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In the late 19th century the control troubles to the supply network was detected
practically and it was first constructed. The British Lighting Clauses Act of 1899 was
first among these to prevent uncontrolled arc lamps from causing flicker on
incandescent lamps. In the 1970's the evolution of electronic equipment claimed
essential control to the disturbances produce to the increase in electronic equipment
.The day by day increase in electronics consumers and the rigid occurrence of main
specification circuits inside the electronic devices dominants the cause of mains
harmonic distortion. Some form of ac to dc power supply are used within the
construction of most modern electrical and electronic apparatus and for each half
cycle of the supply these supplies take pulses of current. Considering for single
apparatus (a domestic television, for example)the amount of reactive power drawn
may be small, but for bulk, may be 100 or more TVs there active power utilization
from the same supply phase causing a flow of substantial amount of reactive current
and hence harmonics generation. The advancement in power electronic converters
reduces the weight and size and simultaneously the performance and function of such
converters preferable for industrial, commercial and residential purposes. This
reactive current can’t be identified since the domestic tariff meter is concerned and it
results loss of revenue due to the mismatch between the developed and that used
power. Different streets are supplied from different phases creates 3-phase unbalance
within a housing scheme. Through the neutral line of the star configuration
unbalanced current flows and causes heating & burning of the conductor, in extreme
cases. Also, the supply voltage waveform gets distorted because of the reactive current
hence an EMC problem happens, for an apparatus, sensitive to such voltage distortion.
Moreover, this cumulates supplementary losses and dielectric stresses in capacitors
and cables due to the harmonic content and hence the increase in currents in windings
of rotating machinery and transformers and noise in various products, and taking out

of premature failure of fuses and safety modules. Since in the present situation, the
rise and growth in utilization of equipment like computers, laptops, telecom,
biomedical equipment, and uninterruptable power supplies is uncontrollable and also
resulting to the high power draw and small power density. But industry or market
appeals the diminishment of power sources with greater power density at sensible
value. Thus, it is compulsory to deliver additional power on a smaller cost and size for
the telecom and computer applications. To settle these concerns, it is desired to
endorse the distributed power system (DPS).Therefore; DPS has expanded from an
ordinary access, utilizing isolated DC-DC converters to midway bus construction
using non-isolated converters


The distortion normal electric current waveform due to the nonlinear loads
creates harmonics in AC distribution systems. Nonlinear loads arise for variable
resistance i.e. resistance varies for each sine wave of the applied voltage, causing in a
series of positive and negative pulses, as in fig. 1.3. In AC-DC system, the connected
equipment to the DPS desires some kind of power conditioning, rectification in

general, which creates a non-sinusoidal line current because of the non-linear input

In addition to the original current. The sequence of pulses generates harmonic

currents additionally to the original current. In sample, the third harmonic of 50Hz is
150Hz. For 3-phase systems, even harmonics are canceled out; hence concern is the
odd harmonics only. In a balanced distribution network, at the common neutral
conductor the current cancel each other out when adding together and return to the
source, due to which the neutral current becomes zero. The presence of nonlinear
loads, make all the third harmonic exactly in phase and add, rather than cancels in all
the phases, therefore, current and heat is developed on the neutral conductor. The
harmonic loads decrease the distribution capacity and effects to the quality of the
power of public utility systems. Computer equipment with switched mode power
supplies, battery chargers, UPSs, variable speed motors and drives, fax machines,
laser printers, photo copiers, medical diagnostic equipment etc. work as nonlinear
loads, invariably.


Realistically, completely eliminating harmonics would be very challenging and
over priced. Understanding of the choices and their relevant costs for balancing the
real harmonic load in contradiction of the cost of the solution is the vital factor. For

the minimization of the actual harmonic loads there are numbers of selections offered,
but should be studied deliberately because of the combined expenditure and usage of
extra copper, is enhancing increase in Deficient.


