Reduction Technique of Drop Voltage and Power Losses To Improve Power Quality Using ETAP Power Station Simulation Model
Reduction Technique of Drop Voltage and Power Losses To Improve Power Quality Using ETAP Power Station Simulation Model
Reduction Technique of Drop Voltage and Power Losses To Improve Power Quality Using ETAP Power Station Simulation Model
Evaluating the effect placement capacitor and distributed photovoltaic generation for power
system losses minimization in radial distribution system
AIP Conference Proceedings 1941, 020027 (2018);
© 2018 Author(s).
Reduction Technique of Drop Voltage and Power Losses to
Improve Power Quality using ETAP Power Station
Simulation Model
Reza Indra Satrioa) and Subiyantob)
Abstract. The effect of electric loads growth emerged direct impact in power systems distribution. Drop voltage and
power losses one of the important things in power systems distribution. This paper presents modelling approach used to
restructrure electrical network configuration, reduce drop voltage, reduce power losses and add new distribution
transformer to enhance reliability of power systems distribution. Restructrure electrical network was aimed to analyse
and investigate electric loads of a distribution transformer. Measurement of real voltage and real current were finished
two times for each consumer, that were morning period and night period or when peak load. Design and simulation were
conduct by using ETAP Power Station Software. Based on result of simulation and real measurement precentage of drop
voltage and total power losses were mismatch with SPLN (Standard PLN) 72:1987. After added a new distribution
transformer and restructrured electricity network configuration, the result of simulation could reduce drop voltage from
1.3 % - 31.3 % to 8.1 % - 9.6 % and power losses from 646.7 watt to 233.29 watt. Result showed, restructrure electricity
network configuration and added new distribution transformer can be applied as an effective method to reduce drop
voltage and reduce power losses.
Increasing demand for electricity in distribution systems may cause overloading of feeder capacity1. Unbalanced
loading increases energy loss, deteriorates power quality and rise in electricity cost2. However, the consumer at the
end of the feeders have been experiencing low voltage levels, for some time now, in all the countries. PLN as
Indonesia electricity provider have a duty to ensure that customers are always supplied with required voltage level3.
Today, Indonesia facing power energy crisis because unbalance both consumers growth and increment of power
station capacity4. Although voltages are well balanced at the supply side level, the voltages at the consumers side
become unbalanced due to the unequal systems impedances, single phase loads, or large number of single phase
transformer5 The distribution system configuration needs to be changed from time to time to meet the load demand
and to facilitate the expansion feeders6.
Drop voltage is major concern in low voltage distribution systems and not very particular about voltage drop in
the high voltage side leaving it unattended3. This problem cannot be completely solved, but could be reduce by
either technical or non technical way. A through inspection of feeders reveal that the high impedance is caused by7,8:
1. Poor jointing and terminations: poor joint and terminations are resulted from loose contact between two
conductors which are joined together. When current flows through a loose contact, there will be high
opposition to current flow which generates heat at that point. This leads to an increase in resistance and
subsequently result to drop voltage at that point.
2. Use of undersized conductors : voltage can be throught of as the pressure pushing charges along a
conductor, while the electrical resistance of a conductor is a measure of how difficult it is to push the
charges along
3. Use of different types of conductor material: corrosion is an important factor to be considered in the
selection of conductor materials. The two types of corrosion which exhibit greatest influence on the
electrical properties of a metal are oxidation and galvanic corrosion. Galvanic corrosion, which is caused by
the difference in electrical potential between two or more metals has to be given careful consideration when
selecting conductor metals.
4. Hot spots : whenever a mecahically joint or termination is made, high resistance point is created. Thus the
joint or termination will undergo a progressive failure. High resistance cretaes localized heating and since
heating increses oxidation and creep, the connection become less tight and further heating occurs, until the
contacts tends glow
Power losses refers to difference between the amount of energy delivered to the distribution system and the
amount of energy customers are billed. The delivery of power from sources to customer points is always
accompined with power losses8,9. The causes of power losses in distribution networks usually divided into two major
parts technical and non-technical losses. Technical losses relates to the physical characteristic of the conductor and
equipment and refers to the electric loss due to the carrying current of conductors, magnetic loss in transformers,
resistive losses in windings and the core losses, resistive losses in service line and losses in KWH meter. These
losses cannot be eliminated but can be reduced by some precautions9. Non-technical losses are the losses which
include, power theft by hooking the lines, unauthorized connections from power line, loss at the loose connection
ends, power metering deficiencies, inappropriate meter reading, miss billing and unlisted meters, trees in contact
with the overhead lines, etc9,10. Networks reconfiguration, capacitor placement, VAR Compensation, installation of
smart mettering for non technical losses and distributed generation are among different ways to reduce losses6,7.
