor internet connection/signal. The evidence can be shown

by Mrs. WIM’s statement in the interview section. It has relation with Sonia Gon and

Alka Rewaker’s (2017) study who claimed some technical disadvantages such as; eye

strain, time consuming and, and flood of irrelevant message.



5.1 Conclusion

In light of the results, it can be assumed that WhatsApp chat group might help

the implementation of English courses during the outbreak of COVID-19.

Implementing the use of WhatsApp chat group as learning media posed different

meaning of the senior lecturers in English Education Department at UIN Malang. The

positive voices toward WhatsApp aid such as implementing WhatsApp as learning

management system, integrating this aid for educational purposes, and never facing

any troubles while applying this aid. Furthermore, Senior lecturer as educator

emphasized to students that young generation does not only learn academical matters

but also be social- caring, good attitudes, and high tolerance. This kind of learning

strategy, it is well-known as maternity reflective approach.

However, another lecturer stated that she faced many troubles such as irrelevant

messages in the discussion forum, junk notifications, time-consuming, and errors

signal. Moreover, the interactions in WhatsApp aid cannot motivate students to be

active. Thus, WhatsApp aid used as supportive learning tool.

The beneficial of this study is exploring and evaluating senior lecturers’ side.

This qualitative research is limited to English major university students so that the

results may not be generalized.


5.2 Suggestion

From the findings demonstrated in the previous chapter, the researcher revealed

suggestions that can be taken as a consideration for EFL senior lecturers and further

researcher, such as; the educators must update more about the effective application for

online learning, increase their professional master of ICT tools, be creative to select

instructional app that are appropriate, and in relation with the course. The researcher

suggests to forthcoming study should not only exploring WhatsApp, but also exploring

other social media used among student university, choose specific skill courses

specific, specific and proficiency levels.


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Appendix I The Blueprint of Instrument Guideline
The Blueprint of Interview, and Observation Guide

Constructivist Learning Theory


The blueprint design arranged for collecting the voices of EFL students and lecturers while utilizing WhatsApp chat group in UIN
Malang. It is going to be alternative way in the distance learning todays. Based on previous study conducted by other researchers,
there are 4 dimensions which become the reference for the researcher such as usefulness, technical aspect, instructional aspect, and


The researcher used the blueprint design as the guideline in this qualitative approach. Collecting the data, the researcher employed
some instruments: questionnaire, interview, and observation.

Sub- Question
Construct Theory The Correlation Dimension Variable Indicator
variable Number
(Izyani binti Mistar Assisting to gain
Usefulness Learner Motivation 1,2,3
and Mohamed Amin their enjoyment


Embi, 2016) Students’ “This new and willing to do

Perception on the Use phenomenon is learning activity
of WhatsApp as A parallel with Boosting
Learning Tool in Vygotsky interaction thru
Classroom Constructivist this aid is being
Learning Theory comfort and
which suits the use of dealing with
WhatsApp. This fright
theory aims to Easy to operate
Ease of use 7 ,8 ,9
develop the students’ the application
social interaction as Convenienc Using this aid
well as to raise and e influence their
Satisfaction 10, 11, 12
share information satisfaction
(Vygotsky, 1978).”
(Fatimah Mulya Sari, “By implementing Facing various
2019) Academic instructional internal
Whatsapp Group: learning, the role of obstacles, such
Technical 13, 14, 15, 16,
Exploring Students’ language teacher Learner Difficulties as health, poor
Aspect 17, 18
Experiences in adapts from a ICT tool.
Writing Class facilitator to the Facing various
traditional formal external

instructor to support obstacles, such

conducive teaching as time-
and learning process consuming,
(Sari & Wahyudin, distraction.
2019).” Responding all 19, 20, 21, 22,
Educational Instruction
of the 23, 24, 25, 25,
Aspect and method
instructions well 26