All the negative effects of line current distortion needs for a setting limits for
the line current harmonics of joined equipment to the distribution network.
Standardization activities have been carried out since long days. In 1982, the IEC-
International Electro-technical Committee published standard IEC 555-2, was
approved as EN 60555-2 European standard.

 Allowable AC input can be set (e.g., 115, 208, or 230 VAC
only) or a range (e.g., 85-264VAC).
 DC output is measured in watts (e.g., 3 to 1,000), volts (e.g., 3
to 380), and amps (positive or negative; 1.6 to6,000).
 Operating temperature ranges (e.g., -20 to 70 C) are also given
for AC DC converter.

 Single phase half wave rectifier.
 Single phase full wave bridge rectifier.
 Single phase center tapped full wave rectifier.
 Three phase half wave diode rectifier.

High Efficiency Bridgeless Single-Power-Conversion Battery
Charger is designed

 To achieve high power factor

 To reduce the conduction loss associated with input diode rectifier
 To minimize reverse-recovery problem by providing
zero current switching

 To diminish the heat-management problems related to the bridge diode.

M. Narimani and G. Moschopoulos, “A new single-phase single-stage
single-level power factor correction ac-dc converter,” IEEE Trans. Power
Electron., vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 2888-2899, Jun. 2012.

The proposed circuit integrates the operation of the boost power factor
correction and the three-level dc/dc converter, and mitigates the drawbacks
found in previously proposed two-level single-stage voltage-fed converters. In
the paper, the operation of the new converter is explained in detail, its steady-
state characteristics are discussed, and its feasibility is confirmed with
experimental results obtained from a prototype converter.

A. Marcos-Pastor, E. Vidal-Idiarte, A. Cid-Pastor, and L. Martinez-

Salamero, “Loss-free resistor-based power factor correction using a
semi- bridgeless boost rectifier in sliding-mode control,” IEEE
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 5842-5853, Oct. 2015.

This particular bridgeless rectifier type is composed of two different

boost cells which operate complementarily during each half-line cycle. In case
of two unbalanced inductors, many control techniques can produce different
inductor current ripples during each half-line cycle that can result in the
addition of a dc component to the line current. This paper demonstrates that
the application of sliding-mode control by means of hysteretic controllers
results in a first-order stable system that can mitigate these harmful
consequences due to its capability to ensure the symmetry of the line input
current waveform for both positive and negative half-line cycles.

C. A. Gallo, F. L. Tofoli, and J. A. Correa Pinto, “Two-stage isolated
switch- mode power supply with high efficiency and high input power
factor,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 3754-3766,
Nov. 2010.
This paper presents the conception and analysis of a switch-mode power
supply (SMPS) with desirable characteristics of high-frequency isolation, high
input power factor, low harmonic distortion, and high efficiency. Additionally, a
soft-switching full-bridge topology performs the dc-dc conversion, providing
isolation to the SMPS by using a high-frequency transformer. By cascading both
stages, the aforementioned characteristics are achieved. Theoretical background
on each one of the converters is presented, and experimental results obtained
from a laboratory prototype are presented and discussed in order to validate the
proposal. In addition, the evaluation tests demonstrate the operation with nearly
unity power factor, high efficiency, and good dynamic response over a wide
load range.

A. B. Lange, T. B. Soeiro, M. S. Ortmann, and M. L. Heldwein, “Two-

level single-phase bridgeless PFC rectifiers,” IEEE Trans. Power
Electron., vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 2935-2949, Jun. 2015.

This paper presents new three-level unidirectional single-phase PFC

rectifier topologies well suited for applications targeting high efficiency and/or
high power density. The characteristics of a selected novel rectifier topology
including its principles of operation, modulation strategy, feedback control
scheme, and a power circuit design related analysis are presented. Finally, a 220-
V/3-kW laboratory prototype is constructed and used in order to verify the
characteristics of the new converter, which include remarkably low switching
losses and single ac-side boost inductor, that allow for a 98.6% peak efficiency
with a switching frequency of 140 kHz.

