Course Summary: Plaxis Advanced & 3D Course On Computational Geotechnics 5 9 Novemeber 2012, Hong Kong
Course Summary: Plaxis Advanced & 3D Course On Computational Geotechnics 5 9 Novemeber 2012, Hong Kong
Course Summary: Plaxis Advanced & 3D Course On Computational Geotechnics 5 9 Novemeber 2012, Hong Kong
Advanced & 3D Course on Computational Geotechnics
5‐9 Novemeber 2012, Hong Kong
Course Summary
Target Audience
This advanced course is recommended for engineers seeking in‐depth knowledge of
Plaxis 2D and 3D The focus of this course is on the key elements of computational
Course Type
A. There are two types of courses :
1. Plaxis Standard
2. Plaxis Advanced
B. Plaxis Standard
1. The focus is on the operational and use of Plaxis 2D program
2. Basic elements of soil mechanics and finite element modelling is
introduced and covered.
3. At the end of the course, the participant will be able to set‐up and
conduct basic geotechnical finite element analysis
C. Plaxis Advanced ( This course)
1. This course is created for experienced and existing user.
2. The focus is on advanced subject matters required for the analysis of
complex geotechnical problems.
3. Advanced soil models are covered (Fundamentals and Calibration)
4. Modelling of deep excavations, foundations and tunnels in 3D
1. Introduction to finite element modelling for geotechnical engineering
2. Elasto‐plasticity and Mohr‐Coulomb model
3. Soil behaviour within the framework of Critical State Soil Mechanics
4. Advanced soil models (HS, HS‐small, Soft‐Soil, Hoek & Brown & Barcelona
Basic Model).
5. The use of structural elements in Plaxis
6. Unsaturated Soils
7. Drained and Undrained Condition
8. Consolidation Theory
9. Groundwater Modelling
10. Initial Soil Stress History
11. Safety Analysis
1. 2‐D Modelling of Shallow Foundation
2. 2‐D Modelling and Calibration of HS Model
3. 2‐D Modelling of Excavation Dewatering
4. 2‐D Modelling of Anchored Excavation
5. 2‐D Modelling of slopes in saturated and unsaturated conditions
6. 2‐D Modelling of Tunnel in Rock
7. 3‐D NATM Tunnel Modelling
8. 3‐D Modelling of Excavation
Pre‐Course Training
A half‐day familiarization will be conducted a day before the actual 4 day course. This
pre‐training course is targeted towards engineers who requires an introduction to
the operational procedures and work‐flow of Plaxis 2D and 3D
Half‐Day Familiarization Training (5 Novemeber 2012)
1. CG A: Getting to know Plaxis 2D and 3D
2. CG B: Let’s try a simple exercise
Plaxis Advanced Course‐ Hong Kong 2012 (6‐8 November 2012)
• Plaxis Lectures are numbered with CG followed by a number.
• CG stance for Computational Geotechnics
• Pre‐training material are labeled as CG followed by a letter
• There are a total of 25 CGs in this course (Inclusive of 3D Special Day)
• CG 1: Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis
• CG 2: Elasto‐plasticity and Mohr‐Coulomb Model
• CG 3: Exercise 1‐Modelling of a Shallow Foundation
• CG 4: Critical State Soil Mechanics & Soft Soil Model
• CG 5: Hardening Soil and HS‐small Model
• CG 6: Exercise 2‐Parameter Calibration via Triaxial or Oedometer Test
• CG 7: Modelling of Deep Excavations
• CG 8: Structural Elements in Plaxis
• CG 9: Exercise 3: Modelling of an Anchored Retaining Wall in 2D
• CG 10: Drained & Undrained Analysis
• CG 11: Consolidation Analysis
• CG 12: Groundwater setup and modelling
• CG 13: Exercise 4: Dewatering of an Excavation in 2D
• CG 14: Unsaturated Soils and Barcelona Basic Model
• CG 15: Setting of Initial Stresses and Slope Stability Analysis
• CG 16: Exercise 5: Slope Stability Exercise Using Phi‐C’
• CG 17: Hoek‐Brown and Rock Jointed Model
• CG 18: Modelling of Tunnels in 2D
• CG 19: Exercise 6: Modelling of a Tunnel Excavation
• CG 20: Introduction to Plaxis 3D
• CG 21: Modelling of Tunnels in 3D
• CG 22: Exercise 7: Tunnel Stability Analysis
• CG 23: Modelling of Deep Foundation in 3D
• CG 24: Modelling of Deep Excavations in 3D
• CG 25: Exercise 8: 3D Excavation
1. Modelling of complex soil‐structure interaction problems using Fem
2. The FEM basis
3. Problems related to displacements
4. Problems related to ultimate limit states
1. What is elasticity
2. What is elasto‐plasticity
3. The Mohr‐Coulomb Model (Linear elastic perfect plastic model)
4. The ingredients of a Mohr‐Coulomb model
5. Parameters of Mohr‐Coulomb Model
1. Modelling and finding the collapse load of a shallow foundation
2. Modelling the load‐displacement curve
3. Collapse load in drained (long‐term) and undrained (short‐term) condition
4. The influence of excess pore‐pressures on the load carrying capacity
1. Introduction to CSSM
2. Volumetric and Deviatoric behaviour of soils
3. Cam‐clay class of soil models
4. Introduction to Soft‐Soil Model
A. Calibration of HS model via the simulation of Triaxial and Oedometer Tests
B. Parameter determination of HS model
C. The importance of calibration and optimization
D. The use of SOIL LABTEST module in obtaining good reasonable soil response
A. Modelling of excavations in 2D
B. Finite element issues related to the modelling of excavations
C. The influence of soil models
D. Tips and tricks
A. Structural versus Continuum Elements
B. Plate and Shell Elements
C. Node‐to‐Node and Note‐to‐Fixed Anchors
D. Geotextile Elements
E. Interface Elements
A. Modelling of an excavation supported by ground anchors
B. The use of structural elements in combination
C. Axial Forces and Bending Moments in the analysis
A. What is a drained condition
B. What is undrained condition
C. Modelling of undrained condition : Method A, B & C
D. Modelling of geotechnical problems using Mohr‐Coulomb model via Method
A, B & C.