Mistar, I.B. (2016). Students’ Perception on the Use of WhatsApp As A Learning Tool in ESL. Jesoc, [online] Vol. 4,
(June) Available at: http://jesoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Edu-76.pdf

Sari, F. and Putri, S., (2019). Academic WhatsApp Group: Exploring Students’ Experiences in Writing Class. TEKNOSAS
TIK, [online] 17(2), p.56. Available at:
Appendix II Interview Guide

Interview Guide
Questions List for the Correspondents (EFL lecturers)

A. Usefulness
1. Is WhatsApp chat group give you motivation and enthusiastic during the class?
2. Is WhatsApp chat group helping you to deal with EFL students fear and bosting
you to do interactions?
3. What’s the most useful features on WhatsApp chat group which help you during
the class?
B. Technical Aspect
4. Is WhatsApp chat group easy to operate during the class? Are you found any
5. If yes, what’s kind of distractions?
6. Flooding chat, is one of your distractions?
7. Waiting a long time to get feedback and making eyes strain are also your
8. Do you need a lot of quota or stable internet to use this aid?
C. Educational Aspect
9. Do you pleasant to write feedback, greet, an information while discussion of
learning section?
10. Do you send PPT slide, link video, and PDF that shares in WhatsApp chat group?
11. If yes, is that enjoyable strategy? Is that fun?
12. WhatsApp chat group is enough as a learning media, what do you think about this
D. Convenience
13. According to you, is WhatsApp chat group is effortless? Please explain it!
14. Can WhatsApp chat group use every time and flexible?
15. Are you find a satisfaction during operate this aid?


16. Do you believe that WhatsApp chat group is pleasant to use

Appendix III Observation Guide
Observation Checklist Guide

No. Category Yes No Indicators Notes

1. Usefulness
• Motivation a. Delivering
motivational quotes
to engage students
b. Helping students to
be active and deal
with their fear
• Interactions a. Helping students to
deal with frightness
(by asking any
others comments,
opinion, and
b. Dealing more
a. Smooth and
comfort interactions

2. Convenience
• Easy of use a. Help students
successfully every
b. Flexile to use
c. Effortless to use


• Satisfactions c. Fun to use

d. Satisfied and
pleasant to use
3. Educational a. Lecturers have
aspects ICT tools to join
WhatsApp chat
laptop, PC)
b. Sharing and
responding the
materials, video,
c. Willing to share
the information
d. Using others
media to support
the learning
4. Technical a. Facing some
aspect troublesome
(flooding chat,
eyes strain, error
b. Easiness to set and
navigate this aid

Appendix IV The Results of Interview

Interview 1 (English)

Subject : Female 1
Date : March 20th, 2021
Coding Description : Mrs. WIM (Correspondent)
RS (Interviewer)

RS : Assalamuaikum, Ma’am!
MRS. WIM : Waaikumsalam.
RS : IN, I want to know about your perception while utilizing
WhatsApp chat group in the distance-learning. Question number
one is What do you think about this aid during the class? Are you
enthusiastic and motivated?
MRS. WIM : Of course, yes. Because that’s the only way we can communicate
two ways in real time. Especially for sharing the link of google
meet/zoom. Or give the info that material has been provided in e-
RS : Is WhatsApp chat group helping you to boost to do interactions?
MRS. WIM : Maybe they have one or two difficult problems, but because one of
the students has already asked. Thus, they feel they are represented.
RS : How’s your new design teaching thru this aid?
MRS. WIM : In the previous class, I shared the material and hold the online
discussion utilizing WhatsApp chat group. But, recently I used this
aid to share the crucial information and link, since some reasons.
RS : What’s the most useful features on WhatsApp chat group which
help you during the class?
MRS. WIM : The chat feature itself and sharing file.
RS : Is WhatsApp chat group easy to operate during the class? Are you
found any difficulties?