M. Narimani and G. Moschopoulos, “A new single-phase single-stage
single-level power factor correction ac-dc converter,” IEEE Trans. Power
Electron., vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 2888-2899, Jun. 2012.
The proposed circuit integrates the operation of the boost power factor
correction and the three-level dc/dc converter, and mitigates the drawbacks found in
previously proposed two-level single-stage voltage-fed converters. In the paper, the
operation of the new converter is explained in detail, its steady-state characteristics are
discussed, and its feasibility is confirmed with experimental results obtained from a
prototype converter.

A. Marcos-Pastor, E. Vidal-Idiarte, A. Cid-Pastor, and L. Martinez-

Salamero, “Loss-free resistor-based power factor correction using a semi-
bridgeless boost rectifier in sliding-mode control,” IEEE Trans. Power
Electron., vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 5842-5853, Oct. 2015.
This particular bridgeless rectifier type is composed of two different boost cells
which operate complementarily during each half-line cycle. In case of two unbalanced
inductors, many control techniques can produce different inductor current ripples
during each half-line cycle that can result in the addition of a dc component to the line
current. This paper demonstrates that the application of sliding-mode control by
means of hysteretic controllers results in a first-order stable system that can mitigate
these harmful consequences due to its capability to ensure the symmetry of the line
input current waveform for both positive and negative half-line cycles. Thus, the
system does not absorb any dc component from the grid and it is also capable of
reducing dramatically the amplitude of the third harmonic. The theoretical predictions
have been validated by means of PSIM simulations and experimentally on a prototype
of 1 kW which has been controlled using only one sliding control surface.

C. A. Gallo, F. L. Tofoli, and J. A. Correa Pinto, “Two-stage isolated
switch-mode power supply with high efficiency and high input power
factor,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 3754-3766, Nov.
This paper presents the conception and analysis of a switch-mode power supply
(SMPS) with desirable characteristics of high-frequency isolation, high input power
factor, low harmonic distortion, and high efficiency. Additionally, a soft-switching
full-bridge topology performs the dc-dc conversion, providing isolation to the SMPS
by using a high-frequency transformer. By cascading both stages, the aforementioned
characteristics are achieved. Theoretical background on each one of the converters is
presented, and experimental results obtained from a laboratory prototype are presented
and discussed in order to validate the proposal. In addition, the evaluation tests
demonstrate the operation with nearly unity power factor, high efficiency, and good
dynamic response over a wide load range.

AC-DC converters are electrical circuits that transform alternating current
(AC) input into direct current (DC) output. They are used in power electronic
applications where the power input a 50 Hz or Hz sine-wave AC voltage that
requires power conversion for a DC output.AC to DC converters use rectifiers to
turn AC input into DC output, regulators to adjust the voltage level, and reservoir
capacitors to smooth the pulsating DC. This video explains how AC is converted
into DC.
Electric power is transported on wires either as a direct current (DC)
flowing in one direction at a non-oscillating constant voltage, or as an alternating
current (AC) flowing backwards and forwards due to an oscillating voltage. AC is
the dominant method of transporting power because it offers several advantages
over DC, including lower distribution costs and simple way of converting between
voltage levels.
Converters steer an alternating current, as its voltage also alternates, into
reactive impedance elements, such as inductors (L) and capacitors (C), where it is
stored and integrated. This process separates the power associated with the positive
and negative potentials. Filters are used to smooth out the energy stored, resulting in
creation of a DC source for other circuits.