In the literature4,8, it has proposed some formulas to calculate drop voltage and power losses in power systems
distribution, caused of drop voltage and impact of drop voltage and power losses for reliability of distribution
systems. Using some formulas to calculate drop voltage is the simple and easy method to determine drop voltage in
existing distribution networks. But, the result of calculation is preciseless because it has big different value between
calculation and simulation. Using combination of calculation and simulation or modelling by ETAP Power Station is
better way to minimize fault in using some formula.
In this paper, study focused on modelling and measuring existing distribution networks. Using ETAP Power
Station Software to simulate drop voltage of existing distribution network and take some formulas to calculate
power losses in distribution network systems. Before simulate the existing distribution network in ETAP Power
Station, monitoring and measuring voltage and current profile for each consumers be the first step. The result from
monitoring and measuring voltage and current using as input data in ETAP Power Station Software and calculate
with some formula analyze and find out percentage of drop voltage and power losses in distribution network
systemsAfter simulation of adding transformer and restructure house connection was done, the result show
significant alteration of drop voltage and power losses.
Whereseas, ETAP Power Station Simulation Model is analysis platform for design, simulation, operation,
control, optimization, automation of generation, transmission, distribution, and industrial power systems. ETAP
offers a suite of fully integrated software solutions including arc flash, load flow, short cicrcuit, relay coordination,
cable capacity, transient stability, optimal power flow, and more11. ETAP also provide many kind tools of electricity
such as bus, transformer, power grid, cable, transmission line, impedance, generator,synchronus motor, lumped load,
static load and more. In drop voltage analysis simulation model use several tools in ETAP Power Station such as
power grid, bus, transformer, cable and lumped load. For each tools which used in ETAP Power Station, input and
change parameters appropriate with measuring data.
Overall modelling of Power Systems Distributon in study area shown in Fig.2, which is the block diagram
system. As shown in Fig.2, the systems divided into some parts; there are Survey, Existing Data, Criteria condition
in field, Measurement of drop voltage and power losses, Simulation model in ETAP Power Station, and
Reconfiguration plan
Survey research location
Existing Data
How Existing
Condition ?
Reconfiguratin Plan
Simulation of drop
voltage after
distributin networks
FIGURE 3. Existing Distribution Networks Systems
Data was taken from measuring voltage and power profile for each house, observation distribution network
systems in field also from PLN as electricity provider. Table 1 shown, voltage receiver in consumer house
particulary in peak load or night time not suitable with voltage regulation service or drop voltage permitted 5-10% in
voltage service.12, 13.
TABLE 1. Consumer of electricity in existing distribution networks
No Consumer ID Power Measuring Measuring Current
Voltage Voltage
(Morning) (Night)
1 523030492976 2200 VA 220 V 217 V 10.5A
2 523030432722 900 VA 215V 212 V 2.3A
3 523030372681 450 VA 209 V 207V 1.5 A
4 523030492744 450 VA 196 V 192 V 1.5 A
5 523030221648 450 VA 197 V 195 V 1.4 A
6 523030221648 450 VA 189 V 189 V 1.5A
7 523030492503 900 VA 195 V 185 V 3.5A
8 523030492376 900 VA 191 V 183 V 3.5A
9 523030224006 900 VA 189 V 175 V 3.5A
10 523030490100 900 VA 188 V 174 V 3.5 A
11 523030492769 900 VA 186 V 170 V 3.5 A
12 523031447452 900 VA 187V 170 V 3.5 A
13 523030492984 900 VA 187 V 170 V 3.5 A
14 523030492777 450 VA 187 V 170 V 1.5 A
15 523030492935 450 VA 210 V 208 V 1.6 A
16 523030493062 900 VA 186 V 170 V 3.5 A
