Direction & Distance Questions, Answers & Explanation: Exercise

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A and B start walking simultaneously, eastwards
and westwards respectively, and both cover a
distance of 5 km. Then A turns to his left and
1. Q travels towards East. M travels towards North. walks 10 km. 'B’ turns to his right and walks 10
S and T travel in opposite directions. T travels km and at the same speed. Then both turn to
towards right of Q. Which of the following is their left and cover a distance of 5 km at the
definitely true? same speed. What will be the distance between
(a) M and S travel in the opposite directions. them?
(b) S travels towards West. (a) 10km (b) 5km
(c) T travels towards North. (c) 20km (d) 25 km
(d) M and S travel in the same direction. 7. Alok walked 30 metres towards east and took a
2. P, Q, R, S and T are sitting around a circular right turn and walked 40 metres. He again took a
table. R is to the right of P and is second to the right turn and walked50 metres. Towards which
left of S. T is not between P and S. Who is direction is he from his starting point?
second to the left of R? (a) South (b) West
(a) S (b) T (c) South-West (d) South-East
(e) 0 (d) data inadequate 8. Ruchi’s house is to the right of Vani's house at a
3. Of the five villages P, Q, R, S and T situated distance of 20 metres in the same row facing
close to each other, P is to west of Q, R is to the North. Shabana's house i in the North- East
south of P. T is to the north of Q, and S is to the direction of Vani's house at a distance of 25
east of T. Then, R is in which direction with metres. Determine that Ruchi's house is in which
respect to S? direction with respect of Shabana's house?
(a) North-West (b) South-East (a) North-East (b) East
(c) South-West (d) Data Inadequate (c) South (d) West
4. M is to the East of D, F is to the South of D and 9. Y is to the East of X, which is to the North of Z.
K is to the West of F. M is in which direction If P is to the South of Z, then P is in which
with respect to K? direction with respect to Y?
(a) South-West (b) North-West (a) North (b) South
(c) North-East (d) South-East (c) South-East (d) None of these
5. After 4 pm on a sunny day when Ramesh was 10. One afternoon, Manisha and Madhuri were
returning from his school, he saw his uncle talking to each other face to face in Bhopal on
coming in the opposite direction. His uncle M.G. Road. If Manisha's shadow was exactly to
talked to him for some time. Ramesh saw that the left of Madhuri, which direction was
the shadow of his uncle was to his right side. Manisha facing?
Which direction was his uncle facing during (a) North (b) South
their talk? (c) East (d) Data inadequate
(a) North (b) South 11. ‘X’ started walking straight towards South, He
(0) East (d) Data inadequate walked a distance of 5 metres and then took a
6. A and B are standing at a distance of 20 km left turn and walked a distance of 3 metres. Then
from each other on a straight East-West road.
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he took a right turn and walked a distance of 5 18. P, Q, R and S are playing a game of carrom. P,
metres again. ‘X’ is facing which direction now? R and S, Q are partners. S is to the right of R
(a) North-East (b) South who is facing west. Then, Q is facing
(c) North (d) South-West (a) North (b) South
12. If A is to the south of B and C is to the east of B, (c) East (d) West
in what direction is A with respect to C? 19. A and B start walking, from a point, in opposite
(a) North-east (b) North-west directions. A covers 3 km and B covers 4 km.
(c) South-east (d) South-west Then A turns right and walks 4 km while B turns
13. One morning after sunrise, Gopal was facing a left and walks 3 km. How far is each from the
pole. The shadow of the pole fell exactly to his starting point?
right. Which direction was he facing? (a) 5 km (b) 4km
(a) South (b) East (c) 10km (d) 8km
(c) West (d) Data inadequate 20. Anuj started walking positioning his back
14. A boy rode his bicycle northwards, then turned towards the sun. After sometime, he turned left,
left and rode one km and again turned left and then turned right and then towards the left again.
rode 2 km. He found himself exactly one km In which direction is he going now?
west of his starting point. How far did he ride (a) North or South (b) East or West
northwards initially? (c) North or West (d) South or West
(a) 1 km (b) 2km 21. From her home, Prema wishes to go to school.
(c) 3 km (d) 5 km. From home, she goes towards North and then
15. Ravi wants to go to the university which is turns left and then turns right, and finally she
opposite to theatre. He starts from his home turns left and reaches school. In which direction
which is in the East and come to a crossing. The her school is situated with respect to her home?
road to the left ends is a theatre, straight ahead is (a) North-East (b) North-West
the hospital- In which direction is the university? (c) South-East (d) South-West
(a) North (b) South 22. One day, Ravi left home and cycled 10 km