Figure No.4.1 Block Diagram of existing system

• In existing system bridgeless single power energy conversion

battery is designed

• In existing design voltage controlled technique is cannot

suitable for high current values

• So pi control technique doesn’t compensate the voltage in loss condition


In general, proportional plus integral (PI) controllers used in computer

numerically controlled machines possess fixed gain. They may perform well under
some operating conditions, but not all. To increase the robustness of fixed-gain PI
controllers, we propose a new neural-network-based self-tuning PI control system. In
this new approach, a well-trained neural network supplies the PI controller with

suitable gain according to each operating condition pair (torque, angular velocity, and
position error) detected. To demonstrate the advantages of our proposed neural-
network-based self-tuning PI control technique, both computer simulations and
experiments were executed in this research. During the computer simulation, the
direct experiment method was adopted to better model the problem of hysteresis in the
AC servo motor. In real experiments, a PC-based controller was used to carry out the
control tasks. Results of both computer simulations and experiments show that the
newly developed dynamic PI approach outperforms the fixed PI scheme in rise time,
precise positioning, and robustness.


Figure No.4.2 Block diagram of proposed system

• In proposed system high efficiency bridgeless single

power energy conversion battery is designed.

• In existing design voltage controlled technique is replaced by

the fuzzy logic controller.

• In fuzzy logic technique is used to maintain the voltage
value in high current situation and also it reduce the losses in
the system.

• So it will used to improve the system efficiency.


A control system is an arrangement of physical components designed to alter
another physical system so that this system exhibits certain desired characteristics.
Following are some reasons of using Fuzzy Logic in Control Systems −

 While applying traditional control, one needs to know about the model and the
objective function formulated in precise terms. This makes it very difficult to
apply in many cases.
 By applying fuzzy logic for control we can utilize the human expertise and
experience for designing a controller.
 The fuzzy control rules, basically the IF-THEN rules, can be best utilized in
designing a controller.


Following are the steps involved in designing FLC −

 Identification of variables − Here, the input, output and state variables must
be identified of the plant which is under consideration.

 Fuzzy subset configuration − The universe of information is divided into

number of fuzzy subsets and each subset is assigned a linguistic label. Always
make sure that these fuzzy subsets include all the elements of universe.

 Obtaining membership function − Now obtain the membership function for

each fuzzy subset that we get in the above step.

 Fuzzy rule base configuration − Now formulate the fuzzy rule base by
assigning relationship between fuzzy input and output.

 Fuzzification − Thefuzzification process is initiated in this step.

 Combining fuzzy outputs − By applying fuzzy approximate reasoning, locate
the fuzzy output and merge them.

 Defuzzification − Finally, initiate defuzzification process to form a crisp



Figure No.4.3 Circuit diagram of bridgeless step-up AC/DC converter

 Diodes Dp and Dnconduct alternatively for each half-cycle ofgrid


 Switch S1 is driven at highfrequency.

 Switch S2 is always turnedON.

 When the switch 1 in ON state, the energy on the primary side is

transferred to the secondary side through the series resonancecircuit.



MATLAB is a flexible, extensible software package that allows for the quick,
efficient manipulation and visualization of datasets, among its many uses. It is widely
used in the oceanographic community, and will serve you well regardless of what field
you go into, when it comes to dealing with data.
Typing ‘help’ and the name of the command you want to learn about brings up
a short text description of the function, i.e. ‘help sqrt’. I also recommend using the
online tutorial, activated by clicking on the question mark on the toolbar. This has a
search function which allows you to call up much more extensive help for any
command. Also use ‘help pun ct’ to get help for various punctuation marks.
Quit quits out of MATLAB
whose. Whose brings up a description of all of the variables available in your current
what. What produces a list of all .mat and .m files in your current directory.
which. Which tells you the directory of a given .m-file.
type. Type returns the text of the specified .m-file.
Why. Just try it.


There are two basic types of files that we’ll deal with *.mat files are data files
which themselves can include a number of different variables. *.m files are either
scripts or functions that perform some operation (like a program in other languages).