MRS. WIM : Operating WhatsApp aid is easy, but there are some difficulties
that I faced. However i think it is too troublesome for me..thats
why i donot continue using that method. I must capture one by one
slide ppt and give the explanation, and then move to the other slide
and so on. Furthermore, WhatsApp is too crowded. After I give the
explantion morethan 3 students confirm that they understood
ma’am etc. It makes flooding chat in my class.
RS : If yes, what’s kind of distractions?
MRS. WIM : My challenge while using this aid, I cannot confirm whether they
all really read my instruction or not. I just conclude that if I share
the info, it means that everyone must have got the info.
RS : Flooding chat, is one of your distractions?
MRS. WIM : Yes, of course, WhatsApp group must scroll up chat, that’s too
RS : Waiting a long time to get feedback and making eyes strain are also
your distractions?
MRS. WIM : Yes, I do.
RS : Do you need a lot of quota or stable internet to use this aid?
MRS. WIM : Yes, I do.
RS : Do you pleasant to write feedback, greet, an information while
discussion of learning section?
MRS. WIM : I send link of zoom, the information and greeting. About feedback
I used others aid)
RS : Do you send PPT slide, link video, and PDF that shares in
WhatsApp chat group?
MRS. WIM : Yes I did, send the materials in the WhatsApp cat group but
recently Ido not.
RS : If yes, is that enjoyable strategy? Is that fun?
MRS. WIM : Yes.
RS : WhatsApp chat group is enough as a learning media, what do you
think about this statement?

MRS. WIM : No, I still use other media to support learning activity.
RS : Do you believe that WhatsApp chat group is pleasant to use?
MRS. WIM : Yes, I believe
RS : According to you, is WhatsApp chat group is effortless? Please
explain it!
MRS. WIM : Yes, certainly
RS : Can WhatsApp chat group use every time and flexible?
MRS. WIM : Yes, I can.
RS : Are you find a satisfaction during operate this aid?
MRS. WIM : Yes, of course. In term of using it for informing somthing about th
ematerial that i have uploaded in elearning etc

Interview 2 (English)

Subject : Female 2
Date : March 20th, 2021
Coding Description : MRS. IMB (Correspondent)
RS (Interviewer)

RS : Assalamuaikum
MRS. IMB : Waaikumsalam
RS : IN, I want to know about your perception while utilizing
WhatsApp chat group in the distance-learning. Question
number one is What do you think about this aid during the class?
Are you enthusiastic and motivated?
MRS. IMB : it’s very enthusiastic, it can be evidenced by their effectiveness
in the online class, they always expressive to deliver the opinion
and question. Moreover, there are 5 questions that delivered in
every meeting. It’s well-improved.
RS : Are WhatsApp chat group helping you and EFL students to
boost to do interactions?
MRS. IMB : Certainly, I give them chance to ask the difficult material at 24
hours in the online group discussion, it can chat me on personal
messages. I give them freedom to be expressive, thus teaching-
learning in the grammar class is fun, they can do and express
related with their characteristic. So, WhatsApp chat group is not
confining them.
RS : How’s your new design teaching thru this aid?
MRS. IMB : I design my new goals’ teaching class, I tend that grammar
subject is important, but learning of social-caring and character
are more important. Teaching approach are conducted in the
online learning class by sending welcoming letter, it’s supposed
to EFL students more closer with me.