(c) East (d) West southwards, turned right and cycled 5 km and
16. A rat runs 20’ towards east and turns to right, turned right and cycled 10 km and turned left
runs 10' and turns to right, runs 9‘ and again and cycled 10 km. How many kilometres will he
turns to left, runs 5 and then to left, runs 12' and have to cycle to reach his home straight?
finally turns to left and runs 6'. Now, which (a) 10km (b) 15km
direction is the rat facing? (c) 20 km (d) 25 km
(a) East (b) West 23. Rasik walks 20 m North. Then, he turns right
(c) North (d) South and walks 30 m. Then he turns right and walks
17. If South-east becomes North, North-east 35 m. Then he turns left and walks 15 m. Then
becomes west and so on, what will West he again turns left and walks 15 m. In which
become? direction and how many metres away is he from
(a) North-east (b) North-west his original position?
(c) South-east (d) South-west (a) 15 metres West (b) 30 metres East
(c) 30 metres West (d) 45 metres East
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24. From his house, Lokesh went 15 km to the (a) North (b) South
North. Then he turned West and covered 10 km. (c) East (d) Data inadequate
Then, he turned South and covered 5 km. 30. I am facing east. I turn 100° in the clockwise
Finally, turning to East, he covered 10 km. In direction and then 145° in the anticlockwise
which direction is he from his house? direction. Which direction am I facing now?
(a) East (b) West (a) East (b) North-east
(c) North (d) South (c) North (d) South-west
25. Kailash faces towards north. Turnings to his 31. A man is facing north-west. He turns 90° in the
right, he walks 25 metres. He then turns to his clockwise direction, then 180° in the
left and walks 30 metres. Next, he moves 25 anticlockwise direction and then another 90° in
metres to his right. He then turns to the right the same direction. Which direction is he facing
again and walks 55 metres. Finally, he turns to now?
the right and moves 40 metres. In which (a) South (b) South-west
direction is he now from his starting point? (c) West (d) South-east
(a) South-West (b) South 32. A man is facing west. He runs 45° in the
(c) North-West (d) South-East clockwise direction and then another 180° in the
26. A clock is so placed that at 12 noon its minute same direction and then 270° in the
hand points towards north-east. In which anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he
direction does its hour hand point at 1:30 pm? facing now?
(a) North (b) South (a) South (b) North-west
(c) East (d) West (c) West (d) South-west
27. One evening before sunset two friends Sumit 33. Ganesh cycles towards South West a distance of
and Mohitwere talking to each other face to face. 8 m, then he moves towards East a distance of
If Mohit’s shadow was exactly to his right side, 20 m. From there he moves towards North East
which direction was Sumit facing? (a) North a distance of 8 m, then he moves towards west a
(b) South distance of 6 m. From there he moves towards
(c) West (d) Data inadequate North-East a distance of 2m. Then he moves
28. Rohit walked 25 metres towards South. Then he towards west a distance of 4 m and then towards
turned to his left and walked 20 metres. He then south west 2 km and stop at that point. How far
turned to his left and walked 25 metres. He is he from the starting point?
again turned to his right and walked 15 metres. (a) 12m (b) 10m
At what distance is he from the starting point (c) 8m (d) 6m
and in which direction? 34. From my house I worked 5 km towards North. I
(a) 35 metres East (b) 35 metres North turned rightand walked 3 km. Again I went one
(c) 40 metres East (d) 60 metres East km to south How far am I from my house?
29. One morning after sunrise, Reeta and Kavita (a) 7km (b) 6km
were talking to each other face to face atTilak (c) 4km (d) 5km
Square. If Kavita’s shadow was Exactly to the 35. Ram left home and walked 5 km southward,
right to Reeta, which direction Kavita was turned right and walked 2 km and turned right
facing and walked 5 km and turned left and walked 5
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km. How many km will he have to walk to reach 41. If a person is walking towards North, what
his home starting? direction should he follow so that he is walking
(a) 5 (b) 7 towards West?
(c) 17 (d) 15 (a) 1 right, right, left (b) left, left, right
36. Going 60 m to the south of his house. Kiran turn (c) left, right, left (d) left, left, left
left andgoes another 20 m, then turning to the 42. A watch read 4.30. If the minute hand points
North.He goes 40 m and then starting walking to East, in what direction will the hour hand point?
his house. Inwhich direction is his house from (a) North (b) North west
there? (c) South-east (d) North-east
(a) South-East (b) North 43. A person stood alone in a desert on a dark night
(c) East (d) North-West and wanted to reach his village which was
37. Ram started walking towards East after 1 km. situated 5 km east of the point where he was
He turned south and walked 5 km. Again he standing. He had no instruments to find the