Most of your work will be done at the command line, which is the basic
interface between you and MATLAB. You’ll see two greater-than symbols, >>, which
means MATLAB is waiting for you to issue a command. Often, your command will
reference a script or a function, as described below. If you put a semicolon after the
command, it suppresses output to the screen. This is useful when you’re doing
calculations with large matrices and don’t need to see the result at each step.
For example:
>> a=3+7
a = 10
>> b=3+7;
Note that in the second case, MATLAB added the two numbers together, but didn’t
show the answer. Even though it didn’t display it, it still assigns the value 10 to the
variable b.
Variables are names that can store values. Variable names need to start with a letter,
but can contain numbers and underlines. MATLAB is case-sensitive; i.e. it
distinguishes between upper- and lower-case letters. You should make an attempt to
make variable names descriptive so that your code is easier to read.
Allowed variable names: x, x1, x_1, X (these are all distinct variables).
Disallowed variable names: 1x, x-1, etc.
Data Types:
There are a variety of data types- we’ll largely stick to floating-point numbers, but it’s
worth knowing about what MATLAB can do.
Floating point (often “double”): what you’ll use for almost everything. Numbers with
a large amount of precision
Integer: used for array indices, etc
Char: character strings
Boolean: true/false, 1/0, for conditional decision-making
Cell arrays and structures: nifty but complicated.
There are commands for converting between these classes, if that becomes necessary
(i.e. num2str, str2num, int2str, mat2str, etc).
Basic Matrix Syntax:

Matrices are the basic element of data in MATLAB. While you can have any number
of dimensions you’d like, we’re going to stick with 2-D matrices for the time being.
The values in a matrix can then be assigned to a variable using the ‘=’ symbol. For
>> a=[3 6 9; 4 8 23]
a= 3 6 9
4 8 23
In this example, I have assigned a 2-row, 3 column matrix to the variable named a.
The first row of a is 3 6 9, and the first column is 3 4. The semi-colon separated the
first from the second row. The brackets were necessary to let MATLAB know that I
was defining a matrix. I can now access this matrix with some fairly basic commands:
ans = 6
ans = 23
In the first example, I asked for the element in the first row, second column, and got 6
back from MATLAB. The first entry is always the row, the second is always the
column. Likewise, the entry in the 2nd row, 3rd column is 23. I can also ask for
multiple entries:
>>a(1,[2 3]
ans = 6 9

In this example, I asked for the 2 nd and 3rd columns of the 1st row. Note how the matrix
[2 3] is interpreted.
ans = 3 6 9
The colon has a special use as a ‘wildcard’- in this example, I asked for all of the
columns, and just the first row. Likewise,
ans = 3 6 9
4 8 23

returns the entire matrix.
The colon has another use: to define evenly spaced vectors. If I wanted a vector of all
of the integers between 1 and 10, I could type:
>> a=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
a= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
similarly, I could type:
>> a=1:10
a= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I can also change the spacing of the vector:

>> a=1:2:10
a= 1 3 5 7 9
so the first number is the first element of the matrix (a(1)), the middle number
determines the spacing, and the last number the upper limit. So I can now use this in
our original example:
ans = 6 9
Two other ‘numbers’ worth being aware of:

 NaN stands for ‘Not a Number’ and is often used as a placeholder when no
data is available. Any binary operation on NaN returns a NaN.
 Inf stands for infinity.

Storing and Retrieving Data:

‘save’, as you might guess, saves data to a file in the current directory. If you just type
‘save filename’ where ‘filename’ is some string, MATLAB will store all active
variables into a file called filename.mat. You can also specify exactly which variables
get stored, by typing ‘save filename x y z’, which will only store the variables x, y,
and z (for instance).
‘load filename’ loads the given .mat file. If you have a variable defined in the
workspace and the file you load has a variable of the same name, it will be

In a lot of cases, you’re going to get data files from sources other than MATLAB, i.e.
in some sort of flat ASCII format, or comma-delimited .XLS files, a number of other
formats. I once received data from a colleague in which month numbers were in
roman numerals. MATLAB can handle it. There are many methods and routines for
efficiently reading data in a wide variety of formats into MATLAB; we can talk about
these on a case-by-case basis.
.m files
.m files (“dot-M files”) are programs that you can define that can do operations on
data. They are created using the MATLAB editor (or any flat text editor, such as
notepad, emacs, etc, but the MATLAB editor is really spiffy). There are two basic
types: scripts and functions. Scripts are commands that get executed as if you typed
them directly into the command window. Functions allow for data to be passed in and
out without interfering with variable names already in the command window.
The general structure of a function is [y1 y2 y3]=func(x1, x2, x3), where x1, x2, x3
are variables fed into the function, and y1, y2, y3 are variables returned from the
function. Scripts do not have inputs or outputs, as they simply represent a list of
commands to be executed at the command prompt.


MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing. It
integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment
where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation.
Typical uses include
 Math and computation
 Algorithm development
 Data acquisition
 Modelling, simulation, and prototyping
 Data analysis, exploration, and visualization
 Scientific and engineering graphics
 Application development, including graphical user interface building

MATLAB is an interactive system whose basic data element is an array that
does not require dimensioning. This allows you to solve many technical computing
problems, especially those with matrix and vector formulations, in a fraction of the
time it would take to write a program in a scalar non interactive language such as C or
The name MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory. MATLAB was originally
written to provide easy access to matrix software developed by the LINPACK and
EISPACK projects. Today, MATLAB engines incorporate the LAPACK and BLAS
libraries, embedding the state of the art in software for matrix computation
MATLAB has evolved over a period of years with input from many users. In
university environments, it is the standard instructional tool for introductory and
advanced courses in mathematics, engineering, and science. In industry, MATLAB is
the tool of choice for high-productivity research, development, and analysis.
MATLAB features a family of add-on application-specific solutions called
toolboxes .Very important to most users of MATLAB, toolboxes allow you to learn
and apply specialized technology. Toolboxes are comprehensive collections of
MATLAB functions (M-files) that extend the MATLAB environment to solve
particular classes of problems. Areas in which toolboxes are available include signal
processing, control systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic, wavelets, simulation, and
many others.


SIM POWER Systems and other products of the Physical Modelling product
family work together with SIMULINK to model electrical, mechanical, and control
systems. SIMPOWER Systems operates in the SIMULINK environment.


Electrical power systems are combinations of electrical circuits and
electromechanical devices like motors and generators. Engineers working in this
discipline are constantly improving the performance of the systems. Requirements for

drastically increased efficiency have forced power system designers to use power
electronic devices and sophisticated control system concepts that tax traditional
analysis tools and techniques. Further complicating the analyst's role is the fact that
the system is often so nonlinear that the only way to understand it is through
simulation .Land-based power generation from hydroelectric, steam, or other devices
is not the only use of power systems. A common attribute of these systems is their use
of power electronics and control systems to achieve their performance objectives. SIM
POWER Systems is a modern design tool that allows scientists and engineers to
rapidly and easily build models that simulate power systems. SIM POWER Systems
uses the SIMULINK environment, allowing you to build a model using simple click
and drag procedures. Not only can you draw the circuit topology rapidly, but your
analysis of the circuit can include its interactions with mechanical, thermal, control,
and other disciplines. This is possible because all the electrical parts of the simulation
interact with the extensive SIMULINK modelling library. Since SIMULINK uses
MATLAB as its computational engine, designers can also use MATLAB toolboxes
and SIMULINK block sets. SIMPOWER Systems and SIM Mechanics share a special
Physical Modelling block and connection line interface.


The libraries contain models of typical power equipment such as transformers,
lines, machines, and power electronics. These models are proven ones coming from
textbooks, and their validity is based on the experience of the Power Systems Testing
and Simulation Laboratory of Hydro-Québec, a large North American utility located
in Canada, and also on the experience of Evolve de Technologies superior and
Universities Laval. The capabilities of SIMPOWER Systems for modelling a typical
electrical system are illustrated in demonstration files. And for users who want to
refresh their knowledge of power system theory, there are also self-learning case
studies. The SIMPOWER Systems main library, power lib, organizes its blocks into
libraries according to their behaviour. The power lab library window displays the
block library icons and names. Double-click a library icon to open the library and
access the blocks. The main SIMPOWER Systems power lab library window also

contains the Power guide block that opens a graphical user interface for the steady-
state analysis of electrical circuits.


