This category includes printed materials that can be duplicated inexpensively. Students can use them anywhere, making them comfortable. It also includes computer-mediated materials that enable flexible learning using technology. Audiovisual materials like video engage learners and make teaching more effective by adding interest and stimulating cognitive thinking. Linked audio and visual materials generate integrated instructional systems for individualized, motivating, and dynamic learning experiences.
This category includes printed materials that can be duplicated inexpensively. Students can use them anywhere, making them comfortable. It also includes computer-mediated materials that enable flexible learning using technology. Audiovisual materials like video engage learners and make teaching more effective by adding interest and stimulating cognitive thinking. Linked audio and visual materials generate integrated instructional systems for individualized, motivating, and dynamic learning experiences.
This category includes printed materials that can be duplicated inexpensively. Students can use them anywhere, making them comfortable. It also includes computer-mediated materials that enable flexible learning using technology. Audiovisual materials like video engage learners and make teaching more effective by adding interest and stimulating cognitive thinking. Linked audio and visual materials generate integrated instructional systems for individualized, motivating, and dynamic learning experiences.
This category includes printed materials that can be duplicated inexpensively. Students can use them anywhere, making them comfortable. It also includes computer-mediated materials that enable flexible learning using technology. Audiovisual materials like video engage learners and make teaching more effective by adding interest and stimulating cognitive thinking. Linked audio and visual materials generate integrated instructional systems for individualized, motivating, and dynamic learning experiences.
be created and duplicated with little Printed & Duplicated Non-Projected that are oftenly seen in the classroom as expense. Students can use it anytime Materials Display Materials it makes the instruction more realistic and anywhere which makes them and engaging. comfortable to use it.
This comprises of materials This comprise of materials that
which requires the use are still which requires the use computer and is significant for Computer-Mediated INSTRUCTIONAL Still Projected Display of a projector. This can greatly enabling technology for the Materials MATERIALS Materials captures the students' attention development of effective and in learning. flexible learning.
This comprised of materials that are
important in education system as it It comprises of materials that engages encourages teaching-learning process auditory learners, adding novelty to the Cine & Video which makes it easier and interesting. It Audio Materials activities using music or recording that Materials is best in making teaching effective, in stimulates their brain and cognitive dissemination of knowledge and thinking. building enthusiasm to every learner.
This includes both audio and visual
materials that generates integrated Linked Audio & Still instructional systems. It helps the process Visual Materials of individualized learning that motivates and makes dynamic learning experience more interesting.