turned East and walked 2 km. Finally he turned direction but he located the polestar. The most
North and walked 9 km. How far is he from the convenient way now to reach his village is to
starting point? walk in the
(a) 7km (b) 3 km (a) direction facing the polestar
(c) 4km (d) 5km (b) direction opposite to the polestar
38. Sobha was facing East. She walked 20 metres. (c) direction keeping the polestar to his left
Turning left she moved 15 metres and then (d) direction keeping the polestar to his right
turning right moved 25 metres. Finally, she 44. A person travels 12 km due North, then 15 km
turned right and moved 15 metres more. How far due East, after that 15 km due West and then 18
is she from her starting point? km due South. How far is he from the starting
(a) 25 metres (b) 35 metres point?
(c) 50 metres (d) 45 metres (a) 6 km (b) 12 km
39. Jatin leaves his house and walks 12 km towards (c) 33 km (d) 60 km
North. He turns right and walks another 12 km. 45. Priya starts walking in the afternoon facing the
He turns right, walks 12 km more and turns left Sun. After some time, she turned to the right.
to walk 5 km. How far is he from his home and Later again, she turned to her left and again also
in which direction? left. At what direction is Priya moving now?
(a) 7 km east (b) 10 km east (a) East (b) West
(c) 17 km east (d) 24 km east (c) North (d) South
40. Deepak starts walking straight towards east. 46. Asha drives 6 km towards West and turns to the
After walking 75 metres, he turns to the left and right and drives 3 km. Then, she turns again and
walks 25 metres straight. Again he turns to the drives towards right hand and drives 6 km. How
left, walks a distance of 40 metres straight, again far is she from her starting point? In which
he turns to the left and walks a distance of 25 direction would she be driving?
metres. How far is he from the starting point? (a) 6km East (b) 3 km West
(a) 25 metres (b) 50 metres (c) 3 km East (d) 6 km North
(c) 115 metres (d) 35 metres
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47. In the given figure, P is 300 km eastward of O (a) Both are equal
and Q is 400 km north of O. R is exactly in the (b) AB is smaller than BE
middle of Q and P. The distance between Q and (c) A B is larger than BE
R is (d) There is no relation in AB and BE
North 51. The post office is in the East of the school while
my house is in the South of the school. The
market is in the North of the post office. If the
distance of the market from the post-office is
40km R equal to the distance of my house from the
school, in which direction is the market with
respect to my house?
(a) North (b) East
O 300 km P East
(c) North-east (d) South-west
(a) 250 km (b) 100 3 km
52. A person stood alone in a desert on a dark night
(c) 500 km (d) 125 km
and wanted to reach his village which was
48. The houses of A and B face each other on a road
situated 5 km east of the point where he was
going north-south, A’s being on the western
standing. He had no instruments to find the
side. A comes out of his house, turns left, travels
direction but he located the polestar. The most
5 km, turns right, travels 5 km to the front of D’s
convenient way now to reach his village is to
house. B does exactly the same and reaches the
walk in the
front of C’s house. In this context, which one of
(a) direction facing the polestar
the following statements is correct?
(b) direction opposite to the polestar
(a) C and D live on the same street.
(c) direction keeping the polestar to his left
(b) C’s house faces south.
(d) direction keeping the polestar to his right
(c) The houses of C and D are less than 20 km
53. The length and breadth of a room are 8 m and 6
m respectively. A cat runs along all the four
(d) None of the above
walls and finally along a diagonal order to catch
49. If M is in North-east of N and P in South-West
a rat. How much total distance is covered by the
of N then (i) P is in the South of N and (ii) N is
between M and P. Out of these two statements
(a) 10 (b) 14
(i) and (ii) which is/are correct?
(c) 38 (d) 48
(a) (i) and (ii) both are correct
54. Two lathes and two men are playing bridge a
(b) (i) and (ii) both are wrong
card game and seated at North, East, South and
(c) only (i) is correct
West of a table. No lady is facing East. Persons
(d) only (ii) is correct
sitting opposite to each other arc not of the same
50. Five persons A, B, C, D and E are standing in a
gender. One man is facing South. Which
row. B is between A and C and D is between C
directions are the lathes facing?
and E. If the distance of C from B is equal to the
(a) East and west (b) South and east
distance of D from C, what is the relation
(c) North and west (d) North and east
between the distances of A to B and B to E?
55. Consider the following statements :
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There are six villages A, B, C, D, E and F. (c) 40m (d) 45m
F is 1 km to the west of D. 61. A square Held ABCD of side 90 m is so located
B is I km to the east of E. that its diagonal AC is from north to south and