The graphical user interface makes use of the SIMULINK functionality to
interconnect various electrical components. The electrical components are grouped in
a library called power library.
Open the SIMPOWER Systems library. This displays a SIMULINK window showing
icons of different block libraries.

Fig.5.1. SIMULINK window showing icons of different block

1.You can open these libraries to produce the windows containing the blocks to be
copied into your circuit. Each component is represented by a special icon having one
or several inputs and outputs corresponding to the different terminals of the
2. From the File menu of the power lab window, open a new window to contain your
first circuit and save it as circuit1.
3. Open the Electrical Sources library and copy the AC Voltage Source block into
the circuit1 window. C components have disappeared so that the icon now shows a
single resistor.

The Voltage Measurement block acts as an interface between the SIMPOWER
Systems blocks and the SIMULINK blocks. For the system shown above, you
implemented such an interface from the electrical system to the SIMULINK system.
The Voltage Measurement block converts the measured voltages into SIMULINK
signals. Similarly, the Current Measurement block from the Measurements library of
power library can be used to convert any measured current into a SIMULINK signal.
You can also interface from SIMULINK blocks to the electrical system. For example,
you can use the Controlled Voltage Source block to inject a voltage in an electrical
circuit, as shown in the following figure.

Fig. 5.2. Usage of a controlled voltage source


When you measure a current using a Current Measurement block, the positive
direction of current is indicated on the block icon (positive current flowing from +
terminal to – terminal). Similarly, when you measure a voltage using a Voltage
Measurement block, the measured voltage is the voltage of the + terminal with respect
to the – terminal. However, when voltages and currents of blocks from the Elements
library are measured using the MULTIMETER block, the voltage and current
polarities are not immediately obvious because blocks might have been rotated and
there are no signs indicating polarities on the block icons.

When capacitor elements are connected together with voltage sources, or
inductor elements in series with current sources and when the simulation is started,
SIMPOWER Systems will signal an error if one of the following two connection
errors are present in your diagram:

Fig. 5.3.Errors in connection involving voltage sources

When a voltage source is connected in parallel with a capacitor, or a series of

capacitor elements in series, like in the two examples below, a small resistance must
be added in series between the voltage source and the capacitors .

Fig.5.4. Errors in connection involving current sources

When a current source in series with an inductor, or a series of inductors

connected in parallel, like in the example below, a large resistance must be added in

parallel with the inductor and the capacitors.

Fig 5.5 Gate Pulse to the switch



Fig 5.6 Exisging Simulation Diagram


Fig 5.7 Simulation Output Waveform of Existing System


Fig 5.8 represents voltage current phase waveform


Fig 5.9 represents circuit diagram of proposed system


Fig 5.10 represents output waveform of proposed system


Fig 5.11 represents state of charge


The power factor plays important role in the power system,to increase the
efficiency of the power system we done the powerfactor correction, in our project
the we done the three level input power factor correction to increase the efficiency
of the power system, by using the simulation test and verify the result and also we
implement in the hardware test and result are verified.
A sincere effort is made to develop a novel input power factor correction using
MATLAB SIMULINK. A hardware circuitry now needs to be developed which can
be taken us as a future scope of work...

1. A. Gallo, F. L. Tofoli, and J. A. Correa Pinto, “Two-stage isolated switch-
mode power supply with high efficiency and high input power factor,” IEEE
Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 3754-3766, Nov. 2010.
2. B. Lange, T. B. Soeiro, M. S. Ortmann, and M. L. Heldwein, “Two- level
single-phase bridgeless PFC rectifiers,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 30,
no. 6, pp. 2935-2949, Jun. 2015.
3. B. Whitaker, A. Barkley, Z. Cole, B. Passmore, D. Martin, T. R. McNutt, A.
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