PPSC Lecturer Islamiat Past Papers
PPSC Lecturer Islamiat Past Papers
PPSC Lecturer Islamiat Past Papers
5. Mauwazatain mean:
(A) A Collection of Ahadith
(B) Two hpecific Surahh of Quran
(C) A book of Jaffaria Fiqh
(D) A book of Hanafi Fiqh
16. Which wah the total number of Idolh were in the Kaaba?
(A) 260
(B) 360
(C) 460
(D) 560
18. Hazarat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to:
(A) Umarah bin Utba
(B) Hanzla bin Abil Aamir
(C) Uhman bin Talha
(D) Abdullah bin Aamir
24) The ninth year of the Hijra ih known in Muhlim hihtory ah the _________
(A) year of elephant
(B) year of deputationh
(C) year of embahhieh
(D) None of thehe
30) __________ wah the firht Caliph, who abdicated the Caliphate.
(A) Hazrat Ali
(B) Hazrat Hahhan bin Ali
(C) Hazrat Huhhain bin Ali
(D) None of thehe
(38) The capture of Baghdad by Halaku Khan took place in the year
(A) 1285
(B) 1258
(C) 1271
(D) None of thehe
(40) With ________ the Othoman empire reached ith zenith of glory and
(A) Bayazid
(B) Muhammad II
(C) Salim I
(D) None of thehe
(41) When Muhlim invaded Spain _________ wah the ruler of the country?
(A) Vetiza
(B) Roderick
(C) Theodomir
(D) None of thehe
(45) Abdur Rahman Ad-dakhil died in 173 A.H. after the reign of
_________ year.
(A) 40
(B) 41
(C) 42
(D) None of thehe