A is 2 km to the north of E. the corner B is to the west of D. Rohan and
C is 1 km to the east of A. Rahul start walking along the sides from B and
D is 1 km to the south of A. C respectively in the clockwise and
Which three villages are in a line? anticlockwise directions with speeds of 8 km/hr
(a) A, C, B (b) A, D, E and 10 km/hr. Where will they cross each other
(c) C, B, F (d) E, B, D the second time?
56. If all the directions are rotated, i.e., if North is (a) On AD at a distance of 30 m from A
changed to West and East to North and so on, (b) On BC at a distance of 10m from B
then what will come in place of North-West ? (c) On AD at a distance of 30 m from D
(a) South-west (b) North-east (d) On BC at a distance of 10 m from C
(c) East-north (d) East-west 62. If South East becomes North, then what will
57. In a meeting, the map of a village was placed in South West become?
such a manner that south-east becomes north, (a) North (b) West
north-east becomes west and so on. What will (c) East (d) North West
south become? 63. A man coming out of the backdoor of his house
(a) North (b) North-east which is facing East, walked for one kilometre,
(c) North-west (d) West turned to his right and walked for another
58. A is 40 m south-west of B. C is 40 m south-east kilometre. Then he turned to his right and
of B. Then C is in which direction of A? walked a kilometre again. Where was he from
(a) East (b) South his house at the end?
(c) West (d) North (a) 1 km away in north
59. Gaurav walks 20 metres towards North. He then (b) I km away in south
turns left and walks 40 metres. He again turns (c) 1 km away in east
left and walks 20 metres. Further, he moves 20 (d) 1 km away in west
metres after turning to the right. How far is he 64. Two squads of solthers A and B, facing East and
from his original position? West respectively received the following
(a) 55 m (b) 60 m commands - Left Turn, About Turn, Right Turn,
(c) 65 m (d) 50 m Left Turn. Which directions would the squads A
60. My friend and I started walking simultaneously and B face at the end?
towards each other from two places 100 m apart. (a) East, West (b) West, East
After walking 30 m, my friend turns left and (c) North, South (d) South, North
goes 10 m, then he turns right and goes 20 m 65. A direction pole was situated on the crossing.
and then turns right again and comes back to the Due to an accident, the pole turned in such a
road on which he had started walking. If we manner that the pointer which was showing East
walk with the same speed, what is the distance started showing South. One traveller went to the
between us at this point of time? wrong direction thinking it to be west. In what
(a) 50m (b) 60m direction actually was he travelling?
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(a) South (b) East 72. A boat moves from a jetty towards East. After
(c) West (d) North sailing for 9 nautical miles, she turns towards
66. Dinesh and Ramesh start together from a certain right and covers another 12 nautical miles. If she
point in the opposite direction on motorcycles. wants to go back to the jetty, what is the shortest
The speed of Dinesh is 60 km per hour and distance now from her present position?
Ramesh 44 km per hour. What will be the (a) 21 nautical miles (b) 20 nautical miles
distance between them after 15 minutes? (c) 18 nautical miles (d) 15 nautical miles
(a) 20 km (b) 24 km
(c) 26 km (d) 30 km
67. An insect is walking in straight line. It covers a
15 cm per minute. It comes back 2.5 cm after
every 15 cm. How long will it take to cover a
distance of 1 metre?
(a) 6.5 min (b) 8min
(c) 10 min (d) 12 min
68. Four players P. Q. R and S are standing a play
filed in such a way that Q is to East of P, R is to
the South of P and S is to the North of P. In
which direction of Q is S Standing?
(a) North (b) South
(c) North-West (d) South-East
69. A cyclist goes 30 km to North and then turning
to goes 40 km. Again he turns to his right and
goes 20 km. After this he turns to his right and
goes 40 km. How far is the from his starting
(a) 0 km. (b) 10 km.
(c) 25 km. (d) 40 km.
70. A boy from his home, first walks 20 m in north-
West direction then 20 m in South - West
direction. Next, he walks 20m South - East
direction. Finally, he turns towards his house. In
which direction is he moving?
(a) North - West (b) North-East
(c) South - West (d) South - East
71. A person walks towards his house at 8.00 am
and observes his shadow to his right. In which
direction he is walking
(a) North (b) South
(c) East (d) West
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1 (d) 9 (d) 17 (c) 25 (d) 33 (b) 41 (b) 49 (d) 57 (b) 65 (d)
2 (c) 10 (a) 18 (a) 26 (c) 34 (d) 42 (d) 50 (b) 58 (a) 66 (c)
3 (c) 11 (b) 19 (a) 27 (b) 35 (b) 43 (c) 51 (c) 59 (b) 67 (b)
4 (c) 12 (d) 20 (a) 28 (a) 36 (d) 44 (a) 52 (c) 60 (a) 68 (c)
5 (b) 13 (a) 21 (b) 29 (a) 37 (d) 45 (d) S3 (c) 61 (d) 69 (b)
6 (a) 14 (b) 22 (b) 30 (b) 38 (d) 46 (c) 54 (c) 62 (c) 70 (b)
7 (c) 15 (a) 23 (d) 31 (d) 39 (c) 47 (a) 55 (b) 63 (a) 71 (b)
8 (c) 16 (c) 24 (c) 32 (d) 40 (d) 48 (c) 56 (a) 64 (d) 72 (d)