RS : What’s the most useful features on WhatsApp chat group which

help you during the class?
MRS. IMB : The most useful features that used is sending PPT, recording
video and audio. Feedback, I send by PPT slides and voice
recording feature, it’s meant so EFL students could easier to
understand and study.
RS : Is WhatsApp chat group easy to operate during the class? Are
you found any difficulties?
MRS. IMB : It’s very easy, there is no obstacles.
RS : If yes, what’s kind of distractions?
MRS. IMB : Perhaps, some of students are reluctant and shy for consulting
in online group discussion or personal chat)
RS : Flooding chat, is one of your distractions?
MRS. IMB : No, it’s disturbing me. It’s just skip it.
RS : Waiting a long time to get feedback and making eyes strain are
also your distractions?
MRS. IMB : I am not exhausted when waiting students’ respond, as they are
very active. I give feedback based on the schedule. Moreover,
preparing the material, quiz, etc makes me exhausted, and
WhatsApp chat group do not make me staring eyes.
RS : Do you need a lot of quota or stable internet to use this aid?
MRS. IMB : Internet or stable connection never be my big problem, as this
aid is not consuming data. But, I ever got the problem when
sending video, but the trouble is big capacity.
RS : Do you pleasant to write feedback, greet, an information while
discussion of learning section?
MRS. IMB : Certainly, I divide both of two sections such as asking section
and discussion section.
RS : Do you send PPT slide, link video, and PDF that shares in
WhatsApp chat group?

MRS. IMB : Of course, I send link of learning video or motivation video for
students, moreover I send PPT, PDF, and others things related
with grammar subject.
RS : If yes, is that enjoyable strategy? Is that fun?
MRS. IMB : Yes, of course. Almost all of class have already known my
rules’ class. Thus, the switching method from offline to
WhatsApp chat group aid do not change anything. Still enjoy
and fun.
RS : WhatsApp chat group is enough as a learning media, what do
you think about this statement?
MRS. IMB : For this case is enough
RS : Do you believe that WhatsApp chat group is pleasant to use?
MRS. IMB : Of course, the aimed why I use WhatsApp chat group is students
can learn the grammar class enjoyable and do not need strike
RS : According to you, is WhatsApp chat group is effortless? Please
explain it!
MRS. IMB : WhatsApp chat group is effortless aid to use, however, before I
hold the o line class, I should prepare the materials like PPT,
quiz, and etc. so, that’s my effort.
RS : Can WhatsApp chat group use every time and flexible?
MRS. IMB : Whatsapp chat groups provide flexible time for students to
continue acting as children at home, but they also do not fall
behind with grammar lessons. Because I think that time with
family is more important. So, WhatsApp chat group is
considered a suitable application that can bridge this.

RS : Are you find a satisfaction during operate this aid?

MRS. IMB : For grammar class, I think the suitable method is offline, but in
this case, WhatsApp chat group is the suitable alternative media
that fulfilled my needs. I take some risks, such as delivering

short materials, taking a long time till 3 hours, and preparing the
materials before.

Appendix V The Result of Observation

Lecturer Observation Checklist (Mrs. IMB)

No. Category Yes No Indicators Notes

1. Usefulness
• Motivation • Delivering - Mrs. Ima
motivational quotes to always share
engage students motivational
• Helping students to be quotes and
active and deal with video.
their fear
- Mrs. Mala also
support students
though giving
solutions when
students faced

- Lecturers
engage students
become active
participants by
doing asking
• Interactions • Helping students to
deal with frightness
(by asking any others
comments, opinion,
and questions)

• Dealing more comfort

• Smooth and comfort

2. o
• Easy of use • Help students
successfully every
• Flexile to use
• Effortless to use
• Satisfactions • Fun to use
• Satisfied and pleasant
to use
3. Educational • Lecturers have ICT
aspects tools to join
WhatsApp chat group
(Smartphone, laptop,
• Sharing and
responding the
materials, video, etc
• Willing to share the
• Using others media to
support the learning
4. Technical • Facing some
aspect troublesome (flooding
chat, eyes strain, error

• Easiness to set and

navigate this aid

Lecturer Observation Checklist (Mrs. WIM)

No. Yes No Indicators Notes

1. Usefulness
• Motivation c. Delivering motivational
quotes to engage students
d. Helping students to be active
and deal with their fear
• Interactions c. Helping students to deal with
frightness (by asking any
others comments, opinion,
and questions)
d. Dealing more comfort
e. Smooth and comfort