17 523030492499 900 VA 171 V 168 V 3.5 A
18 523030492481 450 VA 170 V 160 V 1.5 A
19 523030492594 900 VA 170 V 160 V 3.5 A
20 523031224035 900 VA 170 V 160 V 3.5 A
21 523030492465 900 VA 170 V 160 V 3.5 A
22 523030221536 450 VA 170 V 160 V 1.5A
23 533030492736 900 VA 170 V 160 V 3.3 A
24 523030493044 450 VA 209 V 205 V 3.3 A
25 523030852892 1300 VA 203 V 199 V 5.7 A
26 523030491273 900 VA 200 V 197 V 3.5 A
27 523030492871 450 VA 200 V 196 V 1.5 A
28 523031717057 900 VA 200 V 196 V 3.2 A
29 523031382395 450 VA 200 V 196 V 1.7 A
30 523030492968 900 VA 199 V 194 V 3.5 A
31 523030492545 900 VA 193 V 191 V 3.5 A
32 523030492537 450 VA 194 V 191 V 1.4 A
33 523030493051 450 VA 190 V 189 V 1.5 A
34 523030492578 450 VA 189 V 188 V 1.5 A
35 523030493107 900 VA 190 V 187 V 3.4A
36 523030497143 1300 VA 190 V 184 V 5.1 A
37 523030492950 900 VA 190 V 185 V 3.5A
38 523031619572 900 VA 190V 180 V 3.5 A
39 52303049259 900 VA 189 V 171 V 3.5 A
40 523030492785 900 VA 175 V 167 V 3.5 A
41 52303046165 2200 VA 175 V 165 V 9.3 A
42 523031616185 1300 VA 175 V 165 V 5.3 A
43 523030492863 900 VA 175 V 165 V 3.4 A
44 52303049684 900VA 165 V 158 V 3.5 A
45 52303049583 900 VA 165 V 158 V 3.5 A
46 52303049541 1300 VA 165 V 151 V 5.3 A
47 52303049125 450 VA 165 V 151 V 1.2 A
48 52303049175 450 VA 165 V 151 V 1.5 A
49 52303049524 900 VA 165 V 151 V 3.4 A
50 52303049356 900 VA 165 V 151 V 3.5 A
51 52303049753 450 VA 165 V 151 V 1.5 A
No Consumer ID Power Measuring Measuring Current
Voltage Voltage
(Morning) (Night)
52 52303049117 900 VA 165 V 151 V 3.2 A
53 52303049358 450 VA 165 V 151 V 1.4 A
54 52303049852 900 VA 165 V 151 V 3.5 A
According Book I Kriteria Desain Enjinering Konstruksi Jaringan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik, maximum
connections in one feeder are five house connections with maximal distance per connections as 50 meters and in a
house connection maximum connections are six traction house connections or power losses permitted in low voltage
distribution system was 3 % from low voltage distribution network connection point14.
VS = Voltage Source (220 Volt as Indonesia Voltage Standard)
VR = Voltage Receiver (Voltage in consumer side )
In traction of house connection, total connection house S(watt) 2C for 2 houses, current flow per line (I),
conductor resistance variabel (R)
S (watt) 2 C= ଶ2(I2+(2.I)2).RL=5.I2RL (2)
For 5 house connections
S (watt) 5 C= x2(I2+(2.I)2+(3.I)2+(4.I)2+(5.I)2).RL=22.I2.RL (5)
S(watt) = Power Losses
C = Total Consumer in a line
I = Total current per line
RL = 0.106 Ohm (Resistance of NFA2X 2x10 mm x 0.003 km)
Simulation model could be execute after single line diagram was made in ETAP Power Station. Simulation must
be watched some parameters such as bus voltage, load voltage, length of network, kind of cable also transformer
capacity.In this study, simulation model of low distribution network systems is designed by using ETAP Power
Station Software. Capacity of distribution transformer set to 50 kV, bus voltage set to 220 V, lumped load used as
load in single line diagram and the average length of cable is 0.04 km. After total components of single line diagram
were inputed, single line diagram shown in Fig 4.
The purpose of reconfiguration plan is reduce power losses caused from traction of house connections
inappropriate standart2. Reconfiguration plans are about added new feeders, replacement and added low voltage
cable, added single phase distribution transformer and reconfiguration traction of house connections.
In this simulation model, there were 54 loads with various voltage regulation and current flow. Every loads
connected one each other until 15 traction of house connections. However, maximum traction of house connections
are 5 loads per feeder 15. If more than it, can cause drop voltage significantly to distribution networks like shown in
Table 2. Table 2 derive from calculation from Table 1 with drop voltage formula.