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1. We have been given that Q travels towards East ←5 km → B←5 km
and M travels towards North. Now, T travels
towards right of Q implies that T travels towards
South. Hence, S travels towards North (because
S and T Travel in opposite directions). 10 km
Therefore, it is definitely true that M and S
travel in the same direction i.e., North.
←5 km →
2. (c) ←5 km →
S A 20 km
7. (c)
↓ Starting point
P R 30 m
Q is second to the left of R.
40 m

50 m
3. (c)
• • S W E
• •
8. (c)
• R N
Hence, R is to the South-West with respect to S. 25m Shabana
4. (c)

Vani 20m Ruchi

M is to the North-East of K.
5. (b) After 4 pm the shadow will be towards East. 9. d)
Now, East is to the right of Ramesh. So Ramesh
faces North. And his uncle, who is opposite him, X Y N
faces South.
6. (a) W E

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Z 15. (a) Starting from his house in the East, Ravi
SW moves west wards. Then, the theatre, which is to
P S the left, will be in the South. The hospital, which
10. (a) In the afternoon the sun is in the west.
is straight ahead, will be to the West. So, the
Hence the shadow is in the east. Now, east is to
University will be to the North.
the left of Madhuri. So, Madhuri is facing south.
N University
Therefore, Manisha, who is face to face with
Madhuri, is facing north.
11. (b) W E
N Home Home
W E Theatre
3 S
5 16. (c) The movements of rat are as shown in figure.
Clearly, it is finally walking in the direction FG
S i.e. North.
12. (d) Clearly, comparing the direction of A w.r.t. A B
C in thes econd diagram with that in the first
diagram, A will be south-west of C. D 9' C 10' G
B C 5' 6'
W E 12'
17. (c) Here, each direction moves 90° + 45° = 135°
13. (a) The Sun rises in the east. So, in morning, the NW N NE
shadow falls towards the west. Now, shadow of E NW
pole falls to the right of Gopal. Therefore, SW W
Gopal’s right side is the west. So, he is facing SE
14. (b) Clearly, the boy rode from A to B, then to C
and finally up to D. Since D lies to the west of 18. (a) Here, R faces towards West. S is to the right
A, so required distance =AB = CD = 2 km. of R. So, S is facing towards South. Thus, Q
C 1km B who is the partner of S. will face towards North.