A. The fundamentals of consolidation
B. When do you use consolidation calculation type in Plaxis
C. The elements and requirements of consolidation analysis
D. The importance of consolidation analysis
E. Consolidation analysis in ‘Classical’ and ‘Advanced’ Modes in Plaxis.
A. Setting up of initial groundwaater conditio
B. Method d based on ‘General Phhreatic Line’’
C. Method d based on ‘Local Phreaatic Line’
D. Method d based on ‘Interpolati on’
E. Method d based on ‘User‐defin ed’
F. Method d based on ‘Groundwatter Flow Ste eady and Trransient Sta te’
G. Hydraulic parametters for the ggeneration of porewatter pressuree
A. Modelling of a pro oblem wherre the wate er table has to be loweered
B. Set‐up of the mod del
C. Input p
D. Key swiitches
E. Evaluattion of results
A. The behaviour of soil in unsaturated condition
B. The key aspects of unsaturated soil modelling
C. The importance of unsaturated behaviour in slope stability analysis
(connected to CG 15)
D. The basis of Barcelona Basic Model and its importance for problems related
to unsaturated soils
E. Parameters of BBM
A. Setting of initial geostatic stresses.
B. The method of Ko‐procedure
C. The method of Gravity loading for non‐horizontal surface and subsurface
D. Setting up of initial stresses non‐greenfield ground conditions
E. Factor‐of‐safety analysis using C‐Phi’ reduction technique (Safety Analysis
Calculation type)
F. Tips and trick while performing C’‐Phi analysis
A. This analysis will focus on the use of C’‐Phi reduction technique to obtain
factor‐of‐safety of a reinforced and unreinforced slope using soil nails
B. Setting up of a model that includes the use of structural elements to model
soil nails
C. Evaluation of results
A. Modelling of geotechnical problems in various rock conditions
B. The basis of Hoek‐Brown Model
C. The parameters of Hoek‐Brown Model
D. The basis of Rock‐Jointed Model
E. The parameters of Rock Jointed Model
F. The usage of Hoek‐Brown model in the modelling of tunnels (Connected to
CG 18 and 19)
A. Modelling of some practical tunnelling problems in rock
B. The use of Hoek‐Brown Model
C. Tips and tricks on the modelling of tunnels in rock
D. Stress relaxation techniques
E. The Beta‐method for the modelling of tunnels in 2D.
A. The use of Tunnel Designer in 2D (connected to 3D too)
B. The use of Hoek‐Brown or Jointed Rock Model
C. Setting a tunnel model
D. The influence of tunnel parameters on ground (rock) response
E. Assessment of tunnel deformation and stresses
A. The graphical user interface of Plaxis 3D
B. The 5 modes of operation
C. Soil, Structure, Mesh, Water and Stage Construction Modes
D. Creation of geotechnical structures using ‘Tools’, ‘Import of Solids’ and
‘Command‐line (Runner Approach)
E. Various features of Plaxis 3D
F. Demonstration of a ‘Quick’ input to create a simple excavation model in 3D
using Command Runner scripts
A. Examples and appllications of Plaxis 3D fo
or the mode
elling of tunnnels and
tunnel cconstruction
B. Tips and d tricks
C. Some leessons from m real appliccations (case histories)
D. Difficultties and posssibilities off modelling of tunnels using FEM
A. The usee of Plaxis inn assessing the stabilityy of a NATM
M tunnel facce
B. The usee of ‘Tunnel Designer’ iin Plaxis 3D
C. The features of ‘Tu unnel Designner’
D. Setting up the tunn nel using ‘To
Tools and ‘Tuunnel Desiggner’
E. The posssibility of ssetting up thhe model via ‘COMMAND Lines’
F. Evaluation Tunnel Stability
G. Deformation and stresses
A. Modelliing of Single
e, Piled Grooup and Pile
ed Rafts in P
Plaxis 3D
B. Tips‐and‐tricks
C. Lessonss from some e real appliccations
A. 2D vs 3D
B. Real Case histories
C. Important issues related to the modelling of excavations in 3D
D. Tips and Tricks
A. Setting a simple long excavation supported by 3 level of struts
B. The use of structural elements
C. Setting up the geometry using ‘Tool’s in Plaxis 3D
D. 2D versus 3D effects
E. Evaluation of the model
F. Appendix: Example command file for the setting up of the model
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