TABLE 2. Precentage Drop Voltage in Existing Distribution Network Systems
No Voltage Service Precentage of Drop Voltage
1 217 V 1.3 %
2 212 V 3.6%
3 207V 5.9 %
4 192 V 12.7
5 195 V 11.3 %
6 189 V 14.09 %
7 185 V 15.9 %
8 183 V 16.8 %
9 175 V 20.4 %
10 174 V 20.9 %
11 170 V 22.7 %
12 170 V 22.7 %
13 170 V 22.7 %
14 170 V 22.7 %
15 208 V 5.45 %
16 170 V 22.7 %
17 168 V 23.6 %
18 160 V 27.2 %
19 160 V 27.2 %
20 160 V 27.2 %
21 160 V 27.2 %
22 160 V 27.2 %
23 160 V 27.2 %
24 205 V 6.8 %
25 199 V 9.5%
26 197 V 10.4 %
27 196 V 10.9 %
28 196 V 10.9 %
29 196 V 10.9 %
30 194 V 11.8 %
31 191 V 13.1 %
32 191 V 13.1 %
33 189 V 14 %
34 188 V 14.5 %
35 187 V 15 %
36 184 V 16.3 %
37 185 V 15.9 %
38 180 V 18.1 %
39 171 V 22.2 %
40 167 V 26.8 %
41 165 V 25 %
42 165 V 25 %
43 165 V 25 %
44 158 V 28.1 %
45 158 V 28.1 %
46 151 V 31.3 %
No Voltage Service Precentage of Drop Voltage
47 151 V 31.3 %
48 151 V 31.3 %
49 151 V 31.3 %
50 151 V 31.3 %
51 151 V 31.3 %
52 151 V 31.3 %
53 151 V 31.3 %
54 151 V 31.3 %
Power losses caused from house tractions of existing distribution networks systems shown in Table 3.
TABLE 3. Average power losses per consumer in existing distribution networks
Line SLP Current Average Power Losses Average
Line 1 8 House 3.4 A 62.49 watt
Line 2 9 House 3.05 A 62. 45 watt
Line 3 15 House 2.9 A 147. 38 watt
Line 4 6 House 3.15 A 34.86 watt
Line 5 10 House 3.24 A 85.67 watt
Line 6 6 House 4.75 A 72.58 watt
Line 7 11 House 3.79 A 140. 07 watt
Line 8 7 House 3.12 41.2 watt
Total 646.7 watt
60 1 House
50 2 House
3 House
4 House
30 5 House
20 6 House
7 House
8 House
Figure 6 shown house connections exceed of PLN Standard then the precentage of power losses will be
excessively. Meanwhile, difference between result of measurement in the field and simulation ETAP Power Station
shown in Fig 7.
ETAP Simulation
100 Measuring
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53
Attachment of harmonic filter in ETAP Power Station can reduce power losses like shown in Table 4.
From Table 4, we can observe reduction power losses in existing power systems distributions before attchment
of harmonic filter and after attachment of harmonic filter. Total power losses before attachment of harmonic filter is
776.6 watt and after attachment of harmonic filter, power losses reduce to 574.5 watt. Pairing harmonic filter in
power systems distribution can be effective method to reduce power losses.
After reconfiguration and restructured distribution network systems was done, total power losses shown in Table
TABLE 5. Average power losses per consumer after reconfiguration and restructured
Feeder Line SLP Average Average
Current Losses
Line 1 5 Houe 3.44 A 27.5 Watt
Line 2 4 house 3A 14.31 Watt
Line 3 5 house 3.1 A 22.41 Watt
PDL09/100/U47/T03 Line 4 4 house 2.5 A 9.9 Watt
Line 5 5 house 3.06 A 21.83 Watt
Line 6 3 house 4.16 A 17.1 Watt
Line 7 3 house 2.13 A 7.8 Watt
Line 8 4 house 2.4 A 9.1 Watt
Line 9 3 house 3.3 A 10.7 Watt
From the Table 5, after modelling of reconfiguration and restrutrured on ETAP Power Station, it can reduced
power losses from 646.7 watt to 233.29 watt. Certainly, it is make positively impact to distribution networks
systems in the field particulary for improvement of power quality in distribution network systems.
This paper presented that modelling distribution networks by reconfiguration existing distribution networks
systems in ETAP Power Station can reduce drop voltage from 1.3 % - 31.3 % to 8.1 % - 9.6 % and power losses
from from 646.7 watt to 233.29 watt. The result showed that added new feeders, replacement and added low voltage
cable, added single phase distribution transformer and reconfiguration traction of house connections make
significantly impact in distribution networks that is enhance power quality service. The result of modelling and
reconfiguration existing distribution networks is better than before according PLN standard with SPLN 1:1995 and
IEC 60038, where drop voltage maximum for each voltage regulation between 5-10%.. It can be choose as a
solution for it and applicable to the field or existing distribution networks.
I would like to thank Department of Electrical Engineering. Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang
for supporting the reserach funding.
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