D 1 km A

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S km up to D finally turns left and moves 10 km
↓ up to E.
← N
Thus his distance from initial position A=AE

↑ = BC+DE = (5 +10) km = 15 km.
10 km D A (Ravi)
19. (a) Here, O is starting point.

10 km 10 km

Both A and B are 32
+ 42 =
5 km from the 5km
starting point.
23. (d) The movements of Rasik from A to F arc as
20. (a) Clearly, there are two possible movements of
shown in figure.
Anuj as shown below:
North Since CD =AB+EF, so F lies in line with A.
Rasik’s distance from original position A = AF
Sun Sun = (AG + GF) = (BC + DE)=(30+15) m=45m.
Also, F lies to the east of A.
30 m
20 m
Sun South G F
21. (b) 35 m 15 m
N 15 m
NW NE School
24. (c) The movements of Lokesh are as shown in
W E figure, (A to B, B to C, C to D, D to E). Clearly,
his final position is E which is to the North of
his house A.
S Home

It is clear from the diagram that school is in

North-west direction with respect to home.
22. (b) Here, Ravi starts from home at A. moves 10
km southwards up to B, turns right and moves 25. (d)
10 km up to C, turns right again and moves 10

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30m N
South-east S 29. (a) In morning, sun rise in the east so shadow of
40 m a object falls towards the west. Now, Kavita’s
End point shadow falls to the rights of Reeta. Hence, Reeta
is facing South and Kavita is facing North.

26. (c) The positions of the minute and hour hands Reeta N
at 12 noon and 1:30 p.m. are as shown in the
diagram. Comparing with direction figure, we W E
see that the hour hand at 1:30 p.m. points Kavita’s
towards the East. Shadow Kavita S

30. (b) As shown in figure, the man initially faces

towards east i.e., in the direction OA. On
moving 100° clockwise, he faces in the direction
OB. On further moving 145° anti-clockwise, he
faces the direction OC. Clearly, OC makes an
angle of (145° -100°) i.e. 45° with OA and so,
the man faces in the direction North-east.
27. (b) In the evening, sun in the west and so the
shadows fall towards east. So, Mohit’s shadow
fell towards east. Now, since Mohit’s shadow
fell towards right, therefore, Mohit is facing
North. So Surnit, standing face to face with
Mohit, was facing South.
28. (a) The movements of Rohit are as shown in
figure. Rohit’s distance from starting point
A = AE = (AD + DE) = (BC + DE) = (20 + 15)
m = 35 m. 31. (d) As shown in figure, the man initially
Also, E is to the East of A. faces in the direction OP. On moving 90°
clockwise, lie faces in the direction OX. On
farther moving 1801 anticlockwise, he faces in
the direction OY. Finally, on moving 90°
anticlockwise, he faces in the direction OZ,
which is South-east.

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34. (d)
A 3 km B
1 km

5 km 3 C
32. (d) Clearly, the man initially faces in the N
direction OA. On moving 45° clockwise, he
faces in the direction OB. On further moving
180° clockwise, he faces in the direction OC. W E
Finally, on moving 270° anticlockwise, he faces
in the direction OD, which is South-west. S
Hence, the answer is (d) OC = 42 + 32 = 16 + 9 = 25 = 5km

35. (b)
5 km Starting

5 km 5 km
33. (b)
2 km


W E Required distance = 5 +2 = 7km
36. (d) Kiran’s House
AO = 20 – (4 + 6) = 10m North West

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60m 20 meters

40 m E Finishing point
towards South is same, i.e., 15 metres. So,
Shobha is 20+25 metres = 45 metres away from
her starting point.
B 20 m C
39. (c) (12 km + 5 km = 17 km)


37. (d) 12 km

12 km 12 km


5 km Finishing point
9 km
1 km Home
5 km 40. (d) The movements of Deepak are as shown in
2 km D 40 m C

25 m 25 m

A E 75 m B
W E Clearly, FB = DC = 40 cm.
∴ Deepak’s distance from the starting point A
S = (AB – EB) = (75 – 40) m = 35.
Required distance = 42 + 32 = 5 km.
38. (d)
41. (b) The directions to be followed will be:
25 metres

15 meters 15
Starting point
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Hence, Priya is moving in the South direction.