2. Convenience
• Easy of use A. Help students successfully
every time
B. Flexile to use
C. Effortless to use
• Satisfactions e. Fun to use
f. Satisfied and pleasant to use
3. Educational e. Lecturers have ICT tools to
aspects join WhatsApp chat group
(Smartphone, laptop, PC)
f. Sharing and responding the
materials, video, etc
g. Willing to share the

h. Using others media to

support the learning process

Appendix VI Consultation Card


Name : Kenny Shania lestari R

NIM : 17180018
Title : Utilizing WhatsApp Chat Group in EFL Classroom During Pandemi

Tanda Tangan
No Tgl/Bln/Thn Materi Bimbingan Pembimbing
10 / 10/ 2020
1 The first technical of consultation

26/ 10/2020
2 Consultation Chapter 1

3 Consultation context of the proposal

4 28/12/2020 Consultation Chapter I, II, and III.

Final consultation chapter I, II, and

5 27/01/2021
Consultation the result of Sempro
6 16/02/2021 and focusing the subject of the
Consultation about instruments
7 22/02/2021 guidelines (Questionnaire, Interview,
and Observation)

8 26/02/2021 ACC instruments

Consultation about the interview

8 04/03/2021

9 23/03/2021 Chapter 1,2,3 and 4

02/03/2021 Revise chapter 1,2,3, and 4


11 13/04/2021 Revise chapter 1,2,3, and 4

Advisor : Mr.
12 28/04/2021 Chapter 1,2,3, 4 and 5

13 31/05/2021 Revise chapter 1,2,3, 4 and 5

14 03/06/2021 Revise chapter 1,2,3, 4 and 5

15 08/06/2021 Revise chapter 1,2,3, 4 and 5

16 09/06/2021 Final thesis and ACC

Malang, June, 9th 2021

Accepted, Approved,
Dosen Pembimbing Ketua Jurusan TBI

................................................... ..........................................
NIP. 197110142003121001 NIP. 197110142003121001

Appendix VII The Survey Report of UIN Malang


Appendix VIII Letter of Practical Research Permission


JalanGajayana 50, Telepon (0341) 552398 Faximile (0341)
552398 Malang
http:// fitk.uin-malang.ac.id. email : fitk@uin_malang.ac.id

Nomor : 536/Un.03.1/TL.00.1/01/2021 18 Februari 2021Sifat : Penting

Lampiran :-
Hal : Izin Survei
Yth. Ketua Jursan
TBI UIN Malangdi
Jl. Gajayana No.50, Dinoyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dengan hormat, dalam rangka penyusunan proposal Skripsi pada Jurusan Tadris
Bahasa Inggris - S1 Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FITK) Universitas
Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, kami mohon dengan hormat agar
mahasiswa berikut:
NIM : 17180018
Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris - S1
Semester- Tahun Akademik : Genap - 2020/2021
Judul Skripsi : Utilizing WhatsApp Chat Group in EFL
Teaching: Voices of EFL Students and

diberi izin untuk melakukan survei/studi pendahuluan di lembaga/instansi

yangmenjadi wewenang Bapak/Ibu. Demikian, atas perkenan dan kerjasama
Bapak/Ibu yang baik disampaikan terimakasih.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Dr. H. Agus Maimun, M.Pd NIP.

19650817 199803 1 003
Tembusan :
1. Yth. Ketua Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris - S1

Appendix IX Curriculum Vitae


Nama : Kenny Shania Lestari R

Birthday : Kediri, September 3rd 1998
Gender : Female
Address : Rt/Rw 01/01, Desa Wonorejo, Kec Puncu, Kab
Kediri, Jawa Timur
Email : Kennyshania027@gmail.com
No. Contact 081233080131

Education Background

No Graduated Education Place

1 2011 SD Negeri Kepung II Kabupaten Kediri
2 2014 MTsN 1 Pare Kabupaten Kediri
3 2017 MAN 3 Kediri Kota Kediri
2021 UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Kota Malang

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