42. (d) Clearly, to show 4.30, the position of the
minute and hour hands clock will be as shown. 46. (c)
So, again as shown, if the minute hand points
East, the hour hand will point in the North-east.

Hence, Asha is 3km from starting point and in

the cost direction.
47. (a) Clearly, PQ = OP2 + OQ2
43. (c)
= 300 2 + 400 2
44. (a)
= 90000 + 160000 = 500 km
N 15 km 1
P Q Since, R is the midpoint of PQ, so QR = × PQ
W E 12 km = 250 km
48. (c) Given information diagrammatically can be
O 18
shown as follows:
R --→− →
←5 km→ D
Let O be the starting point and P, Q and R the
positions after every movement. Hence,
Distance from the starting point =Distance of
final position R from O = OR= 18-12 =6 km.
45. (d) 5 km

C ← −←
← 5km→

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From the above diagram, it is clear that the
houses of C and D are less than 20 km apart. M1 N
49. (d)
M N M2 L2 W E

L1 S
N W E 55. (b)

P S 1 km
N is between M and P. Hence only (ii) statement A C
is correct.
50. (b) The position of all the five persons is as 1 km
follows: 1 km
1 km
Hence AB is smaller than BE 1 km
51. (c) The positions of school, house, post office
and market are as follows: Hence, A, D, E in a line.
Market N


Post office W E

House S
Hence the market is in the North-east of my 56. (a) Original directions
52. (c) North
53. (c)
Northwest North-east

A 8m B West East

South-west South-east

D C Changed directions
Required distance = 8 + 6 +8 + 6 + 82 + 62 West
= 28 + 100 = 28 + 10 = 38 m Southwest North-east
54. (c) The positions of the lathes and the men are
shown in the diagram given below
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South North
60. (a)
70 m
South-west North-east 100 m
East B' A'
A ← 50 m→ 10 30 B
57. (b) My self 10 My friend
N When my friend reaches on the previous track
(i.e. on B′) again, he had travelled a distance of
South West
(30 +10+2 + 10) = 70 m. As I walk with the
W E same speed as that of my friend I have walked
70m, but on the straight track. Now, he is just
[100 - (30 +20)] = 50m from my starting point.
East North
Hence, the distance between us = (70 - 50) =
61. (d)
From the figure, it is clear that ‘S’ becomes A
‘North-east’ in the new figure (dotted line) 30m 1st meeting
58. (a) As clear from the adjoining diagram, C lies 90 m 90 m 9 cm
8 km/h Rohan
to the east of A.
N 90m 90 m
2nd meeting Rahul 10 km/h
W E 40 m 40 m C
SW SE A C Speeds of Rohan and Rahul are in the ratio 4:5.
62. (c) If South East becomes North then south west
east as shown in direction chart.
59. (b) The movements for Gaurav are as shown in
figure. SW
Clearly, Gaurav’s distance from his initial
position P = PX= (PS + SX)=(QR + SX) = (40 +
20) m = 60 m. SE W E NW
N 40 m
W E 20m 20 m S

S X 20 m S P(Gaurav)

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104 ×15
= = 26km
63. (a) 60
67. (b)
North N
1 km
Starting •
point 1 km W E

68. (c)
1 km S S N
North North west
64. (d)
South S

Hence, Q is in North west dissection of S.

69. (b)

About turn – turning in reverse direction East 40 km D right

65. (d) C ↑
20 km 20 km

N/ E B E
↖ right
30 km Destination point of
N/W E/S North A Cyclist
Starting point of cyclist
Distance from starting
S/ W point = AC – BC = 30 – 20 = 10 km
70. (b)
As East started showing south then west was 71. (b) A person observes his shadow to his right.
actually north. The sun is to his left. He is walking towards the
66. (c) south.
60KM / hr 72. (d) Starting point

44Km / hr
Relative speed of Dinesh and Ramesh’s
motorcycles = (60+44) = 104 km/hr
Distance travelled by them = Relative speed ×
Time distance = 104 km /hr × hr
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Ending point
The shortest distance
= AB2 + BC2
= 92 + 122
= 225 = 15 nautical miles.

Starting Point 9nm B


12 nm

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